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Xanatos Business Proposal for a Barmaid
Date of Scene: 16 November 2012
Location: Manhattan - Xanatos Tower
Synopsis: Xanatos has invited Tifa for some business proposal. Aerith and Rinoa tag along, taking the chance to all dress pretty.
Cast of Characters: Tifa Lockhart, David Xanatos, Synestria, Rinoa Heartilly, Aerith

Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart stops in front of the building, lokoing up at it. She's still impressed by how tall it is, really. Even Shinra's building didn't reach that high up, you'd think you need a space rocket to reach the top. She shakes her head, and slips out of boots and into her high heels. She decided to dress up, he is a rich man and she didn't want to look like she was in rags either, if other people were there. Well, not that she wears rags, but her tanktop and skirt doesn't really count as fashionable either. But those high heels kill her.

Once she switched footwear, she steps in, moving to the counter to announce herself. She did have an appointement after all, the richman said that he'd be waiting, so there she in, a few minutes ahead of time, just in case she needed to actually climb up there too.
David Xanatos has posed:
A tall blonde man wearing glasses is evewntually brought out and greets Tifa. In a clear even tone he asks, "Miss Lockhart?" Not waiting for an answer he continues to speak. "If you will please follow me. Mr. Xanatos has been expecting you." He then turns and walks toward the elevator. Once he's there he pulls out a card form his pocket and waves it in fornt of a sensor. The elevator door opens and he steps in.

Once Tifa is in the Elevator he waves the card in front of a another sensor and the door closes. He presses a button and the elevator begins to move upward. The entire time he remains silent and watches as the number steadily climb upwards.
RWith a ding, the door opens and the Blonde man steps out into a hallway. This hallway has no doors, and is very short, ending after about ten feet. He waves the card in front of the sensor again and opens the door. "Mr. Xanatos, Miss Lockhart is here to see you."

Facing a rather large window giving him a supreme look at the city's skyline, Xanatos raises a hand to indicate Owen should wait. "No Commissioner I do NOT think the Polie force is adequatly prepared. This is why I am offering to outfit them. For free." There is a moment of silence as a muffled voice cna be heard from Xanatos's blue tooth. "Yes I not only believe automatic weapons are needed, but I think they need to be energy based, and you need to stop treating this like it will go away. I'll come down personally and discuss this with you tomorrow."

With thsoe words he presses a button on the device and then Xanatos raises his hand once again. The blond man nods and speaks. "Mr. Xanatos, a Miss Lockhart is here to speak with you."

"Excellent. Send her in Owen."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart is a bit loss in all of that fancy world. Its definitely a level above her. Well, maybe she'd like to be treated like a princess sometimes, but this is not something she thinks she'd get used to either. But each their own really.

She smiles as she steps in after Owen opens the way, bowing her head to him "Thank you.", and then turning to the millionaire, stepping through the large room toward the desk and window. Its only when she's close enough she realizes that the huge window is making everything look even bigger.

"Hello Mr. Xanatos, nice to meet you again. hope I am not disturbing anything too important with my little appointement today."
Synestria has posed:
Striding in confidently, Synestria quietly leans against one of the walls as she looks to Xanatos. "Believe me, Energy weapons would be enough to bring those airships down. it'll be the Dragoons and the Dark Knights that'll really mess up your defenses, Mister Xanatos." She says crossing her arms. She then tilts her head at Owen. "Interesting. Tifa Lockhart's coming here, hmm? I'm sure you'd want to see her again." She then teasingly winks at Xanatos. He might be a player, but he's got a player in Synestria working with him at the moment.
Aerith has posed:
Of course, with her is a guest, someone whom neither has met before.

A woman, five feet and three inches tall with chestnut brown hair and brilliant green eyes that seem to shine like precious stones. Her usual attire was not present; instead, she wore a dark red suit jacket with matching pants, both accentuated by black pin stripes and with a white silk blouse underneath. Her hair cascaded down in waves, a sign of a habit of braiding. A pair of three-inch patent heels, black in color, held themselves nicely on her feet, and a pair of jade earrings graced her ear lobes, completing the look.

