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Ophelia Rosai Lovett
Age Early 20s
Species Not a Vampire
Sex Female
Height 5'10"
Weight 130lbs
Series Final Fantasy Tactics
Combat Styles Demon Hunter, Blood Knight
Hometown Ordallia
Group Church Of Glabados
Occupation/Job Inquisitor / Demon Hunter
Force: Forces of Restoration
Theme Song Blitzkrieg - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2_LJpFh3bY
"One finds life through conquering the fear of death within one's mind. Empty the mind of all forms of attachment, make a go-for-broke charge and conquer the opponent with one decisive slash!"


A child of mixed heritage, Ophelia took to the study of bushido at a young age, overcoming the prejudice and elitism of the nobility to follow in her father's footsteps as a great warrior. His death when she was still young did nothing to discourage the girl's ambitions, instead driving her to the point of obsession so that she might avenge his loss upon the monsters of the world that had taken him away. As with all tales of revenge, hers ended in tragedy and only the timely intervention of an old demon hunter by the name of Alexander Cromwell spared her the indignity of becoming a monster herself. With his aid she learned to manage the curse that has befallen her and over the last thirty years absorbed his wealth of experience in slaying the demons of the world. The Church took notice of their efforts and through collaboration created the Cromwell Foundation, a school for training future hunters. Now with the rise of the Heartless and the sundering of the worlds, Ophelia finds herself once more alone with her aging master, desperately trying to quell the tide of darkness while maintaining the secret of her own.


Because of it's borders with nations on the eastern side of the continent, Ordallia was exposed to more of the culture and fighting styles from these locations which normally only rarely saw use in Ivalice. Samurai and monks were the most common of these warriors to wander from their homelands and spread their teachings, though the deadly arts of the ninja were not unheard of outside of these distant countries. As such the nobility of Ordallia often had personal bodyguards or mercenaries trained in these professions which gave them access to an entirely different form of lore.

Hailing from the distant lands to the east, one such man traveled to Ordallia long before the onset of the war. His own nation was undergoing a crisis. Food and water were scarce due to conflict and drought and dozens of noble families had fallen to infighting and war. Rather than sell his honor to a rival lord after failing to defend his home, Sasaki Miyamoto slowly wandered his way to the west as a mercenary for hire until he found himself in the Ordallia.

Despite the lack of outright war, conflict was a way of life among the squabbling nobility. Assassination attempts were not unheard of nor was skirmishes between rival houses over land disputes or resource management. Sasaki had little trouble finding himself work as the bodyguard of a wealthy merchant. As it turned out the man's success had little to do with his talent for selling wares for he was a member of a local crime syndicate that operated a highly profitable black market.

Though his new lord's business was dishonorable, Sasaki could not simply leave or breach his agreement. Therefore he took on the jobs that were given, many of which involved bullying local competition or hunting down rivals. Several attempts were made on the merchant's life over the course of a few years and Sasaki thwarted all of them, eventually earning the man's respect and trust.

Though he had no intentions of ceasing his operations, he did manage to appease the samurai by offering his daughter's hand in marriage, whom he knew Sasaki had fallen in love with. The two were wed soon after and soon had a young baby daughter. Because he had abandoned his homeland, Sasaki insisted that she be named in the local fashion and given her mother's family name. Thus Ophelia Rosai Lovett came into the world.

A decade passed and Ophelia grew up strong and true under the tender care of her parents. She innately took to the handling of a blade and Sasaki began instructing her in the ways of the samurai from a young age, doing his best to instill in her the importance of honor and sacrifice as well as a respect for the spirits that dwell within all things. Her skill grew swiftly as did her knowledge and it seemed that Ophelia would be a worthy heir to follow in her father's footsteps.

The next decade saw the young child blossom into an amazing woman. Ophelia became just as renowned for her father in the art of swordsmanship and her beauty drew admiring fans and would-be suitors from across the land. However, unlike her father, the youthful samurai was vain and proud. Her grandfather doted on her and spoiled her with constant gifts and attention and she quickly grew snobbish and aloof. Ophelia loved showing off her skills and frequently challenged people to duels for minor trifles just so that she could prove who was top dog.

