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And then the heartless attacked his world.
And then the heartless attacked his world.
Ramza had been on the move ever since. Once again his soldiers took on the guise of simple sellswords, and he adopted the name of Barbaneth Lugria in order to at least temporarily confuse the Church’s inquisitors.  Recently, tragedy struck the braves when on a mission to Orbonne Monastery, they were engaged by a mysterious Templar with a Zodiac Stone.  The darkness that the stone unleashed attracted hordes of heartless, flooding the monastery and routing the Braves nearly instantly.  While in full retreat, Alma Beoulve fell into darkness and was lost.
Ramza had been on the move ever since. Once again his soldiers took on the guise of simple sellswords, and he adopted the pseudonym Barbaneth Lugria in order to at least temporarily confuse the Church’s inquisitors.  Recently, tragedy struck the braves when on a mission to Orbonne Monastery, they were engaged by a mysterious Templar with a Zodiac Stone.  The darkness that the stone unleashed attracted hordes of heartless, flooding the monastery and routing the Braves nearly instantly.  While in full retreat, Alma Beoulve fell into darkness and was lost.
While the loss of his sister was devastating, it has served only to strengthen his resolve.
While the loss of his sister was devastating, it has served only to strengthen his resolve.

Revision as of 15:47, 4 March 2013

Ramza Beoulve
Age 18
Species Human
Sex Male
Height 5'9"
Weight 160 lbs
Series Final Fantasy Tactics
Combat Styles New Zodiac Brave Commander
Hometown Eagrose Castle, Ivalice
Group New Zodiac Braves
Occupation/Job Rebel Commander
Force: Forces of Restoration
Theme Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOAqsR7Ahy0
I have no wish to change the world. But nor can I stand by while men suffer and die on the whim of some select few.
Recent Events
Ramza and the New Zodiac Braves are recovering from the battle of Orbonne Monastery.


Ramza Beoulve was born the bastard son of Barbaneth Beoulve. To his father’s great credit, he acknowledged Ramza, and as a result he received every privilege due to him as a member of the Beoulve family, a family of august nobility. Ramza lived a happy life as he grew up with Alma, his full sister, his childhood friend Delita Heiral, Delita’s sister Tietra and his two half-brothers, General Zalbaag and Dycedarg, who became the head of the Beoulve household and the Order of the Northern Sky upon his father’s death. Motivated by his father’s dying words, he graduated from the military academy and was given his first command within the Order of the Northern Sky in a campaign against the rebel group, the ‘Corpse Brigade’.

This campaign was an eye-opener for Ramza, as it showed him many truths about the military, nobility, and the common folk that shaped his life from thenceforth. While much could be written about it, in the end the result was that Tietra was killed, his best friend Delita was presumed dead, the Corpse Brigade put to rout, and Ramza’s squad deserted from the Order of the Northern Sky.

To avoid detection, Ramza began an association with a group of mercenaries led by the Fell Knight Goffard Gaffgarion. The group was at first hired to by Agrias Oaks to guard the Princess Ovelia Atkascha. It all began to go wrong when Delita Heiral turned out to be very much alive, and kidnapped the Princess Ovelia when the Order of the Southern Sky attacked Gaffgarion’s contingent. Despite Gaffgarion’s later betrayal, Ramza managed to recover the Princess. This leads to a series of unfortunate events in which Ramza, while trying to safeguard the Princess, manages to put her directly in the hands of the ones who sought to exploit her. Furthermore, he becomes mired in a plot by the Church of Glabados to recover the legendary Zodiac Stones, ‘holy’ artifacts which are in truth conduits to archdemons of the Underworld known as the Lucavi. While attempting to rescue Princess Ovelia from Cardinal Delacroix of the Church of Glabbados, Ramza learns the truth of the stones when one of them possesses the Cardinal. Transformed into a Lucavi of legend, Ramza is forced to destroy him. Shortly thereafter, the Church of Glabados accused Ramza of heresy.

And then the heartless attacked his world.

Ramza had been on the move ever since. Once again his soldiers took on the guise of simple sellswords, and he adopted the pseudonym Barbaneth Lugria in order to at least temporarily confuse the Church’s inquisitors. Recently, tragedy struck the braves when on a mission to Orbonne Monastery, they were engaged by a mysterious Templar with a Zodiac Stone. The darkness that the stone unleashed attracted hordes of heartless, flooding the monastery and routing the Braves nearly instantly. While in full retreat, Alma Beoulve fell into darkness and was lost.

While the loss of his sister was devastating, it has served only to strengthen his resolve.


Originally Ramza was a good soul that only wanted to live up to the expectations of his family name, and to do his father’s memory proud. This resulted in frequent role confusion at first during his clashes with the Corpse Brigade. As a result of his experiences though, he has become a selfless man with a strong sense of justice. While he still wishes to do his father proud, he does so by upholding his father’s ideals, not his name. Ramza feels a strong obligation to both his friends and family, and his strongest desire would be to live happily once again with Alma, and Delita.