She said nothing for the time being, preferring to be introduced rather than do it herself.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa is late in joining her friends, although she's quite concerned with recent rumours of another heartless attack. She didn't dress up particularly fancy, but simply listens in the back. Angelo has been left back at the bar, knowing that pets might be a bad thing here. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late!"
David Xanatos has posed:
Turning his chair around from the view of the city, Xanatos nods in greeting to the women who have graced his office. Other men might be flattered, or even flustered, or possibly not sure how to act with so much in the way of loveliness around them, but they are not David Xanatos. He steeples his fingers and nods his head. "Good evening ladies. I understand you all wished to see me, and I see that you have all come together." He gestures with one hand toward the couch and chairs arrayed before his desk. " Please. Be seated." He presses a button and a table rises out of the floor with a pitcher of water, and glasses. Enough for all. He nods to Rinoa as she enters and then smiles that smile fo his. "Tell me, how may I assist you ladies this evening?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart steps over to the sitting offered, smiling "Well I am here because we had a deal that I would come to meet you, after the art auction. But My friends did have a few things to discuss with you as well, so I thought it was a good idea to bring everyone and everything to the table at once."

She turns and motions a hand to those following her "This is my friend Aerith, and you already met Rinoa at the party I believe." She looks over to Synestria, that's one she doesn't quite remember of at the moment. Maybe crossed on the battlefield somewhere?

She sits herself elegantly, her training might be martial arts, but it does give a nice fluidity to her movements.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith moved to take a seat, her eyes focused entirely on the man before her. She took his measure, making an attempt to read him before saying anything. Her features are relaxed, dispassionate in nature, with only the barest hint of a smile. When she is introduced, Aerith reached across the table with her right hand, the sleeve pulling back somewhat to reveal a silver bangle with several small gems imbedded inside.

What, you thought she'd be here without her materia?

"A pleasure to finally make your acquaintance."
Synestria has posed:
Synestria trots her way over to her 'seat' and sits, crossing her legs. "It's a pleasure, ladies. I am Synestria." When she does sit down, it's in a rather mobile chair. However, she does take a good, long look at Aerith, nearly staring......and smiles a lot more warmly than to Tifa....as if she knows something.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Wow, what nifty gadgets! Rinoa's eyes widen a bit at the table and chairs that suddenly appear, and she nods and smiles. "nice to meet you again, Mr. Xanatos!" And she takes a seat, glancing at the others curiously, wondering what this is all about. She only heart bits and pieces, but was willing to offer whatever help she can..
David Xanatos has posed:
Nodding to Tifa he gives her a slight smile and takes a piece of paper out of his desk. He hands it over to her. "This is a bussiness proposal for the opening of many bars, as well as increasing yours in Travesre town to an Inn. At my expense, the upgrade to an Inn is a gift from me as part of the bussiness deal I am making. But I need somebody to oversee these bars, and I hear you are quite qualified in that field. I'm planning on opening about four others with possibilities of otehrs if you are interested."

Xanatos takes Aerith's hand and kisses it politely. His eyes meeting her's as he does so. As he releases the hand he says evenly, "Enchanted my dear." If he notices the Materia, or even cares, he doens't say. Then he nods to Synestria, "And always a pleasure to see you Synestria. Now. Ladies, as much as I enjoy meeting wonderful and beautiful new women such as yourselves, please. How may I help you tonight?"
Aerith has posed:
Aerith placed a hand on Tifa's right shoulder. This was her discovery, she might as well speak of it. "Actually..." She turned back to Xanatos. "It's how we might help you." She presented him with that soft smile again. "Apparently you all were talking about Baron just as we came in. That's good, because it seems their commanding officer, a man named Baigan, got careless in one of my good friend's bars." The smile dispersed. "They're planning an attack on this city. Alexandria intends to support. We have no idea when they're coming, but it'll be safe to assume that they will make a move." She sighed. "And if I'm correct, they're doing it out of petty revenge, on your interference with their attack on Garden."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart blinks at the paper. She picks it up as she's offered, and reads over it while the rest of the presentations are made around her. Her eyes widen a bit Mercade said something about opening more bars, but nothing on this scope either.

