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Latest revision as of 16:35, 15 November 2012

Valencia's Arrival
Date of Scene: 15 November 2012
Location: Traverse Town
Synopsis: Valencia finds herself in a new world, and is greeted by an unfamiliar individual.
Cast of Characters: Skoll Ulfang, Valencia

Valencia has posed:
Traverse Town. City on the edge of darkness, and refuge for many who have lost their worlds. Today, yet another wandering soul has found their way to this place specifically in the belfry of the town's church. She's about seventeen years old, purple hair and white clothes that seem to suggest a fairly well-to-do background. A bird automaton sits on her shoulder as she sleeps, chirping in an attempt to wake her up. But with the large bell next to her that might not be necessary in a short while...
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
Skoll isn't really a Church person. Generally, he dispises places like this. Or rather, his Lords despise places like this - and as an extension of that, Skoll is made to feel uncomfortable with churches. This would be why he is standing on top of the /roof/ of the church. To be more accurate, he has swung a chain around one of the openings of the belfry is and hanging on the outside of it. His feet solidly set against the side of the wall, and his eyes firmly set on the city ahead.

He's not particularly looking for anything. He's just 'patrolling', if one could call it that. Looking about for anything that might be of interest in this strange city. Of course, fate would have it he notice the little chirps coming from the belfry itself! Those golden eyes dart towards the innards of the church and find the little bird on top of a sleeping woman.

Well, he was looking for 'interesting'. And he's fairly sure he just found it. It doesn't take long for the human-looking werewolf to climb in and land at the woman's side, quite unaware that the big bell might start ringing any moment now and possibly deafen his somewhat sensitive ears. "Hey miss, are you alright?" The punkish youth whispers, before his gaze catches onto the sight of the bird. At first, he'd thought it'd been a regular bird. But now that he looks a little closer...
Valencia has posed:
"Nnnh..." Valencia says, looking up before suddenly snapping up as though cartoonishly springing forward from a nightmare and saying, "GINA!" looking fairly panicked before she looks around hurriedly as her gaze comes up to Skoll. "Well this is new." she says before dropping down to the belfry off of the wall. The bird nearby then flutters up and looks over at Skoll as it tilts its head, then flitting off to the side onto the wall while keeping its gaze averted from Skoll. Looking between Skoll and the automaton, Valencia looks thoughtful and says, "Hm... I don't think he likes you all that much. He's generally a pretty good judge of character. Still, it's not like he's trying to peck at you... Not that he does that to many people. He only did that once, after Gina..." she says before looking sad for a split second then saying, "Well, before that... Crystal heart came out of her and turned into that creature."
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
Skoll jumps back a little thanks to Valcia's rather abrupt awakening. His hands move up a little defensively for just a moment, before he sticks them back into his pockets and changes his posture to one of absolute relaxation. Leaning back a bit, and generally just looking like a punk. He quickly glances up the automaton and tries to judge its behavior, but is quickly distracted by the human.

By the movement of his floofy ears that stick out from his hair, it's obvious that he's listening intently. "Well, that's good. I rather not get pecked by a metal beak." Skoll answers her, still a bit confused by the fact that a metalic bird is fluttering about. Must be magic of some sorts. His expression quickly grows more dire when Valencia mentions a 'crystal heart coming out of Gina'. "It's not crystal. It's her 'true' heart. The heartless must have taken it for themselves." Skoll comments. "Are you alright?" The sad look in Valencia's eyes worries the wolf. For all the 'judge of character' the bird is - one must understand that Skoll is inherently a good guy. The issue is, he carries so much darkness thanks to the mind-control and what-not...
Valencia has posed:
"Heartless..." Valencia says before giving a little bit of a smile and saying, "I'd almost like to know how they work. Y'know, what makes them tick. They're... Kind of creepy, though. Like moving corpses or something. A few of the mages back at the academy tried hitting them with magic. They didn't bleed... They caught on fire sure, but they didn't show burns. Kinda weird, huh?" she then appears to be suddenly more aware of things as she says, "Oh! Yeah, I think I'm alright." then nods. Noticing her glasses starting to slip, she pushes them up and says, "Where are my manners. Valencia diChiaroscuro, at your service! Sorceress, mage, and if I must say a decent scientist in my on right."
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
"They're manifestations of pure darkness - seeking to stiffle out the light." Skoll explains when Valencia comments on the abnormalness of the creatures. "What you met were likely just the small fry." He adds to that. Although at the same time - an entire magical academy wiped out by these creatures? They must be growing in strength somehow. Perhaps a Shadow Lord had been behind this? Or... something else?

