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(Created page with "{{Character Infobox |firstname=Verianna |lastname=Aleanvirrea |age=20 |image=2ilhhlh.jpg |species=Mythannor Elf |sex=Female |height=5'6" |weight=130lbs |series=Original |style...")
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|weight=No! :P
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|occupation=To promote happiness and peace among all peoples.
|occupation=To promote happiness and peace among all peoples.
|quote="The gentlest breeze can mend the harshest of wounds."
|quote="The gentlest breeze can mend the harshest of wounds."
|footer=Why isn't the wind talking to me??? ;_;
= Profile =
Runaway princess Verianna Aleanvirrea, (known as Veri to her closest friends), fled her nation when learning that her Kingdom was being fueled and kept running by the use of slaves. Travelling the world to help others in need, her Wind Walker's talents bring her and the powers of air and wind together, speaking with them and listening to their whispers, empowering her with an arsenal of healing, enhancing and enfeebling spells that makes her a strong ally. Pacifist at heart, she would rather avoid conflict entirely.
= History =
The Mythannor Kingdom is a magical place of amazing wonder compared to similar worlds and in so being begs us to ask the question of how to even begin talking about its history.
Let's start with the land, if you can call it that. It's actually set atop a cloud. Or rather, a piece of land that was lifted up from the ground, and covered in clouds for concealment. This was done using arcane magic, supported for eons by the power of a wind crystal placed in the heart of the city. This crystal was artificially created based on technology borrowed from a race known as the Nomen. While not quite as powerful as the original, it gives off enough power to sustain the kingdom requiring a ceremony every dozen of years to re-energize it.
But wait, the Nomen? That’s right. Nomen were known for having such advanced technology that holding a castle and land mass aloft as well as building airships were not something just out of fairy tales. Many would seek out this kind of technology for global domination, but not the Nomen. There’s a chance that the entire race of Nomen were sages and if so desired could have more than likely taken control of the entire world. The Nomen and Mythannor were neighbors at first, islands floating aside one another, one of elves and one of sages. They shared a wealth of knowledge with one another, the Nomen sharing their skills in technology and the Mythannor elves teaching their ways of magic, specifically those of the wind and air. The race of elves at the time was known as Sulsalka meaning Wind Dance and were known for their ability to harness the power and companionship with the air elemental. Like the other elf races they were one with nature, but instead of sharing it with the soil and plants, they focused on the forces of the wind. The Nomen learned greatly from the Wind Crystal using the knowledge of the Sulsalka.
In return, the Sulsalka learned about technology which they were able to adapt to lift the island they were living on into the sky and furthermore applying their magic to sustain and conceal it. Even as the Nomen passed away and disappeared into history, the Kingdom of Mythannor stayed perched in the heavens, away from sight and knowledge lost in time.
Hundreds of years had passed and the Kingdom benefitted from safety and peace while keeping a regimen of trained warriors and sages amongst them in case of new threats. During this time, two prominent battle styles were developed that split those who wished to learn them into groups: the Swordmages and the Wind Walkers. Swordmages were warriors that harnessed the elemental power of the wind into their attacks, while the Wind Walkers could literally converse with the wind to control and tame it, turning it either into a furious offensive power or soothing curative spells at will.
Mythannor was a beautiful place to live. Just above the cloud line the sun was always shining, magic drawn from the wind crystal allowing for a temperate climate and for water to be cycled through, keeping the airborne island a lush, green semi-paradise. You'd think it was the perfect nation.
Verianna was born into royalty as the first princess of the kingdom, though she was second born to the royal family as her older brother was next in line to the throne. Expectedly, her brother Nimian trained to become a powerful Swordmage, following his father's footsteps, while Verianna had the uncanny talent for dancing with the wind as a Wind Walker.
Verianna and Nimian often trained together as they grew up, both honing their talents against one another. While injuries could happen, Verianna's healing would usually whisk them away without fault. Yet over time, she started to feel unrest between herself and Nimian and eventually stopped training with him. She felt that her brother now sought out power for the sake of power and obsessed with becoming stronger. This frightened her both for her own safety and for Nimian’s and knew there was nothing she could do to change his path.
