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Title Date Scene Summary
Thirteen Children April 1st, 2014 Chita goes to Mysidia in search of information on the man called Garland. He finds more than he thought, and in the process, Garland deposits knowledge for the Viera to find, or destroy, in thirteen unlikely locations.
A Researcher's Interlude V March 31st, 2014 Hours after the debacle at the Traverse Town prison facility, Warden and Rhia wind down at a shady dive in Montressor...ironically the perfect place to lay low. Chita finds them, and a short conversation is had.
Scavenging in Deling March 31st, 2014 Leo, recently freed from his captors and having fled his now fallen world, scavenges for food in Deling city, but meets a new friend! (yay!)
Behind Closed Doors March 31st, 2014 The top executives of Shinra meet to discuss the future of Rhiannon Zellen.
A Researcher's Jailbreak March 30th, 2014 Days after Rhiannon's capture, several forces converge on the prison facility holding her. Things go well. ...Or not. Depending on your perspective.
Win, Lose, Or Draw One's Sword? March 28th, 2014 Ophelia attends a book-signing that happens to involve Zerum. After verbally fencing, she ends up being obligated to retreat, however, not without delivering a parting shot. On the other hand, the dark elf still gains at least one thing from the ordeal, even if it's a minor one.
Daughter of Ashes: Trail of Thieves March 28th, 2014 Maira and 'friends' set out to track down the Fourty Thieves and re-claim the item stolen from Phoenix's Cloister.
Dreaming of Dragons March 28th, 2014 Avira dreams of...
Ice Comet March 27th, 2014 Taking the water-crystal out of the safety of the camp, Avira tests the item with a unique Gummi-block out in the Realm Between!
Where the Serpent Sleeps March 27th, 2014 Skoll joins Zia in the Serpent's Trench and the two search for the Cloister of Midgarsrmr.
Return To Twilight March 26th, 2014 Mercade meets with someone he never expected to see again: Chita. They exchange some information and discuss the future.
A mission for the beast March 25th, 2014 Seith and Disarray converse about the future of a certain country's Belle.
A Daft Punk March 25th, 2014 Deelel is working at the Atra Viscus Nightclub, working as a DJ way when she catches sight of two people in the crowd. The DJs from the End of Line Club have found their way out of the digital world and into the larger world beyond.
Rebel With A Correlation March 24th, 2014 Rakassa is befallen by Zerum, who draws a few conclusions about her inclinations based on her behaviors; things escalate after she's unable to refute his accusations, and he soon finds himself bordering on becoming unemployed, thus encouraging a hasty retreat.
Crossroads and Graveyards March 24th, 2014 Skoll meets up with his Golden Wolf and is reminded of a choice that lies before him, and of the dangerous threat that lurks behind.
Blunder Road o/~ March 22nd, 2014 Kyra comes to the rescue of Zerum Valos when he bites off more than he can chew by venturing into the Thunder Plains without any prior experience with the place.
The Masked Keyblade Wielder March 21st, 2014 Deelel encounters a woman dressed as a wolf guarding Port Royal.
Daughter of Ashes: Fire Walker March 20th, 2014 Phoenix visits Maira's dreams, bringing with him a quest which he asks her to undertake.
Prisons and Mercenaries March 20th, 2014 Rakassa meets her prisoner, and makes deals.
Wizard Visiting Hours March 17th, 2014 Merlin gets visitors. A lot of them. The topics at hand seem to involve the strange blade that Chita holds, as well as Kaydin's new Keyblade.
The Cloister of Shiva March 16th, 2014 A group of adventurers make it to the Cloister of Shiva. But what will they find inside?
Aeschere The Vampire Drainer March 16th, 2014 Aeschere is hired by Queegmaa to go hunt down Ophelia, who is rumored to be a vampire. Que hopes to use the fact that it's just speculation to encourage Chere to equip herself adequately, while simultaneously wagering that due to lack of concrete proof, the fees for her services may still be kept at a minimum.
Azure's Calling March 15th, 2014 Reize follows the guidance of a voice that has led him pretty far in his adventure. He is followed by Mir, a former client who decided to travel with the boy. She finds out that there is a bit more to the boy's journey than what it initially seems like.
Bad Decisions And Bad News March 14th, 2014 Kaydin comes to visit Mercade and demand information. Mercade gives it to him, and Kaydin starts to find out what he's in for.
Chasing Rabbits March 12th, 2014 Searching for info on a stolen sword for the Turks, Corneo encounters a certain Viera in Alexandria.
A Thorn In, Or On Morrighan's Side? March 11th, 2014 The World of Ruin is a chaotic place, and one of the people who Morrighan dislikes the most, who endlessly causes her trouble, is evidently an ally of hers. Faruja has the regrettable task of having to try to keep the peace.
Keyblade! A Deal With The Conquering Chaos March 11th, 2014 Kaydin seeks out Garland in the Corridors of Darkness in order to learn more about Angantyr's Keyblade. He is offered a deal too good to pass up...
