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(Created page with "{{Character Infobox |firstname=Percival |age=42 years old. |species=Gargoyle |sex=Male |height=6'0" |weight=~350 pounds. |series=Gargoyles |styles=Noble Gargoyle |hometown=Lon...")
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To eschew unfairness, meanness, and deceit.<br>
To eschew unfairness, meanness, and deceit.<br>
At all times speak the truth.<br>
At all times speak the truth.<br>
== Relationships ==
===Allies, Friends===
[[Legion]] || Friend || Legion is an enigma to me.  I don't understand her, and I know I often frustrate her, but I still think of the hive mind of sisters as my friends.
[[Deidra]] || Friend ||  I do not know you very well, but I was lost and you found me wandering in the dark.  I will always be indebted to you.
[[Mercade Alexander]] || Respected Comrade ||  You didn't have to give me a chance, but you did.  Thank you.  I only hope that I am worthy of your trust.
[[Maximilien]] || Respect || A conniving gentleman thief.  And yet I sense there is more to you than that.  I envy you.
[[Leida]] || So high above me. || The little princess.  While I know the darkness lurks within, I will give my all to safeguarding you from it.
[[Zia]] || So high above me. ||  Please don't lose faith Lady Zia.  There is hope for our kind yet.  I'm unworthy of the gift you have bestowed upon me.
[[Faruja]] || Forgive me. || I'm unworthy of even standing in your presence Ser Senra.  I do not expect your forgiveness for my actions.
[[Will Sherman]] || Respect || You are not the Norse trickster.  I see that now.  Your lifestyle humbles me.
[[Sanel]] || I'm afraid of a child! ||  Such incredible strength!  And yet he has the maturity of a hatchling.  I find myself drawn to protecting him, I just can't be angry with him.
[[Serafina]] || Uncertainty || A formidable woman to be certain.  I'm sure she's able to cow any man who dares stand in her way.  But who is she?
[[Reize Seatlan]] || Cautious Respect || He's a child and yet he seems to embody everything that I've strived for my whole life to achieve.  BUT A HAREM?  I'll have to investigate that further.
[[Ivo Galvan]] || Perhaps I was wrong about you.  Then again, maybe not. || Ser Senra believes in you.  I'm still not entirely convinced you didn't have lecherous intent for the little princess though.
[[Tifa]] || Respect || You are most certainly not a simple bartender.  I pray that I never raise your ire enough to feel the wrath of your fists.
[[Deelel]] || Thank you. ||  While I don't what you are, thank you for stopping me.
===Enemies, Rivals===
[[Angantyr]] || Rivalry || You are an amoral mercenary, but you have some interesting views on life.  Keep your teachings away from the Little Princess.
[[Hades]] || Disdain || You are not a god.  And if you endanger innocents again while within my reach I'll prove it to you.
[[LEXUS]] || Anger ||  You claim responsibility for the destruction of my world?  This 'puling' thug will teach you that even a program can bleed.
[[Percival]] || ..... ||  That day still haunts me.
===Themesongs of Sorrow===
Fairy Tale Piano Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiW1I3TgnAk <br>
Prisoners of Fate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-nHIY-ahn8
===Themesong of Rage===
Unchained: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zU3OZ6ICnE
= Logs =
= Logs =

Revision as of 14:10, 12 February 2013

Age 42 years old.
Species Gargoyle
Sex Male
Height 6'0"
Weight ~350 pounds.
Series Gargoyles
Combat Styles Noble Gargoyle
Hometown London, England
Group Twilight Detective Agency
Occupation/Job Squire-Errant
Force: Forces of Restoration
Theme Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P430tEE1mz0
"And so here I am with no sword, no Lord in chivalry, disgraced and broken. Like my namesake I find myself on a hopeless quest. It is in that quest that I shall find myself."
Recent Events
Settling in with the Twilight's Detective Agency, Meeting the Shard Seeker's, Training a Demon Princess, Soul-Searching.


A British gargoyle who serves in a secret knighthood that is controlled by SIS. Currently a squire, he was sent by his clan to investigate the movement of Castle Wyvern to Manhatten and its implications. Severely injured in the battle for Manhatten, the endless night of traverse town wreaked havoc on his convalescence. He considers it his duty to restore his world and rid the land of the myriad of threats that are congregating to consume all that exists.


