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Dark Roads
(2012-11-23 - 2012-11-23)
No description.
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr was no stranger to the roads between worlds, one of the few 'gifted' as it were to be able to utilize portals from dark potions of the worlds to others...and while he does typically stay near those of his world...well, sometimes he has to venture out. A mercainary can not get work if he's not willing to travel to far and new locations looking for work...and everyone needs a hired hand. Rather it's guarding a caravan, or committing an assassination. Angantyr's heart isn't exactly a bright spot in these lands.

Though he isn't as dark as some others.

Right now, he's taking a break near one of the paths, a bit off of it, resting against a tree and eating some rations he took with him before he left. Though he certainly was thinking about getting somewhere with something more sustainable food.

His weapon was never more than arms length from him at all times...

Peaceful or not, it doesn't mean it will stay that way.

"I'd kill for some meat right now." he says to himself.
Leida A sudden rustling comes from nearby, something more distinct and focused than a simple breeze playing in the tall grass. To the mercenary's left a figure comes around the curve of his sheltering tree, small and hesistant. A quick glance reveals the intruder to be a girl, perhaps in her mid teens.

She does not look at Angantyr as she slowly makes her way ahead, moving as one distracted by thought or physical impairment might. Only the faint crackle of the grass bending under her feet announces her presence as she takes one measured step after another.

"On and the path does go...
Down to where the shadows grow...
Twisted dreams and tainted love...
Dripping from the world above..."

The girl sings softly as she moves, the tone carried in a measured rythm that sounds more like spoken poetry than actual music. Either way she seems oblivious to the presence of others at the moment.
Angantyr Vespar There was a rustle...

Angantyr's reflexes are keen, the ration is put into his mouth, and the weapon quickly is grabbed as he moves to...

A girl...

Angantyr relaxes some, SOME...he knows that big things can sometimes come in small packages...for good or ill, and he raises an eyebrow as she starts singing... He pauses...something about this seems off somehow. However, maybe she was just sick or something...

Angantyr's self preservation instincts are overcome by what might be considered humanity, as he considers the girl...

"You okay? Are you traveling alone, or did you get seperated from your group? Reguardless, this ain't the place to be wonderin' little lady." he says, fairly calmly. He's supicious, but that's a paranoia that comes with the years spent on the road, and also inclined to darkness like he is.

"What's your name?"
Leida At the voice the girl stops and slowly turns, her hands hanging loosely at her sides as she faces Angantyr. Sleepy half-opened eyes drift their gaze towards his feet but she doesn't look directly at him, merely content with confirming that the source of the words is real and not just in her head.

She gives him a lazy smile and drops to her knees in the grass, leading back to rest on her ankles. "Not worry... I shall be perfectly quiet... Leida is a good little girl..."

She idly begins to pick at the foilage, twirling one of her slender fingers back and forth in the bleached blades like a cat and starts to hum softly again.
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr are weird, he thinks. He slides back down the three and turns back to his rations.

Okay so she's going to sit there and be quiet? Maybe she was lost, or maybe she just suffered through something horrible recently? Hard to say, but sometimes kids are just weird. Typical adult attitude...but the armor she wares does make him wonder...she defintely isn't a normal girl in the sense of doesn't go around and adventure type.

Angantyr nods after a bit as she accidently answers one of his questions, "Nice name, that. I'm Angantyr." he offers up, "Hungry? They ain't much, and they taste even worse, but they'll keep your belly full." he says, offering some of the rations. He can always slaughter something later if he's gota. He was feeling deer anyway.

"Not exactly a safe place to be playin'."
Leida At the proffering of food, Leida leans forward and crawls towards him on all fours, slinking slowly through the grass until she sits across from him. She reaches out and delicately takes a small piece of whatever it is he's munching on and procedes to nibble at it with both hands. The food seems to hold little interest to the girl, however, and she stares off into the distance past Angantyr and his tree.

However, when her hand briefly came in contact with his the man would feel a slight tingle, his connectiong to darkness affording him a flash of insight that perhaps this girl is more than what she seems. Even as she sits there in the grass, docile and quiet, a barely perceptable haze of dark energy begins to emanate from her body...
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr frowns...quiet little thing...must either be shock or something more long term. Hard to say...and given that he doesn't see anything about her that indicates recent trouble...

Well, that's okay, he'll even turn her into a nearby village, and see if he can find some missing parents that he'll get some reward from...or at least a good home cooked meal. He's not so callous as to expect actual payment from those who are dirt poor...though it would be some stroke of luck if she had rich parents. Hopefully they ain't cheap rich parents, but whatever the case, he watches her...

