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Latest revision as of 18:14, 5 December 2012

Flowers Before A Trip
Date of Scene: 04 December 2012
Location: Fluorgis - Shard Seekers HQ - Garden
Synopsis: This is just before Reizes for Manhattan. Reize spends his last moments in the garden to relax and reflect. As he prepares to look for Mercade, Sassaral comes in with seeds to plant some flowers. Many things blossom from this encounter...
Cast of Characters: Reize Seatlan, Sassaral

Reize Seatlan has posed:
It's a simple day out at Fluorgis. The sun is shining, but it is getting noticably cooler. While the temperature drops, the weather is still somewhat warm. It was enough for a nice day at the garden.

Reize is sitting alone within the garden, his back resting against the grass while arms splay out. While his eyes lift into the sky. He muses thoughtfully, gazing at the sky. As his eyes reflect upon the blue sky, he thinks about the tranquility that is home.

...However, something disturbs him. Perhaps he should see Mercade soon.
Sassaral has posed:
It seems that out of the entirety of Fluorgis, is is in the gardens that -- as noted prior -- Sassaral feels at home. Comfortable as the dorms happen to be, she elects only to dwell there and sleep as necessary. The dorms are but a room whereas the gardens are larger and home to a buffet of scents. Anyone who asks Sassaral of her ties to the place would be given the earnest answer of: 'They remind me of home.'

Before her little part of Wonderland was destroyed, Sassaral and her people enjoyed a very bountiful land. Sure, there is much to explore in /this/ world.. but it's nowhere near as safe. Not with the Heartless; not with the many different souls who have been lost to them and therefore, serve them.

It seems that both Reize and Sassaral are flirting with memories of home, on this sunny day. The temperature is /just/ right for a small werewolf girl who, naturally, runs 'hot'. Really! With a body temperature that is above norm, Sassaral welcomes a bit of a break in the normally hot climate. So while Reize reclines and dreams, Sassaral prances into the gardens, carrying something wrapped in ruddy fabric in both of her arms. It is rounded.. about the size of a basketball. The ivory folds of her skirts whisper at her shins as she makes her way into the garden...

Sassaral looks around, especially at the flowerbeds.. as if scouting for something. Her arrival is not an inconspicuous one, as she humms to herself in thought. The werewolf looks rather comely today, her hair pulled up into a woven, coiled braid around her forehead.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize cannot help but to turn over to face assaral as she is prancing about the garden, holding onto something wraped in a fabric. When he watches her make her way into the garden, Reize offers her a very bemused smile. When she looks pleased, Reize cannot help but grin her way.

That object wrapped in the fabric is the focus of the boy's attention. As such, Reize is lifting his hand up, "Err... Hey Sassaral!" He leans over to face her, "What is that in your arms?"
Sassaral has posed:
Indeed, she looks pleased! Not only because she is /here/ again but it will... definitely be nice to set this mysterious (!!!) object down and give her arms a rest. Hey, she may have endurance but even Sassaral gets tired of lugging around strange wrapped parcels.. especially from Rabanastre. Sure was a hoot lugging this around on the airship. c.c

But, there has to be good reason. Sassaral is smiling to herself as she finds a tiny flowerbed, unused and ready to be claimed. It is in this state that Reize shall spot her, and the boy is quick to call out to her from his reclined position! Sassaral, kneeling before the flowerbed with the wrapped object settled in front of her knees, turns on a heel to take note of the boy.

"Ah..! Hello, Reize!" She calls out, poised near the dirt in her secondhand peasantry dress. The cream-colored tip of her tail sways to and fro between her ankles. "I found a nice plant that I'd like to transplant here.." She says, beaming.. but pauses immediately. "I mean, if that's ok... I don't want to impose... it won't cause trouble, I promise." Sassaral insists... should she have asked first?!

The girl watches Reize from her chosen flowerbed, and she can't help but blush a bit as he regards her -- and her parcel -- from but a short distance away.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Once she claims her flowerbed, Reize tilts his head over towards the young lady. A smile is directed her way when she mentions about the plant, Reize blinks for a few moments.

A smile grows.

"I do not see any problem with that." He shuts his eyes, "...Everyone is able to contribute as much as they want to the place." He leans his back against the grass, turning to face her with a smile. "...If you find a good spot to plant it, plant it there. I am certain that the others will love it."

A smile grows, "I am glad that you are finding a home here, Sassaral."
Sassaral has posed:
Whew... okay, so she's cool. It's okay to unveil the plant that she hauled home and even better, integrate it into the garden! Sassaral had been impulsive in the acquisition of said plant and thankfully, Reize is quick to reassure her. To make even a tiny bit of this garden her own... the werewolf practically glows with happiness. Following Reize's kind proclamation Sassaral tilts her head down a bit, golden eyes flitting over the parcel as she pinches a corner of the fabric with a thumb. Carefully, gingerly.. she begins to pull it away.

