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Fynn No More
Date of Cutscene: 17 May 2013
Location: Fynn
Synopsis: Leonhart hears from others that Fynn is still standing. In his disbelief, he decides to travel alone to his once home city. Though what he finds strikes to his very core.
Cast of Characters: Leon

He was not suppose to go alone, but how could he involve everyone in his problems? Fynn was a destroyed city last Leon saw it. It was burning, crashing to the ground, and invaded by Emperor Mateus' forces. There should be nothing left of it.

If there was, then it should not be a happy place. Yet everyone has told him it still stands and people are happy, but are they really? Are people honestly happy there under Mateus rule? Maybe it was all a lie? It had to be a lie. It had to be.

Yet what was worse about this trip to Fynn though? Renting a yellow bird that should be designed for eating!! Leon swore silently as he rode toward where the city was, almost falling off a few times and nearly wanting to stab the bird that he would one day /eat/ all these damn yellow birds with a massive side of salad!

How could anyone ride one these?! Yet here he was, riding one into the area that was once Fynn's country side. As the yellow bird came over the hill and Leon could see it with his own eyes, he pulled on the reigns to stop the bird before his eyes just stared in surprise and in disbelief. "..How?" He whispered out past his lips. "..Why?" Was the next, before he narrows his eyes. "..This can't be right."

Leon then dismounted from the Chocobo before shooing it off. The Chocobo Rental service said they knew their way back home or to the nearest stable; hopefully that was true out here. So from the hill top to the road leading into Fynn, Leon decided to walk it. One step at a time.

Once within the city he walks across the cobblestone road carefully. His hand resting near the hilt of his sword as his red eyes skim over the area. Taking notice of the people walking around, the children playing, and everything seeming like it once was before the war came.

Thankfully for him, he got into his old assumable of clothing. Just the denim pants, with an arm guard that ran up his right arm and a forearm guard on his left arm, and finally just a simple white shirt. Though he yes, does have that weapon belt on with that scabbard that hold a rather basic sword and on the other side a dagger.

As he walks among the people he continues to find his mind racing, his body turning around at times as he takes a step backwards, before turning back around. This pace seems like it has never seen war. Fynn looked so pristine, so clean, so, back to normal. Yet, something wasn't right here. Something about his old home /just/ wasn't right.

The people seemed normal. The stores were still as quaint as ever. There was nothing that should be causing this feeling. Yet, there it was no matter where he looked. His mind screaming this was all wrong. Did Mateus honestly implant false memories? Was this all a trick?! All along?!!

He was about to just scream in rage as his hands went up to his head and he felt like his vision was spinning, until his eyes came to focus on several dark armored figures in the distance. Three of them that were just talking. The people seeming to ignore them, though some moving aside for the dark armored knights.

Leon blinked his eyes a few times as his hands slowly lowered down. His red eyes just staring at what he was seeing. Their was Knights of Palamecia in Fynn and NO ONE was even worried about it?! He just stared at this until he realized they were getting closer and one of them, one of them with red eyes behind his helm made a motion in his direction. Then he noticed their feet starting to quick up. "..damnit.." Leon muttered before he quickly darted down one of the alleys.

This is when he should /leave/ Fynn. He shouldn't stay here. He should be content to know his home town was once again standing, but apparently was no longer his home town. That it was /now/ part of Palamecia. It may as well be a town he should remove his heritage from.

He can hear the armored feet starting to come down the alley way that he darted in. He can hear their armor right behind him. They are chasing him. They are probably going to capture him and drag him back to Mateus. He grits his teeth and then his left hand reaches down for his blade. Enough was enough.

Leon spins around in the dark alley, his red eyes burning bright as fire, as he draws the very sword at.. only one of the knights? "...what? There was.. two of you." he then takes a step back. "You should have kept your friends near by, Palamecian."

The Knight came to a halt before he placed out his hand. His eyes were normal, green at that. He kept his hand up as motioned for Leon to take it easy. "Easy there.. why don't you put the sword away."

"So that you and your lot can drag me back down to Mateus?!" Leon snarls out before narrowing his eyes. "I don't think so. I would sooner take my life then return to that flamboyant nut-case."