For a while, Verianna couldn't help but feel restless. Even after she stopped training, the wind seemed to whisper to her of new dangers that were as of yet to come about.  While she could have easily wandered where she pleased, she often felt like staying inside of her room, gazing from the balcony in search of what evil was to come, hoping that the wind would tell her.
The answer came one day not from the wind but from the convoy that came in regularly with food and supplies. While the Sulsalka could manage on their own for the most part with their fields, these other supplies that were brought up made her curious as to their need. Was it ores for the tools? Maybe more wood from the trees below?
She knew the castle was making stops near tall mountains once in a while for these supplies as the airship lines had been severed centuries before. But one day she decided to investigate on her own. She snuck down toward the docks where she had been forbidden to go since a child and never knew the reasons why.
[[File:VeriMother.jpg|thumb|Verianna's Mother, Queen of Mythannor]]
What she found at the docks shocked her and scarred her from that point on. The ones that were bringing in the goods weren't elves but humans. The fact that humans were helping the elves didn’t surprise her but the shackles and terrible malnourishment that plagued the humans did. Before she could get any closer to see what exactly was happening, she was discovered and brought back home to a vicious scolding by her Father and subsequently locked in her room.
But none of this deterred her. If anything it made her even more suspicious. She started observing the docks more often from her room using a telescope, focusing in on the shackles and health of the humans that were forced into this labor. She used the wind to communicate with friends and confidants, people she had trust in who could look into the matter. Thought the use of the wind, Verianna was able to communicate without the possibility of her Father and Brother finding out. Or so she hoped.
The information she gathered infuriated her even more. The humans she saw were slaves. After losing the airships and lines to the ground, the decision was made a few hundred years back to create a workforce down below to supply Mythannor made up of miners and various workers. Verianna knew that these were no volunteers and from the look of things was practically forced labor, something that didn't please her in the slightest. The elves were taking advantage of the human villages for their own benefit and while this gave Verianna the wonderful life that she had, she now wished that she had never been given the opportunity to live on the backs of slaves.
Verianna began to make plans as she no longer wanted anything to do with such a society. The only one she told about all of this was her mother who shared her concern but was powerless to do anything about it. She had married the king to try and change his mind about using slaves but never managed to get through to him. And now, mother and daughter were worrying that Nimian would turn out to be just like his Father.
It was time to confront Nimian and so she decided to speak with her brother directly in the way he understood best: Through a duel. As they talked throughout the fight, Verianna's words seemed to hit Nimian harshly as she accused him of perpetuating the same mindset as their father, enslaving humans to bring comfort to the elves. This information would be disastrous to the Mythannor Kingdom if it got out to other lands.
Nimian didn't take this lightly and lashed out, a lapse of judgment blinded by anger, a sword strike that could have been fatal to his own sister. But Verianna had been hiding her hand the entire time. As the sword came down on her, her graceful hand came to intercept the blade, a line of wind between her fingers acting as an impenetrable shield. The same wind that deflected her brother's sword was then sent his way in a sweeping motion sending Nimian flying backward effortlessly.
Nimian never expected his sister to become so strong and when looking up at her once the battle was over, all he could see was the saddened eyes of Verianna. He looked down in shame. Was it too late?
It was for Verianna at least. That was the last straw. And no matter how repentant her brother might be, it doesn't excuse the facts that had now forced her to leave the nation. One day she would come back and until then the wind would bring her news of home. But for now she could not continue as a Princess of Mythannor as her heart simply wouldn’t allow it.
Descending to the world on the next convoy, she embarked on a personal journey to learn more about the world with her own eyes. The last whisper she heard was of her father's passing before the wind stopped communicating with her entirely. She didn't know what this meant but didn’t have much time to ponder it she passed out, only to wake up on the shores near Mysidia, in this place now called the World of Ruin.
= Personality =
[[File:VeriPrincess.jpg|thumb|Verianna in her Princessly Robes]]
To sum up Verianna in a few words, you'd unmistakably use the words kind, generous, and especially innocent. Not naive in the slightest but when one lacks knowledge it’s easy to be fooled, especially when you find someone with these qualities.