Ophelia became something of a local icon to many of the people who lived in the moderately sized city. While she could easily have had any job she wanted working as a bodyguard or simply mooched off her grandfather, she chose to open a dojo and allow people to pay to learn from the best. She was a cruel and harsh teacher, however, and only those who were truly devoted to learning the art managed to last long under her tutelage. This method of weeding out the weak certainly produced an elite group of students but her father began to fear that she was only using the classes as an excuse to exercise her love for violence.

Around the time she turned twenty years old, the outlying farming settlements fell under a terrible curse. A ancient vampire, fleeing from the destruction of his last home, settled into the ruins of an abandoned castle deep within the nearby swamps. One by one people began to disappear to satisfy the cravings for blood that he required and the creature began to grow bolder as he regained some of his strength, creeping closer and closer to the city itself as the months passed.

During one of his trips into town under the guise of an old beggar, the vampire caught wind of the local gossip about the beautiful but deadly samurai girl. Curious to see this for himself, he began to observe Ophelia for several days and during that time he took great interest in her clear love for battle. She enjoyed stomping out lesser creatures and this feature of her personality resonated within the vampire's unholy heart. He desired companionship and he knew who was the one he would chose to give his gift to.

Unfortunately for the undead monster, Ophelia's father was very overprotective of his only child. He was almost always present to keep an eye on her and she was well guarded even into the night by personal guards and servants. Several attempts to get close to her while she slept failed despite the array of powers at his command and he was loathe to use brute force in fear of sparking up another hunt, or worse, alerting the demon hunters to his presence.

Eventually a plan formed in his mind. Ophelia's love for her father was clear and with her hot-tempered disposition anyone who brought harm to him would surely draw her ire. Therefore, all he had to do was lure the father into a trap. The vampire discovered that one of the merchant's hidden warehouses was not far off from his resting place in the swamps and he quickly set about dispatching all of the guards and turning them into ghouls. Every attempt to investigate met with the same fate and eventually the merchant sent Sasaki at the head of a large group of mercenaries to find out what was going on.

The next day a lone man returned from the expedition, half dead and with dire news. Everyone had been slain by terrible fiends including Sasaki. When Ophelia heard this news she flew into an emotional rage. Commandeering another large group of soldiers, she set off immediately to avenge her father against whatever had dared to strike him down. And thus the trap was sprung.

By now the vampire's army of undead had grown rather sizable. When they arrived, the group found the place swarming with the undead. Zombies and ghouls littered the entryway and attacked immediately upon their arrival. They cleared them out with great difficulty and moved deeper into the complex but what they found here was far more surprising.

Sasaki and all his men had been raised as ghouls and they set upon the unwary group with an unholy frenzy. The remnants of the entire group was decimated swiftly and Ophelia found herself face to face with the reanimated body of her father. Just as the vampire had suspected she was unable to bring herself to strike him down and he disarmed and bound her swiftly for his new master. The vampire revealed himself then and told her his plans for the young girl as well as his offer of immortality.

Horrified, she tried to refuse him but she was in no position to argue. Without regards for her angry demands or pleas for mercy, the vampire drank of her blood until she passed away, thus securing her unholy existence. However, unknown to the creature, his old nemesis had finally managed to follow the rumors and trails to his new location and he set upon the monster moments after Ophelia's fate was sealed.

When she arose the next day, Ophelia cast her gaze up to find Alexander Cromwell looming overhead with a pitying look in his old eyes. He apologized to the girl for not being fast enough to stop the vampire's plans. Alexander was a demon hunter, he went on to tell her. He specialized in hunting down unholy abominations like vampires and ghouls and he had been unable to end the monster's life when he stormed his previous abode several months before.

As fate would have it, Alexander had also known her father many years in the past. He had spent much of his middle years living in the eastern lands and learning of their combat arts to better train himself for the battles he would face. During that time Sasaki had managed to save his life when a neighboring lord attempted to invade and the old man had promised to return the favor one day but never got the chance. He did see one alternative, however.

Alexander had learned many dark secrets during his time hunting down demons. Instead of killing Ophelia on the spot, the mercenary drew out his knife and cut open his finger. He offered her his blood and by doing so bound her to his service as a servant. In this way he was able to control her dark urges and blood lusts for only with his permission could she take a life unless defending herself. He took her under his wing as an apprentice and she was forced to leave her family behind for no one could ever be allowed to know the truth of her existence.

