Shiki Misaki

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Shiki Misaki
Shiki's Bottom-screen portrait.PNG
Age 15
Species Human
Sex Female
Height 5'2"
Weight Undefined
Series The World Ends With You
Combat Styles Adventurer
Hometown Shibuya
Group Players
Occupation/Job Player
Force: Wandering Force
"Once you see the real me, will we still be friends?"



Shiki is one of the Players in the Reaper's Game, and the original partner of Neku Sakuraba. Previously just a normal girl living in Shibuya with a best friend named Eri, upon her death she ended up in the Underground, Shibuya's underworld, and made a contestant in the Reaper's Game- a contest not just to win another chance to live, but to protect Shibuya and enrich the lives of its people by dealing with the supernatural beings called Noise.

Although Neku's amnesia and antisocial tendencies meant that their partnership begun on a rocky note, with some dangerous incidents, Shiki's attitude helped them to quickly bond and become fast friends. They ended up reaching the critical final day of the Game and taking on its Game Master, Yodai Higashizawa, whose defeat would allow them to both come back to life.

However, before this could happen, Neku was thrust straight into a second week of the Game, all part of a far greater scheme which nobody had yet realised... a scheme which could not find fulfilment as the Heartless cracked their way into Shibuya. Shiki, who had been removed entirely from reality- being as she was Neku's most precious thing and his 'entry fee'- was thrust back into the world just in time to see it collapse.

Tumbling through the darkness, her memories a little muddled, Shiki awoke in Traverse Town. Now operating out of WildKat Cafe- the only slim World Shard of Shibuya thus far to survive- she searches for the other Players and tries to understand what's happened to everything.


Shiki is a Player, but she's a person first, and she has a professional hobby. She's an expert seamstress and is very good at making clothing from scratch, of any kind and fashion. Being a child of Shibuya, one of the crucibles of fashion and style, she has an excellently keen understanding of how this kind of thing works, which is just as well, because in the streets of Shibuya, style is survival.

She also has a slew of psychokinetic abilities, which allow her to animate and control objects. Some of these are granted to her by the various Pins used to compete in the Reaper's Game- small metal badges which grant access to abilities called Psychs. By expressing the user's imagination and creativity, thoughts can be changed into power to give a variety of offensive effects.

Shiki also has a stuffed animal she made herself named Mr. Mew. This simple-seeming black cat toy can be animated by her psychokinesis and has a semi-independant existence, animated by aspects of Shiki's subconcious. It serves as a valuable offensive tool for Shiki, and a cornerstone of her fighting style. She is capable of using him in Fusion attacks, which are special combo attacks that grow stronger depending on her bond with another.

By using her Player Pin, Shiki can also form temporary Pacts with other people. This allows people to adjust their Vibe, the frequency with which they resonate with the rest of reality. This is essential to fighting the Noise, which exist on multiple levels of reality at once.



Name Status Thoughts
None N/A "Where's everybody gone?"


Name Status Thoughts
None N/A "At least there aren't any Reapers..."

Cutscenes and Logs

Cutscene - Day ???