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= Fact Book =
= Fact Book =
Here is a list of known (IC usable) and Unknown (more ooc and can be used with consent or if information was achieved by ic means) Fact Knowledge about Leon aka The Dark Knight. Also more may be written in as RP takes place.
This is more for ooc knowledge, unless RP has brought this out, or you believe with consent that your character may know this already.
== Known Facts ==
* He is the Military Commander
* He is the Military Commander
* Extremely loyal to Emperor Mateus
* Extremely loyal to Emperor Mateus
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* Doesn't show much of any emotion
* Doesn't show much of any emotion
* May not get along with Borghen
* May not get along with Borghen
== Unknown Facts ==
* The Dark Knight is Leon
* The Dark Knight is Leon
* His Heart is locked from all light
* His Heart is locked from all light

Revision as of 16:49, 22 March 2013

Dark Knight
Age  ???
Species Human?
Sex Male
Height 6'4"
Weight Average
Series Final Fantasy II
Combat Styles DK, Palamecian Knights
Hometown ???
Group Palamecian Empire
Occupation/Job Military Commander
Force: Forces of Ruin
Theme Song Whispers In The Dark - Skillet
"I do as his majesty commands."
Recent Events
Testing those of light to see there true strength.
Character Sheet
Leon Vs Firion.jpg
The Dark Knight is one of the most loyal of minions of Emperor Mateus. He does not question the orders of his emperor, nor does he waver from what he has been requested to do. If his majesty wished it, the Dark Knight would even kill himself. The Dark Knight is known to be not only extremely loyal, but ruthlessly focused on the task he is given; but free to make his own decisions, so long as the goal is obtained. He has been given the command of Palamecia's military force, but typically does most requests without the aid of the dark hearted soldiers. The Dark Knight will stand before any who means his Emperor harm and he is not a man to turn your back on unless you are Mateus himself.
Skills: The Soundwave, The Good Minion, The Trusted Minion, Unlike Someone Else We Know, The Original Dark Knight, Locked By Darkness, No Light Shines Here, The Experiment, Not Squall



The Dark Knight did not start out originally as Mateus loyal minion, no his starts come from that of the once nation of Fynn before Palamecia took it over there. There he was the older brother to his sister, a good friend of their friends they shared in common, and had a strong devotion to make sure his sister could have the best life an older brother could give her.

His name back then, was Leon. The loving brother, who worked the jobs he could work, did all that he could do, and brought what he could to the table so that his sister would not have to worry much on concerns; beyond perhaps the fear that he may be pushing himself to hard. He loved his sister, he loved her dearly and when things were at there worse, they knew they could depend on one another.

Yet Fynn soon fell to the mighty of Palamecia. Not on its own, but thanks to a man who sold out the nation. Leon quickly met up with their two other friends and all of them, these four brave souls, attempted to escape from the falling Fynn. Yet as they made there way out, they ran into Palamecian forces and were all knocked unconscious. However an unknown party intercepted the Palamecian force and were able to save the other three, but it was to late for Leon. He was already captured and being taken away, where his life's fate would be changed forever.

The brave warrior who fought to protect his sister, to protect his two friends from being captured, yet failed, was brought before the Emperor of Palamecia; Mateus. It was in this very moment of there meeting was fate sealed, as this was the day that Leon's heart was locked away into darkness and with it his memories. Thus the birth of the Dark Knight and Palamecia's rule over Fynn.

Now under the command of Emperor Mateus, the Dark Knight become the loyal servant to do out his master's wishes. Many times he was sent out to run interference against Wild Rose Rebellion, along with act as a barrier to any actions they attempted to take against Palamecia.

The largest project that was given to the Dark Knight was the construction of the airship known as the Dreadnought. This massive ship was to be the very war vessel that Emperor Mateus would use to command his fleet from the air and rain down terror from high above in the skies. Yet near the end of the Project, the Dark Knight was "called away" and Borghen completed what was needed to be done; Though the Dark Knight was still making some calls from behind the scenes.