For the next twenty years Ophelia learned from her master, absorbing the centuries of knowledge that had been passed down from hunter to hunter. She became an expert on everything dark and demonic, every creature that crawled in the night or feasted on human flesh. And all the while her own powers continued to grow stronger. Her already bloody disposition became something of an issue and it became more and more difficult for her to restrain the urges that came with the dark unlife that sustained her. Alexander was only barely able to keep her under control at time and so he focused her training on channeling this darkness into her swordplay. With discipline and willpower, she maintained control.

Before the Fifty Years' War the two neighboring kingdoms of Ivalice and Ordallia dominated the western half of the world. Though time has lost the manner in which these two nations were formed, it is known that the nobility of the two lands are tied together through royal bloodlines and the two nations have enjoyed a mostly peaceful relationship with each other.

However, this did not stop Ordallia from invading and annexing Zelmonia, a small but once independent state bordering between Ivalice and themselves nearly one hundred years prior to the war. The bitter wounds this left politically festered over the next fifty years and eventually Ivalice sought to strike back by secretly providing the means for the small country to weaken its oppressors. But instead, the Zelmonian nobles petitioned the king for direct intervention on their behalf which began a series of border skirmishes.

King Devanne of Ordallia died not long after without naming a successor to the throne. With no children of his own, his cousin Varoi VI was named but the king of Ivalice saw the chance to take an even greater prize than Zelmonia. As Devanne's uncle, Denamda II proclaimed himself the rightful heir to the throne and declared war against the nation of Ordallia.

Leading his armies personally, Denamda invaded Zelmonia with the three orders of his greatest knights. They fought valiantly and won battle after battle, driving the Ordallian's back at every turn. However, just as they drew within reach of the border the king fell ill and died soon after without ever being able to return to his home.

The Ivalice army became lost and confused due to their leader's death and this chaos was used as an opportunity for Ordallia to strengthen its army and defend their borders. To the public eye this consisted of hiring more troops from local lords and mercenary groups, purchasing better gear, strengthening fortress walls and increasing training. However, the nobility of the land were afraid that their forces would not stand up to the military might of Ivalice's famous Knightly orders and they turned to more treacherous tactics such as attempted assassinations of important military figures, raids on supply lines, bribery of key officials, spying and other such things.

During this stalemate, another nearby military nation attempted to invade Ivalice. Romanda was ruled by Varoi's blood relative and thus his intervention was inevitable, however, King Denamda IV and his army managed to hold off the invasion through the aid of Fovoham's ruler, Grand Duke Barrington and his special assassin group called Khamja. After three years of continuous fighting, Romanda was forced to retreat.

In addition to the horrors of war, the conflict gave rise to a great surge of monster activity. Dark forces took advantages of the corpse-ridden battlefields to bolster their forces and Ophelia was forced to wage a shadow war with these insidious threats lest their interference cause the downfall of her nation. However, she could not be everywhere at once. At her urging, Alexander sent out a call to all of the other hunters that he knew of as well as hiring mercenaries who had proven themselves trustworthy. Though no where near an army, they were able to form small task-forces that scoured the countryside regularly and thus managed to keep the problem in check.

Their activities did not go unnoticed, however. With so much political intrigue among the nobility, spies were everywhere and eyes were always upon them. Eventually, word of their quiet heroism reached important members within the Church of Glabados and these people decided to offer their aid to such a noble endeavor - quietly ofcourse. Though wary at first, Alexander and Ophelia found little reason to turn down this offer and eventually a bargain was struck and the Cromwell Foundation was born.

Outwardly an academy for military training, the Cromwell Foundation took on any students who met their criteria and could afford their fees. The money went to supporting the needs of their hunters and the older members who could no longer fight or were too wounded became instructors at the institute. They became renowned for their efficiency and the skill of those who spent time there but little beyond this became public knowledge. Those who showed promise were secretly inducted into the true organization and in this way the ranks of the hunters were maintained and their secrets preserved.

This continued to be true throughout the war. The forces of Ivalice never managed to breach the borders of Ordallia and the academy remained unmolested. Constant vigilance from the hunters kept the monster population in check and the though the Church requested regular reports, they remained a separate entity free to operate on their own.

All of this changed with the arrival of the Heartless and the shattering of the worlds. Upon urgent request, Ophelia and Alexander rushed to Mullonde to help defend the temple. They found the Heartless swarming about in a great battle with the Templar and rushed to their aid, though Ophelia was careful to keep her unholy abilities restrained in the public view of others. However, when the battle was over they found that the world beyond the walls had altered inexplicably.