Chivalrous Monster, Naive, First in, Last out, Wait where's my sword?, Improvised Weapon, Hopeless Romantic, Not so Secret Agent, Sancho Panza, Fake Accent, Pious Abomination, God save the Queen!, Kind-Hearted, Always Broke, Squire-Errant, Cinema Buff.


Generally Percival has a good and kind heart. He is however naïve and imminently honorable, which makes him rather gullible when faced with deception. He generally follows the ‘ideal’ of what it is to be a knight, and has his own personal code of Knighthood which is modified by Gargoyle culture. He will thus attempt to always protect the innocent, be respectful to those he believes are deserving, and be valorous in combat. Retreat will only be considered an option if everyone else is out of harm’s way first. While he is young, he is not impatient, and has a keen tactical mind in battle honed by training with various mentors. Unless circumstances do not permit it, he will usually take some time to take in the measure of a foe before acting. The exception is when he witnesses abject cruelty, which tends to override all reason and cause him to charge into battle.

He was raised in what would be considered a ‘backwards’ group by modern humans, and has had very little exposure to modern humanity, which his clan considered generally rather decadent. While he would have a lot of negative things to say about modern humanity, he does secretly lust for sweet food and is fascinated by old films(Excalibur and Errol Flynn movies tend to be his favorites) and television programs. He tends to also be an avid reader of mythology, old folk tales, and various legends.

In regards to love, he's a hopeless romantic, and a big proponent of courtly love. He is exceedingly shy when it comes to making these feelings known.

His greatest flaws would be pride and temper. If you asked him what his greatest flaw is though, he will always answer his temper, and refuses to elaborate on that further.


After the fall of Castle Wyvern, Demona led an offshoot clan of Gargoyles in Scotland. After the ‘Macbeth incident’ in which Demona betrayed Macbeth to the usurper Canmore, the majority of the clan was slaughtered. The surviving remnants fled south, away from Scotland, and were eventually captured by the forces of Henry II during the end of the anarchy. Facing certain annihilation, the dejected Gargoyle clan did the only thing they could do, they bent their knee to the crown.

While at first they were only a sort of grotesque curiosity to the monarch, he eventually made use of them as a special force in his military campaigns. In a drunken fit on the night of one his victories, he mockingly knighted them. Despite the crown’s low opinion of the Gargoyles in general, the clan took their unofficial title quite seriously, and the Order of St. Castorius(Saint Castorius being the patron saint of Sculptors) was born.

They continued to serve as a sort of special force through the line of kings up until Henry VIII, for which he nearly purged the order for refusing to follow a command they considered dishonorable. Barely escaping with their lives to Scotland, the order was returned in secret to London by his daughter Elizabeth, in return for their aid against Mary Queen of Scots. They were wielded now entirely in secret by Sir Francis Walsingham against the enemies of the crown.

And so it continued that they served the crown as a state secret privy only to the Kings and their spymasters. On multiple other occasions in British history, they had fallings out with the crown which resulted in attempted purges upon their kind, but they typically would reconcile with the next monarch down the line.

The clan has had difficulty adjusting to modern changes to Great Britain. The monarchs are now little more than figureheads, and generally the only ones aware of their presence are the Prime Minister and the director of SIS. Due to their archaic knightly behavior, they’re rarely made use of, though they have had several missions against ‘terrorists’ in Ireland and other areas around the globe. Percival is a young member of the order, and has not yet been knighted. His chivalric mentor was John, nicknamed Marshall affectionately by the other squires because he's missing an eye.

When Castle Wyvern was moved to the states and placed atop Xanatos’ corporate office, the implications of such were not lost on the Order. They were however forbidden from sending their Knights to investigate by the current director of the SIS for fear of creating an international incident or having the group go rogue. While implicitly loyal, the letter of his command was only that they not send their knights to investigate. Percival as a young squire was exempt in their eyes, and clan ties are important enough in the minds of a gargoyle to disobey the spirit of that command. Upon his arrival in Manhatten, he found Manhatten spirited away, and shortly after it was under siege by the Heartless.