The second project was making sure that those of the Wild Rose Rebelion would be tricked into arriving at the proper location on the completion of the Dreadnought in hopes that they could sabotage the massive warship. However as Mateus had planned and the Dark Knight stood back to watch along side his Majesty. Not only did the youths fall perfectly for the trap, but there plan was foiled.

From there the Dark Knight watched as the heartless started to consume their world, yet also observed as some fragments remained, not completely taken by the darkness. He observed along side his master as they fragments joined with what was known as World of Ruin. There he was given his orders to call back the troops and for all to return back to Palamecia.

This is where the Dark Knight has resided since the fall. Overseeing the training of the troops and making sure that the Imperial Force is ready for combat when the time comes. Yet the time soon comes where his Majesty will desire to move out, or even send the loyal commander of the Palamecian army to handle matters dealing with the outside world.

For when this time comes, the Dark Knight will be ready.

Recent Events


What remains of Leon is nothing but a mere vessel for the darkness that has engulfed around the locked man's heart. As whom ever he was in the past is seemingly impossible to reach or even recover from Mateus dark hold.

Yet as the Dark Knight, he knows only true loyalty to his master. To his Emperor. For the Dark Knight will fight all he stands in the Emperor's way and he will defend his Majesty with his dieing breath. The Dark Knight will risk everything if it means to make Mateus happy and for this, he is known as perhaps the most loyal and trustworthy of Mateus' minions.

Whatever Mateus orders is carried out with the best efficiency that the Dark Knight can provide and he will not stray to far from the order given. Though he will at times side step slightly, only if it means to achieve the goal even quicker then by more straight direction. This makes him resourceful at whatever task he is given and good at observing situations before leaping head long into them.

Yet if the Dark Knight believes he must jump head long into something, there is perhaps good reasons behind sudden hasty actions. Perhaps because someone got to close to the truth or someone is to close to mucking up future plans for his Majesty.

The Dark Knight also doesn't just simply wonder around. If he is seen about, even with no desire for harm. One can figure he is there on the Emperor's order, or even request. As there are times where the Dark Knight acts as the eyes and ears for Mateus. Where he goes where the Emperor does not wish to go, or just does not see the need for his presence to be there personally. As such there are even times the Dark Knight acts as Emperor Mateus messenger.

In Combat the Dark Knight is ruthless and relentless. He will hunt someone down to the ends of the Earth if that is his orders and he will never give up the chase, no matter how many times he is defeated until Emperor Mateus tells him to cease. The only time to Dark Knight will pull back for a time, if the enemy he faces has put grieve enough wounds into him where he could never complete the task until after he rests. So rest he will, before he goes back out once more to find the target yet again.

In regard to others, including outsiders. One could figure that the Dark Knight cares little for anyone beyond Emperor Mateus. If he does show concern for the troops, it is because that is what he must do as there commander. Yet if one of them was to slack off, they would get the wraith of the Dark Knight before someone could snap there finger; Unless the finger belonged to Mateus.

Those not of Palamecia will find the Dark Knight most likely a cold figure to stare upon. As he cares little for the outside world or the people within it. They will all become, after all, servants to his master, or they will perish in the fire of Palamecia's might. Thus if someone can get him to actually hold a conversation, they may find his words cruel, uncaring, and extremely cold.

The Dark Knight is indeed a shadow of Leon and could remain such for all time, so long as Mateus lives.

Power Set

Dark Portals: The Dark Knight is nothing but darkness. The man he once was, was locked up tight by Emperor Mateus as his first turned. His heart sealed away, so nothing but darkness may reach his being and no memories of his former self to be free to seek the light. As being so in touch with the darkness. He is able to conjure a dark portal at which he can either enter from or escape into. He can not however conjure a portal under someone else. So if he wishes to transport someone, he must take hold of them, and then portal them both at the same time.

It should be noted that the Dark Knight can not use his Dark Portal like the Shadow Lord's can use theirs to jump worlds. His portals only work in the very world he is in. As example: He can jump from Palamecia to Fluorgis, but he can not jump from Palamecia to Traverse Town.