Thrust into the strange World of Ruin, Ophelia and Alexander, cut off from their comrades have taken shelter with the Church. None within the clergy know the truth of the girl's unholy existence though those who have been taken by the Lucavi suspect that she is different somehow. In order to keep any clashes of authority to a minimum the two hunters have been granted honorary status as inquisitors which allows them to come and go as they please without the fear of questions that might bring forth uncomfortable answers.



Despite the ultimate fate of the young warrior, Ophelia is an incredibly upbeat and optimistic individual who takes her situation rather well all things considered. Outgoing and straight-shooting, she is a 'doer' who lives in a world of action. If she's not constantly in motion and striving towards a goal or objective of some type then she's not happy.

Ophelia has a strong respect for tradition and authority - when they don't get in the way of getting things done. Rules and laws are seen as guidelines for behavior, rather than strict mandates. She is quite blunt and straight-forward in her approach to problems, more than willing to plunge right into things and get her hands dirty. If Ophelia has decided that something needs to be done then her 'do it and get on with it' attitude takes precedence over the rules. Despite her rash attitude, her excellent ability to quickly improvise an innovative solution to a problem usually overcomes any difficulties that arise.

Risks exist to be taken as far as she is concerned and her enthusiasm for danger and violence is often the source of more problems than they solve. However, Ophelia has her own strong belief in what is right and what is wrong and will doggedly stick to her principles. The Rules of the Establishment may hold little value to her but her own integrity mandates that she will not under any circumstances do something that she feels is wrong.

Because of her nature Ophelia has an uncanny ability to perceive people's attitudes and motivations. She picks up on little clues which go completely unnoticed by most others, such as facial expressions and stance. She is typically a couple of steps ahead of the person she is interacting with and uses this ability to get what she wants out of a situation.

Ophelia also has a flair for drama and style. Fast-moving and fast-talking, she has an appreciation for the finer things in life due in part to the cushy lifestyle that she enjoyed thanks to her uncle's ill-gotten wealth. She loves to gamble and spend money, especially when feeling depressed, though this is rare as she loves to have fun and in turn is a very fun person to be around. She gets excited very easily about things and can transfer this energy into motivating others to action.

The downside to Ophelia's rapid-fire approach to life is that she rarely stops to consider the consequences of her words or actions. She can be hurtful to others without even being aware of it as she generally does not know or care about the effects her words have on others. It's not that she does not care about people, her decision-making process simply does not involve taking people's feelings into account. She makes her decisions based on facts and logic.

As such she does not have a very strong trust in her instincts and is suspicious of anyone who relies on their 'intuition' to make judgement calls. Occasionally she will have strong intuitions herself which are usually way off-base, but sometimes are very lucid and positive. The unreliability of gut-feelings makes her naturally distrustful of them, however.

Having faced countless monsters and horrors that inhabit the dark corners of the world, Ophelia has become rather numb to the concept of fear. Her practical and spontaneous nature makes each enemy a problem to solved or an obstacle to be overcome and she genuinely enjoys the challenge posed by strong opponents to the point that she tends to throw herself into dangerous situations simply for the thrill of it. The more twisted and dangerous her foes the better.

Over the years the girl has also been forced to wage an eternal war with the beast that slumbers inside. Her curse calls out for blood constantly and it is only through keeping herself busy and distracted that she is able to fend off the desires that it forces upon her. However, when she is thrust into the heat of battle this becomes an even more arduous task as the sight of blood makes it extremely difficult for her to keep calm. While the pact with Alexander will not allow her to rampage freely, revealing her vampiric nature to others is equally undesirable as the Church will likely not be so keen on giving such a monster the right to continue living.

In addition to this, Ophelia has always had a sadistic streak. She revels not only in the thrill of battle but in causing pain and suffering to living creatures. Every scream, screech, howl, and cry of pain is music to her. When a creature lies bleeding and dying at her feet, groveling and begging for mercy with a look of utter fear in its eyes is the only time she feels truly alive again and the devilish curse of her blood only makes these tendencies worse. During the day when her powers are weak this influence is easy to ignore but the night brings with it greater power and greater strain.