The touch causes the lingering darkness, there was a shot...their two darknesses touching ever so there is something else at work here, he thinks...perhaps she is similar to him...which is a shame, he remembers being her age and having to deal with the distrust of those who were afraid of darkness. Not everyone could face it head on, like he did.

He is quiet at first, reflecting, before he speaks, "So you're of the darkness too? Were you born this way, as I was?"
Leida Leida's gaze shifts from the cloudy far-off look to focus on the mercenary, her eyes slowly drifting across his face for a moment before moving past him and back into the distance. She seems to consider something for a moment then starts to hum another tune, her voice wispy and shallow.

"Deep in the shadow's depths there's a place...
Where demons and devils presence does grace...
Down on your knees you beg to know...
What twisted fate the devils sow..."

The girl rocks and back forth on her knees and continues to work at the little bit of food in her hand as an afterthought.
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr lets out a sigh...

The song and and dance again, here he thought that he'd get a straight answer. The man isn't exactly filled with an abundance of patience. He's not the young firebrand he was as a teenager, and getting into fights at the drop of a hat, but...well, he really is a blunt person. He takes a breath, reminding himself she's just a child...a creepy child that seems to be peering into his soul, but still that.

"So you like to sing?" he says, missing the words for what they are. "Can't say I have seen dark powers come out that way before, but I am not terrible surprised." he says, shaking his head. "Though you can't sing about darkness all the time, it's not all there is to sing about." the man perfers a good shanty...but he'll spare her those, mostly because she's probably just barely old enough to get them.

He then takes a moment to scope out the area around them...never can be too careful.
Leida The girl smiles again and looks down at the ground between her legs, her long raven bangs drifts over her face in an almost bashful fashion. "I'm sorry...", she whispers. "Please don't hate me."

The dark aura about her body grows stronger at this and a wavering distortion like a heat mirage of sickly purple light surrounds her. The grass beneath Leida begins to hiss and wither, the vibrant yellows turning to lifeless black ash that crumbles away into piles of steaming cinders. The corruption spreads, slowly, her shadow seeming to grow in all directions.
Angantyr Vespar There is a moment...

It takes just a moment to process this, but then the mace crashes right infront of him, smashing the ground and easily cracking it all around him. It is a calm motion, it is deliberate and calm...he could have easily sent it shattering into her face. Instead, with the upmost control he sends it into the ground between them. His eyes focused right on her, as his own power of darkness is brought to hatred, no malice in his eyes as he acts decisively.

It was not a threat, but a warning.

"I would reconsider your plan, Leida. I am not a child of light." he says, with a calm...not calm, ice cold actually, those eyes sizing up the child back up, already considering his next plan.

"If you think I am going to be a unspecting prey for whatever game you have going on here...well, we can have this out. I don't fear the darkness, I don't fear the things that live inside of it. I've had that power connected to my soul sense I was a baby. Or, we can have a civil conversation...I will continue to share my food, and we can have a understanding."

"Either outcome is perfectly acceptable to me."
Leida The reaction to the shattering strike is just as swift though laced with much fewer offerings of peace or understanding. A wispy hissing sound fills the air like the angry cry of some invisible snake. The shadows beneath the girl recoil, retreating from the heavy weapon into her body again leaving her sitting in a pile of smouldering ash.

Leida leans back slightly, tilting her head to the side almost coyly though her expression is still blank and empty. Suddenly pits of pure darkness erupt from the ground on either side of the girl, oozing amorphous masses of inky black reaching up to the sky like vile tendrils. They slither about meancingly for a moment before reaching down to wrap slowly, almost lovingly, about the girl's body. The darkness pulls her gently to her feet and sets her down and she looks up at Angantyr, pallid purple light glowing in her eyes.

"Kingdoms fall and dreams do wither...
Voices call, "My child, come hither!"
In the dark the girl so bright...
Freely gave her life that night..."

Leida's voice changes as she hums this newest stanza, a second darker more sinister mockery of her innocent tone rising up from the darkness to echo in synch with her words. The darkness turns upon the mercenary, its shifting masses soldifying into long shadowy clawed arms of massive proportions. One of the arms sinks into the ground and rushes at Angantyr, its wicked talons open and reaching for him, seeking to smash him against the tree behind.
Angantyr Vespar The darkness pours around the Mercinary, the claws dig into him, burn at his body and soul...

it aims to swallow him, and shatter him into the tree behind him. Years of training prevent some of these things from happening, the darkness claws...but suddenly she would feel the pure FORCE of his darkness as he swings the blade, breaking through the binds as they dig into his flesh. The shockwave is enough to travel back towards the girl.

