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Stars In The Darkness: Aerith
Date of Scene: 17 December 2012
Location: Traverse Town-Beach
Synopsis: Just after returning from her training trip in Targ Woods, Aerith returns to Goug, only to leave again for fairer shores. She ends up in Traverse Town in a place known as Bodhum. She has no time for the scenery however, for the flower girl has much work to do, and a path she must tread if she wants to aid those lost souls in Manhattan... Based on The Stars That Shine In The Dark. Everyone play along, and give Mickey a path to follow!

(Also part of Aerith's training trip. Said training ends on the Manhattan Counterattack.)
Thanks to: Thanks for letting me take part in this, Mickey!
Cast of Characters: King Mickey, Aerith

Aerith has posed:
The sea lapped against the shore, ringing in her ears and setting a pace for her movements.

The wind rustled her hair, tossing it gently, the bangs getting in her eyes at times. Yet she pays it no mind, her features in a mask of determination and focus. A six foot long white staff, made of what she offhandedly calls spirit wood, whips and whistles through the air as she drills the movements into her body, much like Tifa told her was necessary. The business end of the staff, whichever one is used to strike with, trembles with each successful swing.

Far better than her old weapon, which she found far too short for her tastes.

Aerith whirled her weapon in a figure eight three times before ending the pattern with a forceful downward chop that sent the tip into the sand... which seemed to explode outward upon contact. A far more powerful attack than it was supposed to be, for those observing.
King Mickey has posed:
As the flower girls trains zealously upon the shores of Bodhum by her lonesome, the night appears calm and still, making it a perfect night for training.

As the forceful blow of her staff strikes true, a loud WOOSH! is made as sand ascends freely into the sky from the power caused by the attack, being carried by the wind.

It is at that very moment, a rare sight is beginning to unveil as an emerald star streams across the night's sky. Shining much brighter than the stars around it, the emerald star appears to be descending towards Bodhum Beach. One might think the approaching of a star would attract on-lookers from all over Traverse Town, particularly if it were headed directly for town.

However, no one seems to pay it mind as it fully descends towards the beach. Upon its final approach, the emerald hue of the star appears to have made contact within a nearby cove, not far from Aerith's position.

No sounds of crashing or any forthcoming destruction is made. All that can be heard is the sound of the gentle breeze blowing in the wind.
Aerith has posed:
No one seems to pay it any mind... but her. Aerith looked up at the new presence, eyes narrowed as she tracked its decent to the cove.

Aerith was special. Born different than anyone else on her world. And as the last of her kind, she had an inheritance that no one else seemed to understand, especially her. These days however, she was beginning to search into the depths of what made her... well, her. And because of this searching, she could feel that this was no ordinary star...

This star was guided here for a reason.

It was more than enough to make her stop what she was doing and head over to investigate.
King Mickey has posed:
As Aerith rounds the bend and into the nearby cove, she discovers there to no destruction to be had from the star's fall. Everything remains to be pristine, as nature intended it to be. However, what came of the bright emerald star that descended?

As the flower girl continues her investigation, nothing appears to be out of the ordinary. Could she have been imagining the whole thing?

It certainly would explain the lack of on-lookers though something about that explanation does not seem right. It appears only questions only lead to more and more questions.

What may not be noticed right away is the venue of the cove. The beautiful night's sky is illumated perfectly by the full moon above, giving a perfect view of the entire beach. The splashes of the tide coming up from the ocean provide a soothing environment that is ideal. One can only wonder, was she right that this was her own special star?

A squeaky chuckles breaks the silence from above Aerith, followed by a voice who asks, "It is a beautiful night don't you think?"

A few feet up from Aerith is the form of a small animorphic mouse, who is looking out over the ocean with a serene smile written about his face.
Aerith has posed:
Of course, the flower girl is not surprised when her search turns up empty... in fact, she takes an opportunity to glance around at the scenery. What others may not notice, she does. The moon above, shining directly down onto the sands, the cove's walls serve as an amplifier for the ocean waves, and should she climb up further, she had no doubt she could see the whole length of the beach. She smiled and closed her eyes, resting the butt of the staff onto the ground.

Two seconds before he spoke, she could sense him. Four feet above, radiating calm and confidence. She tried to delve deeper, search further, and what she found made her even more at ease. He had such a pure heart that almost nothing could penetrate its brilliance.

