Kyra Hyral

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Kyra Hyral
Age 17
Species Human
Sex Female
Height 5'4"
Weight We'll get back to you on that
Series OC
Combat Styles Mogstep
Hometown Ramuha
Group Alexander Academy
Occupation/Job White Mage
Force: Wandering Force
"Some side effects may occur! Nothing too damaging, I promise! Now go ahead and drink up."
Recent Events
Arrived in Corneria after her world was destroyed.


Kyra Hyral is the third youngest child of the sprawling Hyral family, a name well known in the highest levels of the Cosma Naturalis Church. Upon meeting her, though, it's impossible to tell that this white mage was born of that Church at all. Every bit the teenage rebel, she has turned completely on her ultra-conservative family and now behaves like a terrible tradition-eschewing punk! Though her control over her mystical power may be suffering due to her lack of faith, she at least has her considerable skill in biology and alchemy to fall back on, firmly remaining at the top of her class in both subjects. When shes not busy mixing things in a lab or the kitchen, she can be found mixing sound on her computer and creating her own horrible dubstep monstrosities (or "Mogstep" as she likes to call it).  


Science Genius Girl, Deadly Cooking, What Do You Mean E Coli Is Not a Flavoring, Yandere Caretaker, Drop the Kupo, It Is Too Music!, Rebel Without A Cause, I Can Fix It!


Blunder Road o/~ March 22nd, 2014 Kyra comes to the rescue of Zerum Valos when he bites off more than he can chew by venturing into the Thunder Plains without any prior experience with the place.
Chocobo Field Winter Wonderland December 11th, 2013 The chocobos have fled the field as winter came. However, it was not the reason for the creatures fleeing the area...
Fight for the Castle October 24th, 2013 Our heroes try to stop a Shadow Lord from gaining possession of the Beast's magical mirror.
Creatures of the Night October 19th, 2013 Dark things are happening in the French Countryside. A group of heroes goes to investigate, only to find it is more dangerous than they had thought.
Sanel's Bond With Big Sis August 25th, 2013 Sanel is taking the time to bond with Kyra while Alma is missing. Forgotten memories slowly fester.
Serious Fanservice Conversation Time August 19th, 2013 Kyra is forced to suffer Helena fanservice as they talk about SERIOUS ADULT THINGS.
Truth and Trust July 26th, 2013 Kyra goes searching for Alma, who had disappeared in the search for Riku...
Tower of Ombra July 21st, 2013 The Missing persons TP finale. Welcome to Bleak Horizon. We're all happy here.
Unveiled Scars of a Boy July 18th, 2013 Sanel traveled through the world to find the Hyral sisters. Unfortunately, the boy's vulnerability in the desert left him in a very bad condition...
A Cunning Plan July 14th, 2013 Alma and Gerad gather a number of people to speak on a plan seeking a castle buried in the sands of the region. Also talk of a hidden cave of wonders which may be the way to access what they seek comes up. This is but the start of an adventure for good or ill.
Dueling Forks July 9th, 2013 Bringing the Boyfriend home to meet the family is always an awkward affair...
Illuminating Tales July 6th, 2013 The source of the Archadian kidnappings shows up. Peter Pan's hat is ruined in a fight with his shadow. Things get real.
Battle on the Big Bridge June 30th, 2013 And now we fight like men! And students! And grey-skinned eight-armed giants! But definitely men!
Kidnapping Spree June 29th, 2013 A kidnapping spree done by swarms of heartless and dastardly Illuminators is foiled. But is this truly the end? (Answer: Probably not)
Fate of the Unknown June 24th, 2013 Restoration of the World doesn't always lead to happy endings...
Queen of Flan! June 19th, 2013 Murasame Corp asks for brave Adventurers to capture a Flan Queen! Fran takes her brave partners to find one!
Kyra Hyral's Volcano Lair June 11th, 2013 Minette goes to ask Kyra Hyral for advice. Kamon goes sans pants. Kuwabara, kuwabara.
Soan Vs The Volcano June 10th, 2013 Soan and Friends involve themselves with Feige Abramson's evil lair. Vaguely Disturbing stuff in this one, possibly.
Act II, Prologue: I want to be your Canary - Archades June 8th, 2013 The Cast: Kuja as Marcus and Cornelia both, Emperor Gramis as King Leo, Angantyr Vespar as the Assassin, Noah Fon Rosenburg as the Beast, Zargabaath as Schneider, Feige Abramson as Crazy <GOOSEHONK> watch this stunning twist on one of Lord Avon's masterpieces in the Empire that never sleeps. Now with new roles!
Horrible Teenage Awkwardness June 6th, 2013 Subtlety is for other people.
Don't go into the Bathroom! June 2nd, 2013 An unwanted houseguest causes problems for the Hyral sisters when Legion and Darth Vader show up at their doorstep.
Trial May 31st, 2013 Illua puts Alma to death. Both of them are unaware of the spectacular retribution that will follow... but when it comes to the crunch, terrible powers come to bear from both of them.
Protector and Dark Origin May 27th, 2013 The Hyral sisters were visiting Vector to survey the area for their technology. They come across Sanel, who had been helping one of the construction crew with their loadout.
Torrential Tramdine Trial May 26th, 2013 Corporate adventure strikes out for the heart of Tramdine Fens and reports of mysterious lashing storms that have flooded the area.
Life Moves On May 25th, 2013 The Hyral sisters discuss their future...
The First Ordeal May 23rd, 2013 The Alexander Academy cast has received word of a World Shard that might be present.. but first, a dungeon crawl! It's required.
Good Intentions lead to Terrible Ideas May 10th, 2013 Alma wants to teach Kyra how to actually use her White Magic well. A harmless idea, what could possibly go wrong?
Final Flantasy I May 9th, 2013 The students all gather together to kill an urban horror preying on the denizens of Souji's airship. And it's all Minette's fault!
Meet The Deep Fryer May 6th, 2013 Minette aquires a deep fryer. Science quickly follows.
In the (Helena) Zone May 5th, 2013 Aboard the ship, Helena and Kyra catch up while going over the creature Helena encountered in Goug.
Alma's First Date April 26th, 2013 Helena is a terrible person and tricked Alma into going on a date with her...and then got her sister to go on it too. Things get interesting when Helena gives Alma her first Alchohalic beverage too.
We Like... April 25th, 2013 Cornelia a place of mystic tales, merriment, and there love of swords gets a hello from a very dark individual looking for those of Light.
Dance of Ice and Fireworks April 13th, 2013 A celebration of life in a cold northern continent port town.
Beast On The Run April 3rd, 2013 There is a Behemoth on the loose. Its big. Its dark. Its hungry. What do these four kids from Alexander do? Read to find out!
The Search Is On March 22nd, 2013 The Dark Knight starts his quest to find those of Light and test them.
Following the Path March 17th, 2013 Adventurers go off in search of treasure, only to be thwarted by the 'Ghetto Knight'.
Stealing 'Treasure' from Pirates March 3rd, 2013 A group of adventurers explore an island near Port Royal, where treasure is presumed to be hidden, and have to deal with the wiles of the local pirates.
A Morning Of Meetings February 18th, 2013 More of the students of Alexander Academy appear in a strange new world. Are they the last?
Correspondence Class February 17th, 2013 The students of Alexander Academy, and one of their Professors, converge on Cornelia. The end result is hilarity, and well... homework.


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