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Revision as of 06:25, 16 December 2012

Date of Cutscene: 05 December 2012
Location: Various
Synopsis: Another curious journey.
Cast of Characters: Shiki Misaki

Following a missive from the Game Master Sho Minamimoto, Shiki Misaki was issued her first mission outside of the confines of Shibuya. What would seem on paper to be just a simple request turned into a dangerous cross-country journey for the young woman. This is her story.

5th December Don't know what's worse, fact that I have to go all the way to Goug or that I'm having to do it alone. Couldn't justify grabbing anyone. Ugh, everyone's going to think I took off after the thing with Priel. Least I'm safe from her here. Managed to make good time, too; been in this desert so many times I can navigate it pretty well solo now. Still wish I had a friend here. Got all the way through to the Dalmascan desert in one day, although not without incident. Remember I said I could see those skeletons moving when we came here the first time, diary? I was right. Some of them came to life. Funnily enough that Wild Saurian Reize screwed around with was rampaging through the area and smashed them all up. Still almost died, though. Did I mention I would really like a friend around? Feel so alone. Would have sucked if I died. Everyone would have got the wrong impression.

6th December Managed to get to Costa del Sol. Weirdest thing, seems like there's a bunch of people here from Phantasia. That place called Manhattan I visited a couple times. Didn't really stop to talk to anyone; too tired from getting through Figaro Desert. Saw that huge thing with the swords again, getting in a fight with this huge bunch of yellow tentacles. STAYED AWAY AGAIN. The desert's a pretty uneventful place once you know how to get through it. Good thing I had some antidotes in my bag: didn't have time to bother with taking down a ton of monsters so I had a bunch of them. You're good at this adventurer thing, Misaki. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, especially if they've got a dragon tail. Don't think this is the time I have to stand on my own just yet, but it's good practice for it. Still wish I had a partner, though. Gonna travel on the boat overnight.

7th December I can see that Midgar Zolom roaming around from my tent. Jerk. Junon's doing better since the last time I saw them; they managed to get some live-in adventurers who are hanging around for a while and helping to shore the place up against Heartless attacks. Good thing since the Shinra's certainly not helping 'em. Managed to learn a little bit more about them, turns out plushie guy probably works for them. What a bummer. He didn't seem all that harmful but gonna give him a piece of my mind next time I see him. Mythril Mines are pretty much same old. Froze some Flans. Starting to run out of room in my bag for all the little potions and stuff I pick up. Gave some of them to this guy who was hanging around outside. Said he was from Manhattan, too. Starting to wonder where all these people from Manhattan are coming from...

8th December

Ugh, going through Targ Woods made me miss Reize. Jerkfoot. Just remembering when we sat around there and I had nightmares here and he helped me out. He's such a jerk, taking Priel's side whatever. Didn't really take Priel's side. Wonder if he's worried about me. Might be nice You're being selfish again, Shiki. Anyway, helped deal with this big monster called a Chocobo Eater so I'm staying at a chocobo ranch tonight. Managed to make a pact with some guy, worked out really well. Going to try and get to Goug tomorrow, time's running out for my mission timer but I'm just sooooo tired tonight. Can't really go overnight. Probably gonna have missions to deal with when I get there. Frickin' Reapers. Sho's a jerk. 'Go get me a sea salt ice cream from Goug! Oops, you're on another continent? Too bad!' Jerkfoot. 9th December ...saw a bunch more people from Manhattan who came here through the Traverse Town portal. Something's really weird, people talking about Heartless attacks. Managed to meet up with Beat and complete the mission. Beat's doing well, too. He can erase Noise and Heartless rather than Players so he's just wandering around solo. But no idea what's happened to Manhattan. Guess I'm selfish for wanting someone else here with me: if something is happening they should be there, instead. After tonight I guess I'm just going to have to go right back to Fluorgis again. Maybe I'll get a... Realised I could have just gotten an airship to this continent and taken the short way. Ha ha I'm as much of an idiot as Reize is. Reize... Be safe if you're in Manhattan, Reize. Lenn. Faruja. Lily. Ivo. Skoll. Deelel. Riku.