Friendly and outgoing, even when she was secluded from the outside world in Mythannor, she was the one that always believed in rainbows after rainfall. No matter how tough things get for her, she never gives up and trudges on.
She is very serious about her convictions, freedom, and showing respect to others. Verianna believes that everyone has a right to live their life the way they wish as long as it doesn’t infringe on anyone else. Laws exist for a reason and should be followed to keep the peace. Those who do not follow the laws should be punished but also allowed the chance to turn their lives around.
Above all else, Verianna wishes for everyone to be happy. She never wishes harm on anyone and would always prefer to talk her way out of a conflict if possible. She believes that even in the deepest darkness there exists a ray of light and therefore hope giving her the true title of an optimist. She is more prone to sadness than anger and will always attempt to work out a problem without the use of force.
When conflict cannot be avoided, she uses all of her talents in her magical abilities of healing, enhancing and enfeebling. She would rather hinder opponents, perhaps buying enough time to change their minds, rather than hurting them. Killing anyone is completely out of question.
All in all you could define Verianna as pure at heart. She knows that there is ill in the world but also believes there is good in everyone and everything. When she makes friends that are like minded, she is loyal to the very end and is always happy to find people that she can trust and share the same beliefs with.
Verianna no longer has any notion of nobility, titles, status, racial or gender misconceptions. For her, every living being has the same value, would it be plants, humans or animals. Even the wind is like a friend to her. This makes her into a rather odd mix of innocent seriousness and adorable joy-of-life rolled into a single young girl. It’s not hard at all to be friends with such a person.
= Abilities =
[[File:VeriWindWalker.jpg|thumb|Verianna's Wind Walker Form]]
Being a Wind Walker in her tribe, Verianna’s ability lies in speaking with the wind. The wind carries the words of people speaking through it, those with great ability or talent being the ones who can slowly filter out all of the different voices traversing the air. Yet with the new world, Verianna has lost all contact with the wind and fears it make take some doing to make friends with the wind of this new place.
Shaping the wind is another of the Wind Walker's abilities. They can turn it into a weapon by unleashing terrible forces onto their opponents as well as carrying the energies into mending wounds to their friends. It can also be hardened into a protective shield, or give a push in the right direction to help an ally's movement.
In fact, Verianna seems to be more at ease being in the air than on the ground. She uses the wind to lift her light body and carry her around when needed. She doesn't fly very high most of the time, but she definitely doesn't seem to touch ground often either. The air around her can be a platform for her feet or a chair for her hips, a sort of hardened air tunnel that supports her comfortably and yet gives her great mobility nonetheless.
Being born as a princess didn't help Verianna with learning too many menial tasks so this is something she has slowly been working on. What she lacks in knowledge she makes up for with fast learning, fueled with that desire of being able to fend for herself. Of course one cannot be skilled at everything, but she has found some interest into herbology and cooking. She often uses herbs over the recipes she attempts, finding out what herb and spice goes well with what dish. Additionally, Verianna has spent most of her life dining on fruits and vegetables and has since learned to grow and harvest them. She loves nuts, berries, and just about anything else that can be grown and cannot resist the taste of fresh produce. Needless to say, if push came to shove, with the help of her wind powers, (when they’re available), Verianna could fend for herself in just about any situation gives she had her powers. Her current circumstances, however, leave her it a bit of a rut as her wind powers seem to have vanished.
Having grown up an elf and within elven culture, Verianna was educated in all forms of Elvish and therefore can communicate with just about any elf in existence. This gives her an advantage if she were ever in a situation that required her to make sure certain things were not heard by certain people. Likewise, and as was mentioned previously, Verianna can communicate with the wind and regularly talks with it. It’s no unusual to see her staring up into the sky and speaking out loud either with eyes open or shut. This is part of who she is and how the Wind Walkers continue to keep a positive relationship with all winds. Unfortunately, being in this new land, the wind here is unknown to her and Veri unknown to it. Hopefully with time she will come to know this new wind and find herself controlling it as she has before.
= Logs =
= Logs =
{{Character Logs}}
{{Character Logs}}
= Cutscenes =
= Cutscenes =
{{Character Logs|Cutscenes}}
{{Character Logs|Cutscenes}}