"We are not going to take you back." The knight responds as he actually goes to remove his own weapon belt and then drops it to the side. "The others said you wouldn't remember, but I had to see for myself."

"Remember what?" Leon growls his eyes narrowed in anger as darkness flicks around at his feet. "..and what are you doing?"

"Showing you I am not going to harm you." The Knight replies as he reaches up to pull off his helm, and then drops it off to the side. He had a rather young face, somewhere in his early twenties. He had a head of dirty blond hair and was kept in a nice military cut. "I just wanted to talk with you.. just to, you know, see what you are /really/ like."

"Why would that matter to you?" Leon ask as he takes a step back. Glancing around and even up to make sure this wasn't a trap. So far, nothing. "Also what have you lot done to the people of Fynn?"

"If I was to answer that latter question, you wouldn't believe me." The Knight simply replies with a sigh as he lowers his hands. "..and it matters, because a good deal of the men of Palamecia respect you. You were a force to be reckoned with. Tactical minded. You were his greatest and finest."

Leon snarls softly. "You speak of the Dark Knight. Not I. He is just a puppet of Mateus."

"No. I am talking about--" The Knight stops and sighs. He then just nods his head. "You.. really don't remember anything, do you?"

"No. I don't. I also refuse to go back to such a life." Leon at last slides his sword back into his scabbard. "So you should go bugger off before you get yourself in trouble with your superiors."

"I slightly am my own, Superior, sir." The Knight says calmly. "I was under your, the Dark Knight's, command during his Light Heart operation. We maned the airship we took in order to travel around the World of Ruin."

Leon is about to turn away to just walk down the alley before the Knight speaks of the 'Light Heart operation'. Leon raises an eyebrow and peers at the Knight. "Again, why should I care? Beyond the fact you probably witnessed that assignment that Mateus placed the Dark Knight on."

"No, see that is the thing.." The Knight says crossing his arms over his chest. "That was your plan. Your plan as the Dark Knight. You had gotten his Majesty's permission to carry out the operation and picked a handful of us from the Dreadnought as your crew, because we had nothing else better to do while the ship was under repairs."

Leon tilts his head slightly to the side. "Ok. So your saying the Dark Knight is /not/ that much of a puppet, at least so much so he doesn't have all his strings being pulled. He is /still/ a puppet in some form." The former Dark Knight then starts to turn around. "Sadly, I don't believe you, from all accounts I have heard. The Dark Knight was pretty much a mindless golem in his actions."

"I don't ask you to believe me, but you don't give that other side of you enough credit." The Knight says softly as he reaches down for his helm. "..but at least I hold the comfort to know that you both speak much alike.. only you talk more and carry emotion, compared to his methodical conversations."

"See. Puppet." Leon states as he continues to walk raising up his hand. "So go be a puppet too, no wait. You all are already!"

The Knight watches Leon walk away into the darkness of the alley, before he places back on his belt and then places the helm back on. "Welcome back home to Fynn, sir..." He whisper softly. "..we will be waiting for the day you return to us as our commander.."

Leon continues to walk on until he comes to another street, one looking directly to the road leading to the palace of Fynn. The home of the ruling party over the city. The former Dark Knight slowly moves his eyes away before looking down to the ground. He then glances down the other way to see a few children running across the road, playing their game of tag. A small smile slips across his face before he shakes his head.

He then starts to go to people, talking to them. Each person seems to enjoy themselves. Many even talk about how Emperor Mateus is a giving man and has placed the nation in better shape then it has ever been before. One, after the other. None seem upset. None seem to care. They are happy with their lives now and though a few remember the war, they all say then the same: "It is better now."

Slowly Leon finds himself just walking as the sun starts to set. His eyes slowly losing that bit of light as he walks. His steps slow and sluggish as it all starts to slowly come to a dark realization.

"This is Fynn." he says softly as he starts to make his way out of the city. "But this not my Fynn... for it was taken from me.. and in the shadows of my memory will she ever remain. My nation gone. My home gone. All taken from me." His hands clasped tightly, before they suddenly loosen. "..even my name..." as he continues to just walk along the road alone with despair in his eyes. "..even my heritage.."