He also must explore an area before he can portal hop to that location, so unless he has been there, he can't just magically appear
Dark Mist: The Dark Mist is a field that surrounds his feet and follows him as he walks. Though it is rather harmless, but only a display of how deep the darkness is in this Dark Knight of Mateus'. In some of his attacks he draws from this mist in order to conjure some of his dark spells. More details will be explained in that in the actions section.
Soul Blade: The Soul Blade is a dark weapon forged of darkness and steel. Though it looks like a normal blade, when it falls from the hands of the Dark Knight it vanishes into dark mist and can be summoned also by the Dark Knight's will. As such the blade is tunned to its master and is believe it can not be turned against Emperor Mateus. Yet thanks to the fact no one else can wield the weapon, the knowledge is unknown. The Soul Blade is also able too when given enough dark energy piece into someone's life essence and drain them of it, replenishing the Dark Knight's own. As such, this is covered more in the actions section.

This weapon was also given to him by Mateus, further strengthening the concept that the blade could never be used against its creator.
Shadow Armor: The Shadow Armor is the very armor the Dark Knight wears and is never seen out of it. The very armor is powered by his darkness within and by magical properties place on it by Mateus' himself. As such the damage done to it, comes out like dark mist strikes. Blades, magic, and even bullets will cause it to spew out dark mist, before the armor attempts to regenerate itself. A powerful enough attack however can crack, if not break the armor, and get to the flesh of the Dark Knight's skin below.

The Armor itself was designed by Emperor Mateus for his Military Commander. The damage is not easy to fix though when the armor is inflicted. As it takes not only the proper smiths, but Mateus to imbue the armor once more with the dark magic.

The Armor may also be designed this way, to not only give the Dark Knight extra protection while in combat, but to also give the illusion that he no mere human under the armor. So those who do not understand what is going on, may seem him as a monster or one of the puppets Mateus has summoned out of darkness itself.
Shadow Blink: The Dark Knight can stand in one place, then swiftly move to another location with a poof of dark mist. This ability allows him to quickly close in the distance on someone attempting to escape or to use this ability in order to close the distance quickly in combat situations.

