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Curiosity, Morality, and a Mouse
Date of Scene: 22 November 2012
Location: Luca
Synopsis: There is excitement to be had in Luca, as our cast of characters and its citizens are greeted with the presence of a mysterious mouse, who appears to be sharing his wisdom concerning morality, along with information concerning a rare but delicious treat! Curiosity runs through the streets as some question if there is more to this 'morality mouse' than meets the eye.
Cast of Characters: Ivo Galvan, Riku, King Mickey, Oriane Guado

Ivo Galvan has posed:
Though this new amalgamated world's uneasy peace has been shaken by recent flares of conflict, Luca remains the oceanside metropolis it ever was, and a hub of commerce and culture, only enhanced by its central placement between continents smattered with radically diverse cities. Ships from kingdoms of each of the four lands, bringing the arts and crafts which once harkened from entirely different realities, arrive and leave at will, and confused wanderers from the far reaches of the multiverse often stumble here first after finding themselves stranded in Traverse Town.

Needless to say, it's ideal for people watching.

Thus is Ivo, knight-errant from a forgotten world long since devoured by darkness, perched atop a plinth in the midst of Luca's thriving harbor, palms on the stone, leaning back with a slight but satisfied smile, his calm eyes curiously scanning the crowd. His successful jaunt in Cornelia has eventually landed him back here, but he is in no hurry to return to Fluorgis and his Shard Seeker friends. Spending seemingly idle hours in a city like this tends to turn up unexpected information and unusual acquaintances. As the cheers of the crowd from the distant Blitzball stadium rise up, faint but audible even from here, Ivo takes a sip of some exotic beverage purchased from a vendor and lets himself relax, brushing his blue cloak behind him and making himself comfortable.
Riku has posed:
It's also a good venue for drawing.

Riku lays his fingers on the first few torn pages, looking out at the magnificent view of the ocean that extends out into the distance. He's sitting on the edge of a building, one leg dangling from the side as he leans up against another building. He looks down at the pictures, frowns, and starts ripping them out of the journal in sharp, sudden movements.

The movement comes with a faintly pained expression as he forces his fingers to open, the shreds of old pictures from Destiny Island and his friends drifting out from the high vantage point. He forces himself not to look at where they land, flipping back to the sketch of Luca he had been working on. "It's only pictures." he told himself softly.

He could always draw more. Riku raises his head, eyes tracking to the faint cheers of the Blitzball stadium. They are unfocused though and he simply stares into the distance.
King Mickey has posed:
It appears the youthful warrior is not alone in this past time, as not far from where Ivo is resting is the sight of a small yet proportioned animorphic mouse doing the same as he. Sitting on a nearby ledge that overlooks the central plaza, Mickey Mouse appears to be having a great time enjoying not only the excitement of the Blitzball game but also the cheers roaring from the crowd. It has been sometime that he's seen normal citizens be this energized and happy, being able to forget their worries and lose themselves in the passing excitement of the game going on before them. Granted, He may not be there physically at the game though his gaze still wanders, noticing passing citizens occasionally glancing up at the monitors to show what is going on.

The King also appears to be enjoying a rare treat, a stick of sea-salt ice cream. Taking a few licks as he rests, Mickey's gaze turns to note the blue haired warrior taking a breather, something he can equally appreciate! Then he turns towards the white haired teen drawing but appearing to be in quite the frustrated affair. This sparks his interest and curiously begins to watch what the teen will do next. That is... if he is not interrupted.

A small group of children wander from the central plaze, noticing Mickey's presence, particularly the ice cream he has in his hands. One child looks back to their mom, pointing up at the mouse, "Mommy! mommy! I want that!", while the others look up with anticipation. Another calls out, "Mr. Mouse! Mr. Mouse! Where did you get that blue ice cream?!"

Mickey's attention is taken off of Riku for the moment and down towards the kids. He blinks for a moment and then looks at his ice-cream, before responding with a point, "You mean this, kids?"

The rest call out aloud, "Yeah!" "Where did you get it mister?" "Please you gotta tell us!"

The King chuckles and leaps down from where he was resting and smiles, choosing to address the kids personally. He lands gracefully and the children pull back, a little awed by the Mouse's graceful dexterity and then they begin to swarm around him. Mickey smiles and following with his signature laugh, comments, "Now, now, kids! Everyone be civil! I'll be happy to share the tale for all of you!" and then he looks around for a second before putting his hand in front of his face, whispering to them, "... and if you are good, maybe everyone here might get some but you gotta be good. Ok?"