Vampirism = Though being one of the dark undead is considered to be a curse, it does come with a rather impressive list of supernatural abilities.

Longevity - Upon being bitten a vampire's aging process slows to a crawl to the point that they can live for several centuries if not millenia for ones that grow particularly powerful. Their undead bodies can no longer suffer from disease or sickness but they can be carriers for blood-borne plagues. High resistance to damage and the ability to regenerate wounds at an accelerated pace are also benefits that are gained upon becoming a vampire, however, they are still able to be killed by severing the head or destroying their heart. Ophelia is relatively young for a vampire but she is capable of regenerating fairly quickly, especially when her powers are unleashed and there is ample blood around for her to utilize.

Superhuman - The full extent of a vampire's unnatural physical limits are unknown but even fledgling vampires are strong enough to rip apart humans with their bare hands and wield weapons of great size with ease. Their physical speed can also become quite incredible and running up walls or dodging bullets can become simple for them.

Blood Drinking - Vampires are not required to consume blood to survive, however, not doing so affects them in several ways. Their power is limited when not well fed and they must sleep in coffins filled with soil from their place of birth or they will grow even weaker. When they do drink the blood of a living sentient creature, they can choose to absorb the knowledge and memories of that being, though these thoughts may be fragmented and difficult to decipher. It is difficult to keep secrets from a vampire that has tasted your blood, however.

Blood Rage - Failing to drink for long periods of time can send a vampire into a blood rage where they lose control of their actions. During this haze they will wildly seek out the nearest source of fresh blood, ignoring any and all rules of decency or taboo to reach it upon which they will savagely attack their target, biting and drinking them until they are drained completely dry. Obviously, this will be a problem if it happens in public. The stronger the vampire the longer they can go without blood. Ophelia needs to feed about once a week to avoid raging out.

Creating New Vampires - Not everyone bitten by a vampire has to become one. Vampires can feed without killing their victim though the bite marks will still be noticeable and likely to arouse suspicion. Only those who are killed by being drained of blood can become vampires. Obviously, Ophelia is strictly prohibited from creating new vampires and she takes precautions to ensure this doesn't happen. There are other methods of creating vampires but they require dark magic that is not inherently a part of a vampire's skill set.

Fascination - A vampire can attempt to dominate the mind of a weak-willed individual by making direct eye-contact with the person. They cannot fully control them but they can implant suggestions and hallucinations to attempt to make them do what they wish such as making themselves less/more threatening, paralyzing the victim to make them easier to feed on, or making them want to open the door for them.

Sunlight - Exposure to sunlight does not instantly kill a vampire, though it is very uncomfortable for young vampires to be in the sun for long. This can be easily rectified with an umbrella or hood or full coverage clothing. All vampires, regardless of their strength are significantly weaker during the day. This is true even in places where the sun does not shine such as underground as the curse is tied to the concept of day and night. Traverse Town is an odd exception to this rule since it has no day at all. Weapons or attacks that harness UV radiation are particularly potent on vampires.

Shape-shifting - Another skill that takes great amounts of power to perform, a vampire can alter parts or all of their body. This allows them to either take on the full form of a great monstrous bat in the case of older more powerful vampires or simply grow bat-like wings for the purposes of flight in the case of younger vampires. Ophelia has the latter power.

Telepathy - Vampires can speak telepathically with any of their fledglings.

Precognition - All vampires can see into the immediate future (a couple seconds at most) which gives them the ability to read the attacks of their opponent which assists in dodging. This also makes them nigh impossible to ambush unless they are distracted or asleep.

Supernatural Sense - Vampires can sense supernatural activity if it is in close proximity to them. This allows them to tell when items are bearing an enchantment or a curse or if a being is supernatural themselves such as werewolves or demons in their human forms. Sufficiently powerful creatures can hide their presence, however, such as the Lucavi.

Harmful materials - Silver is particularly harmful to vampires. Weapons made from silver can cause more serious injuries that require longer than normal to heal. Blessed silver is even worse and can be considered the 'ultimate' anti-vampire weapon. 'Holy' symbols, materials, and relics can be very dangerous if touched.

Water - Vampires cannot cross large bodies of water without an external means of locomotion. Puddles and streams are fine but anything larger requires a boat. Being fully submerged in moving water completely paralyzes a vampire no matter how strong they are.