She takes a moment to read through it on her own, while Aerith explains herself. She nods to her, feeling her hand on her shoulder.

Well, beside the fact that her bar is in Goug and not Traverse, the rest seemed pretty solid... an expansion too, maybe she could have an actual room. But then... what about Avalanche? There was still the secret room that noone ever heard about beside her... Although with more space she could probably hide things more easily too. She can ask her questions after Aerith is done exposing the plot though.
Synestria has posed:
Synestria gives a bit of a smile at that. "I....had a feeling about that after I heard you were going to help, Mister Xanatos. After my battle with Rubicante, I put a little something in motion to assist us against Baron, should they decide to attack Manhattan." She says softly, then drinking a bit of water. "Sir Auron is willing to help, when the need arises, Mister Xanatos."
David Xanatos has posed:
"Took them longer than I thought honestly." Xanatos says with a smirk. He leans back and is silent for a moment. "Do you happen to know how big of an attack they are planning on making?"

Looking to Synestria he nods. "A knight? I assume from a world where Knight actually means capable combatant? Forgive me, but I have not had the honor of meeting this Auron. What resources does he bring to the table?"
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa listens quietly, sipping on a glass of water. When Xanatos makes the proposal about helping Tifa with her bar, her eyes widen a bit, glancing over at Tifa in surprise. "Wow, really? That's pretty awesome.." seems this girl's on a roll! So much for staying out of the spotlight..

She falls silent again when Aerith speaks of Baron attacking Manhattan. Ahh, will their antics never stop? When Synestria offers help, she nods too. "I'm also willing to help. I have some friends in Garden, perhaps I can get the SeeD's help too. Afterall, you helped them.."
David Xanatos has posed:
Nodding to Rinoa, "If you would, inform them I'd like to Hire them. All of them." Xanatos says witha voice that says he can do just that. "Of course I was expecting some sort of retaliation, so I naturally have plans, but I welcome and cherish any help others can give me."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart looks up from the papers, flipping to the next page. She nods "I'm willing to help as well, I'm with Rinoa and Aerith on this." Her activities are not toward Shinra yet, considering they have been quiet, but she can't really close her eyes over what's going on elsewhere, and with the friends she's made.

"This very detailed mr. Xanatos." She looks back at the paper "I can't be in 4 places at once, but other than that... having several Seventh Heavens? That would be... amazing, to say the least."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith lowered her head for a moment. "All this is well and good, but I don't have any idea who or what they'll be fielding. Standard airships, standard troops, whatever Heartless they can call up... I don't know what Alexandria is entirely capable of here." She looked back up at Xanatos. "I'm sure you have plans, and I'm sure you'll carry them out when the time comes. But there's one thing you might have missed..." Something that she herself didn't.

"Baron had intentions of bringing a nation called Archadia into their plans. From what I can tell, they have an airship fleet that equals that of the Red Wings, and highly capable commanders of each fleet." She smiled. "Fortunately, I may have nipped that particular issue in the bud."
David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos takes a deep breatha nd lets it out. He looks to the side at a monitor and types something on a Keyboard there. It is short, so it liekly jsut a quick note. Which it is. --Investigate who or what Archadia is. ASAP, IMPORTANT. And put a Bat Signal out for the Manhattan Clan. Offer Castle.-- He leans back in hsi chair and steeples his fingers.

