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Artisanquest: Training
Date of Scene: 29 May 2013
Location: Forgotten Island - Daguerreo
Synopsis: Lenn, Lily and Shiki train with Kumoto and his apprentice over the course of several days.
Cast of Characters: Lily, Lenn, Shiki Misaki

Shiki Misaki has posed:
It's day one of training. The day after Priel left the party and gave us a hot parting gift, and after Shiki had a little heart-to-heart you may have been privy to.

Kumoto is ready to meet you guys, and his apprentice is observing off to the side. But before anything can be done in terms of waving around bits of wood and steel, there's more important things to be done.

Nobody ever picks up a weapon lightly. It is not a thing you take up, or so Kumoto says, to protect yourself: it is a thing you take up to harm others, even to kill them. It is a responsibility and a burden.

Shiki says no, it's not for the purpose of killing. It's for the purpose of fighting the Heartless, and pushing back the darkness. Ah, but Kumoto says, would you turn the weapons I'll teach you to use on something other than Heartless if it comes to it? What stance will you take?

This is a question to be answered before you go any further.
Lily has posed:
Now that's a question and a half. One that Lily hadn't entirely considered until now. "... Oh..." If there's anywhere at all to sit, she'd simply fop down in it with her chin in her hand, rubbing at it.

IF not, her shoulders simply sag.

Her answer's not dissimilar from Lenn's. Lily's wielded lethal magic, and not always with so much control. What she hopes is to learn to focus and think better. Make these decisions when she needs to when it's smart to.

All in all, her answer is some people are just as bad as the Heartless. At the least she has to be able to defend her friends no matter what.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Kumoto's assistant reminds her of their experience and the power they've displayed before.

As the first day goes on, the issue of people closer to you is discussed. How does this goal work with regards to others?

To put it another way, what makes you believe that your existing skills are not sufficient enough for your needs? Aren't there other people who already do what you want to better than you, whereas you have skills they can't emulate?

Shiki admits that she doesn't know why she can still fight. As far as she knew, pins were for Players and that's something she's not... even though she has the power that lets her use them, eventually that may not be the case. She has already gone too far down the path of an adventurer to be left with nothing if she loses that quality.

So what do you want to do, based on your existing abilities? How do you see yourself fighting with a weapon in your hands?
Lily has posed:
Another tough question indeed. These keep flooring poor Lily.

Her response this time is that though her magic's been useful, she really doesn't have combat skills. Every time she's been called upon to help out in a situation that's endangered her or her friends and others would be counting on her, more often than not she's been the weakest, least reliable of the group.

It was an awful feeling to feel like the least capable member of a group when other people could be badly hurt or worse because of it...
Shiki Misaki has posed:
It's gonna be nothing but tough questions!

The answers actually surprise both of them, for these seemingly strong girls who don't consider themselves such at all. Or at least, they don't consider themselves to be powerful. Kumoto mentions that other people who have come here before have made the mistake of saying the opposite. A wise man, supposedly, said 'I know that I know nothing'.

The discussion goes on for some time. It seems as if it will be all that is talked about today. Do you speak of anything else? Raise any issues, or say anything to one another? As you all came here togehter, did this spur on your reasoning? What bonds you together?
Lily has posed:
Lily does have a question. Since it has come up. She asks Shiki why she's continuing on the adventurer path when it keeps getting everyone in trouble.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Shiki Misaki couldn't have said it better herself.

The next day it's going to be time for a training montage! But first...

There's an awful lot of weapons out there, and a lot of weapons that Kumoto claims he knows how to make. His apprentice asks you, first: when you see yourself fighting, do you think of something specific? Is there something you /want/ specifically to know how to use?

And failing that, what weapon are you best at using? We've got lots of wooden ones! Pick 'em up, handle 'em, see how they feel in your hands. You're going to have to pick a starting point.

Shiki already has an inkling of an idea- her use of pin-created weapons has given her a little experience in using polearms, and weapons like rods and lances. She's taking to the long, defensive weapons. You?
Lily has posed:
It seems that Lily's not far from Lenn in this department. She tries several weapons, floundering with many of them. The polearms? Too long and unwieldy for her. The swords? Most are too heavy.

This kind of procession continues for a while as she tries one weapon after another until she finally comes across a finely carved... wooden... is that a rapier? It certainly has the shape. A long, thin shaft for a blade and a grip just the size for her hands. The weight's really good as well. The moment she picks it up there's a change in her expression.

An odd choice, given how clumsy she usually seems...
Shiki Misaki has posed:
The trick is figuring out what sort of weapon fits your needs, really, isn't it? So you're already part of the way there!

Kumoto does a lot of sitting back and nodding here, but it's his apprentice who helps out actually fetching and handing things for you to try, helping you get the hold and the posture right.

Montage of warmups begin now! We've got training dummies and everything!

There is always a certain way to carry a weapon- it's like gun control. The gun is always loaded! The sword is always sharp. If you don't carry it right, then you're going to be unable to draw it!

