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Seifer Almasy
Age 18
Species Tool
Sex Male
Height 6'2 (188cm)
Weight Who Cares
Series Final Fantasy VIII
Combat Styles Knight
Hometown Edea's Orphanage
Group Galbadia
Occupation/Job Knight of the Sorceress Edea
Force: Forces of Ruin
"The way I see it, as long as you come out of the battle alive, you're one step closer to your dream."
Recent Events
The weak should kneel before the strong, and in their shadow,m be protected.


Seifer Almasy was once a SeeD cadet in Balamb garden, he showed great promise and talent. Hailed as one of the finest fighters that the Garden had ever produced, Seifer seemed destined for great things... If only he could have gotten over his greatest stumbling block: himself. Time and time again he took the SeeD exam and time and time again, he failed. Arrogant and pig-headed, Seifer Almasy could never suffer the weight of being under someone else's authority and loused things up one way or another time and time again. It all seemed to come to a head one day when Seifer took President Deling hostage in a attempt to save his comrades. This was thought to have cost him his life. Far too much of a pain to die so easily, Seifer Almasy reappeared once more, this time at the right hand of the Sorceress Edea. Fulfilling a long held, romantic, childhood dream, Seifer Almasy now serves as the Knight of the Sorceress. With the coming of the Heartless, Seifer now seeks to rally the nation of Galbadia behind the Sorceress and bring other, fragmented nations together under his mistress' banner to form a unified force that can defeat them once and for all.


"One of these days I'm gonna tell ya 'bout my ROMANTIC dream!"

The least important fact that one should know about the young man known as Seifer Almasy is that he is a orphan. Maybe it was because his parents were lost in the war, maybe they just left him on the doorstep of the orphanage. He doesn't really know. To say that he doesn't care isn't entirely true. It was long ago however... and those memories are growing increasingly distant. Vaguely he recalls a orphanage by the sea, other children, and a kind woman that cared for them all. This is where he grew up, he's pretty sure it's where he met Fujin and Raijin as well. Nowadays he can't entirely remember.

Most things from that time period are fuzzy. All of it save for one day when he saw some shoddy movie, A knight and a sorceress, a man that would stand against the entire world for one woman. It took hold of him in a way that lasts to this day. It's what he wanted to be. A sorceress' knight.

From here he moved onto the Garden. Driven by his dream, he trained, studied, and fought as hard as anyone they had ever seen, even mastering a new weapon, the Gunblade... Perhaps a weapon that is more cool then strictly functional, never the less, Seifer Almasy makes it work! He made quite the name for himself in the Garden when he was there, everyone knew better then to cross Seifer Almasy or his two compatriots in the disicplinary squad, Fujin and Raijin. Though not sanctioned by the faculty, he took it upon himself to crack down on trouble-makers, slackers, wimps, and various other undesirables within the garden. His own brand of justice.

In this time he met the man that he himself would designate as his one rival in the entire world, Squall. For a man named after a storm, Squall is infuriatingly calm. Seifer could see the strength in him though. They butted heads time and time again, in training both were a even match for the other. Physically neither could gain the advantage. This drove Seifer to seek out a edge. He added magic to his already fearsome list of skills. Not the easiest task seeing as he had never bonded with a guardian force.

Indeed there was little that could hold Seifer back when he set his mind to things. His arrogence and bravado backed up with amazing strength and skill. He had the makings of one of the best SeeD operatives that have ever come from the garden. If only he could get over the one thing that time and time again held him back: Himself. Seifer tried to graduate into the ranks of SeeD many times, but each time he failed his test for various reasons. He rankles under orders, doesn't play well with others, and often flies off the handle. These might be acceptable traits for a lone hero, but Seifer was not a hero, he was supposed to be a SeeD a highly trained, highly disciplined soldier. Time and time again he tried, time and time again he failed, watching his fellow students move ahead of him.

Finally came the time when he would go through the exam as the commander of not only his long-time rival but a little, chicken-shit trouble maker that had long since been a annoyance. These two people drove him to his very best. Right from the moment he stepped on the beach, he was off like a shot, making them trail in his wake as they clashed with Galbadian soldiers, their SeeD training making short work of them until, at last there seemed to be none left. All was according to orders until they reached their destination... a little square with nothing but a lone mutt.

It went down hill from there. A enemy platoon pushed past and made a break for a communication's tower. Seifer made the call to go after them. It lead to a grande fight. The kind he had expected. Soldiers fled rather then be cut down by the man in the grey coat. It came to a dramatic finale when they were chased down the hill and through the town by a massive, unstoppable, spider-like machine. Everything came to a grand finish on the beach, the machine bearing down on Squall when one of their instructors appeared at the trigger of a heavy machine gun.

All in all it was one of the most exciting exams he had ever taken! It's... just too bad that he didn't pass. Squall did, however. And that, that made him a little proud.

With the path of a SeeD seemingly closed to him, Seifer soon found himself on a path that had always been his dream. Approached by Edea, the world's Sorceress, Seifer pledged himself to her service, furthering his 'Romantic Dream'

He owes much of his skills to the Garden, taught by their instructors and sharpening his skills on the monsters that inhabited the Training Grounds, even going so far as to clash with the T-Rexaur a time or two. By far, it was Squall that helped him the most. Keeping in step with him drove Seifer to become a ever more skilled Gunblader and even a partial mage.

