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An Offer You Can't Refuse
Date of Scene: 03 November 2012
Location: Manhattan - Eyrie Building - Xanatos' Office
Synopsis: LEXUS, as a representative of the Shadow Lords, makes an appointment with Xanatos to discuss business and make him an offer...
Cast of Characters: David Xanatos, LEXUS

LEXUS has posed:
It was only a matter of time, really.

David Xanatos is well known as being the man who is functionally in charge of Manhattan. Thus it is that he revceived a request for an appointment from one 'Lexus' for a meeting involving interdimensional issues. He was polite and followed proper channels, and waits patiently to be admitted into Xanatos' presence.

As a matter of course, one observes who they are meeting with before they are admitted. Xanatos' security systems show him several interesting things. He would probably look quite normal except for the odd purplr circuitry highlights that run through his skin up the jawline to the temples... And the strange purple insignia in the eyes that replaces the normal iris.

Also, there are no life signs or heat signature.

The man waits, hands folded before him as they wait for Xanatos to make himself 'available'.
David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos looking over the security cameras Xanatos hrms to himself before he presses the button on the desk. "Send him in Owen."

A voice answers back calmly, "Of course sir."

The owner fo this voice, a tlal blonde haired man with classes and a well cut suit approaches Lexus and gestures to the man. "Mr. Lexus? Mr. Xanatos will see you now." With that he opens the door for Lexus.

Xanatos waves Owen off who was about to enter. "I'll be fine Owen. Please check on the Tower Relay reports for me."

The man nods his head once, "Yes sir." And then walks off.

Xanatos stands and comes around the side of his desk to lean on it casually and folds his arms over his chest. "Mr. Lexus, a pleasure to meet you."
LEXUS has posed:
LEXUS enters the room, making a thin smile to Owen as he is invited in. "Thank you." He says pleasantly as he enters. He waits for Owen to leave before he speaks to Xanatos. "It's a pleasure to meet with you, Mr. Xanatos." LEXUS begins. "It is not often to have the chance to meet with someone of your caliber. I am a representive of an organization outside of this dimension, and in recognition of your ability and influence we have come to you with an offer."
David Xanatos has posed:
Bowing his head as he is complicated, Xanatos says "I thank you for the compliments, and it is a pleasure to meet you as well." He motions toward a seat abd then moves back around his desk to sit at his chair. "Well. Welcome to Manhattan. Tell me, what Dimension do you come from?"
LEXUS has posed:
LEXUS sits in the indicated seat, and arches an eyebrow. "I come from a dimension which is made up of information. We are all beings of information there, and information is power. You are a man who recognizes this fact, and I am a man who makes information his business."

He pauses, allowing Xanatos to digest this. "Our organization is dedicated to ensuring its protection from outside sources, using a number of advanced and non-standard techniques to both investigate this new universe we find ourselves in, as well as to gain the power necessary to ensure continued survival against any outside threat. Our analyses have confirmed that you would be an excellent choice for our organization, and we are willing to offer you this protection for you and yours, as well access to our knowledge and technologies."
David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos leans back in his chair and steeples his fingers as he listens to LEXUS. When the program finishes speaking, he nods once and looks the other man over. "This of course sounds very profitable to me. However I must ask, what is it you require of me and my company?"
LEXUS has posed:
"Indeed. There is always a quid pro quo." LEXUS replies. "Nothing is ever for free and it would be insulting to you to think that you would not consider this. In return for our largesse, in exchange we would request your cooperation in upcoming operations for interdimensional activity. You would be expected to act in the interestes of the overall organization, and we would expect assistance with our overall goals for expansion throughout the multiverse. You can see now, of course, why your talents are desired by us. Someone who is capable of creating something like this..." He holds up one of the new interdimensional cellphones Xanatos has been marketing recently. "... Is someone with the vision required to make our goals a reality."
David Xanatos has posed:
"I see." Xanatos says calmly as he takes the information in. He leans back in his chair and taps the desk with a finger as he contemplates his options and words. "Of course." He says with a nod. "Very well. What are these interests?"
LEXUS has posed:
"Gaining majority control over the multiverse." LEXUS replies simply. "Under our control, the ongoing threats that plague these worlds would no longer be a threat. Indeed, they can even be turned to work for us instead. I am speaking, of course, of the entities known as the 'Heartless'.

LEXUS gestures besides him, and a pool of blackness opens up, a Heartless arising out of it. The black form is shot through with purple neon circuits, much like those upon LEXUS, and its form appears to be that of a multilimbed, sleek spider with metallic chrome plating on the limbs. It stands there, patiently. "Observe this Heartless. Our organization has achieved an unparallelled capacity for making use of these beings for our own purposes. You too can gain this ability and ensure that none can threaten you... or your family."
LEXUS has posed:
"Gaining majority control over the multiverse." LEXUS replies simply. "Under our control, the ongoing threats that plague these worlds would no longer be a threat. Indeed, they can even be turned to work for us instead. I am speaking, of course, of the entities known as the 'Heartless'."