After a brief moment he nods once. "I do suppose it was too much to believe that this Baron didn't have any other allies. And the Battleship Fleet while fully capable of mixing it up with Baron's Red Wings, I'm not too keen on the thought of taking on a second Airship Fleet." He nods to Aerith. and then opens a drawer. "Do you all have those new Dimensional Phones yet?"
Aerith has posed:
Aerith shook her head. "I certainly wish I'd even heard of them, I just came here recently, to be honest. And by the way... Archadia shouldn't be a threat. I'm in good standing with one of the fleet commanders, Zargabaath. He seems to have a lot of pull, and once I told him Baron was using the Heartless to bolster their forces, he immediately dismissed the notion of associating with them."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart puts the papers down on the low table as she listens in "That man that was in the bar? He seemed pretty upright, I don't think he'd be able to cross us. But I guess its hard to take people at face value anymore, there's too many kind of people around, and the mingling of worlds isn't helping."

She hmms at the mention of phones "No, I don't think I heard about it, it didn't reach Goug at least."
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa nods to Xanatos. "Sure, I can do that.." Soon as she can find those missing friends of hers. But they must be in Garden, right? "I'm sure they're still shaken from the attack, with the kids there and all, but I'm sure they'd be happy to help. I cant guarantee it'll be totally free, though.." They are mercenaries afterall..

She arches a brow when he speaks of Dimensional Phones. "Ooh? What are those? Sounds pretty nifty!" However, after drinking all the water, she finally stands up, looking uncomfortable. Shouldn't have had that big meal so soon earlier!