Now with the coming of the Heartless and the fragmentation of his world, Seifer Almasy finds himself met with so many strange, unknowns. Still, he stands strong beside his sorceress, intent on forging the worthless nation of Galbadia and it's pathetic troops into something that can stand against these dark tides, into something that can gather the disparate fragments that are scattered throughout the void together into a force that can defeat these horrors... For now, he is ignorant of his mistress' workings within the darkness... as well as the darkness that is coiling around his heart even now,


Once he joined Edea she took him under her wing, suffering through the process of teaching him the darker arts. Where dabbling in the dark side will take the young knight, none really know.His change of alliance has cast a starkly unpleasant light on his former friends. While in the garden he did little to endear himself to his fellow students beyond Raijin and Fujin. Indeed, even the faculty was not immune to his somewhat barbed personality, even going so far as to call Instructor Quistis mediocre. A remark that was no doubt made to sting more by her demotion from the faculty that very night. Now however, these people are not just thorns, or annoyances, but fully fledged enemies and threats against his charge. It should be more unsettling to have to turn your sword against those you had lived with day in and day out... but Seifer's devotion to his dream, and perhaps a little meddling from Edea has ensured that he remains steadfast in his duties of a sorceress' knight.

He likes his own way in things, rankling under orders and often disobeying them or ignoring them in favor of excitement or just his own personal whims. To say this is a lack of discipline is untrue however. Seifer possesses discipline but it is a self-discipline, he follows his own rules. Perhaps because he feels he is above any that someone else would try to enforce upon him, perhaps not. Despite his own disregard for rules in general he feels he has the right to enforce them on others, bossing or even bullying those he can with the help of his two closest compatriots, Raijin and Fujin.

From this, it is easy to guess at his various dislikes. Boredom is perhaps his greatest enemy of all. It's dull weight urging him to shirk duty and ignore orders in the hopes of finding something exciting, thrilling, or challenging. This is likely why he never became a SeeD. Those achingly dull moments when action seemed to be everywhere he wasn't. He often regrets it later... In fact it likely lead to one of the most crushing moments of his life, being told that a person like him could never become a SeeD... Another pet peeve, being told what he can or cannot do, being looked down upon for any reason.

Motivations, dreams? So many people chase these their entire lives and manage to only get just a taste of it. Here though, now, he lives it. His grand, romantic dream that has driven him for as long as he can remember. That burning desire that pushed him time and time again through so many stumbles and failures. It is here, it is now. It is the present. Each passing second he is within it. He is a knight to one of the most powerful women in existence. He is there, beside her, safeguarding her from harm. He could never have dreamed that it would happen so soon... and now that he has it, he will do everything within his power to see it through to the end of his days. He is her sword and shield against all that would seek to do her harm, and he will not hesitate to cut down her enemies. This is his driving desire among all other things.

Here you find his strength. His unwavering determination. Many SeeD hopefuls would have given up after the first, or second failed exam. Taken the hint as it were. Seifer tried time and time again however. He could not be stopped, would not be held back. If the fault was in his weakness, he would grow stronger. Time and time again he flung himself into the battlefield. Time and time again he failed. Each time his efforts were redoubled until they saw fit to make him captain of his squad. Each time he sought to improve himself.

Each time he failed... and had he stayed the course, he would have likely continued to fail until he was no longer eligible. Each time the greatest thing holding him back was always himself. He could blame his squadmates, his instructors, or whoever else, but each and every time the fault was solely with him. His attitude, his inability to take and adhere to orders. His brazen disregard for the seriousness of the situation. For the lack of just a little humility, Seifer continued to fail. With even a shred of it he might have become one of the greatest SeeDs ever to come out of Balamb, one of the legendary heroes to stride out into the chaos of the world and force it, if even for just a while, to be made calm. That is another man, a man that does not suffer Seifer's extreme arrogance.






Name Thoughts


Name Thoughts


Party Crashers December 23rd, 2012 A group of Manhattan refugees flee to Deling City, but it seems a heartless has followed them and now lurks in the sewers below. Anxious of drawing its ire, the refugees are hesitant to celebrate an upcoming birthday party, and so they hire some mercenaries to deal with the problem!
Road of Memories December 17th, 2012 Rinoa takes a wrong turn and ends up lost. She runs into Seifer, who leads her back to safety. Along the way she reminisces about their past..
Old Timmy's Well: Card Crawl December 2nd, 2012 A dastardly pirate dungeon full of plots and plans down an ancient well where a master card shark met his end. Where has all the rum gone? Here, apparently.
Synthesis Crystal Convoy November 25th, 2012 A convoy heading from Goug to Junon is looking for able warriors to guard it from danger as it transfers a rare item collected from the Heartless called a 'lucid crystal'. The route passes through the Chocobo plains to the Spooky Targ Woods and across the Mythril Mine marshlands. Join the wagon trail and keep danger off their backs (or out from underneath their feet)
Reunion? November 22nd, 2012 After being accosted by heartless in a dark and lonely alleyway, Rinoa is rescued and then reunited with Seifer. But he doesn't seem as happy to see her..