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Cute & Fluffy
Age Immortal
Species Genetic Experiment #626
Sex Male
Height 3' 6"
Weight Heavier Than He Looks!
Series Lilo and Stitch
Combat Styles Little Monster
Hometown Hawaii
Group Team Ohana
Occupation/Job Pet "Dog" / Weapon of Mass Destruction
Force: Wandering Force
Theme Song Aloha E Komo Mai - Jump5
Recent Events
Adorable Destruction!

The 626th Experiment of "evil genius" Dr. Jumba Jookiba was created to wreak havoc and cause chaos across the galaxy. Designed to be nothing more than an unstoppable force of destruction, Experiment 626's future had been decided when he was created that he would be nothing more than a weapon of war. That is until a series of events allowed him to escape to Earth where he posed as a dog until he was adopted by a young girl named Lilo. Dubbed "Stitch" by his new best friend, 626 is now in a constant struggle between his own genetically engineered nature to be a destructive force of war and the "proper best friend" that Lilo is training and teaching him to be. To top it all off there's space pirates, the Heartless, rogue Experiments, a United Galactic Federation hot on his heels and who knows what else. Feeboogoo!

Skills: Ruins Everything, Not Bad Meaning Bad but Bad Meaning Good, Lilo's Pet Monster, All Menace. No Dennis., Weapon of Mass Destruction, Space Invader, Little Blue Tank, Immortal Combat, Unbreakable, Strength In Numbers, Fluffy Wolverine, Four Armed and Dangerous, Adorably Deadly, Elvis Impersonator, Weakness: Water, Childlike Violence, Model Citizen in Training, One True Place: With Lilo, Ohana Means Family


Dr. Jumba Jookkiba is a self-proclaimed evil scientist. His life work has been the creation of various genetic experiments, all of which have their own specific purpose. It was not until the mad science of Jumba resulted in Experiment 626 did things take a more fateful destiny approach. Experiment 626 was Jumba's greatest and most powerful creation, which led the Councilwoman of the United Galactic Federation to sentencing Jumba for his madness and banishing Experiment 626 to a remote desert planet where they could wreak no more havoc.

Experiment 626 never made it there. Escaping the loathsome clutches of space officer Gantu, Experiment 626 stumbled upon a pair of heroes by the names of Ventus and Aqua. Before long, Deep Space was attacked by creatures known as the Unversed. With Deep Space being 626's home, he fought alongside Ventus and Aqua to fend off the Unversed attacks, even as the stars were going dark around them.

This showing of bravery and selflessness helped to show the Councilwoman of the United Galactic Federation that Experiment 626 was not completely bad. As Ventus and Aqua continue on their journey, 626 launches himself towards Earth in an escape pod built for freedom. Upon crash landing in Hawaii, Experiment 626 was almost immediately captured by locals and thrown into an animal shelter. Here he was mistaken for a dog and adopted by a little girl named Lilo.

Named Stitch by his new owner, 626 formed a fast bond with Lilo as she vowed to teach and train him in how to be a proper best friend. While Stitch just seemed like a wild and rambunctious animal, Lilo could see past all of that and knew that deep down inside Stitch just wanted to be loved. She knew that Stitch just needed to be loved. That he needed to be a part of something. So she made him part of the only thing she had to give: "Ohana means family. Family means that nobody gets left behind or forgotten."

Choice words, for soon after Lilo & Stitch solidified their bond, Hawaii was struck with a massive hurricane that literally ripped it from the rest of Earth. When the hurricane was over, Hawaii had been relocated to a vastly unfamiliar ocean and location. Surrounded by sky ships, Hawaii was quickly becoming a haven for those types. Along with that, the Heartless were starting to become a real threat. And if there's one thing that Stitch can't stand... it's a threat to his home and the people he has come to know and love.


Complexity is the name of the game when it comes to understanding Stitch. He is, in a lot of ways, a very unlikable creature. He's childish, annoying, tempermental and undeniably destructive. He is a very hard experiment to tolerate, let alone be liked or loved in any capacity. In fact, this is such a factor in understanding Stitch that it should be noted that Stitch's appearance almost seems to be directly linked to how someone views him. Those that are averse or don't like him, will see him as an ugly and deformed creature or monster. While those that have some affection for him view him and cute and fluffy. This is a trait that goes through all of Jumbas Experiments as they all have their very unique looks which may or may not be accepted by those gazing upon them.