Taking in a breath, she sighed. "Yes, yes it is. Even better that I have someone to share it with." Aerith looked up at the silhouette of... what looked like a mouse, diminutive in size. She tilted her head to the right, curious as to who this was. And that light... she could have sworn she'd sensed it before, during one of the battles in Manhattan...

Her eyes widened as the pieces clicked into place and the gears meshed. "...It's you. You're the one with that light."
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey looks down upon the woman before him, offering her his smile as he replies, "I hear ya there."

From there, The King leaps from the small cliff he was resting on and lands gracefully upon the soft sand below. He looks up towards the young woman, noticing the immediate change in her demeanor, along with her words. This piques his curiosity, particularly as she mentions, 'that light'. Then it dawns upon him as he instinctively brings his hand up to his head to hide the embarassment being shown on his face.

A moment later, Mickey composes himself a little better and then looks back up to reply, "You must be one of the survivors from Manhattan."

The King is not entirely certain to the reason the starlight silhouettes sent him on the journey to meet with the survivors of that fateful battle. However, he is certain that there are others out there, seeking and fighting the darkness like he is. This young woman before him is no exception to that.

With his smile beaming brightly, Mickey offers his hand out to Aerith as he speaks, "Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss. My name is Mickey. Might I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"
Aerith has posed:
Aerith knelt and reached out a hand to take his and shake it. "Aerith. Aerith Gainsborough. And I'm not necessarily a survivor. I'm more like one of the ones that escaped before the portal shut." Her smile turned to a grimace. "We... we couldn't get them all out." Her features didn't change, though her heart twisted at the memory. "No one else could hear them, the screams... but I could. Their hearts... they were all taken at once."
King Mickey has posed:
As a sign of respect, The King shakes Aerith's hand with a firm grip. However, the mouse's ears seem to droop slightly at ths mention of the losses incured towards the end of the battle. The mere thought of the battle makes the wound he received at the hands of LEXUS ache lightly.

The King breaks their embrace and listens to her story intently, providing brief nods of acknowledgement throughout as he waits for her to finish. He sighs heavilly, feeling for both the survivors and those who were lost to the darkness. Returning his gaze to the young flower girl, Mickey continues, "That is an unfortunate loss. I'm certain you and the others above did everything you could to save each and everyone that you could. I know that does not necessarily make it easier. However, we can take light in those who were saved. Those who can rebuilt and are able to live on for those who were lost."

With that, Mickey gently reaches in and rests his hand upon Aerith's shoulder, hoping to provide her with a little reassurance, "At least, that is what I believe. What is it that you believe, Aerith?"
Aerith has posed:
Aerith smiled as he encouraged her. He almost sounded like someone who should be saying these things, who had the right to. But then he asked what she believed... and she sighed. "There's no such thing as coincidence. As long as we live in the same spaces, everything's connected." She looked up. "The moon up there can't shine without the sun, right? And those waves wouldn't be there without the moon. So everyone's hearts are connected... and I felt so many of them wink out all at the same time." She shuddered. "It was a surprise I didn't pass out then and there." She cleared her throat. "What I believe is that in order to really help out, I need to get stronger than I am now."

Aerith stood. "And that is where, I hope, you come in... I've been going around looking for people to train me, or train with me. Either one will do." She held up her staff. "I got this as a present from one of my friends. While I knew how to use it before, it wasn't a very effective technique. So I've been going around, trying to find someone to teach me the right way." She glanced toward the mouse again. "If you're really the one with that light from before, then I think I know why you're here... to help me."
King Mickey has posed:
The intentions of a true king may not always be known though one can always be certain that they will be pure and shall reflect what will be in the best interests of the common good, not themselves.

As Aerith speaks her mind, King Mickey shares no further words until she is finished. Appearing to be quite interested in what her beliefs are, the mouse rests his hands comfortably at his sides and just listens to he speaks.

Like Aerith, The King can sense the light and pureness of heart in others. Aerith is certainly one of the purest hearts he's come across in his travels and through the difficulties she speaks of, he also senses the young woman possesses incredible wisdom. The only thing she appeared to lack in his opinion was confidence.

As Aerith comes to finish her tale, Mickey leans in and takes a look at the staff that she holds in her hand. He senses powerful magics emitting from the spirit wood. He looks up at her for moment and then turns back to the staff, speaking as he does, "So, you believe if you get stronger you can help out others?"