Latest revision as of 16:58, 3 January 2013

Verianna Aleanvirrea
Age 20
Species Mythannor Elf
Sex Female
Height 5'6"
Weight No! :P
Series Original
Combat Styles Wind Walker
Hometown Kingdowm of Mythannor
Group Unaffiliated
Occupation/Job To promote happiness and peace among all peoples.
Force: Forces of Restoration
"The gentlest breeze can mend the harshest of wounds."
Recent Events
Why isn't the wind talking to me??? ;_;


Runaway princess Verianna Aleanvirrea, (known as Veri to her closest friends), fled her nation when learning that her Kingdom was being fueled and kept running by the use of slaves. Travelling the world to help others in need, her Wind Walker's talents bring her and the powers of air and wind together, speaking with them and listening to their whispers, empowering her with an arsenal of healing, enhancing and enfeebling spells that makes her a strong ally. Pacifist at heart, she would rather avoid conflict entirely.


The Mythannor Kingdom is a magical place of amazing wonder compared to similar worlds and in so being begs us to ask the question of how to even begin talking about its history.

Let's start with the land, if you can call it that. It's actually set atop a cloud. Or rather, a piece of land that was lifted up from the ground, and covered in clouds for concealment. This was done using arcane magic, supported for eons by the power of a wind crystal placed in the heart of the city. This crystal was artificially created based on technology borrowed from a race known as the Nomen. While not quite as powerful as the original, it gives off enough power to sustain the kingdom requiring a ceremony every dozen of years to re-energize it.

But wait, the Nomen? That’s right. Nomen were known for having such advanced technology that holding a castle and land mass aloft as well as building airships were not something just out of fairy tales. Many would seek out this kind of technology for global domination, but not the Nomen. There’s a chance that the entire race of Nomen were sages and if so desired could have more than likely taken control of the entire world. The Nomen and Mythannor were neighbors at first, islands floating aside one another, one of elves and one of sages. They shared a wealth of knowledge with one another, the Nomen sharing their skills in technology and the Mythannor elves teaching their ways of magic, specifically those of the wind and air. The race of elves at the time was known as Sulsalka meaning Wind Dance and were known for their ability to harness the power and companionship with the air elemental. Like the other elf races they were one with nature, but instead of sharing it with the soil and plants, they focused on the forces of the wind. The Nomen learned greatly from the Wind Crystal using the knowledge of the Sulsalka.

In return, the Sulsalka learned about technology which they were able to adapt to lift the island they were living on into the sky and furthermore applying their magic to sustain and conceal it. Even as the Nomen passed away and disappeared into history, the Kingdom of Mythannor stayed perched in the heavens, away from sight and knowledge lost in time.

Hundreds of years had passed and the Kingdom benefitted from safety and peace while keeping a regimen of trained warriors and sages amongst them in case of new threats. During this time, two prominent battle styles were developed that split those who wished to learn them into groups: the Swordmages and the Wind Walkers. Swordmages were warriors that harnessed the elemental power of the wind into their attacks, while the Wind Walkers could literally converse with the wind to control and tame it, turning it either into a furious offensive power or soothing curative spells at will.

Mythannor was a beautiful place to live. Just above the cloud line the sun was always shining, magic drawn from the wind crystal allowing for a temperate climate and for water to be cycled through, keeping the airborne island a lush, green semi-paradise. You'd think it was the perfect nation.

Verianna was born into royalty as the first princess of the kingdom, though she was second born to the royal family as her older brother was next in line to the throne. Expectedly, her brother Nimian trained to become a powerful Swordmage, following his father's footsteps, while Verianna had the uncanny talent for dancing with the wind as a Wind Walker.

