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Latest revision as of 22:19, 3 February 2013

You know I'm not male... right?
Date of Scene: 01 February 2013
Location: Bodhum
Synopsis: Evja goes to the hotsprings to relax and meets up with Rinoa and Tifa - and later a strange fellow who pisses the rabbit off.
Cast of Characters: Evja, Rinoa Heartilly, Tifa Lockhart, Kaydin

Evja has posed:
Despite being a friday night, or rather, 'night', it was actually quite peaceful tonight. There were very few people actually /out/ on the Bodhum Beach. Why? Well, that might be due to the fact that there had been sporadic heartless here and there in the night. Nothing large, just random shadows poking around where they shouldn't be.
As such, of those that were on the beach, there were patrons and brave types, a few security people, and others simply relaxing. One of them happened to be Evja. Much like last time he was here, he wore no armor or proper female 'bathing suit' so much as a simple top meant to leave the back bare and a sarong, similar to what Elementalists use. At the moment, he was laying face-down against the side of a hotspring, back quite bruised from slamming into the ground the other night. Still, it would be hard to miss the tall, floppy-eared Viera.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Aah, so much for a nice relaxing soak in the hot springs. After the last battle with coyotes, Rinoa had returned to the heated pool to enjoy some much needed R&R. She was also hoping to talk a little bit more with Evja if she could. She a curious Viera s/he was. Did they know Pixi? Rinoa was a bit concerned about Pixi's recent absence to tell the truth.

And so she returns, dressed in her cute blue bikini bathing suit with the white wings, moving towards the heated pool. She's about to slip in when she sees the Viera laying face down on the ground. Was he unconscious or something? He sure looked banged up.

"Oh hey..Evja? Is that you? Are you alright?" Angelo is at her side, curiously sniffing the prone Viera.
Evja has posed:
Suddenly... dog. Evja brings a hand up to swat at the dog to shoo it away before he looked and saw it was that dog from the other night, the one with the girl who called him male. "Oh, and what are..." then he heard the voice, turning with a wince and looking up towards Rinoa. "Oh... hello." The tone of his voice changed /just slightly/ when he realized Rinoa was there, putting on the proper 'female voice' again. Not that his natural voice was deep by any means, soft-spoken as he had ever been.
"Yes, it is me. I was attempting to relax my back. Acting so suddenly last night as I did after falling seems to have done a number on it." With a slight wince once more, Evja turned a bit and rolled into the hot spring proper, bringing one arm to rest across the pad-stuffed top. Seems he had actually taken her advice, to a point. It was stuffed and padded a bit more properly, and with the wrap-around nature of it, it couldn't be seen like last time. Still no makeup, even though he still had the thick veil on covering everything from the bridge of his nose down.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Angelo whines as Evja brings up his hand, glancing up at Rinoa questioningly. She just chuckles and pets Angelo, glancing down at the Viera. "Hi, it's me...Rinoa!" when he speaks with a slight change of voice, and boasts some bigger breasts, Rinoa seems quite impressed and she chuckles a bit.

"Ooh, you look and sound different!" she nods and sighs, "Thank you, for protecting us the other night. That was very noble of you." It kinda reminded her of Seifer..Except Seifer was more jerkish. "Are you alright? Is there anything I can do to help? You could do with some salve on those burns.."
Evja has posed:
"It is... I am happy to be useful for at least something. In Jylland, my homeland, I am known as a Clan Judge, an Adjudicator of the Law. I stand by and witness battles fought by an adjudicated clan and reward them if they follow the laws set upon the land, or leave them to their own actions. There... no one in an Adjudicated clan can die from combat so long as I watch over them, and they do not break the laws. Here, however..."
Evja closes his eyes and sighs, "I have no such power. In fact, I can do little other than combat the darkness and intimidate cads. I have a treatment setup tomorrow with a mage who was not within their place of work when I first came by, thank you though. At the moment I am simply trying to stretch my back out. I seem to have pulled several muscles rather badly."
That might explain why he was just a bit curled up, much more comfortable than staying straight. "Did you desire to soak as well? I could pick another pool if this is the one you wished." Even though this small one was large enough for three, or two and a dog, did Angelo care to join.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
"Ooh, a judge, you say? I've met a judge b efore. But he was a lot more intimidating!" She giggles, then stops, realizing that that might come as an insult to the poor bunny. "Oh, I mean..He was pretty stern and kind of scary. But you already showed how very fierce you can be in combat!"