During the evacuation of Manhatten, young Percival attempted to be of aid, but in the end it was a frightened woman with a gun that nearly did him in. While defending her against the heartless, she mistook him for a monster and shot him in the back. The naïve gargoyle never thought for an instant that those he was trying to protect would turn upon him in such a way. Nearly beaten to death by a mob of frightened humans then fallen upon by the heartless, he lost his blade in the chaos.

In the end who saved him isn’t important, but left in a dejected corner of traverse town, the critically injured Gargoyle could not instantly adapt to the traverse town’s eternal night. It has been a month now and he has only recently recovered due to his body finally adapting and relearning how to become stone.

The Order of St. Castorius


A hidden Aerie just outside of London.


Medium sized clan, ~60 members, ~20 hatchlings/adolescents, ~15 young adults, ~20 adults/fully fledged Knights, 5 elders. All gargoyles. Usually a handful(1-5) of human SIS liasions are dwelling with them at any given time.


Ranking is entirely merit based, but in times of peace or when they are out of use by their masters it is not uncommon for seniority to determine advancement. Due to the distance they currently have from the current Monarch, they are not ‘Knighted’ by royalty but by a Lord within the SIS when it is deemed time. Each youth begins their training as a hatchling, and becomes a squire in their adolescence. Once they are deemed worthy of it through merit in battle and how well they adhere to the clan’s, and their own personal code they are typically knighted. The elders of the clan work as a sort of loose council, and have absolute authority over all internal clan matters. There is no discrimination within the clan on basis of gender as is the Gargoyle way, which often leads to an comedic sort of role reversal amongst the Knighted Dames when it comes to matters of chivalry. Not all Gargoyles are considered worthy of Knighthood, and those who show no talent for it become ‘Arma Patrina’ after a certain age, and are given more domestic yet important duties around the Aerie.


This group of Gargoyles is generally Christian in nature, but they follow the tenets of no one denomination. Some of their beliefs would be considered pagan or heretical by mainstream modern churches, especially in regards to the children of Oberon. The reason they are Christian is due to pressure by early monarchs which they served, in which they thought to ‘civilize’ the beasts and bring them into God’s church, as well as it being a necessary part of following a chivalric code.

Relations with other London Clans

Relations with the other London clan have been strained, as they see the Order as the personal hit squad of human masters. While they were still on speaking terms prior to the English Civil War, their failure to protect Charles I caused a period in time where Cromwell tried to wipe them out. They sought refuge with the London clan, and were rejected because they were told that they reap what they sow, and that being given sanctuary would endanger the far larger clan. Ever since that time period they’ve had no friendly contact, though they each know the other exists and have had chance encounters with one another. Whether the SIS knows the location of the London clan is unclear at this point.

Typical Knight's Code in the Order

To fear God and keep the faith.
To serve their liege lord in valor and faith.
To live by honor and for glory.
To protect the weak and defenseless.
To fight for the welfare of all.
Never to refuse a challenge from an equal.
Never to turn the back upon a foe.
To guard the honor of fellow knights.
To eschew unfairness, meanness, and deceit.
At all times speak the truth.


Allies, Friends

Legion || Friend || Legion is an enigma to me. I don't understand her, and I know I often frustrate her, but I still think of the hive mind of sisters as my friends. |- Deidra || Friend || I do not know you very well, but I was lost and you found me wandering in the dark. I will always be indebted to you. |- Mercade Alexander || Respected Comrade || You didn't have to give me a chance, but you did. Thank you. I only hope that I am worthy of your trust. |- Maximilien || Respect || A conniving gentleman thief. And yet I sense there is more to you than that. I envy you. |- Leida || So high above me. || The little princess. While I know the darkness lurks within, I will give my all to safeguarding you from it. |- Zia || So high above me. || Please don't lose faith Lady Zia. There is hope for our kind yet. I'm unworthy of the gift you have bestowed upon me. |- Faruja || Forgive me. || I'm unworthy of even standing in your presence Ser Senra. I do not expect your forgiveness for my actions. |- Will Sherman || Respect || You are not the Norse trickster. I see that now. Your lifestyle humbles me.