Verianna and Nimian often trained together as they grew up, both honing their talents against one another. While injuries could happen, Verianna's healing would usually whisk them away without fault. Yet over time, she started to feel unrest between herself and Nimian and eventually stopped training with him. She felt that her brother now sought out power for the sake of power and obsessed with becoming stronger. This frightened her both for her own safety and for Nimian’s and knew there was nothing she could do to change his path.

For a while, Verianna couldn't help but feel restless. Even after she stopped training, the wind seemed to whisper to her of new dangers that were as of yet to come about. While she could have easily wandered where she pleased, she often felt like staying inside of her room, gazing from the balcony in search of what evil was to come, hoping that the wind would tell her.

The answer came one day not from the wind but from the convoy that came in regularly with food and supplies. While the Sulsalka could manage on their own for the most part with their fields, these other supplies that were brought up made her curious as to their need. Was it ores for the tools? Maybe more wood from the trees below?

She knew the castle was making stops near tall mountains once in a while for these supplies as the airship lines had been severed centuries before. But one day she decided to investigate on her own. She snuck down toward the docks where she had been forbidden to go since a child and never knew the reasons why.

Verianna's Mother, Queen of Mythannor

What she found at the docks shocked her and scarred her from that point on. The ones that were bringing in the goods weren't elves but humans. The fact that humans were helping the elves didn’t surprise her but the shackles and terrible malnourishment that plagued the humans did. Before she could get any closer to see what exactly was happening, she was discovered and brought back home to a vicious scolding by her Father and subsequently locked in her room.

But none of this deterred her. If anything it made her even more suspicious. She started observing the docks more often from her room using a telescope, focusing in on the shackles and health of the humans that were forced into this labor. She used the wind to communicate with friends and confidants, people she had trust in who could look into the matter. Thought the use of the wind, Verianna was able to communicate without the possibility of her Father and Brother finding out. Or so she hoped.

The information she gathered infuriated her even more. The humans she saw were slaves. After losing the airships and lines to the ground, the decision was made a few hundred years back to create a workforce down below to supply Mythannor made up of miners and various workers. Verianna knew that these were no volunteers and from the look of things was practically forced labor, something that didn't please her in the slightest. The elves were taking advantage of the human villages for their own benefit and while this gave Verianna the wonderful life that she had, she now wished that she had never been given the opportunity to live on the backs of slaves.

Verianna began to make plans as she no longer wanted anything to do with such a society. The only one she told about all of this was her mother who shared her concern but was powerless to do anything about it. She had married the king to try and change his mind about using slaves but never managed to get through to him. And now, mother and daughter were worrying that Nimian would turn out to be just like his Father.

It was time to confront Nimian and so she decided to speak with her brother directly in the way he understood best: Through a duel. As they talked throughout the fight, Verianna's words seemed to hit Nimian harshly as she accused him of perpetuating the same mindset as their father, enslaving humans to bring comfort to the elves. This information would be disastrous to the Mythannor Kingdom if it got out to other lands.

Nimian didn't take this lightly and lashed out, a lapse of judgment blinded by anger, a sword strike that could have been fatal to his own sister. But Verianna had been hiding her hand the entire time. As the sword came down on her, her graceful hand came to intercept the blade, a line of wind between her fingers acting as an impenetrable shield. The same wind that deflected her brother's sword was then sent his way in a sweeping motion sending Nimian flying backward effortlessly.

Nimian never expected his sister to become so strong and when looking up at her once the battle was over, all he could see was the saddened eyes of Verianna. He looked down in shame. Was it too late?

It was for Verianna at least. That was the last straw. And no matter how repentant her brother might be, it doesn't excuse the facts that had now forced her to leave the nation. One day she would come back and until then the wind would bring her news of home. But for now she could not continue as a Princess of Mythannor as her heart simply wouldn’t allow it.

Descending to the world on the next convoy, she embarked on a personal journey to learn more about the world with her own eyes. The last whisper she heard was of her father's passing before the wind stopped communicating with her entirely. She didn't know what this meant but didn’t have much time to ponder it she passed out, only to wake up on the shores near Mysidia, in this place now called the World of Ruin.


