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The Dream

The Dream in general consists of a collective unconsciousness. The dreams of all who sleep contribute to the locations (and sometimes people!) found in the Dream World. Particularly powerful impressions or dreamers can create more stable areas within the dream world. Some worlds can be quite pleasant, while others, horrifying. Anything that one can dream of can exist in the Dreaming World, for good or for ill.

Physical objects generally do not exist within the Dream World. Exceptions occur when Data leaks into the Dream World, or when a form of Sorcery forces physical forms into said world. the vast majority of the time, however, one is forced to use what is at hand unless one can use their Mind or Heart to affect the world around them (see Interaction). This means that objects encountered in the Dream Worlds often follow their own rules, ones not necessarily matching up with what one might expect in the Waking Worlds.

A typical dreamer both contributes to the collective Dreaming Worlds in their own way, but often creates their own personal dreamworld. They float through the Dreaming Worlds, keeping generally to areas related to their personal dream in fragile-seeming bubbles, called Dreamscapes. Someone on the outside of a bubble can look in and watch to see what the dream is about. Those with the skill to do so can interact with the personal dreamscape in many ways, whether moving it to another location (and thus influencing the general content of the dreamscape), or entering it and beginning to affect the dream directly. This can be dangerous, as a Dreamer is always most powerful within their own Dreamscape, as long as their Heart is strong.

The greater Dreaming Worlds are within Dreamscape bubbles of their own, macrocosms within the greater Dream. One often travels between one to the next by travelling through ‘tunnels’ that connect them. It often looks and feels like one is dropping between them, racing past gleaming stars, pieces of Dreamscapes, and the occasional Nightmare.

The area between Dreaming Worlds is unshaped and vast. Errant thoughts can create anything outside in the misty realm. Those skilled in doing so can escape the bounds of the Dreaming Worlds and look within, observing the greater Dreamscapes in detail. This, too, is often used by the Shadow Lords to investigate worlds still behind their Barriers of Light to seek out those of their number within… Or possibly seek out a way to manipulate events in a way to give them access in a more direct manner.

The destruction of someone’s dreamscape will generally have no effect on the dreamer, simply waking them up rudely. Exceptions may occur in particular situations, however...


Someone who travels through the Dream World and is both conscious of the fact that they are in a dream (to wit, a lucid dreamer) and possesses a disciplined enough Mind can influence the area around them. The degree of effect this can have is an aggregate of both their general control over Dream itself and the strength of their Mind. Most people at their utmost can do little more than manage to escape their Dreamscape and travel freely. Those who know the true secrets of the Dream can exert control over their surrounding area and even alter the Dreamscapes of others. Dreams can also be altered if one introduces a great deal of Light or Darkness into a Dream and establishes control through that, a favored tactic of Shadow Lords.

Accessing the Dreaming World is generally simple: Fall asleep! However, other methods to access the Dreaming World exist, most of which involve various forms of Sorcery or Technology. It is extremely rare, but the potential exists for one to simply enter the Dreaming World entirely through the use of forces that would alter the physical realm, but such places would be extremely powerful and extremely rare.

Items do not have a true physical form in the Dreaming World unless they were physically brought there in the first place. If one does not have a way to give that item a physical Body of some kind, one cannot remove items from the Dream.


The natural denizens of the Dream are Nightmares and Dream Eaters. The Nightmares invade Dreamscapes and feed off of the negative emotions created from such dreams, while Dream Eaters feed upon the Nightmares themselves. As Nobodies and Heartless do not exist in the Dream World, they are the primary entities that a traveler will encounter.

Dream Eaters and Nightmares look astonishingly similar, a dizzying array of creatures and entity forms being possible. Dream Eaters are usually colored in bright colors, while Nightmares are dark, and bear similar alignments to those sensitive to Light or Dark.

Dream Eaters are generally friendly and might accompany a dream traveler for a time, especially if they are planning to face Nightmares for them to consume. Nightmares attack anyone they see without care or pause. Those who know the secrets of Dreams or have control over the forces of Light or Darkness can influence these creatures in various ways. However, they are limited in that they cannot leave the Dreaming World, as they have no Body.

