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Revision as of 20:16, 18 April 2013

Zidane Tribal
Age 16
Species Genome
Sex Male
Height 5'4"
Weight 120
Series Final Fantasy IX
Combat Styles Thief
Hometown Lindblum (Originally Terra)
Group Tantalus
Occupation/Job Flirty Thief
Force: Forces of Restoration
"You don't need a reason to help people"
Recent Events
Saved Blank from petrification within the darkness and then found himself in a strange new land.


A blue light. Just a simble blue light. That is the only memory Zidane has of his very origins. As from the age of four he was the adoptive sun of Baku, the leader of the Tantalus Theater Troupe. Throughout his childhood, he didn't dwell on it a great deal, luckily, and was able to think of Baku as a true father. Baku found Zidane wandering the streets of Lindblum, alone and without any knowledge of how he got there or where he was from. He took pity on the child and brought him to live with him at the Troupe's hideout. There, Zidane was taught the many finer points of thievery, and with Baku's own personality wearing off on him a bit, became extremely confident in his abilities and a bit stubborn. Zidane was always butting heads with his 'father' on multiple occassions and always ending up with him getting the tar kicked out of him. As he grew older, he began to explore parts of the world on his own, when he had the time. Becoming a bit of a woman-obsessed little pick-pocket from an early age. He'd steal a noble's coin purse and then offer to buy a meal for a beautiful woman, and his silver tongue usually got the job done. It was a simple life for Zidane, but one that he enjoyed. During his time in Tantalus, Zidane became friends with all the members. Their only gripe with him being his cockiness and the fact he seemed to always be optimistic about seemingly hopeless situations. Though, he found himself soon becoming the best of friends with fellow bandit, Blank. They were always scheming together, competing for women, and going off on adventures together when they didn't have other jobs to perform. When he was eleven was the first time Zidane ever left Tantalus, and it was for a foolish reason like all the others to come after it. He disagreed with Baku's tactics for stealing their mark from a nobleman's house, and thought he could do better on his own. Baku, of course, kicked the ever-loving crap out of Zidane and left him back at the clock-tower. Upon their return, he begrudgingly asked to rejoin, and thus a trend was started. Every few months Zidane would get some grand idea or scheme that would require his exit from the troupe, he would get knocked about by Baku for leaving and breaking the rules, and then when he or Baku returned, he would rejoin the troupe. He was always good at making friends wherever he went, for two reasons. One, was his everlasting love of making new friends and allies. And two, was how less likely someone was to believe you had just robbed them blind if they liked you. His life was going well and nothing too out of the ordinary seemed to be happening, until the day Regent Cid approached Baku about a specific task for the troupe. Zidane and the rest of Tantalus took off in the theatre ship toward Alexandria, under the guise of performing a play for the Queen Brahne. After his appearance on stage, he and Blank disguised themselves as Knights of Pluto and infiltrated the castle with the plan of kidnapping Princess Garnet Til Alexandros. Lucky for them, she was looking to be kidnapped. It was all going smoothly, until Sir Rusty made his appearance. He chased them aboard the theatre ship and it was thanks to him and the oddly timed appearance of a small black mage child named Vivi that the plan was discovered and the Troupe made their quick getaway. It didn't end well, as a massive bomb fired by the Queen would see the ship downed just outside of their border in the Evil Forest. In the forest, Garnet was kidnapped by a strange plant creature and in order to save her. Zidane had to leave Tantalus one more time, taking Steiner, Vivi, and later Blank with him. they manage to rescue Garnet at the cost of the petrification of his long time best friend, Blank. It was a crushing loss, but one he swore would not be permanent. He would be back for his friend, and soon. On their journey through the Ice Cavern, Black Waltz 1 casts a sleeping spell on the party in hopes of them all dying in the blizzard they had just passed out in. Zidane, however, seemed oddly resilient to the effects and awoke soon after. He found the Black Waltz up ahead, as well as strange black creatures called Heartless. He fought hard against them and prevailed in the end to save his companions, and they traveled on together to Dali. It was there, that thanks to Vivi's abduction, they discovered a factory for black mage dolls. And upon their speedy retreat, were attacked by a second Black Waltz and a following of