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Class Is In Session
Date of Scene: 01 December 2012
Location: Traverse Town - Church
Synopsis: Reize, Kaydin and Cheshire are in for a surprise and some chaos as they enter Traverse Town's church!


Cast of Characters: Reize Seatlan, Kaydin, Seith, Cheshire Cat

Seith has posed:
Church. The Faithful. Such lowly, horrid and despicable people! Weaklings who come to some place of gathering in order to put 'faith' into an entity that may or may not exist. To come to a 'greater power' in hope for redemption and aid. Seith is sitting on a massive throne at the head of the church, right behind the altar. One leg over the other. He'd just arrived! Lifted here by a small group of shadow Heartless through a portal. They'd looked rather strained in trying to carry it.

Now, he sits there, holding a book in one hand and casually glancing at it. The priest is shaking at the altar, pointing at him. "Begone, demon!" He calls to Seith, which has the elven and horned man look up from his book in a rather bored manner. "I will /have you know/, this is a fashion statement." He tips a finger to the horns, which move when he touches them. Dramatically, he closes the book and then stands up, looking over all the people and walks up to the altar...

Then suddenly puts the back of his arm against the artifacts that litter the altar and with one sweep - makes them all fall off of the altar. They rattle something loud, while the priest tries to get to him - trying to stop Seith!

"Begone! Foolish priest!" Seith then calls out, summoning a heartless soldier which sends the priest back. What follows is a group of shadow heartless - and moments of chaos later, the entire church is empty - people running into all directions shouting about heartless!
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin comes to the church thinking he would find Aerith here but unfortunatly looking amongst the heartless and horned man. "What is it about those who can control the heartless and their need to be egotistical idiots?" He asks outloud as he points his black sword at any heartless nearby.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Let's see...

How did Reize get to Traverse Town?


Reize gets a note from someone. "Please meet me at..." Reize squints at the note before him. "Okay! So, it's time to meet this person at Ve<span class=" bold_fg_m bg_n ++ tor!"


"This isn't Vector."

Reize's head lowers when he finds himself not at Vector. No. He is in Traverse Town. The map is held upside down. Reize grumbles, then he sees some type of commotion at the church.


Reize's eyes widen, then he starts running towards the church. "What's going on?!" As he rushes though everything, he moves straight nside to see that Kaydin is nearby. Reize rolls beside him and takes out both boomerangs to his side. "HEY! LEAVE THIS PLACE YOU JERKS!"

Cheshire Cat has posed:
Well this has become interesting quickly. Though he was already here, the grin that belongs to a person known as Felix Cheshire finally appears in the air, no other body parts are yet visible but they're presumably there. "You can do this." He encourages Reize and Kaydin, now his left eye appears and immediately winks. He's confident this'll turn out well, at least.

"But don't underestimate this either." The grin suddenly turns upside down, in an equally wide unhappy face, "So keep doing the good work." Wait, keep? Well they've kind of started, so probably valid. He's not done anything yet, has he? Maybe he has...
Seith has posed:
Seith is not being egotistical, like Kaydin suggests, and the moment the dark knight says this there's a twitch at his right eye. With a single handwave, a book suddenly comes to float before Kaydin. And from it, lit letters pour into the air.

* A conceited, boastful person.
* A selfish, self-centered person."

"I don't think that word means what you think it means. Teach yourself... in fact!"

The moment Reize and Cheshire have entered, there's a sudden shine of light around all the entrances and exits, showing a grid-pattern. And moments later, the entire layout of the place begins to shift. From the center out, darkness covers the floor, then the wall, then the ceiling. And then things shift one last time, and the entire room now looks... like a classroom! Seith stands at the board, with a chalk in one hand, and a pointer in his other.

The three of them have 'forcibly' been seated randomly throughout the room, and the seats not taken by them, are taken by very confused looking heartless - with paper in front of them that they are trying to write on with their little hands.

Seith casually looks around the room, looking pointingly at Reize for a little while, before his gaze passes over Kaydin - who now has a dictionary on his table as well. And then there's the floating grin over one of the tables. Weird.

"Class is in session! Pay attention!" Seith slaps the pointer against the board.