However Shadow Blink only works in line of sight situations and he can not move someone using this method, only himself. He also can not blink through walls, as the room beyond the wall is not visible. The only way it may seem he can do this, is by virtue of seeing through a window and thus continuing to stick to the fact it must be line of sight.
Dark Portal Locations:
World of Ruin: Central Isles: Northern Continent: Eastern Continent: Southern Continent: Western Continent:
Castle Palamecia
Giza Plains
Tramdine Fens
Phantom Forest
Traverse Area:
Phantasia: Manhattan: Roving Islands: Land of Dragons: Old Kingdom: Arabian Nights: New Orleans: The Pride Lands:
Action Commands:
Unholy Vigor: Using the dark mist that surrounds him, the Dark Knight can pull on this very darkness and use it to repair the dark armor that he wears, to even using the darkness to burn his skin back to close. Sometimes this is used at the beginning of a battle to ready the armor for combat, giving the armor its almost 'organic' like actions when it is cut into, but then seems to 'heal' back up. When in reality what the weapon hit was the dark mist layered over the armor.
Unholy Armor: The dark mist rises up and aids in enforcing the armor, increases its structure density in order to make it harder to be broken through and giving it added protection from physical strikes.
Unholy Aura: The dark mist rises up and increases the magic shielding that the darkness imbued armor already provides and increasing the defense that the armor provides from magical attacks.
Soulflay: The Dark Knight uses his Soul Blade to strike through a person with a quick slice of his blade. The edge of the sword becoming almost invisible as it passes through the target. The dark magic then bending into the essence of the individual, attempting to bring a curse upon their being, along with as the blade passes out to give them a ghostly cut.
Sword of Darkness: Sword of Darkness is a channeling attack, where he empowers the Soul Blade with further dark energy. He then slams the blade into a magical rune under his feet, before a massive dark blade springs forth from the ground under his target, attempting to trap them in the dark crystalline blade, freezing them for a moment, before shattering.
Soul Drain: The Soul Blade is impaled into the target, where it takes a ghostly image, then as he rips the blade back out, it attempts to tear at there living essence, weakening there ability to cast powerful spells.
Dirge of Withering: Dirge of Withering works much like Soul drain, but instead it attempts to drain the very strength from the person, weakening there physical strength, instead of magical focus.
Soulreaver: Soulreaver turns the Soul Blade into a dark blue blazing sword, which he then attempts to jab, if not impale the blade into an individual. The very blade attempts to strike into the persons very being and drain them of there very life force to replenish the Dark Knight's own. This can also be down by passing swipes while the blade is glowing dark blue.
Netherblast: Netherblast is channeling the very energy of the sword, before slashing at the air itself. These slashes send out a dark wave of energy in the shape of blade slashes that travel across the air before they hit a target. On impact they have the ability to not only cut an individual, but also infect them with darkness, that eats at them over time until the magic effect fades away.
Deep Darkness: Deep Darkness is where the Dark Knight creates field of darkness by via his mist field that reaches out for his attended target and can send them both down into the very ground below, or can be used to pull a target down to him with tendrils of darkness into watery darkness substance. This substance remains under the person if they can not resist the effect, making them weak to darkness magic until the substance dries up from the ground below turning back into black mist.
Darkness: The Dark Knight summons the dark mist that follows his every move and then sends it outward across the field for his attended target or targets. The darkness then blinds the target from any movement that the Dark Knight is about to perform, causing them also feel sluggish and slow.
Souleater: The Dark Knight leaps out of the darkness. The Soulblade glowing bright blue, before he strikes the very ground into a emblem on the ground. Then from the very sky, a massive crystalline of the soul blade emerges and goes to slam down on the attended target, trying to capture them in the crystalline blade. Before flickering brightly with dark electricity, thus draining there life essence to repair the Dark Knight's own.

Then on the spell is complete, the giant crystalline sword shatters into dark blue wisps.

Fact Book

This is more for ooc knowledge, unless RP has brought this out, or you believe with consent that your character may know this already.

  • He is the Military Commander
  • Extremely loyal to Emperor Mateus
  • "Third in Command" of the Palamecian Empire
  • Is seen as Inhuman
  • Believed to maybe be a Golem of Darkness
  • Shows no display of pain
  • Doesn't show much of any emotion
  • May not get along with Borghen
  • The Dark Knight is Leon
  • His Heart is locked from all light
  • His Memory is also locked (beyond what Mateus wanted him to know)
  • He comes from Fynn
  • Was Mateus first experiment in tapping into darkness of people's hearts