Physical Characteristics - All vampires have elongated fangs that can be difficult to hide if care is not taken. Their eyes are always red as well though young vampires can take some time for this change to occur. Ophelia has taught herself never to flash her teeth when she smiles and talks.

Oboro-muramasa = A sword already possessed of a malevolent nature, Ophelia's fall to vampirism caused the spirit contained in the blade to grow in strength and form a deep bond with her. Her unholy thirst for blood now manifests itself through the katana and whenever she strikes an enemy with this blade it feeds upon the blood spilled just as if she herself had done so. This nourishment counts towards her need for blood to avoid going into a rage though it is not as 'filling' as normal feeding.

Iaido = In addition to her dark soul blade, Ophelia has a large collection of various swords gathered from all corners of the land. Each made by a different smith and in a different fashion, these blades each contain their own unique spirit which she can draw out with an ancient technique to unleash their fury or aid upon the battlefield.


-Not a Vampire -Swords for Every Situation -No One Expects the Glabados Inquisition! -Seriously, Not a Vampire -We Have Ways of Making You Talk -Guilt and Confession are not Related -Iron Maiden - Not Just a Band -Did I Mention I'm not a Vampire? -Church-approved Miniskirt -Organ Music Aficionado -Capes are So Passe -I Have a Secret - I Am... A Vampire!


Win, Lose, Or Draw One's Sword? March 28th, 2014 Ophelia attends a book-signing that happens to involve Zerum. After verbally fencing, she ends up being obligated to retreat, however, not without delivering a parting shot. On the other hand, the dark elf still gains at least one thing from the ordeal, even if it's a minor one.
Faram Busts A Kappa In Ophelia's Back Alley August 26th, 2013 Queegmaa goes snooping for a vampiress, and finds her, except that she actually finds him first. Fortunately, neither one wants to fight with weapons; just words.
Cathedral Confrontation August 4th, 2013 The 'heroes' face down the power of Father Barnabus and his chalice, hoping to free Faruja from it's baleful call.
Cathedral Chaos June 11th, 2013 The dedication of the Church's new Cathedral doesn't go quite according to plan.
Torrential Tramdine Trial May 26th, 2013 Corporate adventure strikes out for the heart of Tramdine Fens and reports of mysterious lashing storms that have flooded the area.
Battle Without Honor or Humanity! May 21st, 2013 For the honor of insulted Ivaliceans everywhere, Avira has a duel with Ophelia! Things end poorly, as expected.
The Worst Kind of People May 19th, 2013 A few upstanding members of the Church run into some ruffians in Traverse Town! Avira is really bad at taking advice and picks a fight almost immediately.
A Pleasant View May 7th, 2013 Ophelia receives an unexpected visitor during tea time.
Artyom Really Hates Ghosts April 21st, 2013 In preparation for construction of a new academy to train future demon hunters, Ophelia enlists the aid of her mercenary geomancer to pave the way.
Ambush the Heretics! April 20th, 2013 Faruja, Ophelia and Helena ambush the New Zodiac Braves. Zack pulls a helicopter out.
Seeking the Truth April 6th, 2013 Count Valos has indicated that a man named Father Bouhr is responsible for sending the letter that warned the heretic Ramza Beoulve of his impending capture. Ophelia sets about to discover the truth of this with a little old fashioned interrogation.
Retrieving Their Own March 25th, 2013 Sanel was just enjoying his wandering, but the Church of Glabados had plans for the boy. It was an unlikely savior that came to the boy's aid.
Clearing the Land March 24th, 2013 Intending to train away from prying eyes, Ophelia finds that her new subordinate has taken some liberties without consulting her first. She isn't pleased.
Devourer in the Depths March 19th, 2013 Artyom decides to go revisit some old ruins with a group of his friends. They unleash a sleeping creature.
Passing the Torch March 15th, 2013 An old inquisitor retires and passes her duties on to an unlikely young woman. Ophelia seems all too keen to don the mantle of authority and sets the wheels in motion for hidden plans.
Just Another Spooky Thursday March 14th, 2013 When an old run down house in the older parts of town begins to emit strange noises the locals fear an infestation of ghosts or worse. Eager to get out and about after several months of preparation, a young woman who specializes in such threats responds to the call for aid.


Reprimand March 29th, 2013 A mission gone wrong. A secret revealed. Ophelia returns to the Church to find herself in for an ugly welcome.