She nods thought as he explains his role in his homeworld. "Hmm, I'm sorry that you dont have as much power here. But at least you beat those heartless coyotes to a pulp." Rinoa sighs, wishing that Seifer or Squall would protect her like that, if they were actually around more often.

"I owe you my life." another nod when he speaks of an appointment. "Alright, but how about we just squeeze into this pool? It doesn't look that large for the two of us. I dont think Angelo cares to get her fur wet!"

Her tone is smooth, slightly bold and just a hint of teasing in it, as if to show, she's not afraid to share a hot spring with a stranger, even if she's not quite sure yet if it's a guy or a girl..
Evja has posed:
Something that most don't know... in fact, really only one person from his previous clan has ever had the chance to find out - the bunny actually has no vested interest in those outside his own species. At least as far as romances and trysts go, so if there was anything to be embarrassed about, Evja certainly showed no real concern about it, given it is not something that came to mind. He simply smiled, offering a nod.
At worst it simply left their l egs bumping against one another were she to stretch out as the Viera was. "And while I am not one to tell someone to not act upon a debt they feel they owe... if you truly feel such, I would rather you pay it to someone else who needs it more than I. While I am not invulnerable, I can mostly take care of myself."
A careful eye would catch him carefully adjusting his top, trying to make /certain/ he looked a bit more presentable. Especially in front of this one, given she'd been so blunt in calling him out before.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
At the very least, Rinoa is assured that the Viera wont try and take advantage of her or anything. She smiles and nods, settling down all comfortably in the hot spring. "Ooh wow this is really nice.." She sighs, relaxing deep under the hot water. "But it smells like sulfur!"

Oh well..

"Oh, it's just a figure of speech!" She chuckles. "I mean, I'm not sure how I could pay you back, except to save your life some time in the future. At any rate..I did have a question for you..Do you know of any other Viera in this world? In particular, I'm looking for one who goes by the name of Pixi.."
Evja has posed:
The remark of sulfur gets a nod. "It is a bit of a pain to get out of my fine fur." Very fine, indeed, it might look like simple skin to one who had not rubbed on a Viera before, "But a good soak in something nice-scented does help. And... yes. Well, no, I only know of one, and it just happens to be her. I met her several days past. I would ask you this - please do not go out of your way to associate other Viera with me, or me with other Viera. I... have reasons to stay separate from my kin, Pixi outstanding due to circumstances I will not elaborate on. Most of all... you mentioned the other day you thought me male. I would lesson you one thing. Male Viera... are extremely rare, to the point some think they do not exist. As such, in the Vieran culture... males are guarded heavily, locked away, not allowed to leave the warrens for their own safety and our kind as well. Most Viera would act to return a male to such protection and even being presumed a male is dangerous, because some are more... strict than others, and would not look first to find out if one is female or not. Such as myself. I have no desire for a conflict with any of my kind, so please keep that in mind for the future. I am aware you did not know, so I am not upset."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart steps up toward the beach of a bit of relaxing time. She closed up the bar for the night, so getting some fresh air is nice. She ended up coming back to the beach, where she got her swimsuit... but she didn't wear it this time. She wasn't going to soak in after all. But she walks along the place, among the people that seem to always be in some kind of festivity around here.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa blinks when he nods affirmative about Pixi. "Oh, you're her friend! Do you know where she is? I haven't seen her in a long time. I was growing worried!" clearly, Rinoa considers Pixi a friend as well, even if she doesn't know her as well as the others.

This talk of male Viera does cause her to frown a bit though, trying to figure that one out. "Oh, that's interesting. Pixi mentionned something about male Viera being more rare than female Viera, but...Wow, I cant believe they would do that to their own kind! That's kinda...Creepy, dont you think?"

Still, she nods, "Alright, I'll keep that in mind.." But hey, who's that, coming towards her? Angelo is already running off, barking at Tifa in greeting, sniffing her for cookies. "Tifa, hey! Over here!" she calls.
Evja has posed:
"Creepy? I, ah..."
The Viera, in fact, looks quite taken aback by this. Not upset, just... unsure how to respond. "I could not say. It is simply our peoples way of life. I am still uncertain as to the whys of you humes painting wearing those unnatural scents, perfumes I believe they are called. Such a taint to the nose. While I do not think that way of life would be for me were I in the situation... I cannot fault the Viera, nor can I say I do not agree with keeping males safe. They are rare, and females alone cannot young make."
Evja has posed:
Evja does look up and towards Tifa, though, blinking. "Ah... what a surprise, I had not expected her to come." He was seated with Rinoa in one of the springs, wearing a tie-around-the-neck bikini top(with a lot of padding, well-hidden) as well as a sarong around his lower half.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart tilts her head as she hears the call, but smiles as she walks over to Rinoa. She remembers the judge from last time as well, she did offer him a drink after taking care of the coyotes. "Hey there, what are you all doing here?" She smiles, leaning down a bit toward her friends as she towers over them, as they sit and she's still standing.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa sighs, "Oh..I suppose if that's their culture, I shouldn't criticize it. But still. It just seems wrong somehow, imprisonning the males so they cant live a free life..And why? Just so they can mate? I dunno.." She sighs again, shaking her head as she tries to imagine what life would be like if there were not enough human males. Ugh, that'd totally suck. But would she be willin to capture men and keep them prisoner? No way, that'd just be wrong!