So this is as good a way as any to spend... we're really going to spend the whole day on this? OK. The basics of weapon carrying, drawing, and so on. It's no good if you have a sword if you can't get to it!

So practice begins with learning how to get comfortable with your weapon. These are only wooden examples, but everyone's gotta start somewhere. Imagine this as the part of the tutorial where you learn how to ready and put your weapon away. It's relatively easy for swords! Shiki picked the difficult one. But on the other hand, you can pretend it's a hiking... walking stick. Apparently. Not a good fashion choice, mind you.

So how do you get comfortable?
Lily has posed:
Lily has a new belt for a holder for the wooden weapon. It's not quite the same as a real sheath, but it's close enough. The main issue's just learning to shift it to sit, or undo the belt in some situations. The rapier is very accessible and portable, it just takes a bit of getting used to when sitting and similar.

She's having trouble sheathing it again, but doing it a few dozen times does help!
Shiki Misaki has posed:
This is going to get more difficult, of course.

As the day goes on, it quickly becomes obvious that it's a thinly veiled way of reflex testing- shifting back and forth, moving your weapon so it's askew, changing the position of it on your body based on combat positions, asking you to do something with one hand and then the other, using your off hand... eventually, by the end of it you're going to have very tired hands. Or will you?

Day three!

Now we're really getting into the montages!

Day three is where the real training begins! Jogging! Board breaking! Weight lifting!

All of these things will continue until someone questions their meaning, at which point they will stop because you need SKILL rather than strength and endurance to properly use the weapons you're training with. Which is when we move on to other things like balancing exercises, stances and this really weird thing where you spend about two hours threading needles. Even you, Lenn.
Lily has posed:
Unfortunately Lily actually does need some of that physical activity. She doesn't seem to have the strength to break the boards, she tends to stumble during some of the jogging until she gets the bright idea to adjust her outfit to not get in the way... and physical stamina? That's gonna need work.

She's wobbling after some of it, not from being out of shape but because her body and physical labor aren't really used to one another on a more fundamental level of how she's put together.

And trying to sew, balance, stances? Also clumsy as heck.

Eventually however, balancing she turns out to be vey good at once she get some strength in her arms and focus!
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Points for Lenn. Shiki also takes to it extremely well, since she's been doing this sort of thing for as long as she could be trusted with sharp objects.

It sort of works out, though- since it's easy for them, surely they'll be able to help Lily out in the things that she's not as capable at.

All the pinpoint accuracy training comes to a head. You know how archers practice with bullseyes? Imagine doing that at melee range with your weapons.

With water-powered automatons, no less!

Kumoto and his apprentice watch everyone closely to see the differences between how they handle themselves. Shiki, for example, uses her polearm to maintain a good distance and block wacky flailin' arms.
Lily has posed:
Lily is NOT patient, though she's quite alert. The automaton's flailing arms are doing a number on her. She yelps, topples in one incident. Tries to protect herself with her arms in another.

With a little coaching however... she's weaving carefully, nimbly waving back and forth to slip betwene the arms, reflexes leveled up just enough to peg some hits with thrusts that are slowly getting less and less clumsy... but not any stronger really!
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Interestingly enough, you may begin to notice something.

Kumoto's mostly sitting back and observing during most of this. The one doing note-taking is his apprentice. He's also very hands-off, whereas the white-haired woman is the one who inevitably comments on Lenn's technique and encouraging her to work on slashing rather than stabbing, and giving Lily the coaching she needs for patience's sake.

The next day Evja convinces them to give you part of the day off! Shiki uses it to go with Evja, Lenn and Leida to search for dragon watercress. Lily, however...

Kumoto's apprentice takes her to a place she feels could be helpful with what Lily needs. They go deep into the source of Daguerreo's water, where the dragon god sleeps.

Whatever happens there is something only she and Lily will know, but perhaps being in such a calm, pure and spiritual place will benefit her.

On the way back, Shiki converses with Lenn, confiding in her fears- ones that she was hiding under the veil of exuberance on the adventure. She's worried that Neku's counter ran out, resulting in his death, and if not, his disappearence at Sho's hands. She asks Lenn for advice on how to go forward if she's really lost her original partner.
Lily has posed:
It does indeed benefit her. The depths of the cave are a powerful balm, a way to connect to the reflective qualities of water. With The apprentice's help, Lily meditates deep within the cave, for the first time in her life, and communes with water.

The pure springs where the water flows from are crisp, cool, and calming.

For the first time in her life indeed, Lily's mind clears, as she lets her worries drain out into the gentle flow. All of the frustrations, the fears, the worries, the uncertainties, the panicking, the pain, for that time she lets it all go.

When it's time to return, she's wearing a different expression. The young woman's eyes are still full of youthful wonder and curiosity, but a new and calmer confidence shines clearly in them.

It's time to get back to work.