Template:Character Logs

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Where the Serpent Sleeps March 27th, 2014 Skoll joins Zia in the Serpent's Trench and the two search for the Cloister of Midgarsrmr.
Crossroads and Graveyards March 24th, 2014 Skoll meets up with his Golden Wolf and is reminded of a choice that lies before him, and of the dangerous threat that lurks behind.
The Masked Keyblade Wielder March 21st, 2014 Deelel encounters a woman dressed as a wolf guarding Port Royal.
The Cloister of Shiva March 16th, 2014 A group of adventurers make it to the Cloister of Shiva. But what will they find inside?
Temple Hunt, the report January 31st, 2014 After locating the temple Shiva and clearing out the heartless in getting in the way. Deidra contacted Zia to meet her on he roof of the Cloud Nine to give her the information.
Seven: Dreams Go On - Waking Dream January 18th, 2014 Seith's curse comes to bear. Cinderella falls asleep. As do many of our other heroes. This is the story for those who escaped the curse's grasp.
Seven: Dreams January 5th, 2014 Our heroes enjoy a ball and learn some of the secrets that the Castle of Dreams holds. But what's more... there is a dark omen that meets our heroes late into the dance.
Meeting the Golden Wolf November 7th, 2013 Skoll meets a mysterious stranger who just might be the Wolf he's been searching for.
What We Know September 16th, 2013 The Seekers speculate on the nature of the keyblade quests.
Future Tense: Shiki Misaki September 15th, 2013 It is decided.
Future Tense: Zia September 14th, 2013 It is decided.
Present Possibilities: Zia September 6th, 2013 The past is prologue. The present? Is full of Heartless.
Past is Prologue: Zia August 24th, 2013 The past is prologue. All else is chicanery and nonsense. Until it's not.
Meetings outside Oblivion: Zia August 17th, 2013 Zia meets Lucas to have answers questioned and questions answered.
Lamia Seekers August 13th, 2013 Kidnappings lead Faruja and his considerable posse to investigate rumors of Lamia mischief.
Oh it had to be a Heartless... August 8th, 2013 The Shard Seekers head off on an adventure sadly for them there is something foul waiting for them at their destination.
A Refugee from Himself August 7th, 2013 Evja comes to the Shard Seekers, looking for someplace safe from the people pursuing him.
When The Gargoyle Visits August 7th, 2013 Zia comes to the TDA to look for Will to speak with him on things. She doesn't find him, but she does find Mercade. They catch up on things.
Booze and Business August 2nd, 2013 Zia and Deidra talk about current events over some cocktails.
The Cloister of Carbuncle July 28th, 2013 Skoll and Zia stumble through the Cloister of Carbuncle in the first stop on his quest to regain his summoner powers.
Deliveries and Job Postings July 22nd, 2013 There's some interest in Arthur Drover's 'help wanted' flier, as well as a delivery to his Synthesis Shop.
Above the Town July 16th, 2013 Deidra's perched up on the Clock Tower having a meal when Zia pops in. It's been a while since the two have caught up and they talk on things. Just generally catching up.
Dreams and Pathways Forward July 11th, 2013 Skoll wakes from a dream of the Espers, only to find that he isn't the only one with strange dreams.
Visitors, Cupcakes, and Relationships July 1st, 2013 Maira stops by for a visit to the Watchtower, only to be beset by addictive cupcakes, relationship advice, and... dun dun dun: Percival.
Fragmentary Passage: Zia June 30th, 2013 Let the pieces fall where they may. A dream twisted out of shape provides answers.. and choices.
In the Deep: Atlantis June 22nd, 2013 In order to defend Atlantis, the party there leaves the place and plans to use explosives to break their way out. Continued in In the Deep: Serpent's Trench.
In the Deep: Serpent's Trench June 22nd, 2013 A group of heroes has heard about a Heartless invasion in Serpent's Trench and moves to find out what is going on. What they find is... unexpected!
The Sorrow of Lost and Found June 21st, 2013 Avira discovers her own ties to Atlantis, and the sorrow that goes along with it.
Power of the Ancestors June 18th, 2013 Percival discovers the truth about the sword he wields, and the power within.
Wolf-Baths and Gargoyle-Rituals June 18th, 2013 Skoll gets a bath, and Zia discovers the 'Gorlois' of Atlantis, who perform a ritual to bring life back into her crystal.
Journey Without A Map June 16th, 2013 Seeking out the lost city of Atlantis and what knowledge might be contained there-in, a group of adventurers set out to face peril... and spear-throwing chipmunks.
Keepsakes June 13th, 2013 Fate has a way of bringing people together when they need it most.
Behold - The Quest NPC June 5th, 2013 Skoll and Zia discover a mysterious old man, who just may have a lead for them on their quest.
Love and Dusty Armchairs May 29th, 2013 Zia and Percival catch up on their recent mis-adventures.
Training Begins May 28th, 2013 Zia and Faruja catch up a bit on current events, and then the mouse decides to start on her training, only to discover just how difficult a task he signed up for.
Awkward Moments May 26th, 2013 After fighting the last of the elemental 'sisters', Skoll and Zia try to ackwardly figure out what they plan on doing from here.
Saving Werewolf Ulfang May 25th, 2013 Avira, Skoll and Zia finally challenge the remaining Gaudium Lord flunkies; 'The Gaia Sisters' to free Skoll of the darkness-inducing collar.
A Dark Visitor May 21st, 2013 Seith drops in to give Percival a 'friendly' reminder, but ends up encountering a young sorceress instead.
Gargoyles Go House Hunting April 11th, 2013 Since gargoyles do tend to clan together, Zia and Percival go house-hunting for a decent roost in Fluorgis.
Mystery Woof April 1st, 2013 He'd promised Hati, and now after things have settled down a little, finally has the chance to do that one thing he still wanted to do. To treat Zia to a 'date'.
Following the Path March 17th, 2013 Adventurers go off in search of treasure, only to be thwarted by the 'Ghetto Knight'.
Restoration March 16th, 2013 It has finally come - the final battle to resurrect Manhattan!
Dinner and a Talk March 15th, 2013 Skoll and Zia have a brief chat over bacon sandwiches.
Love and Rooftops March 15th, 2013 Zia and Percival discuss things like love, and princesses, and his past.
To Hell and Back March 14th, 2013 Avira has been captured, dragged into the depths of the Underworld. Avira's friend band together, ready to rescue their friend, and free Manhattan from darkness once and for all. There can be no failure here, for failure has...perminate consiquences.
The Real Xanatos Gambit March 9th, 2013 Hades invites himself over for tea, things get ultra complicated.
The Final Shard March 8th, 2013 Time to go visit a friend of Merlin's for the real answer of where the Spirit Shard is - Mama Odie. Yet can this Voodoo Priestess really help them? Or will it just be another wild goose chase?
Shard Packing With Merlin?? March 7th, 2013 Time to go find the last shard! Everyone gather together because we are hitting up Merlin's. Yet what they will find out, isn't what they were hoping for...
Stealing 'Treasure' from Pirates March 3rd, 2013 A group of adventurers explore an island near Port Royal, where treasure is presumed to be hidden, and have to deal with the wiles of the local pirates.
Mysterious Mysteries March 1st, 2013 When pigs give maps and Merlin translates, interesting things happen. Including being swept away to an underwater mystery of mysteries.