Originally designed to be nothing more than a device of pure destruction, maybe even evil, Stitch never really had a higher purpose in life. In his time spent with Aqua and Ventus his eyes were opened to something more than that. It was Lilo, though, that truly showed Stitch that there was more to life than just destroying anything he came into contact with. It is true that he is programmed and hard wired to destroy things, but now Stitch constantly struggles against and ffights this programming enough that he has a choice in the matter. This choice is something he makes him more than the monster he appears to be.

Stitch possesses a very fragile emotional state that is linked to a childlike demeanor that makes him react in ways that may not be the best, considering his abilities. He can be quite hard to deal with at times, his temper tantrums can be dangerous and his emotional state can switch on a dime. There are very few that can get past the hurt and the emotional scarring of being made into a monster, but those that can are more capable of controlling Stitch than even Stitch himself.

Stitch lives off his impulses. Without the right support system, Stitch can fly off the handle and become everyone's worst nightmare. With the right guidance, though, Stitch can become one of the greater assets for good. In this current state of limbo, Stitch is on the right path but it is up to his Ohana to keep him that way.


Experiment 626 is one of Jumba's more versatile and powerful creations. He comes standard with a variety of different skills and abilities that he may use to take on his enemies and protect his Ohana.

Genetic Enhancements

  • Immortality: In terms of aging or growth on a physical level, Stitch does not and will not age or grow old. This may have the adverse effect of continuing to keep him in his perpetual state of immaturity and childishness. Stitch is forever young.
  • Indestructible: According to Jumba Jookiba himself, Stitch is bulletproof, shockproof and fireproof. His body is impressively resistant to damage of all kinds, whether it be elementa, physical or some combination of both. He is simply immune to things like fire or electricity and can take high levels of damage without suffering more than a scratch. He can walk away from falls from several thousand feet only being briefly stunned. He's also survived being caught in a volcanic explosion with not even a singe. However, there seems to be an inherent loophole in his indestructiability and that's Plasma. Attacks of a plasma nature can and will hurt him. In some instances even knock him directly into a state of unconsciousness. His indestructible nature works on an internal level also, as he is capable of consuming and digesting anything that does not harm him externally. Including left shoes. His indestructibility extends into a high end healing factor.
  • Super Strength: Stitch is capable of lifting up to 3,000 times his own size. Stitch's muscles contract at a rate that's a thousand times faster than human musculature and thus he's capable of performing feats of great strength, such as lifting bulldozers, throwing cars or punching down buildings. His strength is limited to exactly 3,000 times his own size, though. The moment he attempts to lift more than that, his muscles and strength will fail and usually with comical results. This musculature of Stitch's also allows him to perform tremendous feats of leaping and jumping.
  • Super Intelligence: Stitch's mind works faster than a super computer. Granted, this information from Jumba is not the most descriptive as this could be a super computer of any origin, but Stitch's super intelligence still cannot be denied. His mind works at a rate that allows him to understand, comprehend, problem solve and more all within the blink of an eye. His genius allows him to do things such as build working models of cities, complete crossword puzzles in mere seconds, build both simple and complex objects with random items and more. His intelligence exists on another level. These feats of super intelligence are also linked to his ability to learn things at an extremely high rate of speed and master them, as well as his ability to pilot or drive any vehicle he can get his hands on. His understanding and comprehension is almost instantaneous. This also makes him a keen escapologist. It takes something special to trap and hold Stitch. He's also capable of learning a new language within seconds of hearing it. Stitch's brain is beyond the scope of human intelligence. It is an information respository, capable of storing up to 300 PB worth of information, as well as a dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia and Experiment Catalog with all the pertinent information about Jumba's other Experiments. Stitch is also an expert with electronics and computers.
  • Super Physicality: Stitch's muscles are the only things that are enhanced in his physiology. Almost all of his physical attributes are on a much higher level than humanity. He's extremely faster, incredibly agile and has a general understanding of athleticism, acrobatics, tumbling and other forms of physical activity. His body is composed of extreme flexibility, allowing him to squeeze through incredibly tight spaces or roll himself up into a ball for any variety of reasons. His entire physical structure is almost cartoonish in nature and limitations, allowing him to go above and beyond what is usually considered "normal" limitations on a humanity scale.
  • Super Senses: Stitch's senses of hearing and smell are well beyond that of humans. His super hearing allows him to hear things from miles away (within the range of 0 - 500+ decibels) and his incredible sense of smell allows him to pick up the slightest trace of anything in the air. Which can always come in handy when dealing with shapeshifters or the like. Stitch also has super vision, allowing him to see in the vast spectrum of light, as well as giving him the capability of filtering his vision in various ways. This allows him to see in normal vision (black), night vision (green), infrared vision (red), ultraviolet (purple) and even x-ray vision (bright green). Stitch can even magnify his vision as if his eyes were natural hyper binoculars or a super telescope. He is capable of using his vision to scan targets, zoom in/out and sees everything in a Head's Up Display manner. Capable of using himself as an audio amplifier, Stitch can double as a radio or microphone by using his claws and his open mouth. His antennae, when used, allow hims to be a microwave radio receiver, allowing him to pick up radio, radar and any other signals. They are also capable of detecting movement that may disturb the molecules in the air.
  • Sticky: Stitch's hands and feet secrete a sticky and adhesive substance that allows him to cling to almost any solid surface. This secretion comes out in minimal quantities, though it is possible that Stitch can control the amount that comes forth and he may or may not be capable of using these in an offensive manner. Stitch may also be able to use this sticky substance in a more "spit" styled form. Gross.