"Well." he says pained, "We do this the HARD way then!" he says, running towards the young figure...his weapon aiming out to try and smash her down again, with the same force of power the dark knight exhudes, before he aims a second swing, this time the blades on the weapon aiming to dig into flesh and metal alike, aiming to tear both free if the wicked weapon can get a solid grasp on it's target...

"Damned not let the darkness control you...YOU control it. It is a tool, the weak are devoured...but the strong...oh man can the strong become something else. Are you so weak you'll let it make you a puppet?"
Leida The darkness rises up to protect the small girl, waves of blackness encircling her delicate body as a shield against the knight's furious counter. His strikes are deflected, the two sources of darkness struggling against each other for dominance. The blades carve into the inky substance and wisps of energy trail out of the breach to disppear like puffs of smoke in the air.

The girl flinches at the attack, her twin voices letting out a soft feminine moan of pain that seems to be devoid of all emotion. Leida takes a step back and slumps forward but the darkness easily reaches down to catch her and hoist her back upright, a thin tendril trailing down the side of her face playfully.

"There's no use for a puppet with no strings... poor, poor, child..."
Angantyr Vespar The weapon moves...he weilds the massive weapon with one hand, easily as if he were weilding something much smaller...he looks at her as she starts to channel around herself...he can feel the darkness add to her strength...but here he is also strong. The shadows that strengthen her, can also be turned to his favor. He runs, his right hand leads the charge as he aims to try and PUNCH with the free hand. The hand glows in darkness, aiming to shatter through her defenses, before he punches again, hopefully aiming to take advantage of her small form and his powerful strikes...

Then both hands grip the weapon...he was strong before, but with both hands the weapon moves with impossible speed...

Trailing a wave of darkness that streaks behind it, aiming to litterally slam both the weapon, and the burning darkness into her body!

"Tch. People don't need strings, if you want to have strings, be my guest...but I live free. I have things to do, if you're too weak to live on your own merits than YOU CAN DIE HERE!"
Leida Angantyr might control his own darkness, he might have mastered its use and turned it to his purposes - but Leida /is/ the darkness.

The fist impacts against solid walls of blackness as they rise up from the depths about her feet to counter each strike and then fade away to nothing in the blink of an eye. The powerful swing might have been enough to break down these barriers but it never gets the chance.

A pair of dark arms burst forth from the air behind the mercenary, swirling vortexes of nothingness just appearing above him like gateways to the void. The clawed hands streak down and grab hold of his weapon, locking it mid-swing and putting him in a very exposed position.

Leida's head rolls about on her neck as her body shifts and sways in the dance of combat, content to simply be a passive passenger in the darkness' grasp. The shadows seep out from her body into the ground and bubble up beneath Angantyr, grasping at his legs to hold him firm.

A massive demonic fist erupts from the ground before him immediately afterwards, aiming a powerful blow at his chest to knock the knight skywards. Behind, Leida can be seen casually lifting her arm in a dismissive wave as if her motions were puppeteering the shadows or they her. The girl is carried up into the air after her prey and the fist switches targets, reach over to grab hold of the girl and slam her back down to the ground roughly.

A powerful pull accompanies this bizarre seemingly self-assault and everything around the falling child is pulled down with her but they do not have the loving cushion of shadows that catches her at the last moment.
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr's legs are gripped by the dark hands, the demons fist pounds into his body, causing blood to fall down his body, tearing into the armor as he looks right towards Leida. Suddenly, and without warning, his blade swings again, swiping out at the darkness around him with a single swing, his own darkness moving to try and dispell hers...before he swings again, aiming to shatter the spells set on herself.

"Kids should be in bed." he says firmly, before reaching into himself...

"You want to see darkness...then time to show you SOMETHING." he says, before one hand grips the weapon weilding one. "Restriction released...!" and then a storm of darkness swirls from him, sweeping out like a black wind in all directions as...something seems to phase in and out of the darkness around him. Except to Leida who can see it perfectly because of her affinity.

The visage of a dark and twisted man, not unlike Angantyr in built, claws for hands, eyes as red as blood, and skin and armor removed instead just leathery dark patches of what might have been once skin. The hand grips the same weapon...

"Time do die."
Leida Leida's loose hair flutters wildly in the dark winds as the dark hands gently lift her off her face and back to her feet, dusting some of the ashen remains of the grass from her clothes with care. She watches the transformation with idle curiosity, but the dull lack of focus in her glowing eyes never alters. She smiles faintly, however.