King Mickey stands tall, considering the offer made by the young flower girl as he chooses his words carefully, "To grow stronger can mean many things. Some seek for power, other seek it to protect others. You have told me what you believe but before I can give you an answer to your inquiry, I must ask you this. What is strength to you?"
Aerith has posed:
Aerith smiled. "That's an easy one." She cleared her throat. "Strength is the capacity to stand equal to those that fight with you, not behind them or in front. Because if you're as strong as everyone else, it's natural that others who aren't as strong will follow in your wake." She frowned. "I don't want to be better than anyone else... I want to be better than I used to be. I don't want to be the one that's watched over and guarded."

Because she certainly felt like that these days. Despite her victories, her assistance in recent battles, it wasn't enough... not for her.
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey's eyes widen a little at Aerith's response, as if her words seem to have made an impression on the mouse. He folds his arms comfortably across his chest as he responds, "Well said, Aerith. You understand that underlining aspects of personal strength. One can possess great strength alone though you emphasised the importance of combined strength through unity and working as a team. That is where true strength lies. Everyone posesses their own unique strengths and weaknesses."

"However, what caught me the most from your answer was your desire. You stated that you did not want to be better than anyone else, only that you wanted to improve yourself for you.

"You have humbled me with your words and as a result, I shall grant your request, Miss Gainsborough."

Then, with the flick of his wrist, King Mickey summons his keyblade, Star Seeker and then closes his eyes. He brings one hand before him as he begins to focus, bringing his keyblade forward keeping it inches from the staff that remains held before him. The Keyblade begins to glow with a bright light, which then transfers to the staff in in Aerith's hands.

Mickey opens his eyes and looks to Aerith once more, "Now, I shall train you with what I know."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith's eyes widen as the staff shines with a golden light. A light that she'd never seen before, but one that didn't blind her when she looked at it. She stared at it for a few moments, and the term about the wood that she'd given the staff, spirit wood, was now a very good one. The wood, as she suspected, conducted energy quite easily. She had no idea how easily though, and as she felt the power of the keyblade radiate through the staff, there were no words to describe how it felt.

Her hands tightened on the weapon. No, she wouldn't let herself get too caught up in this. She didn't know how he'd teach her, but... it was all for the good of her friends, and those lost souls. "Let's do it." She glanced toward Mickey with a grin.
King Mickey has posed:
The keyblade's light shines upon the staff and then fades shortly after. Aerith's staff has been embued with the holy energy of the Keyblade though what effects will come from the synthisis?

Only in time will the answer to that question be revealed.

King Mickey matches Aerith's grin as he drops into a lowered stance, bringing Star Seeker behind him, "Alright then! Prepare yourself because here I come!"

The Keyblade Master swiftly approaches Aerith from the front and starts to release a volley of quick strikes intending to keep her on her toes! The flow of the mouse's combat varies slightly, ranging from upper and lower strikes as he continues to press his attack.

Admittedly, The King is gauging Aerith's combat prowness. His eyes do not move from her as the attack continues!
Aerith has posed:
His intent changes quickly, and the moment he announces his attack, she puts herself in a fighting stance. In the space of a heartbeat, he bore down on her, and her eyes widened as she parried his first attack, only for him to flow into another. By the third swing, she was forced to block directly, without room for a counter. The fourth swing came far too close, but provided a window. She blocked, then used her staff as leverage to lift herself upward. By the time the move finished, she was behind him, already turning to deliver an overhand strike to the top of the mouse's head.
King Mickey has posed:
As Aerith easily defends against his light and swift blows, The Keyblade Master cannot help but be a little impressed. However, it is improper for an instructor to show appriciation of their student's efforts until training is complete.

Then his opponent attempts an unsuspecting fleet where the young woman gracefully leaps over his short frame, attempting to get behind him! However, the mouse is no stranger to the arts of war and by keeping his eye on Aerith, he is able to easily determine her tactics. As she moves in for the overhead strike with her staff, Mickey quickly kneels down to provide him a stable foundation before bringing Star Seeker above him to masterfully block the attack, catching the wooden staff upon the shaft of the keyblade!