"Thanks.. I just wanted to be sure. I love the color of this," The girl says in her chipper way. Without even being able to help it much, her tail adopts full swaying movement as opposed to the shy little flicks from moments prior. Pulling away the bag, a spray of tiny bluish-purple blooms are revealed, nestled cozily into a terra cotta pot. Their fragrance is delicate and sweet, but it's the color that is catching. (OOC: Basically.. 'forget-me-not' flowers.)

"These look almost exactly like the flowers that my sister loved. I couldn't pass them up." Sassaral chimes, reaching forth to tap the dirt to check how firmly packed it is. "I'm... really happy to be here. I feel as if I belong, though I have to get to know some of the others better.." Sassaral gazes shyly at the tiny flowers.

"What are you up to, Reize? W--would you like to help me plant these?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
As Reize watches the chipperness in Sassaral rises, the boy cannot help but to sloly get up from his seat. When she reveals the blooms, Reize offes a smile to her. "...Those are wonderful."

So, aside from helping Lily with planting flowers, he should help Sassaral as well. When she starts to approach her, he looks over at her tapping the dirt and then he kneels down next to her.

"Yeah. I'd love to help." Then, he reaches over to her hair to gently pet her. "So, tell me about your sister..."
Sassaral has posed:
It's always nice to have company and Sassaral, having formed a good rapport with Reize last time they met, welcomes the boy's presence. When he rises to move over to her, Sassaral shifts just a bit so that he may join her comfortably at the flower bed. The one that she has chosen isn't really all that big at all... but a basic wooden box, filled with soil that is still rather fertile but in need of water. And life. Sassaral leans forth to give the air above the flowerbed the barest sniff. Noting something, her smile reaches her eyes: this is healthy soil. Excellent.

"Thank you. There were so many at the market, but I picked these.. I couldn't leave them behind. If you don't mind, I'll need help breaking up the dirt.." The werewolf explains, reaching around behind the box and pulling over a small leather satchel. A hand trowel is produced, and she is about to turn to hand it to Reize until--

.. why, the boy has reached forth to touch her! Very gently petting the dark reddish brown hair upon her head. Sassaral blinks once, twice.. blushing at the contact and not shying away. "Ah, well.." She rests the trowel in her lap briefly.

"My sister was a good person... she saved my life. She gave her own for me to live, so I have to do well by her.. her name was Saiishuke." Sassaral says shyly, a flicker of sadness crossing her features but her smile remaining. "She sang a lot.. she had a beautiful voice."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Once Sassaral finds that healthy soil, Reize is offering her that pateral smile. When she looks over towards the girl's wishes. So, she needs help with that. The boy takes the trowel, and he smiles towards her reaction.
Just as her cheeks are flushing, so are his. The boy turns his head to begin digging along the dirt. He gives a bemused look as he keeps digging with the trowel. Listening to her tale, Reize blinks. "...Saiishuke." But, when he can see te sadness on her face, a hand rests over to her shoulder.
"Are you able to sing?"
Sassaral has posed:
Having drifted into a reverie, briefly, about her doomed sister.. Sassaral returns to the present rather ruefully, having not meant to drift off like that. It's easy enough to do, however, at the mere mention of the sinuous red-headed girl who sacrificed herself for Sassaral. It happened so recently; to Sassaral, it /feels/ recent. Had it only been just over a month since she was with her family? Longer..? Shorter? The werewolf lost complete track of time when she wandered alone, sick and wasted.

Reize takes to the earth with the trowel and Sassaral surveys the digging of the hole. Taking up a smaller digging tool she begins seeing to the potted plant, preparing the blossoms to be transfered over.. ideally as quickly as possible. Rustling the tiny blue flowers, Sassaral pauses to take in their scent. "Sing...? Ah... no, not me... not very well, I'm afraid." She admits, without embarrassment. "I used to dance a lot, though.. she and I were quite a pair. But she had the voice.. I was just her very avid audience." Sassaral admits with a fond smile, glancing sideward at Reize's red-faced, kind look and quickly looking back to the flowerbed.

"I'm gonna plant these for my sister, then. I think it would be a nice memorial, don't you?" She asks, and smiles in approval. "Looks good. It's like this box is meant for these flowers..."

Resuming her preparatory work, the werewolf asks the boy at her side another question. "What were you up to, anyway? Resting? Have you anything planned for today? I hope I didn't take you from it.."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
A grin, "Well then," Reize is considering those words, "We'll have to see you dance, then. Lily is able to sing!" The boy brightens happily, his eyes lifting towards her. There is that smile when his eyes make contact with Sassaral's own eyes.