Combat Abilities

  • Hand to Hand: Stitch is a masterful combatant that has been programmed with an incredible amount of martial arts expertise, various forms of combat from across the universe and his own wild and destructive style. His unpredictably in combat situations borders on the insane.
  • Dirty Tricks: Stitch is not above using dirty tricks and techniques to gain a victory. He was designed to destroy things and harm whatever may be in his path. While calmer now, thanks to Lilo, Stitch will go to great lengths in combat to ensure the safety of those around him or gain the victory.
  • Weapon Mastery: Stitch is a master of every known weapon across the galaxy. If there is something he doesn't know, he will learn to master it within a single use of that weapon. He is also capable of using almost anything as a weapon, regardless of what it was originally designed to do.
  • Weapons: Stitch has access to Laser Pistols and Plasma Blasters of varying styles, as well as a space suit that may provide him with some added protection but is mostly for style.
  • Vehicles: Stitch has access to a small escape pod/ship that can be used to travel in space style worlds and areas. He also has access to a Hovercar built for him and Lilo to use, as well as a souped up and modified Dune Buggy, thanks to Jumba.
  • Experiment Pods: Stitch has access to Experiment Pods that contain Jumba's other Experiments and thus Stitch's "Cousins". All it takes is water for these to expand into full blown Experiments.

Miscellaneous Skills

  • Musician: Stitch is a capable musician that is capable of playing both the guitar and ukulele.
  • Chef: Stitch is a very versatile cook, capable of preparing a huge selection of dishes, though his expertise lies in chinese food.
  • Dancing: Stitch is an amazing dancer.


  • Water: Water is an incredible weakness of Stitch's. Not only is he Aquaphobic, but his molecular structure makes him incredibly heavy and thus prone to sinking in water at an alarming rate.
  • Hypersensitive Hearing: Sonic attacks can leave Stitch temporarily deaf.
  • Magic: By nature of the way the worlds work now, Stitch is not as 'Proof against Elements as he once was. Especially, when it comes to Elements being used in a magical manner.
  • Lilo: Stitch's One True Place is with Lilo and he will do anything and everything within his power to protect and help her. By extension, Lilo's family and friends are also Stitch's family and friends so they fall under his protection too.
  • 626 Programming: Stitch was created to be a weapon of mass destruction. His programming is still there and Stitch fights it on a daily basis. Whether he succeeds or not is a different story.
  • Stitch Has A Glitch: Stitch may find himself, at times, suffering from a glitch in his genetic code that can cause him to uncontrollably revert to his 626 Programming for short periods of time.
  • Naive: Stitch may be a super genius, but he doesn't know much or anything about cultures, people, or other things like that. It makes him susceptible to mind games and other such tomfoolery.
  • Goodness Level: Stitch cares a great deal about his Goodness Level. To those that know about this, it could be a very useful tool in the wrong hands.

Combat Statistics

Stats Rating
Physical Attack Power Amazing
Magical Attack Power Wimpy
Physical Accuracy Average
Magical Accuracy Wimpy
Physical Evasion Above Average
Magical Evasion Wimpy
Physical Defense Amazing
Magical Defense Average
Heavy Hitter
Dodge Roll
Duck and Roll
Lucky Striker

Combat Techniques

Ohana Summon



Bad News


  • Understanding Stitch: Tantalog Dictionary is your one stop shop for some of Stitch's most often used phrases and terms. When he's not butchering English.

Stitches of the World
World Stitch
Hawaii Stitch
Deep Space 626 w/ Spacesuit
Halloween Town Vampire Stitch