"Mr. Xanatos, where is your washroom? Please excuse me.." she quickly answers as one of his attendants show her the way..
David Xanatos has posed:
Taking out a Phone for each of the ladies present Xanatos says evenly, "There are sales associates nearly everywhere across the Multi-verse." He shrugs, and with that shrug says silently: I've been busy. "But take these. And these cards." He puts these on the table. "These cards will allow you to purchase at my expense another ten phones each. The ones I am giving you come with instructions, and pre-programmed numbers with how to contact me. Use them, keep me informed. I'll be doing what I can here to beef up Manhattan's defenses and build allies." He leans back again and steeples his fingers. "Is there anything else I need to know ladies?"
Aerith has posed:
Aerith shrugged. "It's a minor thing... but since you seem to know a bit about seeing beyond what's there..." Not like she could of course, but he probably understood. "...Could you maybe teach me something? I figure I could use a bit of a lesson in strategy." Tifa's already teaching her how to fight... might as well get someone else to teach her how to... not think, per se, but think more efficiently.
David Xanatos has posed:
Tilting his head Xanatos raises an eyebrow to Aerith. "I can find time for an intern sure." He nods once and slides another card forward. "Meet me here tomorrow. We'll talk more. But for now, I have much to do."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith nodded and stood from her seat. "I suppose Tifa and I will be staying a while longer, then. We'll find some place to hole up." She turned toward the bar maid. "Shall we?" With a glance behind her left shoulder, she peered over at the woman... that wasn't quite a woman. Not entirely anyway. "Can I... speak with you?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods to Aerith "Actually we can go check the building that he already controls for the bars he wants to open up. We can probably go inspect. He apparently already has all of the buildings but needs managers and renovations to fix up the places and stuff." She stands up, and looks over to Synestria as Aerith talks about her.
Aerith has posed:
She headed toward the doors they'd just walked through. "Somewhere more... personal, I believe, would be best. I doubt this is the place for it." With that, she led the way out of the office and toward the elevators.
Synestria has posed:
Synestria smiles a bit more and looks to Tifa, before walking her way towards the elevators. As she opened up her strides, the chains started to jingle on her boots and hips. "Is there something wrong, Miss Aerith?" She says as they close in on the elevators.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart slips into the elevators after the others, bringing with her the papers of Xanatos' business offer. Its all very tempting. She also has the phone she was given, poking at it a bit with a finger to check out the features.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith shook her head. "Nothing wrong. Just that..." She glanced over at her. "...You're hiding. What or why, I don't know, but you're hiding." One of her brows rose. "And I caught that look you gave me earlier... like you knew me or something."
Synestria has posed:
Synestria says, "I don't know you, Miss Aerith, but I know of you. Of your kind.....sort of." She says with a deep breath. "I am in hiding, yes. Because my true form tends to inspire fear and panic in most smaller races. Yours included." She then crosses her arms and leans up against the wall. "I can....taste, how different you are from Tifa. You're not completely human either."""
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart just listens at the two... not really knowing what to say about this. Both seem to feel things on a higher level than she can. Well, each their own talents.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith smiled. "Trust me... if I were afraid of you, I wouldn't even go into that room. If you know of my kind, then you know that as well." She looked toward the elevator doors. "So... taste, huh? Not smell, not see... so I'm going to assume your true form is something serpentine."
Synestria has posed:
Synestria nods quietly, as she looks up to Aerith. Yes, Aerith currently is taller than her. "You would be right. Perhapssssss you could keep it from Xanatossssss until the time is right?"
Aerith has posed:
Aerith chuckled. "That depends. Will the time ever be right? It must be difficult for you, pretending to be like us." She turned toward Tifa now, her features still placid. "So then, we gonna get some training in today?"
Synestria has posed:
Synestria grins to Aerith. "I've been doing it for most of my life, so it's not quite as hard. I defeated Rubicante in my original form......so...."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart hms "I don't know who that Rubicante is either." She steps off the elevator once back on the bottom floor. She's going to change into her boots before going outside. The dress is fine, but the high-heels not so much.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith shook her head. "You'll have to fill me in. Who is Rubicante? Another one of Baron's forces? It sounds like he usually fights on his own..." Or at least, that's what's easily assumed.
Synestria has posed:
Synestria says, "He's under Baron's control, yes. Rubicante is the Archfiend of Fire." He says as she goes with them down the elevator. "and there are other archfiends under Baron's control. Barbariccia, the archfiend of wind. Scarmiglione, the archfiend of earth. If there's an archfiend of water, I did not see him with Baron's force though."""
Aerith has posed:
Aerith nodded. "It'll be safe to assume that at least one of them will show up, and multiple units won't be able to handle him. It's going to have to be one person, and highly skilled at that." She glanced at Synestria. "If you say you took one of them down, you can take another, right?"
Synestria has posed:
Synestria says, "I got lucky against him. he unleashed his full power against me, and I was still lucky to defeat him. He is very very powerful."""
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods "I fought agaisnt some pretty tough opponents too. Can't always win, but can stand my ground at least."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith knew all about running. She just refused to do it anymore.

Ding. The elevator reached the bottom floor. "So then, now I have two teachers to learn from. I'm sorry if you wanted to leave right away, Tifa... I just had to ask. He seemed helpful enough." She glanced around the main lobby, then at Synestria. "Do you have to go back upstairs now?"
Synestria has posed:
Synestria says, "Not right away, but I will. I have my own preparations to get to, alongside of Xanatos'" She then chuckles softly. "Wisdom of the snake."""
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart changes into her boots, putting her highheels in a bag, switching over so she's more comfortable to walk around. "Its alright, we have a phone as well now, so we can reach Xanatos more easily." She smiles "We'll be back soon too."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith nodded and made her way out toward the reception hall, toward the front doors. "Let's see this new place of yours. I'm excited to see you branch out!"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles and waves to Synestria "Alright, we got phones if you need us." She moves along the street, papers in hand as she tries to find the place "It shouldn't be too far from here."
Aerith has posed:
True enough, it wasn't far. Just a few blocks away, and they were in front of the currently empty building that was to be Tifa's newest expansion. Aerith bowed toward the door. "You first, oh great and wise leader." Cue a teasing grin here.