Sanel || I'm afraid of a child! || Such incredible strength! And yet he has the maturity of a hatchling. I find myself drawn to protecting him, I just can't be angry with him. |- Serafina || Uncertainty || A formidable woman to be certain. I'm sure she's able to cow any man who dares stand in her way. But who is she? |- Reize Seatlan || Cautious Respect || He's a child and yet he seems to embody everything that I've strived for my whole life to achieve. BUT A HAREM? I'll have to investigate that further. |- Ivo Galvan || Perhaps I was wrong about you. Then again, maybe not. || Ser Senra believes in you. I'm still not entirely convinced you didn't have lecherous intent for the little princess though. |- Tifa || Respect || You are most certainly not a simple bartender. I pray that I never raise your ire enough to feel the wrath of your fists. |- Deelel || Thank you. || While I don't what you are, thank you for stopping me. |-

Enemies, Rivals

Angantyr || Rivalry || You are an amoral mercenary, but you have some interesting views on life. Keep your teachings away from the Little Princess. |- Hades || Disdain || You are not a god. And if you endanger innocents again while within my reach I'll prove it to you. |- LEXUS || Anger || You claim responsibility for the destruction of my world? This 'puling' thug will teach you that even a program can bleed. |- Percival || ..... || That day still haunts me. |-

Themesongs of Sorrow

Fairy Tale Piano Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiW1I3TgnAk
Prisoners of Fate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-nHIY-ahn8