On the board, a little scenario. It contains a heartless, and a person. "Tell me in your own words, what happens when a heartless interacts with a person."
Kaydin has posed:
"The second defination is definatly you." Kaydin says as he finds himself seated and sighs as he raises his sword. "The heartless consumes the person and the person becomes another heartless." He says as he then turns to Reize. "How do you want to take this clown out?" He lets the kid be in charge.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
We can do this!

Reize looks towards the grin out of nowhere. "...Uhhh... Thanks! Wait, is that just a mouth?" Then, he blinks whenthat grin turns into a frown. This is odd. And once more, he tells them to keep up the good work.

"We-we just started!" The antenna hair flops, looking rather confused.

And oh hey, suddenly this place is a classroom. He looks around with a confused look. And of course, Reize is back in class! He scratches his head, recalling old memories in his class.

What happens when the person interacts..?

He looks over to let Kaydin answer.

"What Kaydin said..." The boy mumbles lowly. After all, he did raise his hand to answer it. Reize looks over towards Kaydin. He reaches into his pouch to procure paper and then a pencil. He writes it down and he passes the note to Kaydin.

Note: 'Not sure yet, need to get a better look in this class room. ...It brings back memories."
Cheshire Cat has posed:

The frown turns back into a grin, "Doesn't matter." The grin answers the posed question, moving around as a head and then a human body come into vision, the suit he wears striped pink and purple. "This is some mad trickery." He doesn't clarify further, but he leans on a table next to Reize, "This isn't real."

Though he doesn't change, it seems as though Reize and Kaydin become a little stranger, a little harder to track, no? It's hard to say for sure, but the man doesn't seem to care about the whole guise of a classroom. "Teacher." The voice is almost mocking, "Can I go?" He pushes his knees together like some kid urgently needing a toilet break.
Seith has posed:
"Ah, but you are wrong. I am doing this all for the good of you folk. Such a shame that you have the IQ of a monkey and are unable to see this." Seith answers Kaydin, shaking his head slowly. "If you're not careful, you might get an F on your next grade. You don't want to fail a class, now do you?" He then nods at Reize. "Still, the answer is valid. But it is incomplete. The missing information is their Heart." He taps the board. "But that is for another time..."

The blackboard changes slowly, while Seith suddenly looks Reize's way as he passes a note. A twitch appears at his brow, and suddenly... at rocket-speed, the chalk-piece he just held is flung at Reize's head! Pffssssew! PLOK! "Pay attention!"

Seith rearranges his clothes, takes in a deep breath, and looks at the board again. This time, it's a man with a 'light' in their heart, and a man coming from a dark portal. "What do you know about these things?" He taps against the portal. "Now, don't confuse it with the Shadow Portals that run between the wor~..." His voice trails off when Cheshire suddenly asks if he may go. Slooowly, Seith cranes his head towards the now visible yet somewhat feline wide-grinned human. "You are not. Class is still in session. You should have thought about needing to 'go' before you entered class. That's the rule."
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin sighs as he looks to Seith. "That is a portal to the corridors of darkness. The corridors is every darkness on every world, it's all linked together, like an elaborate spiderweb. Only those with darkness in their hearts can use them, and the heartless." He says as he reads the note and looks up in time to see the chalk fly for him and he then looks to the man with the striped suit. He looks about some more, black sword tapping the floor as he is deciding either to go along with this foolishness or to just begin fighting.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
As the human apears, well...

The person leans over to him, "Buh?!" This is not real? The boy grits his teeth. At least this does present some good lessons. The information involving it is Heart, but.... they were essentially correct.



The antenna hair stiffens and the boy yelps before hitting face first on the table.

His eyes drift towards the board and then the light. "...I... don't know..." He then turns towards Kaydin, who nswers the question. This is some pertinant information.
Cheshire Cat has posed:
"What rule?" Felix asks, looking to be thoroughly confused, picking up the chalk and looking at it, then throwing it back towards its owner, "Is this yours?" He grins as he does this, taking back his seat without issue, but somewhere it seems that despite his calm demeanor he's done playing around. He looks towards Reize and Kaydin next.

