Gesandte Gottes

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Gesandte Gottes
Age 22
Species Demi-human
Sex Male
Height 9'-10'
Weight 500
Series Final Fantasy 9
Combat Styles Warrior
Hometown Destroyed village
Group Unaffiliated
Occupation/Job Messenger of the Gods
Force: Forces of Restoration
Atone for your Sins! Lest The Gods send forth their Atoner.
Recent Events
He has just recently come of the new world, or at least the civilized part of it. Then proceeded to safe the souls of the dead, and ensure they got to their holy places where they could be with their families once more.


Pets in the Potion Supply January 22nd, 2013 Kidnapped pets, heartless, and dwindling supplies! What ever will our heroes do? Can they protect the kitties and doggies and chocobos?


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