Themesong of Rage

Unchained: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zU3OZ6ICnE


Future Tense: Zia September 14th, 2013 It is decided.
Not As Planned September 12th, 2013 It was intended to be a grand day, a day of learning, of testing out new advances with Gummi Blocks. It doesn't go that way as the Undead have other plans, life can be a real Lich sometimes.
It all goes down hill August 21st, 2013 Deelel discovers sleds and riding them down hills on snow. She's not alone in trying this out as Maira and she? Drag several other friends along for the fun and Cocoa.
Recognizing Darkness August 12th, 2013 A frustrated Hati decides to start Percival's training, introducing him to ways of recognizing darkness when he encounters it.
Zombies and Jungles August 9th, 2013 It was a simple job really. Hired to help protect a site in the jungle for Arthur Drover. However they had problems with the undead for some time, and you can't keep a good zombie down for long. Sadly for those who are still alive.
Future Tense: Mercade July 14th, 2013 It is decided.
Exploring Game Central Station July 13th, 2013 Following the breakthrough into a strange new world, Deelel, along with her friends and a couple other people, decide to explore. Thrills and spills await in the world inside Flynn's Arcade!
R&R July 10th, 2013 Maira and Percy plan to relax together one evening. What they do not count on is both Minerva and Katyna popping up to make things 'interesting"
Visitors, Cupcakes, and Relationships July 1st, 2013 Maira stops by for a visit to the Watchtower, only to be beset by addictive cupcakes, relationship advice, and... dun dun dun: Percival.
Obtuse June 25th, 2013 Maira is recovering from her separation with Uist and was drawn to Fynn.
In the Deep: Atlantis June 22nd, 2013 In order to defend Atlantis, the party there leaves the place and plans to use explosives to break their way out. Continued in In the Deep: Serpent's Trench.
In the Deep: Serpent's Trench June 22nd, 2013 A group of heroes has heard about a Heartless invasion in Serpent's Trench and moves to find out what is going on. What they find is... unexpected!
Farewell, Uist June 20th, 2013 The connection between Maira and her ghostly companion is severed. A heartbreaking farewell.
Power of the Ancestors June 18th, 2013 Percival discovers the truth about the sword he wields, and the power within.
Journey Without A Map June 16th, 2013 Seeking out the lost city of Atlantis and what knowledge might be contained there-in, a group of adventurers set out to face peril... and spear-throwing chipmunks.
Truth and Consequences June 7th, 2013 Maira and Leon lead a group of friends and guardians to Palamecia Castle to get answers from Emperor Mateus.
Love and Dusty Armchairs May 29th, 2013 Zia and Percival catch up on their recent mis-adventures.
Wildflowers May 23rd, 2013 Maira and Percival discuss recent events.
Seeking The Answers - Part 1 May 11th, 2013 Leon has come to seeking answers from Maira. It seems Percival has other things in mind...
Seeking The Answers - Part 2 May 11th, 2013 Continuation of Part 1 and things just get crazy! Seriously.
I will find you May 8th, 2013 Leon knows his only answers are with one person, however there are those who will do whatever it takes to keep her from him.
The Trouble With Sandwiches May 3rd, 2013 As it happens, sandwiches are not actually the primary problem here.
The Clash Of Balance May 1st, 2013 The Dark Knight comes for the Maiden of Light. Yet she has something planned for the Dark Knight.
Endless Vigil April 26th, 2013 Maira tries to get away from the Dark Knight, finds herself locked in a tower surrounded by Guardians.
Gargoyle's Warning April 26th, 2013 Percival gives the Dark Knight his thoughts...
What can be broken can be.. April 25th, 2013 CHIEF has been sent out by the DPS to gather up the supplies needed to aid in fixing VALKYRI HQ. He runs into some people to break up his boring job.
Enter The Draconian April 22nd, 2013 A new arrival has come to Traverse Town... yet again.
Gargoyles Go House Hunting April 11th, 2013 Since gargoyles do tend to clan together, Zia and Percival go house-hunting for a decent roost in Fluorgis.
Knock Knock April 10th, 2013 The Dark Knight decides its time to go pay a visit to a 'family'. Battle ensues and turn of events change the set.
KFC Behemoth Style April 7th, 2013 The Eclipse Behemoth wants some KFC! Chocobo Like in Behemoth Flavor choices. The problem is, adventures don't want the Behemoth to have his KFC.
Fruiting For All April 6th, 2013 FRUIT MAN returns with his partner in fighting evil, Kiwi LAAAD!!
An Unlikely Mentor April 3rd, 2013 A troubled Gargoyle seeks out aid in controlling a curse.
Pirates vs. Hawaii March 27th, 2013 Captain Barbossa and his pirates invade Hawaii in search of Captain Redman's lost treasure.
Welcome Home Avira! March 24th, 2013 Manhatten's Princess finally comes home. An awkward party commences!
Goblet If You Please March 20th, 2013 A holy goblet is required for a spell. The best place to get such a thing. A church ofcoarse! Off to Glabados' place in Mullonde!
Following the Path March 17th, 2013 Adventurers go off in search of treasure, only to be thwarted by the 'Ghetto Knight'.
Restoration March 16th, 2013 It has finally come - the final battle to resurrect Manhattan!
Love and Rooftops March 15th, 2013 Zia and Percival discuss things like love, and princesses, and his past.