Each of the kids faces light up with cheer and they nod feverishly, patiently awaiting the mouse's tale.
Oriane Guado has posed:
Bustling cities such as Luca can be utterly nauseating to Oriane Guado. Thinking about the sheer amount of sweaty, breathing, disgusting people living in such close quarters with each other causes the Guado woman to nearly gag in disgust. And yet it happens all over this world and the cities grow even larger with so many Heartless around. And yet, custom and formality is why Oriane is here this day. Her duties as a Priestess of Yevon compels her to walk among the people from time to time.

Flanked by two Crusaders, the robed woman lets her gaze lazily drift around the claustrophobic crowds that inhabit the streets. Annoyingly, random passerbyes make an awfully 'blitzball-esque' praying motion toward the priestess as she passes. And just as annoyingly, this forces Oriane to repeat the gesture and offer a forced, no teeth-showing smile towards these random air breathers. The woman tramples over some random scraps of some forgotten sketch as she slowly draws closer to the water's edge. Hmmm. This area will suffice. There are still plenty of people around, including some young looking warrior, and a human sized Mouse. But she can at least -breath- here.

As the Children begin to swarm around the mouse, Oriane looks that way with contempt in her eyes. -Children- Yaaaaaay. Oriane's favorite. With them being distracted by the ice-cream eating Mouse, the Priestess can at least ensure a few moments of serenity for herself and her stoic guards.
Ivo Galvan has posed:
People-watching -- or in this case, mouse-watching.

Ivo's seen a lot of strange characters in the months since darkness took his world, but none have possessed the dynamism and flamboyant spirit of the cheerful mouse delighting the children before him now. The knight-errant starts grinning to himself with delighted amusement as soon as Mickey begins talking, though the mouse's poised leap suggests he is more than a mere performer. Indeed, something about the mouse's brimming spirits and effortless self-possession, so obvious even in seconds of observation, stirs Ivo's interest on a more profound level. He wants to hear this story, even if it's just about ice cream.

There's more to this mouse than meets the eye.

Still, he can't help glancing about to see if anyone else has taken note of these shenanigans, and following Mickey's original gaze, espies a quite familiar figure. Ivo's smile quirks lopsided, one eyebrow arching, at the sight of Riku, but soon he's grinning again, his eyes a little more mischevious now. "Hey, 'Rachel'," he calls up at the silver-haired boy, at this distance not noticing Riku's grim expression. "Want to hear a story about ice cream? There's a mouse here about to tell all." That sphere-cast was humiliating but, let's face it, it's Riku who dressed up like a girl. And next time he's inadvisably intoxicated, he /will/ remember that Riku is /not/ a girl. ...At least he didn't speak too much about Quistis.

As he drops down from his ledge, Ivo's wandering eyes alight upon a woman with the striking hair and appearance of the race he has learned is the 'Guado'. The disdain in her gaze is unmistakable, but to someone of Ivo's playful temperament, highly amusing. Given her guards, she must be some manner of noble figure. Seemingly undaunted, Ivo flashes a smile her way. "See," he says, glancing back toward Riku, "even Milady here is looking over. Everyone likes ice cream, right?" So saying, he saunters over and unabashedly joins the group of children awaiting Mickey's tale.

Maybe if he's hanging out next to children, Oriane's guards won't beat him up for being irreverent.
Riku has posed:
"Ah. Ivo.." Riky says distractedly. "You always know just what to say." his grim mood lifts, a smirk quirking the edge of his mouth as he turns to look at Ivo. In a few seconds the expression is gone. He tucks away the journal, making his way down the building by the use of a ladder on the other side and some creative platform jumping.

A minute or two latter he emerges from the crowd, looking at the lady with the guards with a faintly bemused smile that is edged only a little with a sharper dislike. He forces his shoulders to relax, moving over to take a seat somewhere nearby. He gives the mouse a slightly uncomfortable look, as if adjusting the tally in his mind and getting his equilibrium back. Yes.