When Valencia comments that she's a Sorceress though, Skoll instinctively moves back a little. They tend to have a bit of a bad reputation. Still, he hides this discomfort by going into a bow and moving a hand to his chest. "Skoll Ulfang, at your service." He replies in a most gentleman like manner -- something that doesn't fit his punkish looks and posture. "Welcome to Traverse Town. City of lost souls. If others of your world survived its fall to darkness, they would be, or will be, in this place."
Valencia has posed:
"Something wrong?" Valencia asks, "...What, is this about me mixing technology and sorcery? I know it's weird, but it can't be -that- bad. Honestly, Gina complained about it and... Well, I'm not sure where she is now. Or where her heart is, anyway. It turned into this... Odd creature. Probably another heartless, it looked like a sort of dark mage. Strangely fitting if you ask me, she was quite talented." she then gestures as a few odd pieces like gears, sprockets, and metal plates appear out of nowhere and swirl around in a whirlwind before assembling from bottom to top a small humanoid automaton that looks up at Valencia and salutes, "This is what I do a lot." she says, "Conjure automatons, most of them really aren't that big and none of them can -really- think like humans do. But... Well, they're useful in their own ways."
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
Skoll shakes his head. He doesn't feel 'that' from Valencia. She doesn't bring his heckles to attention. "It's a bit strange. The thing is, Sorcery is quite rare. Often it is what leads to the downfall of a world." In Valencia's way, that sorcerer had been Gina - he presumes. "When a heartless takes a heart, and that heart was strong, sometimes it turns into a different kind from the others. It's not a reversible thing." That last part he is certain to add, because he knows how dangerous 'hope' can be to some people. And a sorcerer... they must not walk the path of darkness. Such he'd learned a long time ago.

"Still. An interesting creature you have there." Skoll's golden eyes dart down towards the human-like automaton made of metalic plates and sprockets. He's a bit wary of it, but decides it probably won't do him any harm. "So what now? You lost your world... and you seem rather collected about it." Shock maybe?
Valencia has posed:
"Well, there weren't -too- many sorcerers on my world." Valencia says, "Maybe... No more than twelve. Not even enough to fill a full class, and not all of them were in the academy for my region to boot. Some of them were older, some of them were younger... It was pretty rare but I guess it did kind of mess up my world. Gina well... She wanted to prove that pure arcane arts were better than incorporating technology into sorcery. There was a final display of our talents before we graduated and I guess she thought that the heartless were a good way to one-up me." she then shrugs and says, "Well, it is disappointing. Saddening too. But I'll have time to grieve later, there's more important things to do now. Firstly, there's evidently some kind of plague going on in the form of these heartless. Obviously assimilative in nature, possessed of a variety of abilities and shapes given the odds of encountering those with strong hearts across multiple worlds. Even if you have only oh... Ten worlds each the size of large countries, that's enough for an additional planet or so and easily enough to find a wide variety of strong hearts to say nothing of the excess of weak hearts for footsoldiers or thereabouts."
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
Twelve sorcerers. This world truly must have been unique of a world. "A foolish notion. Darkness is not something you just 'play' with." Skoll answers, shaking his head a little at the shrugging girl. "Still, I guess I understand what you mean." Although in truth, he can't entirely wrap his mind around it. To be this logical about it all. Maybe that's the way this young woman copes? "There's plenty of variety in the 'other' heartless. But the pure ones are only of few forms." He comments. As someone who could control the dark creatures, he could tell which ones were a little 'different'.