"Weren't you gonna stop him?" He mocks confusion, but his grin never fades, it's an odd contrast. He turns back to look towards Sheith. He seems bored, but that might faked. "But if I can't go, those are a man with light in his heart and a man who lost his light." When did he start caring about the lesson?
Seith has posed:
"Correct! Those who use a portal of darkness have a /deep/ darkness within their hearts. Not just any darkness. A father and mother, who have lost their innocence, all have darkness in their hearts. But none as great as those who can use the Portals of Darkness. They are one of the most prominent signs that a person opposes the light. Don't be fooled if they tell you they 'walk some line'."

He then taps the pointer at a figure of a heartless. "And controlling these is for those with 'power'. They are mere subjects." The man then glances back to Reize. "What if you ever get power - enough power that you might be able to tell the heartless to leave with the flick of a hand? Would someone of light dare use their 'power' to make them leave, rather than fighting them and tiring themselves out?"

Casually, Seith then raises a hand to his face and with the palm - he catches the Chalk that Felix throws back his way. The man casually glances at the feline human, and then flicks a single hand - creating a sudden gravimetric pressure over him to /force/ him deeper into his seat. "I am very much aware of their hearts, mister Grin. Don't underestimate a Shadow Lord. Now can we move on?"

The board changes once more, this time showing a man of light... and then a group of heartless around him - while a man of darkness is casually leaning against a wall. "Tell me - explain this scenario to me. Why is that man of darkness able to just lean against that wall, and that man of light comes under attack?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Such power... If you can control it to the point of getting the Heartless to leave, someone with the light could use it to make them leave. Or not. No. The Heartless would resist them, stealing what is left of them.

Reize falls silent.


~ "Except the monster with the yellow eyes is a liar, as all who hunger for hearts are liars and thieves. It took everything that I was, and it gave nothing back." ~

His eyes narrow. His pendant starts glowing.

"...Because the Heartless seek those with lights in their heart..." His eyes narrow. As the pendant gives off a bright glow, Reize forms a tarot in his grasp. "... Which they won't have here!" As the pendant roars to life, the tarot card manifests in his hand.
He throws the card in the air, then it shatters.

A ball of flames swirl around and they come together, flinging itself towards Seith.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin raises the sword only to hesitate when he says shadow lord. He stops and when everyone else attacks, only then does he swing his sword to send a blast of darkness onto the man, waiting to see how he would handle the attacks launched at him.
Cheshire Cat has posed:
Things are officially getting started, the chalk was but a minor challenge but it got responded to in kind. Now, the Cat is ready to treat this fight with a bit of seriousness. He gets up from his seat, casually walks towards Seith and then suddenly removes his head, putting it down like a ball, throws it up in the air and the gives it a good kick.

With that head flying about the area, it's aimed to go from heartless to heartless before heading towards Seith, like some game of pinball with his own head. Once there it should, if executed correctly, headbutt Seith before it rolls back to the ground to kind of stare at Seith, he's still grinning of course. The headless body walks onwards.
Seith has posed:
Seith grins as Reize gives the correct answer. "Correct, child of light. They are attracted by the Light in peoples' hearts! And that is why you, someone with so much light - are a beacon to them!" He starts to laugh in fact, when Reize makes to use his pendant against him. Of course, right now, Seith has no strong wishes. And for that very reason, is why the Pendant seems so effective upon him! The flames throw themselves against Seith, and envelop him within a pillar of bright fire for a moment, before they are put out! Kaydin's attempt to strike him is then caught suddenly...

Caught by a staff which he grabbed from his back - swinging it down and meeting his sword half-way. "How rude! Students attacking their teacher! And here I was teaching you all useful information, if you are to fight your enemies... well, except for you I guess." That last part is aimed towards Kaydin. "You reek of darkness." He then pushes Kaydin away and follows this up with a pulse of antigravity - and then shifts his head to the right and lets Cheshire's head bop against the blackboard. The Heartless he aimed to hit all have diven into the ground.

"You do realize that you are all being the aggressors here, don't you?" He then points out. "No matter."

The man then throws his both hands out, releasing a massive pulse of purple light - trying to capture their ability to hold onto gravity, before he throws himself into the air with his staff... which suddenly forms two scythes - one on each end, facing opposite ways. "Face Punishment! YOU ALL... GET AN F!" With a massive set of strokes, the man cuts a visible 'F' in mid-air, bright light enveloping those strokes... before suddenly it starts 'sucking' things in. The chairs, the walls, the people! Trying to pull them into its folds and crush them amidst the tornado of stuff -- before he comes straight down again, trying to cut them all with his scythe and force them all to the ground once more...