This world does in fact both have underwater sports fanatics and talking animals. Right. Riku smirks a little wider. "And you're right, anyways. Everyone likes ice cream."
King Mickey has posed:
With his focus on the children, Mickey does not seem to notice the priestess, as she enters the plaza. He looks around to each of the children around him, saying nothing but with his smile still beaming. He makes them wait a little longer just to tease em a bit. Some of the children are getting so excited, they are fidgetting around in anticipation! He looks around again and motions with his hand for all the kids to come a closer, as if what he is about to say is a big secret.
The small gathering of kids move closer in and Mickey whispers, "Alright, kids. This is a very special ice cream called sea-salt ice cream. It comes from a far away place and is only around for a short time with only one place in all of the city can you get it. Its from very special ice cream shop, a couple blocks away.", then he points down one of the nearby streets.
The Kids take a quick glance and are about to run off though Mickey quickly pulls them back in, "Wait! Wait! Don't go yet. You don't know the secret!"
The King looks around at the kids, "The shop owner only provides this ice cream to good children. So, here's what you got to do. You have to be good children and only way to do that by making your parents smile and I don't mean just any smile! I mean helping them to make the biggest brightest smile they've ever given!", then he exaggerates by motioning his arms out, emphasizing how big he wants the kids to make their parents smile!

It is at that moment that the children giggle loudly at the mouse's act and The King sees something that is not seen by oridinary individuals, the light in each of their hearts begins to shine and oh so brightly do they shine. The children patiently continue to wait as Mickey asks, "You all can do that right? Make your parents smile?" and they nod in agreement with a loud yes, "Yes sir, Mr. Mouse sir!!"
Mickey laughs and begins to stand, "Then if you can do that. Get your parents to go down to that secret shop and let them know Mickey sent ya! But remember, you gotta be good and make your parents smile! The store owner knows!"

The kids reply back in unison, "We will, Mr. Mouse!" "Trust us!" "We'll be the best kids in all of Luca!" and then each of them begin to run back to their parents, who appear to be waiting for them. Their mothers smiling at the Mouse's gesture and then return to their children to listen to the story of the 'sea-salt ice cream' and the mouse's offer!
Mickey smiles, nodding to each of the parents. After all, there is nothing more that warms his heart than to see children smile.
Oriane Guado has posed:
Oriane notices the smile from Ivo aimed her way. She was used to the polite smiling nature of most commoners. Oh right, the response that such a act warranted. The Priestess smiles back before turning away quickly. The platform jumping Riku is noticed as he parkours his way down. Ahh. A common vagabond coming from off the rooftops. This truly is Oriane's lucky day. The purely negative cloud around Oriane is interrupted by one her lackeys.

"Ice-cream! I can't wait to get some," says Guard 1 as he leaves to go listen in with the children. He then remembers this whole guarding thing and turns back towards Oriane and her remaining guard. "I'll be sure to bring enough for all of us!" Okay, maybe Guard 1 did not remember his guarding duty at all.

Oriane reaches up and touches the bridge of her nose. "Praise be to Yevon," deadpans the Priestess before she realizes something. She has never had 'ice-cream' before. What could be so great about it to cause such a gathering? Perhaps this matter was worth an investigation. "Come Guard Two, let us see what this all about." The Yevonites all draw close now with Guard 1 leading the way.

The Guado listens to Mouse's pitch with the hopes of discovering the source behind the excitement. Was this creature a salesman? Oriane cotinues to listen in as Mickey urges the children to behave and act in accordance to the social norms of children....which has a less than pleasant association in Oriane's mind. Perhaps Mickey was not a simple salesman, but a morality salesman as well.

Guard 1 watches the children run off with envy. Guard 2 just sort of stands there. Finally, it is Oriane's soft voice that speaks up. "Excuse me travelling morality mouse, what is this 'ice-cream' that these....-precious-....children are so infatuated with?" Guard 1 and Guard 2 do their best to not snicker at this point.
Ivo Galvan has posed:
"You're not the first girl to say so," Ivo quips right back at Riku.

As the silver-haired fellow Seeker joins Ivo in the general vicinity of the enraptured audience, Riku electing to take a seat whereas Ivo contents himself with towering over his much younger fellows, the swordsman listens in keenly to Mickey's story. Of course, it is not the story itself which intrigues him. The mouse has real charisma, so much so that it's almost unsettling for someone who tries to keep a handle on his own self-possession like Ivo, and the source of it is hard to discern -- at least until he realizes just how obvious it is.