heartless. They managed to evade their pursuers and with a thoroughly damaged airship, made it back to Lindblum in one piece. Finally at the palace, the Regant thanks Zidane for his job well accomplished and things look like they will be returning to normal for him. He meets his old friend Freya and faces off against her, and Vivi, in the festival of the hunt. He manages to snag victory by dealing the final blow on the crazed beast Zaghnol that he and Freya had teamed up to save two children from. During the banquet that followed, a fatally wounded soldier from Burmecia arrives and informs them of an attack upon the city he and Freya hailed from. Zidane and party leave quickly with Freya, headed to go see what they can do to help. They assume to have left Steiner and Garnet back in Lindblum, and are unaware she follows them in secret. Along the way they pass through Qu's Marsh and meet another face that Zidane finds oddly fascinating, and can't really help but agree to take with them. Quina. As they arrive in Burmecia, they discover the city ravaged by Queen Brahne and her Heartless forces, and take care of some stragglers on their way to the royal palace. Upon arrival, they are quickly dispatched by General Beatrix, and in their final moments before falling unconscious they see Queen Brahne and silver-haired man Kuja discussing the heartless before taking off. There was something about the silver-haired one, though. Zidane could have sworn he looked at him as if he recognised him. But how was that possible? Surely he'd remember having met someone such as him. After recovering from their wounds, Zidane leads the group back to Treno as he's heard rumor of an item called the "Supersoft" which can cure any petrification. Including the one blank is currently suffering from. Just as they find the item needed to save his closest friend, the world falls to darkness and Zidane finds himself falling through a sea of black. In the darkness, as he falls, Zidane thinks only one thought. "I have to save my friend." And as he thinks this, he feels his feet hit something. Something invisible in this vast blackness. He takes a tentative foot forward, and finds himself able to move forward, toward a bright light he sees in the distance. He walks onward, thinking he can hear the voice of Blank. The whereabouts of his companions unknown for now, he has to get this Supersoft to Blank. He has to. And as he approaches the light, he sees the petrified figure of his friend falling slowly in the distance. He runs for him, holding out the Supersoft as if a baton being passed off in a relay race. As he runs, he approaches closer and closer to the white light in the distance. Just before the light envelops him, he feels himself getting pulled and does the only thing he can think to save his friend. He throws the vial directly at the statue of blank and watches it shower him with it's contents before he disappears into the light, and awakes someplace far from his home. He was in the middle of a massive city, but one unlike he'd ever seen before. The buildings all seemed to be made of metal, glass, and stone, and were as tall as some of the buildings back in Lindblum, though much more advanced. He was in Manhattan, and content he had done all he could for Blank, he set off in search of the companions he had before his world fell. Vivi, Garnet, Freya... hell even Steiner and Quina. They had to be around this strange new world somewhere, and dammit he was going to find them.


Friendly, out-going, and a silver-tongued fox. Zidane tends to be laid-back and has a reputation for being a bit of a ladies man, always chasing one woman or another. He can be serious, however, should the need ever arise. And is quick to offer his advice or perspective on a situation when a friend needs it. Secretly, Zidane harbors massive amounts of self-doubt and feels a deep loneliness he can't describe. He keeps this hidden from his friends, though, as he believes he alone can understand and deal with these issues.


Of Pirates, Programs and Gnomes August 22nd, 2013 Zidane is just seeking gold and a bit of a good time in Port Royal, when he encounters Deelel who seems to be there for supplies. Sadly for them they end up having to flee a swarm of Heartless!
Just when you think your safe July 1st, 2013 Archades was still recovering from the savage attacks it had fallen under recently. Yet someone unexpected is hiding in the city still. That being Garnet whom is found both by Beatrix who also is skulking about in enemy territory. The other thing that finds her? The Heartless...
He's just here to help... June 26th, 2013 Deelel working on yet another art project encounters a friendly thei ... treasure hunter and they have a little chit chat.
Not So Daring Rescue April 22nd, 2013 Zidane shows up to rescue Garnet and Rusty, but so far he only finds the annoying one.


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