Ramza however is not without his flaws. He frequently acts out of rash haste once he decides his choice is the correct course. His unit has fallen into a great many traps as a result. This is further complicated by the fact that Ramza has a tendency to be separated from the Braves and caught in an ambush alone. Ramza’s strong sense of justice also tends to frequently divert him from his true goal, and as a result he is frequently too late to stop the villain’s plot. Whether it be considered a strength, or a weakness he is entirely uncompromising. Furthermore, Ramza does not see himself as a revolutionary, and does not seek acclaim or even gratitude as a result of his actions, and thus the populace of Ivalice generally believes the accusations that he is a dangerous heretic. As a result, Ramza has few true allies amongst those in power or the common folk throughout Ivalice.


Coming soon...

Notable Posessions

Coming soon...


Ramza rides Boco, a yellow Chocobo which was formerly Wiegraf Folles' mount. Upon the defeat of the Corpse Brigade, Boco fled into the wild. Ramza by happenstance later came upon the Chocobo in the Araguay woods, and saved him from a horde of beasts. Boco was grateful for the rescue and formed a bond with Ramza almost immediately. While its doubtful that Ramza knows that this Chocobo is Wiegraf's former mount, by coincidence he named it Boco, the exact same name.

The New Zodiac Braves

Coming soon...



Name Faction Affiliation Summary
New Zodiac Braves Forces of Restoration New Zodiac Braves You have stood by me through desertion, accusations of dishonor, murder, and heresy when the prudent course would have been to walk away. No commander could ask for such fearful sacrifices from as brave and gallant soldiers as ever have been engaged in battle. I am both honored, and humbled by your friendship.
Alma Beoulve Force of Restoration None How sweet it would be to hear your voice again in this season of sorrow. There is naught in this world, or any other that will keep me from finding you.
Delita Hieral Wandering Force None Would Tietra be proud of your course? Take care that the great current you swim against does not wash you away.
Ovelia Atkascha Wandering Force None Forgive me your highness, I failed you. My only wish is that you are treated gently, until I have the means to grant you liberty.
Luso Clemens Forces of Restoration Clan Gully You should think upon stalking less rapacious prey in future hunts! When next we meet, you will have to show me the chronicle of your adventures.


Name Faction Affiliation Summary


Name Faction Affiliation Summary
Church of Glabados Forces of Ruin Church of Glabados It is not power that corrupts, but the fear of losing it. You have debauched everything you once stood for.
Dycedarg Beoulve Forces of Ruin Order of the Northern Sky Are you but a shadow puppet in a play, or one of the puppetmasters? You are too perspicacious for the former to be likely.
Zalbaag Beoulve Forces of Ruin Order of the Northern Sky You gave the order that ended Tietra's life. You have forsaken me as a brother for speaking my heart. You will always be my brother, but your forgiveness will be long in coming.


Ramza's Zodiac Sign is Capricorn.


Just a Bar Rumor February 3rd, 2014 Montag goes out for a drink with a friend to talk about the madness of his last hunting trip. What he gets is an encounter with Ramza as he tells the tale.
Strange Allies August 13th, 2013 Hati reaches out to Ramza after determining that she can no longer stand by and watch the Glabados Church act as a threat to those she loves.
Cathedral Confrontation August 4th, 2013 The 'heroes' face down the power of Father Barnabus and his chalice, hoping to free Faruja from it's baleful call.
Brigands and Bathtubs July 30th, 2013 The New Zodiac Braves save a merchant from some Heartless-and acquire a bathtub.
He Who Pulls the Strings July 20th, 2013 In search of those behind the plot that nearly killed Faruja... Hati, Will, and Ramza discover the man behind the scenes, pulling the strings.
Home Is Where The... June 20th, 2013 TRON gets ready to hook up the server that was once taken from Flynn's Arcade and gets the computer ready. What he and others don't know is what is about to take place when its all said and done...
A Hard Truth June 13th, 2013 Ramza reaches out to Hati, but what he reveals to her leaves the wolf a hard choice.
Cathedral Chaos June 11th, 2013 The dedication of the Church's new Cathedral doesn't go quite according to plan.
Teatime Tomfoolery May 31st, 2013 Rumors swirl about Ivo and Morrighan, and the two sit down for tea prior to their upcoming adventure to discuss what to do about it. And by discuss, we mean propose a devious plan. In public, before prying eyes, and within earshot of the target in question. Skulls are gripped and tea is sprayed, but it could be worse -- right?
A Researcher's Inquiry II May 29th, 2013 Taking time out to assist in some Shinra work, Rhia has the good fortune of running into one of those on her list of people to question. ...It turns out to be a little more complicated than that. All hell breaks loose.
Tea is for Lovers May 25th, 2013 Artemis and Ramza take a bit of a vacation to visit an old friend of Artemis and help him with the tea harvest in the Wuyi Mountains.
Random Encounters are Always Silly May 20th, 2013 Ramza's group faces a random encounter. Maybe they shouldn't have grinded Artemis' levels.
No More Man Cards May 3rd, 2013 Ramza and Artemis bond--Ramza hilariously flubs an innuendo.
Dirty Little Secrets May 1st, 2013 Angantyr, Ramza, and Agrias explore Lower Archades to find a way to the upper level of the city, and to find more information out about Nethicite.
TEA-SENSEI April 30th, 2013 Artemis teaches a couple members of the Network about tea.