"'Mickey', huh...?"

The mouse truly believes in what he's saying.

Ivo murmurs the mouse's name to himself as the tale ends and the children scurry off, inspired by the simple but heartfelt message. He'd set aside childhood long ago, and thus something about the purity of the story actually makes him feel a little uneasy, a reminder of halcyon days deeply buried in his memory. But more important than that is how interesting this mouse himself is. So Ivo shakes off these odd sentiments and smiles again, raising an eyebrow.

"You're good with kids," he casually compliments Mickey, once the crowd -- and possibly one of Oriane's vigilant guards, if she'll let him -- has run off in pursuit of ice cream and left him standing alone. "It's not always easy to keep their attention. What's your secret?" It's lightly asked, but the seriousness of the question is reflected in Ivo's eyes beyond his easy demeanor. Part of it is, he suspects, that this Mickey is something of a kid himself. But that doesn't seem quite the whole story. He's honestly curious.


And it sounds like a certain lady is curious too.

"Why, milady, have you not indulged in that frozen treat?" Ivo's grinning again now, and it's hard to tell whether he's just being friendly or he's actually amused. "It's a popular dessert that's sweeping the worlds. Though I've only heard rumors of this... 'sea-salt' ice cream. Wasn't the recipe briefly stolen?" He lifts his gaze heavenward, smiling as he reaches up to stroke his chin.

"...Now I'm a bit intrigued myself."
Riku has posed:
Riku grins at Ivo. "Yeah, but I'd be surprised if anybody even lasted through the warm up without laughing." He is about to continue teasing Ivo when he starts to cough, putting a hand over his face and rubbing his eyes. He turns his face away as the children scatter back to their parents. Something very like a knife trying to jab into his brain somewhat catches him off guard and he continues to cough.

Eventually whatever fit he was having subsides. He draws in a deep breath very slowly, continuing to rub at his face until he had control of himself again. Riku tries to put his thoughts in order, the pain receding as the children moved away into the crowd but still lingering in the echoes of stinging eyes and a somewhat less than pleasant headache. Riku lends an eye to the approaching woman and her guards, but more or less ignores her as he gives the mouse a wan smile tinged with respect.

"That was a nice touch at the end, Mr. Mouse. You told them just the story they wanted to hear. Or needed." Riku shrugs one shoulder. "Either way." not trusting himself quite with standing just yet, he looks back at Ivo and the lady he was courting (But then, that's sort of the default state for Ivo isn't it?)

"Wait. Sea-salt?" he scans his memory, finally hooking onto the reference. "Oh. Yeah-- The Ice Cream of Fate." he chuckles softly. "Yeah. It was stolen. I think it was the TDA who got it back."
King Mickey has posed:
As he is openly addressed, Mickey turns to face Oriane, offering her a slightly concerned and confused look in response to her inquiry. He can understand how people may not have had 'sea-salt ice cream' though it is a bit of a mystery to him how people could not have had ice cream at all. A moment later the mouse's memory is jogged with the reminder that not everyone has had the opportunity to explore worlds as he has and that ice cream could not be potentially popular among the people of this world. Shortly there after, Mickey's expression changes from one of confusion to something a little more compentent as he begins to address lady before him, only to be interrupted by the chilvarious Ivo Galvan!

Interrupted? More like saved. Truth be told, Mickey does feel a sense of relief as the warrior comes onto the scene and rescues him from a potentially embarassing situation. However, Mickey does not miss a beat and responds in kind, "You heard about that incident, huh? It would have been a terrible tragedy for that culprit to get away with the recipe.", then proceeds to turn back to Oriane, "Indeed, what the young man here says is true. This is a special kind of ice cream that is only found in small amounts since the incident. I was fortunate to come across it here in this fine city at the small shop I mentioned to children. It has a sweet and salty taste that gives it a unique flavor."
The Mouse's exchanges gazes with each of the new arrivals and continues by saying, "I highly encourage you all to give it a try!"
The King turns to address both Ivo and Riku, offering them both a smile as they compliment him on his work with the children, "Why, thank you, gentlemen. I adore children and seeing them smile provides me with great joy. After all.." and then his gaze turns towards the children who are playing with their parents, sharing in their own worlds, "It was children who brought the worlds back into the light from the darkness. As a result, they will forever and always be precious to me."
Returning his gaze to Ivo, the mouse shrugs his shoulders in response to his inquiry, "I'm afraid there is no secret. One might simply call it a natural talent."
Oriane Guado has posed:
Oriane is quite oblivious to Ivo's attempt or non-attempt at courting. Ivo's query on whether or not she has ever tasted this particular frozen treat causes the Guado woman to tap a well-manicured finger against her own chin. In the days before she was deemed a Priestess perhaps she had heard of others wanting to go satiate their lusts for sugar by partaking in some 'ice-cream'. With not a single 'sweet-tooth' in her mouth, Oriane was perfectly fine in letting this dessert be a relative unknown to her. "No, I have not 'indulged' in anything that is frozen. That would prove quite counter-productive within the realm of eating." She eventually relies to Ivo in her typical soft-spoken voice."

