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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2012/10/13 |Location=Fluorgis - Shard Seekers HQ - Lobby |Synopsis=Something is troubling Lenn. Ivo is a helpful person. If by helpful, you mean op...")
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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2012/10/13
|Date of Scene=2012/10/13
|Location=Fluorgis - Shard Seekers HQ - Lobby
|Location=Fluorgis{{!}}Fluorgis - Shard Seekers HQ - Lobby
|Synopsis=Something is troubling Lenn. Ivo is a helpful person. If by helpful, you mean opportunistic.
|Synopsis=Something is troubling Lenn. Ivo is a helpful person. If by helpful, you mean opportunistic.
|Cast of Characters=Ivo Galvan, Lenn
|Cast of Characters=Ivo Galvan, Lenn

Latest revision as of 00:12, 14 October 2012

Love Matters
Date of Scene: 13 October 2012
Location: Fluorgis - Shard Seekers HQ - Lobby
Synopsis: Something is troubling Lenn. Ivo is a helpful person. If by helpful, you mean opportunistic.
Cast of Characters: Ivo Galvan, Lenn

Ivo Galvan has posed:
It's late afternoon in the lobby of Shard Seekers HQ, and Ivo, seated alone at the central table, his now-dirtied cleaning apron draped over the chair next to him -- three days and this old workshop is still dusty! -- is gazing at the piece of paper in his hand with a flat expression, his thoughtful blue eyes perusing its text for what must be the tenth time, eyebrows arched.


For Vagrancy and Chocobo Theft


"This is the thanks I get for fixing Rabanastre's gate?" he murmurs to himself. What a misunderstanding. Shaking his head once, he simply folds up the paper so that its contents are hidden and slips it into his cloak. Maybe he should keep this from the other Seekers for now. It's not as though they know who his associates are. But then, he knows full well how they found out his identity. Avira, you accursed limpet-woman!

He'd shake his fist at the heavens, but it's too nice of a day. Instead, he leans back in his chair and gazes out toward a cracked window-pane, smiling slightly to himself. Seems like everyone has been settling in, at least.
Lenn has posed:
Lenn looks around as she arrives, carrying a small locked box. She lets out a breath, after a cursory look, but she doesn't seem terribly upbeat, as she heads for the table she's cleaned up for her own workspace, with a distracted look on her face.
Ivo Galvan has posed:
Oh, it's their resident Jewel Mage.

"Good afternoon, Lenn," Ivo calls, the knight-errant brushing his cloak back as he rises, smiling calmly, seemingly over his secret misfortune. He hasn't had the opportunity to speak with her privately yet. "How have your new quarters been treating you?" His eyes stray to the small box as he approaches, though his smile doesn't waver. "I understand if you're busy, but if you have a moment, I was hoping to speak with you about the Crystal, and what you know of how jewels..."

He trails off as he sees her expression, smile fading.

"...Is everything alright?"
Lenn has posed:
"Yes. No."

She shakes her head, and lets out another breath. "I... what do you know about Reize? He seems nice enough..." Is this really what's bothering her?

She shakes her head. "It's nothing you can help with, I think. What was your question?"
Ivo Galvan has posed:
Ivo arches a single eyebrow.

"Oh," he demurs, "I was just curious if there are any similarities between how the four Elemental Crystals, like the one here in Fluorgis, and the jewels you work with function, but..." Admittedly, that line of technical questioning has a practical purpose, but--

The corners of his lips quirk upward ever so slightly.
/This/ is much more interesting.

"Reize is a very good person," he says confidently, placing a hand on his hip. "Trustworthy and brave, always willing to help those in need. I'm honored to fight by his side." And watch over him. And make sure he doesn't trip and fall into any holes. Or onto anyone else's-- oh.


"But he /can/ be a little clumsy," Ivo concedes, and for a moment his features turn a little less mirthful and a little more sympathetic. "Are... you troubled by that accident in the inn earlier?"
Lenn has posed:
Lenn hugs herself. "I... yes. If we were going by my old home's traditions, before it vanished... I... and he.... engagement." She's too flustered to speak the end in a complete sentence. "Marriage."
Ivo Galvan has posed:
There follows a long silence.

At first, Ivo is just staring at her blankly. Then, he slowly processes this. And then, his lips purse tightly, as with /tremendous effort/ he prevents himself from bursting into laughter. His shoulders shake slightly, but due to heroic effort, that is the only sign of his overwhelming amusement.

"I... I see," he manages a serious tone, a little breathlessly. "So, by your traditions, because he touched... your body, you and he are now... engaged to be married."

Play it cool, Ivo, play it cool.

"Well, we will surely find the Shard of your home on our travels," he says, reassuring as always. "In the meantime, is it not up to us to preserve the traditions of your homeland until that good day?"

Oh, dear.

"Unless, of course, the thought makes you... unappy."
Lenn has posed:
Lenn blushes. "He... isn't unappealing. His naievete is... refreshing." Her ears droop. "But... I scarcely know him... And I believe Miss Misaki may have designs on him as well... I do not wish to take that away.
Ivo Galvan has posed:
Isn't unappealing, eh?

"There is much to like about Reize," Ivo says, still just barely containing his smile. "If it doesn't make you unhappy, I should think it's our responsibility to respect your culture, Lenn." It's such an entertaining culture, after all. "You'll surely come to know him better as we adventure together." And during married life!

