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Revision as of 16:36, 24 August 2012

The tone of Final Kingdom resembles that of Kingdom Hearts, and can be summarized as follows: all characters take themselves and their experiences seriously, even if the circumstances are sometimes more absurd than they're used to.

It's hard to deny there's something inherently funny about a duel between Sephiroth and Donald Duck, and it's possible that Sephiroth may be having a dramatic battle with Cloud one moment, only in the next to have the Nephews (Huey, Dewey, and Louie) throw a bucket of water on him while he's walking through a wall of fire. As a result, players who play Final Fantasy characters are asked to remain open-minded and adaptable, and to have their characters take what happens seriously -- as though it had happened in their own game -- even if it conflicts with their original image. ('Talking animals' are no longer a huge surprise to anyone.) On the other hand, Disney characters are not mere comic relief; they have their own motivations and values, and should be prepared to participate as equals in any RP.

As a general guideline, please remain observant of the tone of a scene: there's a proper time for every moment, whether serious or funny. Ideally, cultivate a "fairy tale" atmosphere which will work for everyone -- maybe a little more spontaneous than FF, maybe a little more involved than Disney. Also, during the application process, you can ask to 'Disney-fie' your Final Fantasies characters a little bit, or to nudge a Disney character more toward Final Fantasy (like, say, by turning Goofy into a knight and Donald Duck into a wizard), if you like.

On a last note, in keeping with both sources, combat and wounds are toned down; while each world is slightly different, the general baseline is the same. In Manhattan, one expects laser-fire instead of gun-fire due to Xanathos Enterprises, and in the Pirates of the Carribean... guns? Tssk, 'tis but a fleshwound!