No one survives.

Okay maybe they do.

Hidden Darkness, Crouching Ninja April 28th, 2013 The Dark Knight comes, Jackie Chan(?) gets killed, and Ninjas get pissed.
Ramza's Ridiculous Modesty April 22nd, 2013 The New Zodiac Braves have a little chat after a night ambush of their camp. Artemis lectures Ramza on his modesty.
Wheeling and Dealing April 21st, 2013 Souji meets with Ramza and offers him clandestine material support. The price...?
Ambush the Heretics! April 20th, 2013 Faruja, Ophelia and Helena ambush the New Zodiac Braves. Zack pulls a helicopter out.
Around the NZB Campfire April 17th, 2013 Some of the New Zodiac Braves have a chat.
A Day At The Beach With Fair Weather April 13th, 2013 Zack goes to retrieve a sword from a volcano in Hawaii, along with the New Zodiac Braves. It turns into a beach party as they celebrate...being on a beach.
Malice Striker April 4th, 2013 Artyom has had a dream and it has brought him to the Phantom Forest. He has not come alone and he seeks the Esper that lurks here.
Hobo Wisdom April 3rd, 2013 In the aftermath of Royce's attack, Will and Ramza have a talk.
Vault Hunter: Part 1 April 2nd, 2013 Royce, upon discovering an ancient key, goes looking for the lock which she suspects will be found in the ruins of other Ajoran temples. Unfortunately, her timing is terrible and a veritable army of heroes stand in her way.
War upon the plains of Sabil March 29th, 2013 War is to be had when Ramza and some of his troops are spotted too close to Mullonde, and a powerful Shine Knight descends upon him along with both Unexpected as well as Expected allies.
Knights of Shadow March 28th, 2013 The Dark Knight comes to Fluorgis, and begins to test a fellow Dark Knight and two unlikely heroes.
Enter the Dragon March 24th, 2013 A strange woman comes to Ramza, offering her services. What exactly is he getting himself into?
The Last Number March 23rd, 2013 Shiki and her new friends have reunited all of the Tiki Room... except one. That's until she shows up possessed by the darkness. Then, something amazing happens...
The Fallen March 22nd, 2013 Katyna and Ramza approach Mercade to talk to him about the ongoing issue facing Katyna and those around her. The problem is getting worse... But the TDA is on the case.
The Price of Redemption March 21st, 2013 Having fled Traverse Town, the Shadow Lords and VALKYRIE after revealing her true identity, Katyna runs into Avira, Maira and Angantyr again, and realizes that redemption and forgiveness wont come so easily..
A Benign Proposition March 20th, 2013 Count Valos makes a benign offer to Ramza Beoulve.
Outrunning Memories. March 18th, 2013 Katyna learns that while one can't outrun her past. But what will her past do when it catches up to her?
Press X to Advance March 16th, 2013 A new mystery begins and Riku explains things to a Wild Yurita. Maybe.
The Main Act March 16th, 2013 Shiki and her erstwhile allies meet up with... some more allies, and they vent their frustrations on the Darkness while trying to save the Tiki Gods.
Reunion March 11th, 2013 Shiki and her friends head off to search for the inhabitants of the Enchanted Tiki Room. A musical medley ensues!
Meetings and Partings March 11th, 2013 Several wandering sorts each from a different world meet while on the road much to the surprise of each other.
Reflection of The Heart March 10th, 2013 People have been disappearing into mysterious portals over the course of time. With more and more cases popping up, it's decided that the origin should be investigated. ...But what will they find within?
Negaduck's Rampage In Traverse March 8th, 2013 Leave it to Negaduck to take the undead and the Heartless to cause destruction. However, the heroes are there to stop him! ...Or do the make it worse?
Taking Flight March 8th, 2013 Shiki and a group of her allies go looking for some macaws, and find themselves in a quarrel with a goddess and a lost world...
The Breakfast Club March 7th, 2013 A Templar, A Captain, and a Heretic have a chat. Waffles were allegedly involved. Don't miss the cameo of everyone's favorite amnesiac!
Children of Ivalice March 5th, 2013 Ramza has a chance meeting with a monk from Ivalice.
A Heretic's Plea March 5th, 2013 A man walks into the TDA and requests their help after making startling revelations.


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