The illussion has disappated, they are now amidst the church again. Yet the barriers around all of its exits hold.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin is sent into the air and when the attack comes. He hurls his sword into the floor and pulls himself down with the chain. He shakes his head before groanin as he rewraps the chain about his arm before sighing as he remembers something. "I am afraid I have to change my position..." He says as he makes the sword glow and he swings the sword twice, groaning as he sends a large blast of dark energy for Reize and the man in the striped outfit.
Cheshire Cat has posed:
That didn't go quite as well as hoped, the winds ruffled both the head and the body around, and once they were back in the church he casually picks up his head and puts it back. "Tricks." He takes his steps back, dancing on the chairs as he hums a tune, "Are they really just for kids?" It seems to be a rhetorical question, as he starts to fade.

Once he's faded, he is clearly still there, and soon enough he reappears, just in a different location and ready to join the next part of the fight. "Don't just stand there." Who he's talking to is not immediately clear, his eyes staring at Kaydin as the shadows come for Felix, he's thrown back but far from down yet.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
The Child of Light... That is what he is called. The boy is considered the child of light in some ways. Nevertheless, Reize may be a beacon, but he is also a very wrathful beacon. The look on Riku's face... That pain that the boy fet. His eyes narrow as the flames throw themself at the sorcerer.

As quick as the flames are snuffed out, the boy is sprinting towards the sorcerer. One side, it is Kaydin, that dark knight. On the other side, it is that grinning, strangely clothed man. Without a head.

...Wait, what? WHERE DID HIS HEAD GO?!

Reize's eyes fell ont the headless individual and then he head bouncing about.

By that time, Reize turned around to see that Seith has taken into the air. He shifts his fighting stance, the burst of energy washes over him as he takes a hop back, and then he bursts throughthe tornado of objects with both boomerangs out.

At least, that is before the large blast of energy flings his way. Reize turns his head over. ...!!!!

> Reize Seatlan has been betrayed!

The darkness washes over Reize, the boy is flung against the wall pretty hard with a thud. "Nggghh..." He winces. The boy looks at Kaydin with a baleful glare as his vision comes to light.

Then, his eyes shift towards Seith!

Growling, the boy takes the more aggressive stance and charges his way. He quickly throws his boomerang out to strike towards Seith, the weapon striking the wall. Then it bounces off for the next wall. Then the floor. Then the ceiling. As the bomerang bounces off of each spot, they move around faster. The boomerang goes everywhere, seeking to nail an confuse the man.

Then, Reize lanches up in the air, spinning around to swing his heel towards Seith's head. "KIYA!!!"
Seith has posed:
The elf watches in glee when Kaydin realizes that he is playing the wrong cards in attacking him. He'd noticed the earlier hesitation when he'd brought up that he is a Shadow Lord. "You must have understood - the only way to save this world is to eradicate light! The heartless will not hunt the dark."

Seith, having landed, expands his awareness and follows the boomerang; his sensitive elven ears twitching to follow it even as he looks at Reize. "Poor boy. Come on! Show me your light!" The man calls out, singling Reize out for some reason at the moment, and then moves his hand back... and catches the boomerang.

Casually, he brings it into his sight and tilts his head a little. "What a childish toy you use as a weapon. Yet, I guess that is part of why you are as filled with light. It's the children's innocense. Don't let it be corrupted by growing up... or /cooties/." His eyes turn to a squint, before he infuses the boomerang with darkness and throws is back to Reize. "Catch this!"

Then, to Kaydin; "Leave the boy to me."
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin sighs as the elf speaks. He then raises his black sword at the elf. "No. You are woefully wrong and if you werent a shadow lord, nothing would bring me greater pleasure then to wipe you out of existance. Unfortunatly, Baron is allied with your faction and if I attack you, I may as well be attacking my home. So dont take my helping you as something I enjoy." He says as he then turns to the others and raises his sword. He then moves in to charge after Felix, sending his black sword to slash at the striped suited man with quick blurred strikes.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
And the boomerang is caught. Reize's eyes widen at the sight of the weapon beheld with relative ease. He mentally winces as the man managed to get a hold of his weapon. Goodness.