"It reminds me of a windwill... round and round... round and round..."

The shadows pool together and reform in the wake of the powerful dispel magic, bubbling and hissing in frustration as their power is dismissed. Sudden the ground below the mercenary turned black as the ichorous darkness erupts in a massive geyser towards the sky all about him. The wave of black crashes down upon him, its touch hunger and ravenous for the magic within the knight. It tries to bind him again within its confines, pulling him into a dark cocoon as Leida glides gently over to him.

If the little fly is caught in her web, the girl rests her head against his chest and her slender arms reach out to encircle him. Dark waves of shadowy arms spill from her back and from the ground, entwining and clutching them together.

"Don't worry..." she whispers. "We can go the depths of Hell together..."
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr is not fast...

He is powerful, and he is perceptive...the inkyness aims to geyser below him, but without even thinking about it, the weapon swings down in a massive arch, aiming to once more shatter the darkness aiming to swallow him up and drain his own from him. The contesst of strength is a powerful one...the darkness breaking around him, like a boulder in a stream as he can only focus on defending...not aiming to strike back this time. However, the storm ends, and Angantyr stands there, victorious over her darkness for the moment...but that was only a small battle. Possibly an important one, but it was not the war...

He moves, running at her as she moves to embrace him...

Then he turns, swinging the weapon in a massive uppercut, before bringing the weapon down again, aiming to drive it right into her body and smash her form into the ground.

"Sorry, but I decline."
Leida The massive mace crashes into the small girl, smashing past the shadows and into her ornate armor with a sickening crunch. The impact easily lifts her from the ground and the brutal follow up smashes her into the dirt where she lies motionless.

The darkness shrieks at this abuse of its host, clawing at the ground with several hands in frustration. The shadows swiftly scoop up the prone form of Leida and carry her back several feet, wrapping the young wanderer in their protective embrace once again.

Dark liquid runs from the gaps in her chestplate, dripping down her arm in thin rivulets of glowing black and purple energy. The girl stirs groggily and shifts in the shadowy arms and they adjust to hold her upright on a bed of interlaced demonic hands. Shadows seep into her wounds and within moments the flow of 'blood' slows and dies out.

Leida's eyes snap open suddenly and she stares at the sky in shock, pulling in a sudden deep gasp as if it were the first breath she'd taken in years.
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr watches as the body is hosted up again, shadows flowing into it...he takes a small pause to contact his Master through their magical ways...and then he slowly turns towards her.

"My master, Garland, would like to have words with you...assuming you survive this...and I address the thing inside." he says, for a brief moment. His eyes focus, before powerful magic surges through him, the darkness somehow intensifies through his body once more. "RELEASING!" he says, before a brief sigil appears...

Then he was on her, running full force at her, before the weapon swings again, aiming to catch her upwards. The weapon swings, both hands moving to swing the powerful weapon around. His massive strength coming through the strikes...

And then the weapon was gone...the shadows surround them...and it is as if his entire arm became one large black claw. He aims to catch her in it's embrace, before more claws ripped through the darkness all around him, aiming to tear through her with repeated and brutal savagery.

Then it was over, the weapon back in his free hand, and hopefully he was still in a death grip on her body.
Leida The shadows close protectively around the recovering girl but they cannot stop the fury of such an attack. Leida is ripped free of the grasping demonic arms though her body is still stained in patchworks of inky darkness that struggles to deflect the worst of the harm.

The massive claw catches the girl easily, her form slumping in his grip like a helpless ragdoll as the savage fingers rend her from all sides. Cuts erupt all across her delicate form and Leida gives out soft feminine cries of pain with each rending tear as dark blood and black magic flow all around her.

When the raging assault abates, Leida lies limp in the mercenary's grip, her breathing shallow and ragged. The darkness is no where to be found. The girl sputters a few times, coughing out some of her foul blood at Angantyr. It seems like she might be finished after that.

But then, when is it ever that easy?

As if struck by a bolt of lightning, Leida goes rigid and her head leans back, a deep sonorous scream welling up within her body. A pillar of dark energy erupts all around her, shooting into the heavens in a sheer torrent of power the floods out of the small girl.

Recovering from the pain of her injuries or perhaps simply taken over by something that doesn't care, Leida reaches out and grabs hold of the knight, wrapping her tiny hands about his neck. Shadowy limbs take shape about her body, wrapping over and strengthening her grip. She looks at him, her eyes empty pits of darkness and the shadow pours all of its hate into him.