She glances up as Tifa steps towards them and smiles, "Hi Tifa! We're just enjoying a nice relaxing soak in the hotsprings! Why dont you join us? Plenty of room for another."
Evja has posed:
"We are simply conversing of culture." then back to Rinoa, "I suppose, in the end, it is that simple. However, it is a way of life. And hardly by force. Almost all understand the need of this, amongst our race. Naturally some do not care, and would not go out of their way to enforce it, like me, but... it is something that must be done, until a situation arises when there is a better alotment. I would hope you do not think bad of the Viera for this. I admit my reason for informing you was to avoid any overzealous womenfolk who might try to... detain me first and check later to find out the truth, as I would have to defend myself."
Shifting a bit as he spoke, Evja wound up moving next to Rinoa a bit more, leaving room for Tifa. There was really only room for two and a half leg-wise, but three could fit in simply enough with legs atop legs. Or if they were comfortable enough sharing space, such as laps.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart isn't trying to slide in though, not yet. She smiles "Oh, I'll pass, you guys can relax all you want. I was just getting some fresh air before going to bed. It was a long night at the bar. Nothing serious, but there was two guys that drank a tiny bit too much and thought that creating a makeshift karaoke while playing the piano. The results are in : Not. Good."
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa nods and smiles. "Dont worry! We'll keep you safe! Athough we wont try and..Err..Detain you. That's not how...Most humans, do things." angelo barks in agreement. She glances back at Tifa, waiting for her to join them, but mock pouts when she declines. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that...I am still looking forward to seeing your new bar!" Although she blanches at what Tifa tells her. "Wow..I guess you have to expect the occasional oddball at the bar though, dont you."
Evja has posed:
Evja laughs at that, reaching over to give Rinoa a gentle pat on the shoulder. "I appreciate the offer, though I do not need it. After all, I am not a male silly... just... a very ungifted womanfolk." That came out with a sigh, arm crossing over her fake chest once again, really putting on the show properly.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart grins and nods "Of course, there's always so oddballs there, when you take a few drinks you tend to forget a good part about what we call common sense. Oh well, no harm done at least, I made sure they were sent back to their homes safely."
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa nods. "Right! nothing to worry about for you then." Heh..She wonders if Tifa already knows. But she wont draw attention to it anymore. "Hmm, this feels really good though, dont you think?" she peers curiously at Evja, "so do viera have fur? They look so soft like skin, except for the ears. I wonder if there are any other Viera in this world. I've only seen the two of you so far. Are they really that rare a race?"