A memorial. Reize shuts his eyes, "..Yeah. It would make a nice memorial." The boy looks over towards the hole after it's been dug. Then, he looks over to her when she asks him a question of his pans.

"A bit." Reize onsiders, "I was just relaxing, but I was going to Manhattan to see a friend of mine. Mercade's a detective and he's helped me plenty of times. I was going to see if he was able to help me out with a case, or if there was a case that he needed help with."

Meanwhile, as for that bag, Reize looks over towards the contents, then he lean over to reach over to it. However, he leans in far too close. "Whoa!" He stumbles over to likely fall on Sassaral and likely accidentally pinning her.
Sassaral has posed:
To dance again...? Sassaral blushes again, but does not see fit to deny this suggestion. She used to love dancing... why would she get all coy and sheepish about it now? If anything, to do so again.. though, she would firstly have to come to know this 'Lily' a bit more first. In time.. in time. Unbeknownst to Sassy, Reize helped Lily on one other occasion with planting flowers! Thing is, to come to know of this wouldn't bother the werewolf in the least... there's something so nice about the communal tending of this garden.

Meeting Reize's eyes once again at the mention of a singer in residence, Sassaral manages a silly little smile and looks down, preparing to dig her fingers into the pot so that she may gently, oh so gently, pull the blossoms with their delicate root system out of the small container. She doesn't get that far, however; fingertips only graze the dirt as she pauses to lend an ear to Reize's plans. "Manhattan...? What's Manhattan?" She begins to ask, curiousity and concern going hand-in-hand as she watches Reize move to collect the bag----

.. and in true Reize fashion, the poor boy fumbles and catches against Sassaral's form! In a flurry of fabric, both boy and girl tumble off to the side (mercifully missing the plant) and beneath and overhanging spray of greenery.... 'lo and behold, they're down!

"Oof!" Sassaral exhales sharply as her breath is knocked out, head bouncing harmlessly into the foliage and as fates would have it, the force knocks the loosely coiled hair from around her forehead and sends the dark locks splaying into the dirt! My oh my Ms. Wolf, how tousled you look...! As the stars dissipate from her eyes, Sassaral finds herself looking /right/ up at Reize.. nose-to-nose! Pinned..!

"A--ah... hah... hn.." Sassaral exhales. Blush.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
This is one of those moments where being Reize is essentially hazardous. Given the fact that the poor boy had managed to collapse pretty hard, well... Reize is thankfuly against the gil. Well, somewhat thankfully.

As the boy groans a bit, the young man grimaces when he lifts his head up. At least, only for Reize to find himself pinning Sassaral down. It is perhaps te most awkward position to be in. Given the fact that her form is pressed up aganst his, the hands are resting on the grass.

With his face so close to he own, the two are staring at each other for one brief moment. There is something about the scent of the wolf. At least, it is the same draw that he had with Lily, Lenn, and Shiki.

He is a good boy. But as such, he is human. There is the allure in the wolf as well. And he can already feel his heart racing. Given that his mind moves on his instict and rashness.

He does that rash thing.

Their faces are close, and the boy's lips move. They softly touch Sassaral's lips.
Sassaral has posed:
Having carried a planter full of flowers for the better part of the morning, Sassaral bears some measure of that perfume. However, there is always that underlying natural scent... and though she may be a beast at heart, she's still a lady~! However, all sentient beings bear some manner of 'base' scent and perhaps this is what goads Reize into doing what he does. Or, will do in just a few minutes.

From the girl's point of view, she isn't overly hard to pin. But to rest upon any measure of her forearms or legs one might become aware of the small corded muscles that her body wields. Everything, however slim, is a taut wire... concealing an unknown strength. However, all Reize may see and feel beneath him is a petite girl in an oversized dress, her skin hot beneath the fabric. Golden eyes are wide due to surprise; her mouth is open in a small 'o' from which a stream of apologies will no doubt spew if she is left to her own devices.

At this moment a thin slash of sunlight bisects Sassaral's face, setting her eyes to blazing. Her nostrils flare once as she tests Reize's scent.. she will no doubt know it well from hereon. But this touch, here... this is wolf territory and Sassaral, a good little omega, knows better than to react unfavorably.

"Are you okay?" She asks in a warbly, nervous little voice as she rests supine beneath the young adventurer, heart pounding. She is about to roll over to help Reize up, but then.... well, human nature wins out! Reize grazes Sassaral's lips with the barest kiss and the girl's breath hitches in surprise. But...

.. she does not throw him off or shove him away. Only a slight craning of her neck, and the werewolf returns the gesture out of pure canid affection. Her tail twitches once, twice; sways slowly in the grass. Sassaral has always been a being of affection.