"Come..." The voice that spills from Leida is no longer anything like that of the girl he's spoken to up until now. Nothing but reverberating demonic emotion spills out.


The darkness billowing out around her erupts into a sphere of pure seething darkness. It saps away all life, all light, and all love at its touch, pulling the sustaining energy of the universe into the girl and feeding upon it. The bubble expands around them for dozens of feet, destroying the once peaceful meadow that they stopped to rest in.
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr is surprised when she woke up from the assault, her hands wrapped around his throat as his eyes stair right into her own....then the dream.

The darkness threatens to envelope him, drain him the twisted reality she has taken into herself...but somewhere, DEEP inside of him, a cosmic force wakes up, stirring in it's deep slumber, that only dreams when Angantyr fights. The force of the power shatters against her own force...but it still seeps through his body, tearing at him and his soul.

Then, he is still there, dispite everything. He is staring right at her, eyes still blood red...

He is shaking, it was something a human mind can't fully handle, despite the fact that he is connected to something larger than he is. But he still persists...he doesn't speak, instead he shouts...savagy aiming to slam her form into the ground repeatedly. There was no nuiance, no was just BRUTALITY....before he grips the mace...and brings it down with everything he has.
Leida The dark knight's physical might easily overpowers the small girl even in the throes of her magically fueled nightmare. Her body jolts on impact, something cracks loudly. She doesn't scream. The darkness persists, continuing to eat away at his resolve with maddening tenacity.

"You will suffer...!" It hisses ferociously, like nails in his head. "You will SCREAM!"

The beating continues to assault Leida and she simply stares up at the sky as her body is ravaged. Ichor oozes from her lips and nose and the wounds, staining Angantyr hands and the ground. And then the weapon is brought down. It connects with bone shattering force... but not on Leida.

A wave of darkness rises up to engulf her, shielding the girl in a last ditch effort to keep its host from dying. The blackness bends and hisses but it does not break. With a cry of pain the mace is flung back and Leida, despite all logic, gets to her feet and stumbles towards the knight again.

A shadowy coil wraps about her arm, lifting the damaged limb up for without its help she can barely move. Dark sickly purple light gathers on her palm and erupts at Angantyr, seeping into his body trying to corrupt his power and bring him low. Leida staggers the last few steps and reaches out for him, the darkness guiding her hands about his waist as another wave of shadow comes crashing down on them both.
Angantyr Vespar The invading darkness seeps through him, unable to defend properly this time. It seeps through him, corrupting him, eating at him and his resolve...but it's not enough. It does, however, wane at his control. The ground shakes under the force of his thrashing, the mace hitting the ground wildly...even as she wraps herself around his waist.

"Not..." he says, growling... "YET!" he booms, before aiming to swing the blunt of the mace towards her head, trying to break her grip.

"I am NOT a puppet...not you, not the darkness...NOT ANYONES!" and then he swings again and again, aiming to repeatedly beat at her body.
Leida The surging torrent of dark energy seethes around the entwined pair like a maelstrom. Leida clings weakly to the knight, trying to take from him the life that leaks out of her with every moment, the shadowy arms holding her fast against his armor.

The first blow smashes into her face and knocks her aside with ease, the girl's strength to resist gone. The subsequent cracks of the mace against her battered armor are uncessary and even as they drive home she staggers for the last time and falls flat on the ground.

Still hissing their frustration and pain the remaining pool of darkness burbles and sinks into Leida's body, suffusing her with its vile energies. It will not allow her to die that easily. No, not yet. She has much use left for it to wring out first.

The bloody mess of the girl on the ground stirs slightly, taking in faint and shallow breaths as the only indicator that she still lives. Her wounds glow slightly as the dark magic works but it will be some time before she can fight again.
Angantyr Vespar Leida finally goes down...whatever this thing was...whatever she was worthy of his respect. Standing over her...

He does not like leaving wounded deer. Slowly, the mace moves,...ready to try and strike a final blow...

Then he gets a call. The mace moves onto his back, connected by it's holster as he moves to pick up the small figure with ease, even with his injuries.

Something shudders within him as he gets close to her...something wants him to 0DEVOUR her right now. It wants her...but he resists, he was master of his own darkness. "Well, my master desires your presence, so feel free to rest. For the moment, I mean you no harm." he says, calm...even as his body shakes. It was more than a physical exercise... His hand reaches, opening a portal...

He drapes her over one shoulder as he steps into the portal.

This scene contained 27 poses. The players who were present were: Angantyr Vespar, Leida