Dream Terms

  • The Dream: The overall realm in which Dreaming Worlds and Dreamscapes reside.
  • 'Dreaming World: A greater Dreamscape that consists of the common thoughts and impressions of many Minds and Hearts. They are resistant to change, but not impenetrable.
  • 'Dreamscape: Any bounded area within The Dream is a Dreamscape. They appear as bubbles within The Dream.
  • Personal Dreamscape: A Dreamscape created by a person who is actively dreaming. The person to whom the Dreamscape belongs to generally has power there, but exceptions exist.



Note: Possession of the World Shard of a location allows one to exert control when in the corresponding area of the Dream as if one has ability one level higher, but only within that area. Since Shards only correspond to specific locations, there is no overlap possible.

0) Lucid Dreaming - Some naturally develop this ability. Others learn how to exercise this ability through training or other methods. In all cases, the most basic control over Dreams gives one weak control over their own Dreamscape, and the ability to leave it and travel freely. Weak control is generally defined as the ability to create and maintain a single simple object or make small environmental changes. One might enter the Dreamscapes of others, depending on the situation and the target. This level of control is generally available for any character for whom it makes sense. It does not lock off any other Progression Paths.

1) Dream Manipulation - This stage allows one to easily engage in the alterations given by Lucid Dreaming, as well as beginning to extend their influence to a greater degree. At this point, moderate control of their personal Dreamscape is possible (as defined by being able to create unlimited simple objects or one or two complex objects, or significantly altering the environment. These changes can last until you leave the area or wake up) as well as being able to engage in weak manipulation of the Dreamscape of others. One can establish basic control over Nightmares or Dream Eaters if one has the wish to. This is also the point where one can escape the Dreaming Worlds and travel the Dream itself. The character may gain a second Form to be used only in the Dreaming World that has a higher CST than base.

2) Dream Control - At this stage the ability of the dreamer is such that they can begin locating specific Dreamscapes and exert complete control over their personal domain. Their ability to exert control decreases to moderate outside of that domain, but the definition of ‘domain’ becomes a little fuzzy at this point, as one can begin expanding their Dreamscapes, and carrying it with them. The area can be fairly large (distance is, after all, relative in dreams), but the stronger one’s Heart and Mind are, the greater it can be. The scope of an entire Dreaming World is beyond someone at this level, however. The power of hundreds or thousands of minds still cannot be overridden so easily. One with a strong enough Mind and Heart could potentially establish control over another’s Dreamscape until the point that the victim awakens, this able to be used for potentially good or evil purposes. This is not mind control. It can affect someone’s mental state over time if applied repeatedly, but there is no direct control established. When travelling the Dream, one can make weak manipulations from the raw potential of the Dream itself while travelling if need be. One can call Dream Eaters or Nightmares to their side in number, if they wish. The character gains a significant CST boost when in the Dream as well.

3) Dream Mastery - At this point, nearly anything is possible within dreams. The pinnacle of the craft, one can use their ability for great good, or great evil. One can begin insinuating their desires into a Dreaming World, making changes over time. Such things do not go without notice, however. One also still cannot alter a dreaming person’s mind directly. Such things are not within the power of Dream. The character is also incredibly strong within the Dream.

Control  |  Personal Dreamscape | Other Dreamscapes | Dreaming World | The Dream
  0      |          Weak        |       None        |       None     |   None
  1      |        Moderate      |       Weak        |       Weak     |   None
  2      |        Complete      |      Strong       |     Moderate   |   Weak
  3      |        Complete      |     Complete      |      Strong    |  Moderate
  • WEAK: Small, temporary changes. A simple object or small envrionmental change, that lasts until they leave, it is countered by someone with a stronger Mind or greater control, they stop concentrating, or they wake up.
  • MODERATE: Several simple items or one or two complex items, moderate environmental changes. These changes might last for some time after they leave, or smaller changes might last until the dreamscape in question dissolves or is changed by someone else.
  • STRONG: Many complex items, total environmental control. These changes could last a very long time.
  • COMPLETE: Total control. One can make any changes they desire within this space that will persist until the Dreamscape is dissolved or altered. If one is altering another’s Dreamscape, they have to subdue the host’s Mind and Heart in order to do so. This might be problematic in some instances.