Until now.

The weather, constant sun, and climate of Luca were all most disagreeable to Oriane. However, these factors all could perhaps be countered by aquiring some of this ice-cream. And if it was stolen, then that must mean that there was also some intrinsic value to this delicacy. Oriane looks from the affable youth, to the rooftop vagabond, to morality mouse, and finally towards Guard 1. "Guard One, go and purchase three iterations of this 'ice-cream'." Guard 1 in return is shocked that his dream of eating ice-cream is close to becoming true. Her guard's lack of response causes Oriane to frown at him in misunderstanding. "Oh dear, three is the number that comes after two." The priestess holds up three fingers to Guard 1 now as Guard 2 continues to stifle his own laughter. She really did not understand that lack of a basic education that was prevalent among Church of Yevon volunteers. It was a simple tragedy. Guard 1 eventually recovers and nods his head before running off to retrieve the ice-cream.

The Guado priestess now turns back towards Ivo, Riku, and Mickey just as the Mouse is finishing his explanation. A roll of Oriane's eyes is deftly covered by a gentle brushing at her eyelashes. She quite clearly did not feel the same way about such matters.
Oriane Guado has posed:
Oriane is quite oblivious to Ivo's attempt or non-attempt at courting. Ivo's query on whether or not she has ever tasted this particular frozen treat causes the Guado woman to tap a well-manicured finger against her own chin. In the days before she was deemed a Priestess perhaps she had heard of others wanting to go satiate their lusts for sugar by partaking in some 'ice-cream'. With not a single 'sweet-tooth' in her mouth, Oriane was perfectly fine in letting this dessert be a relative unknown to her. "No, I have not 'indulged' in anything that is frozen. That would prove quite counter-productive within the realm of eating." She eventually relies to Ivo in her typical soft-spoken voice."

The weather, constant sun, and climate of Luca were all most disagreeable to Oriane. However, these factors all could perhaps be countered by aquiring some of this ice-cream. And if it was stolen, then that must mean that there was also some intrinsic value to this delicacy. Oriane looks from the affable youth, to the rooftop vagabond, to morality mouse, and finally towards Guard 1. "Guard One, go and purchase three iterations of this 'ice-cream'." Guard 1 in return is shocked that his dream of eating ice-cream is close to becoming true. Her guard's lack of response causes Oriane to frown at him in misunderstanding. "Oh dear, three is the number that comes after two." The priestess holds up three fingers to Guard 1 now as Guard 2 continues to stifle his own laughter. She really did not understand that lack of a basic education that was prevalent among Church of Yevon volunteers. It was a simple tragedy. Guard 1 eventually recovers and nods his head before running off to retrieve the ice-cream.

The Guado priestess now turns back towards Ivo, Riku, and Mickey just as the Mouse is finishing his explanation. A roll of Oriane's eyes is deftly covered by a gentle brushing at her eyelashes. She quite clearly did not feel the same way about such matters.
Ivo Galvan has posed:
Th-there's no courting to be noticed in the first place! Sheesh! What did Ivo ever do to deserve such suspicion?

He glances over toward Riku as the boy begins mysteriously coughing, but he seems fine soon enough, and the knight-errant's attention is drawn back to the magnetic mouse. As Mickey begins to pontificate on the virtues of sea-salt ice cream, Ivo crosses his arms and grins again, evidently enjoying how someone can put such sincere energy into persuading others that ice-cream is worthwhile. Oriane's initial assumption that Mickey is some sort of salesman is understandable, but it's somehow clear to Ivo that this can't be the case. Honest passion like this can't be faked. Ivo knows that much--

"I'm tempted."