To Hell and Back March 14th, 2013 Avira has been captured, dragged into the depths of the Underworld. Avira's friend band together, ready to rescue their friend, and free Manhattan from darkness once and for all. There can be no failure here, for failure has...perminate consiquences.
Darkest Before Dawn March 12th, 2013 It can always get worse.
Bayou Brawl March 11th, 2013 Following the Avira sightings leads the heroes and a certain necromancer to the bayou. All hell breaks loose.
Enter Macbeth March 10th, 2013 While recovering from their wounds, the TDA meets with Evja... But more importantly, a man from Manhattan has come to introduce himself, named Macbeth. What could this mean for the ongoing battles to restore Manhattan?
The Real Xanatos Gambit March 9th, 2013 Hades invites himself over for tea, things get ultra complicated.
The Final Shard March 8th, 2013 Time to go visit a friend of Merlin's for the real answer of where the Spirit Shard is - Mama Odie. Yet can this Voodoo Priestess really help them? Or will it just be another wild goose chase?
A Weight On His Shoulders March 5th, 2013 Percival, having taken a blade from a pirate's treasure... is beset with a new task.
Stealing 'Treasure' from Pirates March 3rd, 2013 A group of adventurers explore an island near Port Royal, where treasure is presumed to be hidden, and have to deal with the wiles of the local pirates.
Mysterious Mysteries March 1st, 2013 When pigs give maps and Merlin translates, interesting things happen. Including being swept away to an underwater mystery of mysteries.
Aftermath Of British Occupation February 27th, 2013 After Clayton's invasion, the TDA winds itself down.
'Princess' and Penitent February 27th, 2013 During the celebrations, Zia drags Percival off to the Shard Seeker's Headquarters to figure out what is bothering him.
Elf Hunting February 26th, 2013 Clayton and his hired thugs come to collect on Morrighan's bounty. Gunfire ensues, surprising secrets are revealed.
Celebration in Fluorgis February 26th, 2013 With the Shadows Over Fluorgis passes, the city undergoes a celebration. Drunks, music, merriment all around. Some shenanigans are abound.
A Knight and a Mage February 25th, 2013 Deidra catches up with her fellow Gargyole Percival and they get to know each other a little better.
Banish the Darkness February 22nd, 2013 The shadows over Fluorgis at last unleash their true power. The malaise which has so oppressed the once-lively citizenry suddenly condenses and then erupts in a dark rain over the desert, a veritable storm of Heartless weltering down upon the weakened city. With the light of the Fire Crystal flickering and its defenses depowered, Fluorgis's last hope and protection are the adventurers who have heeded her call. A desperate battle in the streets ensues as the siege -- and the Shadows Over Fluorgis plotline -- reaches its climax!
French Cooking February 21st, 2013 Maximillen offers up some of his own cooking to the tennants of the Cloud Nine.
Happiness Hunt February 17th, 2013 In order to collect the secret ingredient for happiness gumbo- a special dish that will help feed the people of Fluorgis- Shiki Misaki assembles a crew of adventurers to go after a rather large (and delicious) alligator.
Hades Cup: Team DLC vs Team Two Men and a Manchild February 11th, 2013 It is the first round of the Hades Cup tournament. Who shall win this match?!
Hades Cup: START! January 28th, 2013 A ceremony for the heroes of the Hades Cup qualifying turns into a battle for survival as Hades' machinations comes to a head...things do not go as planned!
On Cloud Nine January 27th, 2013 A lively cast assembles at Tifa's new joint for drinks and banter.
Hades Cup: Qualifying Event - TOURNAMENT OF STRENGTH January 25th, 2013 A contest of strength!
Trespassers Will Be Toad January 20th, 2013 A party of adventurers investigates mysterious disappearances and rumors of monsters in the Fluorgis Water Treatment plant. Everyone was Kung-Fu Fighting. HAAAH. Caution: You May Get Wet.
Opposite Day January 17th, 2013 Monsters and troubles abound in Fluorgis lately. A lonely hill gigas has managed to find his way to the City of Flowers. Can the heroes handle this giant problem without bringing the house down?
A Gentle Approach January 14th, 2013 Concerned with the options that have been presented to battle her inner demons, Leida once again encounters the gentle gargoyle as she wanders the desert to think.
A Visit to Fluorgis January 14th, 2013 Deidra goes shopping for some magical supplies. She ends up encountering Percy and the Network for a little chit chat.
An Interesting Theory January 13th, 2013 The running theory is that a certain white gargoyle is the Manhattan 'Princess of Heart'. She seems quite surprised to be addressed as such by a young knight of her own kind.
Knight Of Swords January 12th, 2013 A Gargoyle, Percival, meets with Mercade and Maximilien and asks them for help regarding the Fall of Manhattan. Mercade provides information while Max tests the Gargoyle's mettle. Arrangements are made!
Training Day January 12th, 2013 Leida and Angantyr meet for a training session, interlopers happen.
A Lost Knight January 12th, 2013 Deidra's on her way back from dealing with the Earth Shard when she comes upon a Gargoyle Knight from England. One thing leads to another as Percival and Deidra speak and she shows him the way to the clock tower.


A Wind Ceremony March 15th, 2013 The Wind Ceremony is a funeral tradition that Gargoyles have performed for millenia. Now it is being performed again near Fluorgis, but whom is it for?
Wages of Sin February 24th, 2013 Graverobbing! Okay no. Percival seeks to confirm whether he's done a terrible thing.