Roleplay Hooks


Seven: Mazerunner December 5th, 2013 A mysterious entity is causing a ruckus beneath Castle Tycoon; Alice is in danger! Our heroes and some unlikely allies face off against a great and dark evil force.
Unlikely Asylum October 26th, 2013 After all that has happened, Maira and Avira need to find safe haven. Thus, Maira reaches out to an unlikely associate for aid...
To The Mist And Back July 2nd, 2013 Alexandria is setting up a fort in the Mist Plains. Rebellion forces have something to say about this...
A Offer of Employment June 27th, 2013 Karth gets visited by Kyven, a soldier of the Palamecian army for a offer to join the ranks!
Establishing Dominion June 13th, 2013 Palamecia starts to strength its Garrison out in Giza Plains. Such activity attracts some attention.
The Return Of His Dark Knight June 9th, 2013 After a month or two, the Dark Knight has returned.
Party Like a Pirate June 7th, 2013 Celebrating the success of their treacherous expedition into the Ship Graveyard, the Shard Seekers and friends gather in Port Royal for a party in grand style, replete with music and dance and drink, mostly drink. Chaos is par for the course in this once-orderly city by the sea, and it is to the sea that the Seekers will be called once again, while Darkness lurks on the horizon -- for more than a few of them. But until then, Fate shall smile its crooked smile, love shall blossom, and kisses shall miss their mark. Like, /really/ miss their mark.
Truth and Consequences June 7th, 2013 Maira and Leon lead a group of friends and guardians to Palamecia Castle to get answers from Emperor Mateus.
Party Talk Between Two June 7th, 2013 As the Shard Seekers have themselves a Pirate Party. Leon and Riku have a discussion outside of the bar.
Lemonade with Leon June 1st, 2013 Maira and Leon have Lemonade-and awkwardness.
Seeking The Answers - Part 1 May 11th, 2013 Leon has come to seeking answers from Maira. It seems Percival has other things in mind...
Seeking The Answers - Part 2 May 11th, 2013 Continuation of Part 1 and things just get crazy! Seriously.
I will find you May 8th, 2013 Leon knows his only answers are with one person, however there are those who will do whatever it takes to keep her from him.
Breakfest With Tiff--Them May 2nd, 2013 Several people enter the Cafe. One of the is nice. One of them is tall. One of them is Dark and so many more. Just remember when you have a tall woman vs Sherman, things can only get interesting.
The Clash Of Balance May 1st, 2013 The Dark Knight comes for the Maiden of Light. Yet she has something planned for the Dark Knight.
Hidden Darkness, Crouching Ninja April 28th, 2013 The Dark Knight comes, Jackie Chan(?) gets killed, and Ninjas get pissed.
Gargoyle's Warning April 26th, 2013 Percival gives the Dark Knight his thoughts...
We Like... April 25th, 2013 Cornelia a place of mystic tales, merriment, and there love of swords gets a hello from a very dark individual looking for those of Light.
Conversations Between April 19th, 2013 A letter was sent to Maira. Within it a white link pearl. The owner is not who she was perhaps hoping for; or was she?
Darkness In The Woods April 16th, 2013 Riku and The Dark Knight have a run in within the forest of Targ Woods...
Misty Night! Carwen's Horrible Fortune! April 15th, 2013 Eerie mists enter in from the high seas, quickly surrounding the port and central parts of the city of Carwen. Lurking in the fog are the heartless seeking to devour the city's citizens and anyone else brave enough to rise against them. However, not all is lost! Along side the Palamecia Knights, heroes will rise to defend the city against an unknown foe! Will they succeed and will they discover the purpose behind this attack?
The Guest of Palamecia April 13th, 2013 There is a Guest in Palamecia. We don't get guests often.
Cats and Canaries April 13th, 2013 A long conversation after a hard evening's carousing. About shoes and ships and sealing wax.
Knock Knock April 10th, 2013 The Dark Knight decides its time to go pay a visit to a 'family'. Battle ensues and turn of events change the set.
Initial Findings April 6th, 2013 Stored recording of ancillary darkness laboratory 12. Status: ACTIVE
Unlikely Crossing April 4th, 2013 Maira and Avira come across the most unlikely of people. The Dark Knight himself.
Search And Rescue April 3rd, 2013 Judge Magister Zargabaath leads an Archadian search for the mystery behemoth and to find the personnel still missing-in-action. The results of this search are hardly what he could have ever imagined.
Knights of Shadow March 28th, 2013 The Dark Knight comes to Fluorgis, and begins to test a fellow Dark Knight and two unlikely heroes.
Reforging Darkness March 27th, 2013 The Dark Knight returns home to repair his armor and issue a report of his findings to his master, Emperor Mateus. But due to its composition, the armor cannot be restored by craftsmanship alone...
Imperial Order March 22nd, 2013 After far too long silent, the Emperor of Palamecia begins to move his forces...
The Search Is On March 22nd, 2013 The Dark Knight starts his quest to find those of Light and test them.


Fynn No More May 17th, 2013 Leonhart hears from others that Fynn is still standing. In his disbelief, he decides to travel alone to his once home city. Though what he finds strikes to his very core.
Unsettling May 10th, 2013 Memories close to the heart, armor to be purchased, warmth to be given, but all to be unsettled by what can not be recalled. For this is only the Beginning.