"Oi!" Reize tightens his fists as they are brought together. As for Kaydin, Reize snaps towards him, "Do you even know who you are fighting for?! Do you even know who is Baron fighting for? What purpose is Baron fighting for?! Can you tell me that?! Or does Baron flip-flop on their decisions?!"

And that is when Seith speaks to him again.

The darkness-infused boomerang comes his way.

"ACK! COOTIES!" Quick on the panic-side, Reize immediately springs off of the ground. He explosion from the darkness sends him propelling higher into the sky. When Reize makes his way higher, the boy is seeking to make his way towards Seith. Time for the offensive!


Upon his flight, Reize swings his foot out to strike Seith against the head with one strike. Then he spins around to release his foot out to smack against him again for the second strike. Last but not least, Reize spins his body around to shoot himself towards the ground and to keep Seith on the ground. "SKY RAIDER!"
Cheshire Cat has posed:
Just as kaydin strikes, the part where he strikes unravels into loops of purple stripes, the pink in between leaving a gap. The loops themselves slightly restrict kiding for a moment before they reinstate normally, "You know, this has reminded me." He says, walking along as though nothing is going on, but all the while lights and colors surround the area, a distracting set of illusions that could be doing anything.

Reize is mysteriously left ouf of that particular equation, "Did you know that everyone is mad." He keeps his walking, seemingly without a care in the world, but that stare. That stare. One eye towards Seith, the other at Kaydin
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin tries to bring his sword to defend the colors and lights but he is unable, feeling his armor weaken against the flames before he finally erupts in a blast of darkness, causing everything to blacken. The darkness builds along the blackened blade and black lightning surges about it as he raises his sword. As he brings it down, the darkness erupts from the blade in a massive blast of black energy to try and overpower those present. "Darkness Take you." He mutters as the dark blast threattens to consume everything.
Seith has posed:
"Hah! You help me just because you are within a group that happens to help us? How /weak/. Stop fooling yourself, /boy/." Seith calls out to Kaydin, and then goes into a maniacal laughter like a good villain. The man then brings his double-Scythe up and blocks his kick and pushes him to the ground, and then deflects the second strike with relative ease once more...

Then Cheshire suddenly starts speaking - and he notices that unsettling gaze. The man just grins, even though part of him feels 'weird' thank to Cheshire. "Yes, but did you know that the people who believe themselves the most insane - are oft the most sane ones?"

The man then suddenly grabs at Reize, trying to grab him by the collar of his clothing, and raise him to the air. He's just about to say something when Kaydin's darkness suddenly flares across the area. For a moment, he winces, bowing away. Clearly, darkness hurts this man - quite a bit in fact. And in that moment, the light of Reize's pendant may shine to reflect this light that holds out. There is a Wish in that moment! A weak wish, but a wish non-the-less. But what is that wish?

Seith glares Kaydin's way and throws a hand out, bringing darkness across the area and trying to fling him against a wall in agitation.

The man then turns to Reize once more; "Come on! Show me your light boy! Before your personal darkness catches up with you. And he will not be as forgiving as I!" And in that moment, he tries to slam Reize to the ground and force him into a pool of darkness in the ground - trying to drown' him in darkness...

The only way to escape: shine!
Cheshire Cat has posed:
Things are not looking all that good for Reize and Cheshire, "Some say that. I'm just not all there." It's a simple statement, but somewhere it seems to ring true. However, the bigger problem right now is what's going on with Reize, who seems rather wounded. "Don't lose your head, all is not lost yet." He encourages the boy.

And in doing that, he loses his own head, sitting down on it as though to think, except he's sitting on his head, then he gets up and places a foot on his head, looking at Kaydin and Seith, asking a question, "Can you dance on your head?" It's said entirely seriously, grin still there.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"Hugh!" Reize is caught by the collar. The young boy is lifted before the older man. Suddenly, Kaydin releases a blast that washes their way. Reize's eyes widen as the darkness seeks to tear against him. Before the darkness could easily wound him....

His will manifests and the pendant gives off a brief glow. Magic washes around the boy, deterring the worst of the wave. Part of that wave lingers in Reize, though...

The pendant is shining. He blinks.