LEXUS gestures besides him, and a pool of blackness opens up, a Heartless arising out of it. The black form is shot through with purple neon circuits, much like those upon LEXUS, and its form appears to be that of a multilimbed, sleek spider with metallic chrome plating on the limbs. It stands there, patiently. "Observe this Heartless. Our organization has achieved an unparallelled capacity for making use of these beings for our own purposes. You too can gain this ability and ensure that none can threaten you... or your family."
David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos watches the Heartless rise and re-steeples his fingers. "Most interesting. And what IS your organization My. Lexus?" he asks with a calm voice. His eyes looking over the Heartless critically. He had never seen one of these before, as he had been mostly working on the sidelines from his offices.
LEXUS has posed:
The Heartless appears nothing like those in the data sent to him by the Twilight Detective Agency, except for the red and black 'thorned heart' symbol on the head. The creature has wide, almost comical yellow eyes that stare at Xanatos.

He can sense the hunger within them, contained apparently by the simple will of the man before him.

"Our organization is called the Shadow Lords, Mr. Xanatos. We are called such because we do not fear the darkness that engulfs the worlds or that encroaches upon the people. We seek to instead rule it and turn it to our benefit and for the benefit of those we care about. We are extending you an offer of alliance. You will become one of us and gain our power, and in return you will work towards our common goals. With your power, you will not need the assistance of these... 'Gargoyles' who litter your world, nor any others. Your superior mind and will shall be the defining factor for your flourishing progress."
David Xanatos has posed:
There is a slight smile to Xanatos' lips as he listens to Lexus speak. He gestures toward the Heartless, and then says calmly. "And what happens to the people of Manhattan? Do they become like these Heartless?"
LEXUS has posed:
LEXUS tilts his head slightly. "The creation of Heartless is an ongoing subject of research. It is known that uncontrolled Heartless, left to their own devices, seek out the hearts of others to take them. Stronger hearts attract more, and more powerful Heartless. Your defenses must be impressive indeed for you to never have been threatened by them personally."

LEXUS leans back in his chair, and dismisses the Heartless with a wave. It vanishes in a pulse of Darkness. "Manhattan has become a matter of concern to us and our leaders. We would much rather have you at our side instead of being forced to consider you a threat."
David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos peers over his steepled fingers at Lexus and doesn't say anything for a few minutes. When he finally speaks it is calm and even. "We here at Xanatos Enterprises are not a political power, but a business conglomerate made for bettering the lives of thsoe we interact with." He watches Lexus' reaction to that before he continues. "Alliances of the type you are suggesting would bring Xanatos Enterprises into a political light that I am not ready to take my company into."
LEXUS has posed:
LEXUS listens, impassively. He blinks, but it seems slightly off, not quite as often as one might do so were they a human. The Uncanny Valley effect is strong here.

"And what have these people done to benefit you, Mr. Xanatos? Will the people on the street be able to protect you from the Heartless? Do you believe your castle to be impregnable? Please understand, Mr. Xanatos, this is not a matter of popularity."

He pauses. "This is a matter of survival. In the end, who will your business protect... if you are gone? If this world is gone? You are a man of logic and knowledge, Mr. Xanatos. Work with us and the safety of you and your family will be assured. If you stand against us, I will be unable to enforce such benefits."
David Xanatos has posed:
"And I've never said the company would stand agaisnt you." Xanatos replies witha light smile. "However, as a man of knowledge I cannot choose one side or the other. In my world we had a war called the Second World War, and there was a country that maintianed nuetrality. We are taking that stance here, and merely try to create items that benefit all."
LEXUS has posed:
"I am afraid, Mr. Xanatos, this is not a situation that is kind to those who try to avoid it." LEXUS replies, sighing. Perhaps he is even regretful. "But if that is your decision, I will respect this. I believe you are possibly making a decision based on insufficient data, but perhaps you will have time to reconsider your offer in the future."

LEXUS then stands. "Or perhaps you will not. I will bid you farewell, Mr. Xanatos. I wish you health and safety, in the hopes that we can come to an agreement when you understand the situation more fully."
David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos nods and stands in that respectful fashion bussinessmen do. He smiles and extends a hand. "Perhaps. I hope there will be no negative effects on the people of the city. We Americans... Well. We are very protective our cities."
LEXUS has posed:
LEXUS shakes Xanatos' hand, and smiles. "America no longer exists, Mr. Xanatos. All that remains is Manhattan. And you are all that remains as a power here. The choice in the end, is yours."

He then turns, and leaves the room, unless stopped in some fashion.
David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos watches the other man leave, and then once the door is closed he sits back down and sighs. Pressing a button, he speaks calmly, "Owen, I believe Plan C is about to become a reality. Please get things in order."

"Of course Mr. Xanatos."

Leaning back in the chair Xanatos stteples his fingers and nods. "Just another plan."
LEXUS has posed:
Once outside the building, LEXUS looks up at the penthouse, and then down at the Ma Belle in his hand. He smiles, and drops it, where it falls into a pool of blackness. He stares into the distance, speaking without need of technology to an unseen associate.

"He did not accept the terms. Proceed with the plan as scheduled."

LEXUS smiles as he walks down the street, and says to himself, "It's a pity. He would have made an /excellent/ Shadow Lord."