She just nods and smiles at Tifa, "You must be exhausted, running between two bars in two different worlds. Sure you wont join us? Water's really good!"
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin has been reclusive and it was now the man decided to leave the forest he been hiding in. Finding new clothes, a new sword to wield and he would approach the beach, black hood hiding his face, and even if the hood didnt, his hair has grown out now beyond what it was before. He was merely passing through till he stopped and a familiar voice was heard. The cloak fluttered about him as he draws it close, turning his direction to head to them now.
Evja has posed:
A Viera and Rinoa were sitting within a hotspring, Tifa standing over them with Rinoa's pet nearby. At the question, Evja smiles, despite his lips not being able to be seen due to the heavy veil over his lower face, "You are welcome to feel if you are curious. It is different for all." He, personally, happens to have just the tiniest layer of fuzz on him. Really fine fine and well-groomed. It tapered off towards the tips of the ears and fingertips(and toes among other places that could not be seen).
"Do you humes not get cold, being so... bare?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles to Evja "Of course we get cold, but right now I'm okay. I won't stay out for long anyway, gonna head back to the bar soon." She looks over as she spots a familiar figure, but cloaked he's harder to recognize like that.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin watches the two and then he begins to walk towards Tifa. "Dont you own a bar in Goug?" He asks, rasping his voice to try and making him unrecognizable. He didnt want people to know who he was just of yet.
Evja has posed:
With Rinoa having to leave so suddenly, and Tifa making it clear she has no interest, Evja takes the chance to stretch out properly. Sadly, though, when he finally manages to stretch out fully, he makes a pained little sound as his back gave a loud crack, a joint that was stiff popping quite painfully. "Ah... mmph, stupid back." then someone speaks, and he looks towards Kaydin as if uncertain, then back to Tifa.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods to Kaydin "Yup, I got a new one opened in Traverse now, you can find it in District 1, the Cloud Nine." She smiles, and looks over to Evja "You okay? Did you hurt your back somehow?"
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin nods as he watches the rabbit thing seems to be having back trouble. "Does Aerith still reside at the one in Goug?" He asks with that rasping voice. His hooded face turns back towards Tifa now, keeping his head down to make the hood cover more of his head.
Evja has posed:
"Well, I did get... mph, *Crack* slammed back-first into the concrete last night when I attempted to deflect that damned shadows attack. I have an appointment with a mage tomorrow, but I was hoping this water would help relax me." He does speak softly, though, voice a good play at feminine
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods "Well a good backrub might help as well, and too bad I don't know any healing magic myself." She hmms, and looks over to the cloaked figure again "Well somewhat, she wanders around alot, like most of us do, but she always has a stopping point at my bar, wether its in Goug or Traverse.
Kaydin has posed:
"I must find her." Kaydin says as he tries to keep his voice hidden. "If you can tell me where she is now, I would be in your debt."
Evja has posed:
Evja remains silent for the time being, now focused on watching the exchange between these two.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart thinks about that "Right now? No idea. She must be looking into something, training or otherwise busy." She shakes her head "Can't you you at the immediate, but you should try to call her maybe. She has a phone, from 'Ma Belle'.
Kaydin has posed:
"I am afraid I do not possess such a device, nor do I have her number to call her. If you may guide me to these things I would appreciate it, Miss Lockhart." He says as he then faces towards Evja. "Another Viera...Are you banished as well?"
Evja has posed:
"I would ask what concern it is of yourself. I do not even know of your name, and yet you ask such a personal question." Pausing a moment, Evja looks to Tifa, "Do you... know this one?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart lifts her shoulders "I'm not sure, he's trying to hide himself, so can't be sure about that. But looks like he knows Aerith anyway. As for the devices, there's a shop in town that should carry them. They are transdimensional devices, so they'll work.
Kaydin has posed:
"What use would be to know my name?" Kaydin asks the Viera as he would look to Tifa. "We do know each other but I rather not be recognized for now." He explains to the woman
Evja has posed:
"If you cannot even give who you are, I have no reason to divulge such information about myself." It was a slow, pained push, but Evja finally works himself standing, now fully visible to be wearing a long sarong around the waist, that top(despite being padded) done in a manner where such wouldn't be visible so easily, leaving him looking quite female, including that little bunny tail sticking out above the sarong. "Forgive me, Tifa. I should be going. Perhaps I can find somewhere to help with the, ah... back rub." When he turned, it was easy enough to see for either that the Viera's back was rather badly bruised, even through that light fuzz.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart winces a bit as she sees the bruise "Yeah, that looks a bit bad, but some healing should help it greatly. Take good care of yourself hm?" She smiles, and turns over to Kaydin "Well that's all I can sayfor tonight anyway, I'm heading back home. Good luck." She chimes, and moves toward the street. Its weird having a city that is always night.
Kaydin has posed:
"Lets just say it would be most unwise to give who I am to complete strangers." Kaydin says as he would then turn to Tifa and would move with the woman. If she watches him, she would notice he walks into a shadow that is on a building as if it was an open doorway.
Evja has posed:
Evja nods to that, watching Kaydin vanish before sighing, "I apologize for speaking how I did, it was not my intention to ruin the moment. Something like that... is a deeply rude question to ask a Viera, especially one you do not know. Not to excuse myself, though. Would you... have me make it up to you?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart shakes her head "don't worry about it, I understand. Either way, its getting late. Just take care of your back hm?" She smiles, and waves~
Evja has posed:
"I shall. Though I will likely agitate the strained muscles if any shadows I come across on the way to my place. Be safe." And with that, he reaches to a large rock nearby and takes a wrap, placing it around his shoulders as he begins to walk off slowly.