"Wh--...." His eyes glance down towards his pendant. Then, his eyes lift up to look at Seith. There was a wish. And then, Riku's words ring back in his head.

~ "Not all wishes should come true." ~


And when he is spoken to, Reize squints, "...My personal darkness...? What do you mea---GHK!" The boy is flung towards the ground and he starts to sink inside of it. Panic sets in as he flails. More of that darkness is seeping inside, trying to ripple and tear into him.


~ "Don't lose your head, all is not lost yet." ~

It is an advice tha has Reize's resolve ignite once more. He struggles, tearing himself out of that pool of darknss. But, when he finally emeres, he looks at the strange man. "...Thanks."

And the strange suited man is sitting on his own head.


He shakes his head, then he looks back towards Kaydin. They have words later.

However, Reize focuses on Seith. "I don't know who you are..." He drop to his fighting stance, both boomerangs held up. "But, you will leave this place!" The boy immediately lunges forward, seeking to close the distance between himself and Seith. As if that is not enough...

Reize whips out a small device from his pouch. It is the hookshot! With a whip of his hands, Reize swings his arm out in an arc. The chain lashes out to release the hook to strike and hook along Seith's metallic armor.

With that to yank him, Reize spins outward to give off several spinning kicks to his head. "HA! HA! YAAAH!"
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin sighs as he begins to shimmer with more dark energy. He then seems to blink out of existance before appearing infront of the strange suited man and brings his sword to try and run him through. "It's over." He says as his sword releases a massive explosion of dark energy, trying to consume just the man dancing on his own head.
Seith has posed:
Seith puts a finger to his lips when Reize asks him about his 'personal darkness'. "Your nemesis of course." He answers. "You will see. One day, you will see. But before then, you must be ready. Ready to face it with all the light in your heart." Again, the pendant shines, this time far more strongly. A powerful wish this - a true wish. But what wish?! What is it that this man wants so badly?

Then those boomerangs come his way. The man flicks his hands and captures them within bubbles of gravity, and then flattens them to the ground. "Stop your foolish struggling. This is not light. Come on! Show it! Don't disappoint me, boy!" Then the hookshot comes out. The man gives it a strange look, only to quickly lunge his staff forwards and meet the tip of the spike with the tip of his weapon, letting it wrap around his tool.

With that, Reize does manage to pull himself out, but the kick is caught. Or rather, a massive blast of darkness attempts to lash him right back to the ground, crackling with violent purple lightning. The man then makes for the air and brings his hand up. "Now!" Above his hand, darkness begins to gather like a ball of dark fire! And he's just about to throw it down in anger... when there's a sound.

It's short. Brief. But it's there. The sound of a... musicbox? A song that might be familiar to Reize. Seith lets out an annoyed sound; "Tssk... she dare interfere?" He grumps, before sending a half-ready ball of darkness down towards Reize.
Cheshire Cat has posed:
"Not yet." Felix answers, letting the attack strike him and countering by kicking his head upwards, letting the head hit Kaydin and then his own head. "You might have noticed that we're not all there." In fact, that's true. It does appear as though Felix and possibly Reize too start to fade a bit, enough that this could cause problems.

"And how do you fight something which isn't?" It's a gentle taunt, mixed with a question, and it's probably only going to piss them off more. Not that he cares THAT much, really. He'll live, but the question is more? Will Reize live, Felix has a vested interest in making that question have a positive answer, apparently.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
A nemesis. Someone who directly opposes him? Who is this person? This individual who is so part of his life. Does he even know him? No. One day. That one day leads to a foreboding feeling.

"How do you---..."

As the hookshot coils aroun, Reize continues his charge through. As Reize swings his foot out, the kick strikes aginst the field of dark energy that lashes him into the groun. "GAH!!!" he boy lands on te earth pretty hard, his body rolling aside.

Wincing, the boy is rolling on his stomach, looking up at Seith. He is looking beaten, bruised, and otherwise nearly destroyed. Though, through the stranger's illusion, Reize's form is slowly startng to lip into the shadows. At least, the fading presence of both Reize and Felix is comforting.

Rolling to his feet, Reize rubs his forehead while he looks up at Seith, "Guh.." That strange, mechanical chime of the music rings in his ear.