Even if such passion itself isn't something he understands.

But he doesn't have to understand it to appreciate it, just as he seems to 'appreciate' Oriane's response to him, if his widening grin is any indication. "Counter-productive? I suppose dessert could be said to be lacking in utility," he replies, voice laced with mirth. He's not sure who's more eccentric, this woman or the mouse. "But on a hot day like this..." Indeed, she seems to have had just that very idea herself, as soon as she can navigate her hapless guard's predicament.

He ought to introduce himself to these interesting people and find out a little more about them, and he's about to-- until, strangely, Mickey's description of children seems to blindside Ivo entirely. His lips part as he looks over to the mouse, the previously composed and casual young man visibly taken aback. "Children... brought the worlds... back into the light?" Something about that statement, particularly given how matter-of-fact it is, throws him off. What does /that/ mean? Under normal circumstances, he'd gently inquire as to how metaphorically this strange mouse means that. But--

"Maybe... I'll go get some of that ice cream myself."

Gathering himself, Ivo manages another smile before turning away, to hide his shaken expression. He's bewildered at his own reaction, too. But after all, his home world was lost to darkness not long ago. There was nothing he could do to stop it. Children-- he has no problem with children, but he's spent most of his life trying not to be one, trying to understand what it means to be an adult, to live up to that. He couldn't overcome the darkness... surely because he hadn't matured /enough/. Surely because, in some way, that impotent child self remained, vulnerable, dragging him down.

More self-control. That's what he needs. Even more.

Children are fine. But how could /they/ fight the darkness?

Ivo isn't sure why he's taking this so seriously, let alone how he let a mouse throw him off. But he quickens his steps slightly, as his brow begins to furrow.

...It just doesn't make sense.
Riku has posed:
"I think I'll take you up on that." Riku slowly pulls himself to his feet, endeavouring very hard not to look shaky for the first few steps as he looks towards the blitzball viewscreens to check on the game. While he looks distracted, an angry thought crosses his mind. 'Well I guess they haven't gotten around to my world yet, have they?' that he hopes doesn't show on his face as he continues.

T "I didn't get a chance, the last time I heard of it." he glances towards the kids and their parents for a moment, thinking about his own parents and frowning slightly before shaking it off. "I'll go.. see that he doesn't get lost." he smiles at Oriane, breaking off from the others to go buy some ice cream for the others.
King Mickey has posed:
The reactions of the individuals before him merely show Mickey that the world is certainly remains to be a multiple of shades of gray. With a glance towards Oriane Guado, the roll of her eyes tells him that she does not share his positive outlook and that is fine with him. After all, it is one's unique perspective that makes the world turn continue to turn and while we may not always have had the best upbringings, everyone was a child... Once upon a time.

This could not be more apparent than in the case of the flamboyent and easily confused, Ivo Galvan, who appears to be both mystified and confused at The King's comments. Watching the young warrior attempt to come to terms with the wisdom is a tad bit humorous to the mouse, as the young often struggle with such questions.
Then Mickey turns to the silver haired Riku, recalling where only minutes before the young teen was struggling with himself and now appears to be displaying ... a much healthier behavior than previously shown.

Once more, the perspectives of the world show how interesting and unique the world can be. May it be with a simple look from a woman of the church, a bumbling womanzing warrior whose heart is in the right place, or a young teen whose struggles internally and longing for happiness.

Or... it may lie with a mysterious mouse with an affination for seeing the children of tomorrow smile and see the world through a child-like perspective, having not a care in the world except for a simple bar of ice cream.

... and like that, with the others in attendence distracted, the mouse is gone.. Was he really there or was he simply a figment of one's own imagination? That's for them to decide.
Oriane Guado has posed:
Oriane was more confused over the matter of willingly eating something that is 'frozen' than eating a desert. This confused and also confusing person gets one last look of skepticism from the Priestess before she turns her attention back on those remaining. Riku receives a nod when he offers to go after Guard 1. It would be quite unforunate for Guard 1 to get lost and be replaced. She had just started to tolerate him too. Oriane Guado suddenly realizes that she is standing alone with Guard 2. Now where did the mousey ice-cream salesman of good morals go? What a strange detour from her duties! She will have to reflect upon this encounter later after Guard 1 returns with the ice-cream.

Research comes first after all.