Skoll begins to move to the edge of the belfry and sits in the window - looking out. "You should be careful even in this world of them. They are indeed everywhere."
Valencia has posed:
"So it would seem." Valencia says, "I hardly think she knew what she was using to begin with. And I can handle myself you know." before she twirls her hand as a flash of magic appears and she starts floating a few inches off the ground. Sitting down in the air she says, "This rapier isn't for show." as she gestures towards the sword at her side, "Besides if you can lose yourself that easily I would at the very most, tread with great care when interacting with darkness. Though on the whole, it would be much simpler and safer to avoid it altogether."
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
"A wise decision." Skoll decides to state when Valencia finishes talking - having taken a gander at both the rapier as well as the fact that this woman apparently could float. It certaintly still isn't flight - like Zia can do - but it still is pretty amazing to him. "Threading with great care, that is, around darkness." The werewolf then hops down onto the roof and begins to walk along - clearly expecting that the young woman will follow if she is interested in further conversation.
Valencia has posed:
Skating over and making a light leap over the wall between the belfry and the roof, Valencia floats down and lands with a bit of a breeze. "Well, it would be interesting to study. Certainly not to wield, mind you. Any chance of becoming some sort of undead monster when using power like that is hardly worth the risk. I can't imagine what I could do with darkness that I can't already do with sorcery, magic, or even science when given the proper equipment. Or improper equipment. It all depends on what you're willing to work with and how creative you are."
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
"Don't underestimate the darkness, miss. It is far more powerful than you can imagine. Don't think to be able to emulate its powers so easily." Skoll warns Valencia as she floats behind him over the roofs of Twilight Town, giving the both a grande view over the town and the eternal night that covers it.
Valencia has posed:
"Hmph." Valencia says, "I'm not underestimating it, simply saying that I can get by without it. I'm not going to trade my humanity or sanity for power thank you very much. It'd be more or less useless without sanity anyway."
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
"That's certainly good to hear." Skoll remarks, glad to hear Valencia get a bit defensive on this. As much as he uses darkness, it's not a fate he'd want for others to suffer. He knows just how damaging darkness can be. He knows how dangerous it is, every time he steps through a corridor of darkness. He can 'feel' it. Skoll jumps down off of the roof, and lands at the base of the church - at the streets, and motions for Valencia. "How about I show you to a place you can stay and eat while you are getting used to this new world?"
Valencia has posed:
"That'd be helpful." Valencia says, "I'd also like to see if I could find a way to set up a laboratory somewhere. Possibly an abandoned building that nobody wants, or a room that someone's looking to rent out..." before she stops and says, "Although I don't have any money. That could be problematic."
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
"If you want to earn Money, you probably want to learn about the portals and find your way around in the World of Ruin - plenty of people who would probably pay you for your services. Hunting monsters and the like." Skoll explains as he guides her along towards a different district of Traverse Town. "As for setting up a laboratory, probably want to keep that over there as well. This is a place where the lost come together. There's not many houses here to really set much of anything up, and it'd be troublesome to get materials."
Valencia has posed:
"Interesting..." Valencia says, "It could be well worth my time to capture a few creatures for study in any event. Not that I'd have any hope of keeping them in check beyond the weakest of them, but the characteristics of unique creatures could be fascinating."
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
Skoll soon has managed to lead Valencia to District 2's Hotel. "Past this red door is the hotel you might want to spend a night at." He explains. A bit further along." He points into the distance. "Is the WildKat cafe, that could be good for a hang place, or to drink some coffee. The owner can probably point you to some places of interest. He has a knack in doing that."
Valencia has posed:
"Alright then!" Valencia says, "Thanks for the help. Hope whatever problems you're having get better. Something -has- to be weird if my automaton doesn't like you and you're helping me out like this."
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
Skoll laughs a little and bows his head kindly, before taking a quick glance at the automaton. It doesn't like him, and this is supposed to be a judge in character? What might it be reacting to? He has no way of knowing that it is reacting to the darkness within him. But if worse people were to find out - they might abuse such a thing. "I hope things will work out for you then." Skoll comments, before he moves away from the door and off into a further district.