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Revision as of 00:34, 16 April 2013

Advanced Warning
Date of Scene: 15 April 2013
Location: Traverse Area - Traverse Town - Datapoint Security
Synopsis: What one does when there is common enemy. With new information in hand (or on Disc), TRON decides to brave the lion's den to warn his worst enemy of Something (worse than) Wicked This Way Comes.
Cast of Characters: TRON, MCP

TRON has posed:
On the outskirts of Traverse Town sits the headquarters for Datapoint Security, the security/police force that protects the twilit world. The walkway framed by carefully manicured greenery on each side and the complex's outward appearance of old red stone and ancient wood would give clear indication that someone of power lives here. And indeed, there is—and more besides.

Usually, the ill-used dirt path alongside the abandoned rails, which would terminate at the beginning of the walkway, would remain as quiet and uneventful as always. This is not one of those days.

A dust-cloud billows up from the distance as something fast approaches the headquarters, and on the wind you can hear the unmistakable whine of a highly-advanced motorcycle engine. Sure enough, as the last bend is reached, a light-blue first-generation Light Cycle screams on the path at what is most likely its top speed.

However, as it approaches the transition point, the canopied vehicle suddenly goes transparent with blue lines of light tracing where its frame would be, then the rider tucks and rolls as even that disappears. The rider tumbles once, twice, then lunges to his feet at a long-legged jog before momentum gives out and his pace slows to a brisk march.

His features aren't clear mid-tumble, but his appearance seems to change with each step. A possible helmet retracts into his neckline, revealing a human face with brown hair and narrowed brown eyes. Black ripples and becomes white, and glowing bluish-white thick lines trace over his form with a circular ring pulsing into sight framing a T-shaped mark on his chest. A solid blue baton is slipped onto a holster on his thigh, but no motion goes towards the silver Frisbee-like Disc between his shoulder-blades.

He moves heedless of possible Black Guard intervention as he crosses the threshold into the garden of what would usually be enemy territory, his steps sharp and purposeful but his entire stance non-threatening. In fact, the expression on his face isn't hateful nor even angry—but clearly downright worried.
MCP has posed:

LANCER opens the door and peers out at the approaching Tron. "Uh. Hi." he says with several blinks and the slightly stunned look of data being processed a little too slowly or in too great amount. He shrugs at some unseen dialogue and points up the stairs. "He's in his office."

The DPS agent then stands away from TRON and peers at him curiously. Nobody moves to intercept TRON. In fact, other than LANCER nobody seems to even take notice of him although there are several points where he /could/ be impeded by force screen or black guards. He simply is not. The MCP stands in one corner of his office watching the walls as surveillance images from nodes all over Traverse Town flicker between different scrolling feeds of data. His back is to the door and remains so.
TRON has posed:
TRON sharply nods once to LANCER as he enters DPS HQ, his stride unchanging. “Thank you, LANCER.” He isn't intending to be rude nor curt, but it's clear that the Security Program is in full business mode at the moment. Small talk is not in the queue at the moment, nor is his usual piercing snark.

He doesn't pause nor even survey his surroundings as he makes his way to Master Control's office, impeded by no-one and nothing en-route up the stairs or within the hallways. He disregards the presence of any other Black Guards as one would dismiss a passing Data Pusher. In fact, his gait only slows as he approaches the MCP's office door, the first flicker of 'what the heck are you /doing/, Program' starting to impede his thought processes.

No. No, he knows why he's here, and it's far too important. He also knows that Master Control is expecting him, otherwise he's certain beyond reasonable doubt that he'd be in a holding cell by now otherwise.

He raps his knuckles on the door twice in sharp staccato, then opens the door and enters the office. He only advances far enough into the room to let the door close behind him, ignoring the data-feeds flickering in his peripheral vision. His sole attention is focused on Master Control's back, albeit without that distrustful borderline-reproachful look that would usually be standard.

“Administrator.” He stands at perfect attention, his hands folding together at the small of his back. “We have a major problem.”

Something is /very/ wrong if /TRON/ is giving /Master Control/ the proper respect due to a System Administrator.
MCP has posed:

"There are always problems, system monitor." Apparently the courtesy goes both ways and with about as much general inflection and nuance as assembly code.

MCP studies a familiar light mapping while the surveillance cameras continue to scroll, his voice distracted. "..the questions always arise when it comes time to choose a solution. Speak. I am curious as to what is so important."
TRON has posed:
TRON successfully resists the urge to raise an eyebrow at the return title. He was never User-promoted to System Monitor... but this is hardly the time nor place for nitpicking nuances, especially considering this may be the sole time the two will be halfway civil to each other.

He does not mince words, either, his calm voice only having a fraction of urgency within its otherwise-neutral tones. “Within one week's time, a Shadow Lord named Garland will come to Traverse Town.” He removes his Discs, putting his Silver Disc down at his foot and holding up his White Disc like a plate in the palm of his hand out towards the Administrator.

An image appears above the Disc's hollow center, a moving image of Garland emerging from a Corridor of Darkness with pureblood Heartless emerging from a misty trail of pure Darkness in his wake. “His goal is undoubtedly to attack this town and anyone in it, extracting justice for past wrongs by spilling innocent blood as repayment.” The 'video' continues, showing Garland attacking Count Valos, how spells and Darkness is almost visibly brute-forced into being, his outright mastery of combat and tactics. All of this seems to be from one encounter, and apparently from a first-person perspective—clearly TRON's.

TRON himself is ignoring the memories playing back in his mind with full audio as they display for Master Control to see, that terrible laugh being the worst of all and echoing from every corner of his mind even after it ends. Instead, he focuses on the pure data. “I have heard VALKYRI and the Twilight Detective Agency are already making preparations for Garland's coming, calling upon favors and allies alike. However, I was not certain whether or not Datapoint Security had access to this information, hence why I am here now.”
MCP has posed:
MCP still seems absorbed in whatever he is already thinking about until the datafeed starts to play. He stops it at several points, rewinding and replaying the copy of that file once he has already watched it for a first time. Several screens now show multiple images of that file, running at different speeds and stopping and restarting in different places.

The office remains silent, no audio being transmitted so that nothing but the somehow ominous hum of electronics fills the air. "..Fascinating." the administrator gives a very small and amused smile. "Perhaps there is something to be learned from such phantoms, to startle you so. Is that all?" all of the windows freeze and then close simultaneously as he turns away from TRON, returning to his study of the light map with no hint of either worry or interest.
TRON has posed:
TRON lowers his Disc once the video concludes, recombining his Discs and returning it to the spindle on his back. He has no witty or venomous comeback for Master Control, not even seeming to react with body language nor expression to the attitude shown. Either it's a perfect example of self-control, or the Security Program simply does not even care right now.

He has done his part. Datapoint Security has been warned. What they do with the information, if anything, is their concern and their responsibility. TRON will fight in Traverse Town's defense regardless.

His reply is thus very simple. “That is all.” He inclines his head. “I will take my leave, Administrator. Thank you for your time.” With that, he makes a sharp and perfect about-face and moves to leave the office with the same business-like stride that brought him in here.
MCP has posed:
MCP continues to study the lightmap for a long time after TRON has already left, studying the pathways and the connections. A very, very light sound emits from the cane laying on the desk some steps away.

"HEIMDALL?" he says over the radio network as he brings up the video file again and plays it frame by frame, studying the feed. "..go find CHIEF, if you would." the last few frames scroll by and the MCP's eyes pulse faintly as he makes a slow turn of the surveillance footage of Traverse Town. "It's time."