Verianna in her Princessly Robes

To sum up Verianna in a few words, you'd unmistakably use the words kind, generous, and especially innocent. Not naive in the slightest but when one lacks knowledge it’s easy to be fooled, especially when you find someone with these qualities.

Friendly and outgoing, even when she was secluded from the outside world in Mythannor, she was the one that always believed in rainbows after rainfall. No matter how tough things get for her, she never gives up and trudges on.

She is very serious about her convictions, freedom, and showing respect to others. Verianna believes that everyone has a right to live their life the way they wish as long as it doesn’t infringe on anyone else. Laws exist for a reason and should be followed to keep the peace. Those who do not follow the laws should be punished but also allowed the chance to turn their lives around.

Above all else, Verianna wishes for everyone to be happy. She never wishes harm on anyone and would always prefer to talk her way out of a conflict if possible. She believes that even in the deepest darkness there exists a ray of light and therefore hope giving her the true title of an optimist. She is more prone to sadness than anger and will always attempt to work out a problem without the use of force.

When conflict cannot be avoided, she uses all of her talents in her magical abilities of healing, enhancing and enfeebling. She would rather hinder opponents, perhaps buying enough time to change their minds, rather than hurting them. Killing anyone is completely out of question.

All in all you could define Verianna as pure at heart. She knows that there is ill in the world but also believes there is good in everyone and everything. When she makes friends that are like minded, she is loyal to the very end and is always happy to find people that she can trust and share the same beliefs with.

Verianna no longer has any notion of nobility, titles, status, racial or gender misconceptions. For her, every living being has the same value, would it be plants, humans or animals. Even the wind is like a friend to her. This makes her into a rather odd mix of innocent seriousness and adorable joy-of-life rolled into a single young girl. It’s not hard at all to be friends with such a person.


Verianna's Wind Walker Form

Being a Wind Walker in her tribe, Verianna’s ability lies in speaking with the wind. The wind carries the words of people speaking through it, those with great ability or talent being the ones who can slowly filter out all of the different voices traversing the air. Yet with the new world, Verianna has lost all contact with the wind and fears it make take some doing to make friends with the wind of this new place.

Shaping the wind is another of the Wind Walker's abilities. They can turn it into a weapon by unleashing terrible forces onto their opponents as well as carrying the energies into mending wounds to their friends. It can also be hardened into a protective shield, or give a push in the right direction to help an ally's movement.

In fact, Verianna seems to be more at ease being in the air than on the ground. She uses the wind to lift her light body and carry her around when needed. She doesn't fly very high most of the time, but she definitely doesn't seem to touch ground often either. The air around her can be a platform for her feet or a chair for her hips, a sort of hardened air tunnel that supports her comfortably and yet gives her great mobility nonetheless.

Being born as a princess didn't help Verianna with learning too many menial tasks so this is something she has slowly been working on. What she lacks in knowledge she makes up for with fast learning, fueled with that desire of being able to fend for herself. Of course one cannot be skilled at everything, but she has found some interest into herbology and cooking. She often uses herbs over the recipes she attempts, finding out what herb and spice goes well with what dish. Additionally, Verianna has spent most of her life dining on fruits and vegetables and has since learned to grow and harvest them. She loves nuts, berries, and just about anything else that can be grown and cannot resist the taste of fresh produce. Needless to say, if push came to shove, with the help of her wind powers, (when they’re available), Verianna could fend for herself in just about any situation gives she had her powers. Her current circumstances, however, leave her it a bit of a rut as her wind powers seem to have vanished.

Having grown up an elf and within elven culture, Verianna was educated in all forms of Elvish and therefore can communicate with just about any elf in existence. This gives her an advantage if she were ever in a situation that required her to make sure certain things were not heard by certain people. Likewise, and as was mentioned previously, Verianna can communicate with the wind and regularly talks with it. It’s no unusual to see her staring up into the sky and speaking out loud either with eyes open or shut. This is part of who she is and how the Wind Walkers continue to keep a positive relationship with all winds. Unfortunately, being in this new land, the wind here is unknown to her and Veri unknown to it. Hopefully with time she will come to know this new wind and find herself controlling it as she has before.


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