Hmm, she's worried about Shiki's feelings. That's no fun. Better change the subject. "I don't claim to know Shiki's heart," Ivo carefully replies, "but isn't it Reize's feelings on the matter which are most important? And what man would not wish to marry you?" He smiles broadly.

"...Have you spoken to /him/ about this yet?"
Lenn has posed:
Lenn shakes her head. "I haven't... I don't..." She takes a deep breath, to calm herself. "If... If I marry Reize... I want it to be because he likes me. Not some duty... If that means I never can... then..." She looks away. "Maybe that's my own fate." She's not happy with this idea, but determined.
Ivo Galvan has posed:
He shouldn't tease her too far.

This is obviously all quite hilarious, but seeing the lovely elf sincerely struggle causes Ivo's smile to falter and his arms to cross, his countenance now thoughtful. Hmmm.

"Are there ways to annul the engagement once your homeland returns?" he asks. "Perhaps through... an explanation of the circumstances with the elders? With the chaos following the fusion of the worlds, surely they would be... more lenient."

"My suggestion is," he continues, "that you inform Reize of your culture's decree, and for now think of him as your fiance, as that is the way of your people." There are only so many to uphold it, for now. "Once we restore Elfland..." Now, he smiles again, just a little. "If you and Reize have not come to love each other by then, then surely there will be a formal and acceptable way to cancel the arrangement. And if you /have/..."

He unfolds his arms, spreading his hands.

"Then was not your fate a fortunate one?"

Look, a way to make everyone happy.

Especially Ivo!
Lenn has posed:
Lenn blushes. "I was simply going to... court him. If he chooses someone else... I will see what can be done for me. If he chooses me... Then he truly chose me, and I could never doubt it." She shakes her head. "I'll not tell him, and I ask that you don't, either."
Ivo Galvan has posed:
Ahh, it's too adorable.

"You don't want him to know...?"

Well, that's much less hilarious, but...

"I understand," Ivo says gently, smiling again. "I promise not to tell. Knight's honor." An oath is an oath, even for a knight of dubious background like this one. "Do you feel a little better now?"
Lenn has posed:
Lenn nods. "Talking about it helped." She smiles, softly. "So, what did you wish to know?"
Ivo Galvan has posed:
"I'm glad to hear it, Lenn... and I wish you luck with Reize," he adds, smiling again, sitting down in the chair beside her at her workbench. There's a sparkle in his eyes now, no longer repressed, though she may not identify it for what it is: mirth. "I'm confident you can win his heart with a little honest effort, of course. But... be sure to let me know if there's anything I can do."

Anything he can do... to assist in the /love triangle/!

A triangle for now, at least.

"Oh," he says, shrugging slightly, "I was just curious if, with your expertise in jewel magic, you knew anything about the Elemental Crystals, like the Crystal of Fire here in the city. If there's anything you can teach me, it could be a great help when I'm constructing the shard-seeking device." He tilts his head slightly. "Hmm... once I work out the resonance equations... perhaps we could work together on refining it?" He clearly comes from a very different world of magic.
Lenn has posed:
Lenn hmms. "Elemental Crystals? I'm afraid I've never been able to study anything like that. My own expertise is more based on personal experimentation. As far as I could tell, nobody has done casting like this, and I've not met anyone else it would work as well for.
Ivo Galvan has posed:
Ivo looks slightly disappointed, but unsurprised. "I anticipated as much," he murmurs, glancing away thoughtfully, "but I had to ask. With everyone coming from different backgrounds, it'll take practice before we can work together." Looking back at Lenn, he smiles again. "Well, once I'm able to construct the prototype device, perhaps with a little experimentation, we can learn how to enhance its efforts with your skills in a unique way." It's going to need a lot of fine-tuning from everyone, no doubt.

He's silent for a moment after that, still thoughtful, but then after a moment, his lips quirk upward again, ever so slightly. "Say, Lenn," he asks a little too casually. "You mentioned that you became engaged to Reize when he touched your... body."

Leaning back in his chair, he glances at her sidelong.

"What would happen if then... someone /else/ touched you?"
Lenn has posed:
Lenn blushes. "I... I'm uncertain... It's... It certainly would reflect poorly on me, that is for certain..."
Ivo Galvan has posed:
Careful, Lenn. When he senses weakness, he moves in for the kill. In fact, literally, Ivo has begun to lean in slightly, smiling widely, eyes still sparkling with amusement.

"Surely you jest. Who could blame you?" Urge to tease girl, rising. "You couldn't have asked to be born with a face and figure made to tempt men." Oh, Ivo. "But the engagement to Reize would still remain, yes?" He arches an eyebrow. "And you cannot be engaged to two men at once, can you? So would the second man face... no consequences?"

That smile can't possibly get any wider.
Lenn has posed:
Lenn says, "Likely... I'll be made unable to wed anyone, And while yes, I would likely face rather severe penalties like that.""
Ivo Galvan has posed:

"Th... that would be unfortunate," Ivo manages, slowly leaning back in his chair and resuming a neutral expression. "Well, we'll just have to make absolutely sure that never happens, won't we?" Elfheim is a fairly conservative place, isn't it? Well, with a tradition like this one--

"Well!" He claps his hands on his thighs, rising from his seated position and smiling again. "I think your plan is a good one, Lenn. I'll leave you to your work then, shall I? I'm glad we finally got to talk."