Lurking Shadows March 11th, 2014 Mere moments after Garland bestows his 'gift' upon the dark knight Kaydin, a shadow who had been eavesdropping decides to ask for a favor of her own.
Alise meets the Don March 10th, 2014 Alise heads over to Southern Manhattan to meet with the Don in his cool as heck dirigible to ask him to do some informant work for her.
Shinryu Investigation: Phantom Forest March 8th, 2014 This is what happens when you have Reize being the only person who saw the map for investigating the darkness. Reize leads Avira(much to her chagrin) and a few other folks to what was presumed to be the Crater where Shinryu was at...
Bonding Moment: Lynn March 7th, 2014 Reize shares a moment with Lynn while tending to the garden. They discuss about each other's home.
Hunt For Priest March 6th, 2014 A small group of Shadow Lords, led by The Huntress, descend upon a local church.
Venturing Into The Depths March 3rd, 2014 A greedy elf and a wise-cracking joker plunge into the depths of a ruined, underground city in search of a rumored wishing spring. Nonsense ensues.
Mission: Mugwort March 3rd, 2014 Beneath the shifting dunes of the Bare Desert south of Fluorgis, down where the sand thickens into stone, tortuous tunnels snake, their dark stillness a refuge for strange life forms. Within one of these capricious tunnels our heroes now wander, seeking one such creature in particular: the omnivorous Mugwort.
The Hound Awakens February 28th, 2014 With their subquest queued, Reize and Ivo spend the interim cleaning up Shard Seeker Headquarters to render them more presentable to future clients. Little do they suspect that their merry band is to be joined by a truly formidable force. This guest character can use as many potions as he likes.
Kindling Inquirement February 28th, 2014 A series of 'heroes' inquire into more of the history surrounding Cinderella's history.
Infectuous Defector February 27th, 2014 Queegmaa defects from Vector and plans to spread his poison in Glabados, or maybe he plans to help Glabados spread its own toxin, since it has some noxious individuals already befouling the waters who could use some further aid. This is at the behest of Rakassa, or rather, as her Shadow Lord alter-ego, Olivia.
A Researcher's Inquiry VII February 27th, 2014 Rhiannon calls enemies and friends alike to Shinra HQ to hold an open dialogue. ...Things don't quite go as planned. At all. But nonetheless, this turnout could be interesting as well.
An Elfy Sense Of Skepticism February 26th, 2014 While under the influence of Echo's spell, Morrighan is enlisted to help capture Zerum for Rakassa's experiments. Despite how dubious Zerum is of Echo's request, and in defiance of the resistance he offers, the two women still end up taking him into custody, against his will. (Backscene)
Lady In Red February 25th, 2014 A mysterious woman enters the TDA office on a Manhattan evening...
Cleaning and Baked Goods February 24th, 2014 Fueled by the desire to restore the headquarters, Reize went on a cleaning spree while the client, Mir, was baking goods for her business. After all, she paid for their electricity, so she had a free stay. Of course, the Shard Seekers received a familiar face...
At Least It's Not a Fetch Quest February 24th, 2014 In which Reize's specialty compensates for the consequences of Ivo's absence, and the Shard Seekers get back to work, thanks to a new and understandably dubious acquaintance.
Sneak Thief and the Pendant February 23rd, 2014 It was just a normal day at Fluorgis until a thief decides to steal Reize's pendant. It quickly escalates to a chase scene.
A Researcher's Interlude IV February 20th, 2014 The next day, after resting from the trip back, Rhia entertains some discussion with Chita. Certain facts are revealed and decisions are made.
Unexpected Results February 20th, 2014 The town of Narshe falls prey to another unusual visitor, one who wants to destroy Rhiannon, the scientist who attacked the city earlier. How is this creature related? How do people react in the face of this overwhelming vengeance?
A Researcher's Interlude III February 18th, 2014 Returning to Goug from her exploits in Narshe, Rhia heads to a certain room in Shinra HQ to see just how her unintended test subject fared in the VR Observation Chamber. Discussion is had and things are revealed.
A Long Return and a Shard February 17th, 2014 Returning home after his journey, Maira comes to visit the Shard Seekers to retrieve a World Shard that could unlock an important world for her.
A Forbidden Visitor February 17th, 2014 Within Mullonde, a visitor visits the restricted dungeons to tend to a captive experiment locked away from society.
Seven: Dark Dominion February 15th, 2014 With the World of Ruin becoming more ruinous, a group of people have instead settled in the southwestern region of the Old Kingdom. But they found a strange mountain they don't dare to climb. So they've asked adventurers to check it out - to put their minds to ease.
Power Play: Assembly February 14th, 2014 A secret installation on the edge of Purgos and the Outlands holds the answer to whatever needed so much power. What happens when the heroes move to try to confront the mysterious JAVA? It looks like they're not the only ones interested...