The two maintain a brief struggle before Mickey twists his wrist, using gravity to slide the staff down to the front half of the keyblade! He bumps the staff slightly causing it to go over in between the teeth of the the keys before attempting to disarm Aerith from her staff!
Aerith has posed:
Aerith grimaced as the struggle began, making her best attempt at forcing the mouse to tire out. Then she realized, a moment too late, he was doing it on purpose, and as he tilted his weapon, she almost slid forward as well. The slight bump was her only saving grace, for she circled her weapon upward and back at that exact moment... and tried to swing the staff into the shaft of the keyblade in an uppercut. Hard.
King Mickey has posed:
Using the momentum provided by his keyblade slide, Aerith gains incredible speed which slams into Star Seeker with such force that its wielder loses grip and sends it flying into the air!

Mickey cannot help but be impressed by that manuever, as very few people have managed to disarm him in such a manner, much less make him him lose Star Seeker.

However, while Aerith is in recovery from her monumental strike, The King wastes no time moving to his next motion. By the time Aerith recovers, Mickey is not standing where he once was! All that can be seen are a pair of tracks that begin to lead behind but suddenly stop mid way! If the mouse is not behind her or in front of her, where could he have gone!?

To the air, of course! The air is where The King feels the most comfortable, twirling about as he descends towards Aerith with Star Seeker once again in hand, coming down with a powerful overhand strike of his own which clashes heavilly into the staff of his opponent!

The clash creates a backlash that shoots out in the form of a shockwave that blasts the pair apart, putting them once again at their starting positions, just on opposite sides.

Star Seeker suddenly vanishes as Mickey moves to a more relaxed pace. He smiles at the young girl, applauding her efforts as he compliments her, "Well done, Aerith. You handle that staff as it were an extension of your own body. After a brief rest are you ready for your real training to begin?"
Aerith has posed:
Not everything could be blocked.

The strike was easy enough to stop. The shockwave however, was what finally did her in. Aerith was knocked to the sand from the sheer force of the keyblade, and three feet away besides. As fast and strong as Pixi, but much shorter in size. Sooner or later, something had to give.

Aerith stood, nothing wrong with her save for a bit of sand to clear off her clothing, and that was easily done. "You mean... that wasn't the real thing?" She had a good heart rate going, her breathing already labored. "Only a test. I get it." She plopped down on the sand, taking in a few deep breaths. "Okay... we'll rest, and then get to work."
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey nods to Aerith in acknowledgement and the pair decide to take a short break before continuing their training, enjoying a few minutes of restful silence. During the interum, Mickey turns to Aerith and says, "I want you to know this is training for me as well as you, Aerith."

The King looks to the sky as he recalls some of the conversation before hand, "You mentioned that strength is the capacity to stand equal to those that fight with you, not behind them or in front. The same could be said for learning. When I agreed to train you, that training is two fold. What you are getting from me, I am equally learning from you in order to make us equivalent"

The King returns his gaze to Aerith, "If you take anything from our training tonight, I encourge you to make it this, as seperate we are strong, together we are an undeniable force."

The Keyblade Master rises from his resting place, dusting off the sand from his clothes as he smiles. He reaches down and offers a hand to Aerith to help her up, "Now then, shall we get back to training?"
Aerith has posed:
Aerith smiled. "You know... I hope we meet again. I really do." She took his hand and stood with his help. She'd have to find out what exactly he did with her staff... but that'd be for later. The training continued in earnest, and as minutes turned to hours, she began to notice a few patterns.

He liked being in the air. A lot. So much so that in order to keep up with him, she had to do a few unique things. She'd already taught herself how to channel her energy into her staff, but to direct it to different parts of her own body wasn't anything she'd really thought about... at least, until now. She couldn't jump nearly as high as the mouse could, so she gave herself a bit of help.

At first, it was awkward. Took too much time, not efficient enough, only a few extra inches of height to her jump. She had to take another rest before they were finished. But by the time it was over, she'd managed to get the balance just right, and could meet him in a significant amount of mid-air sparring.

Second, he was fast. Uncommonly fast. She had to adapt, to make her reaction times faster. Nothing she could conjure up could fix that but just repetition. Fortunately for her, she had plenty of that already, and Mickey provided her with even more. Every strike he threw was defended, then deflected, then countered with more ease.

Sadly the night was coming to a close, and she needed a real, honest rest... but not before saying her goodbyes. "Hey... here's something I want you to have." Aerith handed Mickey one of the phones Xanatos had given her. "This has my number on it, as well as the numbers of two other people I think you'll want to meet. Give me a call if you need anything... or if, you know, you want to keep doing this." With that, she waved farewell and jogged away. She had so little time to get herself ready... but she had to do it before the counterattack took place!