It is a strange, nostalgia feeing that the boy gets.

His mind flashes over... Long ago...

~ ...Moth--... ~

Silence passes by. That silence gives the aura to manifest around the boy, then he narrows his eyes at Seith. "...You want it..." The tears swelling up, Reize bites back in his attempt to focus on Seith.

Reize is gone as quickly as he stepped forward, scooping his boomerang back.

The boy appears right behind Seith, swinging the boomeang against his back. Then, Reize's form vanishes and re-appears in front of him with a kick. Next, a flash, Reize again, a spinning roundhouse to the head.

The blur of the speed picks up to where a whirlwind surrounds Seith. Each strikes are coming from different areas and aiming for different parts of the body.

And Reize erupts from the whirlwind, his right hand manifesting the tarot that glows around him. His pendant begins shining. "...THIS IS MY WILL!"

As the tarot is held into the air, it shatters.

The pendant shines as bright as the star.

Within the whirlwind manifests the flames. With the sheer speed from Reize's runabout, the whirlwind catches he flames, turning it into a rising inferno.
Seith has posed:
Seith makes an annoyed sound when Cheshire interferes /again/ with his interactions with Reize. Heroes! They have this annoying tendency to have 'friends'. And there's of course the 'music' which had bothered him. And having Reize confirm that single word - 'mother'...

But still, Reize is finally granted that flame he needs, and that is all he could ever desire from this situation. Seize moves back and grabs his double-ended scythe firmly and gets ready. Here it comes! Seith watches Reize's rapid movements where he can - losing him when he gets behind him and rams his heavy armor with that boomerang. Then a kick to his chest - and even a kick to his head, snapping it slightly to one side.

Yet Seith stands strong within that whirlwind, constantly watching Reize. The boy may notice how he makes small movements, stopping Reize from hitting his most vital places. Yet when the flames come, all he can do at first is wrap his arms before him and wether the storm. The flames rage over his body...

Then, seconds later, the man spins his Scythe in a massive swing and chases away the flame. "NOT ENOUGH!" he calls out. "And to answer your question - one doesn't fight what isn't. For what isn't - needs not be fought." The man then suddenly springs for Cheshire, and brings the massive scythe down towards him, in an attempt to halt his attempts at disrupting his interactions with Reize!
Cheshire Cat has posed:

Seith's attack seems to strike true, it decapitates Cheshire, who then seems to be chuckling a bit making it clear that he evaded by letting it hit just the way he wanted it to. He picks up his head again, kicking it towards Seith in a way that it should bounce back, if that works he punches it at Seith in the same way, this time so it'll curve upwards. Assuming this all succeeds, he jumps, turning upside down and spinning before launching that head at Seith with a final kick, it is the Sublimely Magnificent Head Shot Mark III.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Through it all, Reize, through the awakening of it all..

Reize lands on the ground succesfully. Down on a knee, he lifts his head up, assessing the damage done. Reize knows that he was unable to strike the more vital spots. However, with the burst of his pendant's magic, Reize felt it was strong enough.

Until a forceful swing of the scythe chases away the flames.

...Or not.

Reize frowns, and then his eyes widen when Cheshire is the new target. "Ooiii!" Reize reaches out, "Watch ou--.."

And the head is removed.

...Reize is bout to freak out, until he kicks the head back up again to kick it. Nope. Reize is still freaking out.


Sucking in a beath, Reize charges forward, bringing both boomerangs out. He lunges towards Seith, bringing one of his boomerangs up, and then the other downward.


Next, Reize brings his boomerangs down to hook against Seith's armor to start launching his knees at his out repeatedly. The young martial artist keeps slamming his knee against the armor, seeking to beaten it.

And finally, the boy comes forth with a spinning, mid-air roundhouse. "YAAAHHH!!!"
Seith has posed:
When the head is lopped off, Seith knows better than to expect this to be the end of this Anomaly. He'd seen that head bounce around earlier! He quickly brings his scythe up and blocks the thing when it comes his way the first time, each time perfectly bouncing it back to the body until the last moment - when it chases past his head and leaves a nasty red scar along his cheek. "Tssk... why you..." He hisses, before turning back and seeing Reize there...

He lets him come, taking him full-front with his arms outstretched at first, letting the boy beat against the heavy and painful armor. If he keeps ramming his knee against his armor like that, it's inevitable that the boy will start bleeding! But would that stop Reize?

"That's enough now." He then comments, and another pulse of purple anti-gravity rams through the church, trying to raise Cheshire and Reize again. "Your fate is unescapable! Both of you! This is my last attack for you!" He raises one hand to his chest, clearly hurting, and the cut that Cheshire made is bleeding a little. Yet still, he has enough power for another attack. The ring of purple suddenly retracts from the edges of the room, trying to encircle the two and /bring them together and slam them into one-another/!
Cheshire Cat has posed:
Presumably Felix's body is smashes into Reize, but his head just keeps staring, and staring. And then when the smashes into eachother ends, the headless body just picks up that head and starts hitting Seith with it, it's like a headbutt but more easily targeted. It's also insane, but that's how the cat works, isn't it?

As it ends, he puts his head back and turns to Reize, "I forgot to introduce myself, you may call me Felix Cheshire." He extends a hand towards Reize, and if Reize takes it Cheshire lets go of his own hand. He's not even paying much attention to what Seith is doing, though it hurts a bit. "Give that back when you're done please?" And he heads to sit in a church bench.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
The inevitable happens. Yes, Reize's knees are bleeding from the impact. However, it doesn't stop Reize at all. There are somethings that a martial artist tends to do. Keep punching, kicking. Or Reize's case, kneeing.

The anti-gravity takes the boy and starts to lift him over. "Gaaahhh!" The ring encircles around the boy. Annnnnd..


Reize and Cheshire's body collide toether. Ow. Why. God. Why. Reize collapes in a heap, wincing at the pain. Reize is pretty beaten and worn.
%tHe grimaces, holding his head.

"JERK!" Reize grabs his boomerang and flicks it out towards his head. It arcs and spins, moving towards the forehead.
And... the introductions are given.
"Felix Cheshire..." A hand is extended, "I am Reize. ...Thank you for your help.
Seith has posed:
Cheshire's strike firmly hits Seith in the head, pushing him back while grabbing for his head in anger. "Damn you..." He hisses. This moment gives Reize a moment to spin his boomerang towards his forehead. It slams painfully against his hand, which he rapidly uses to throw a /massive/ ball of darkness at the two of them in order to try and defend himself.

"I will be back for you, Reize. Your light better shine brighter next time!" Seith then calls out, just before retreating by stepping through a Portal of Darkness; and letting the barrier around the Church's exits fall...

How did he know Reize's name!? After all, he'd spoken it just before Cheshire and Reize introduced eachother to one-another.
Cheshire Cat has posed:
Now that Reize holds his hand, it might become clear why Felix didn't care about the introduction part so much. "Maira and Ivo said to say hello." He looks at the altar, grin still there. "So am I getting that hand back?" He turns to look at Reize again, waving the stump at the end of that arm to make it clear just what he wants back.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"..." The young boy lowers his head for a moment. His eyes drift towards Seith. When the massive ball of darkness is launched his way, Reize immediately rolls for it.

His head lowers as he mentions about coming for his light.

"How did he know my name...?"

Blink. Then, he looks at Cheshire, "O--oh..." The attention is snapped back to the man. Reize does walk over to the man with the stump and hands the arm back.

He can't help but remain bewildered by he fact that this guy can lose any limb and remain alive.
Cheshire Cat has posed:
Felix put the limb back on, "Thank you." And then he suddenly realizes something, "It's time!" Time for what? Well, the pink of his suit fades, as do his hands, the purple becoming one elaborate spiral that faded from one hand, like it rolls up and the roll is invisible, once it hits the head the head starts to fade too, last to go is the grin itself, "Tell Maira she looked great when I last met her?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
There is a lot to say about the way that he exited it. It is essentially watching the downward spiral of everything. As the suit faded along with the hands...

The head faded too, except for the grin.

..Then the grin faded as well.

Reize stares.

"Will. ... do."


For a moment, Reize lowers his head. He is left alone for one moment. When he feels that Cheshire was gone..

No one was left to see what Reize would do.

The boy drops to his knees and punching the ground a couple of times, then he slams the fists to the ground.

His eyes become downcast.

"...Was that you...?"