Down the Underground Ruins

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Down the Underground Ruins
Date of Scene: 13 October 2012
Location: Bare Desert (Underground)
Synopsis: After the plan to save Shiki from Priel had took a different turn for Reize and Priel, the two are forced to work together to navigate through the torturous underground ruins. There is a surprise waiting for them both...
Cast of Characters: Reize Seatlan, Priel Aylin, Scarmiglione

Reize Seatlan has posed:
~ Underground Ruins ~

The sands of the bare desert revealed a ripple in its earth. The sand fell and sucked everything from the overworld. The area itself is a dark, cleared path.

The hallway is only one darkness leading to another as no light pierces through. The walls are made of hardened sand and brick. It looks like the ruins used to be an underground passage.

Previously, the Boy With the Long Scarf had fell off while on the frantic dragon. Now, here he is, fallen from the drop. A groan is starting to stir from the boy.

"Hgghh..." He mutters as his face is pressed against something a bit softer. On one hand, it looks like that Reize did not land on anything hard, per se. However, the boy sighs, "...It's a bit of a softer landing, that's good.."

Two things suddenly bother Reize:
1) Where IS Priel? He was on her back a moment ago.
2) Why does this fell like a sudden deja vu...?

As a hand presses over the strange soft pillow.


... Oh no. Oh no no no no no.

A shade of darkness looms over Reize's eyes, fearful of what he possibly caught.
Priel Aylin has posed:

That was all Priel could see when her eyes opened. She wasn't sure how she had been out really, but as her vision adjusted, she could vaguely make up stone shapes with her somewhat enhanced eyesight. But it wasn't enough to pierce through the darkness completely.

"Ughh...." Groaning in pain, Priel just laid back, blinking several times to bring herself back to reality. It seemed like she hadn't reverted back to human shape still and had landed on her back first, damaging her wings. And there was a weight on top of her...stone debris?

...No, it was too soft, too light, too.....


"............." That was no debris. It was that fool with the scarf! Even in this situation, she couldn't bring herself to be angry, and instead, an amused smile crossed her face.

"...You know, touching will cost you dearly now~" She coos, grabbing his hand with a claw and keeping it there so that he couldn't escape.

"I hope you are prepared to pay now~"

Surely that couldn't good.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Slowly, Reize's eyes lifted up to meet with the source of where he accidentally groped. Slowly, he can see the scaley body of Priel. Then, his eyes lift up to meet face to face with the transformed woman.



As her clawed hand grasps towards his hand, the boy flails, "ArghIcaughtcootiesandIcan'tescapearghagrhagharhgrgh...!" The free hand flails helplessly.

Comical tears roll along his eyes, "Uggghhh...."
Priel Aylin has posed:

This fool still talked about nonsense like cooties? Wow, he was even more childish than she had thought he was. ...Which only made this even more amusing of course. "Oh yes. You've caught cooties now~! I'll have to make you pay later~!" Lifting the offending arm away from her body, Priel then tore away the rope from her neck and stood up, taking the boy with her.

"Now then, pervert in disguise, I do believe we have more important things to give our attention to then your inconsequential 'cooties'"

A quick glance upwards revealed that the hole they had fallen through seemed to have closed itself up. So there would be no flying out. Hmph, if only it were that easy.

"Well this is wonderful, we seem to be stuck down here." Having said that in the most nonchalant manner possible, the girl then began to change shape again, her body reverting to human form. Claws, wings, scales, horns, fangs, eyes. They all gradually receded, giving way to human features once again, sans the ears. Those didn't seem to be able to change.

"An underground passage perhaps?" She suggested lightly, shaking a hand about to get used to the feeling of being a human shape again as she spoke.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
His eyes lower and comical tears continue to roll along his cheeks. "Goodbye adventuring for a few days~!" He places his hand over his eyes, preparing to faint overdramatically.
When she lifts the offending arm out of her and lifts him up, the boy yelps. "Gah!" The young adventurer grunts towards her comment, "I'm not a pervert!" He pauses, "...What's a pervert?" He scratches his head.
Following Priel's eyes, the young adventurer is able to see the hole that had closed itself up. A frown stirs, then he starts to lower his head. "This isn't good..."
But then, he looks towards the passage ahead. "...For now, we are." He gives an exasperated sigh, his antenna hair 'sighing' along with him. He turns to face Priel, who suddenly shapes back to a more humanoid figure. "...Does it hurt doing that?"
His eyes trail towards the hallway, "That's likely. It looks like the only way that we can go is ahead."
Priel Aylin has posed:
...He didn't even know what a pervert was! ...This was exploitable! Smiling graciously, Priel wagged a finger as she explained. "A pervert is a hero who fights for justice and makes people happy wherever they go~!" ...Of course, she'd say that. Of course.

Letting that particular moment pass though, she crossed her arms, looking off down the passage. "Does it hurt? ...Somewhat, but that is a necessary evil. Cost of keeping this sort of thing up now. Besides, you get used to it." It's not like it was top secret information, so she shared without sparing much of a second thought to it.

"Well then, I suppose standing here does us little good. As much of a pain as it is to be stuck with someone like 'you'" Sighing dramatically, Priel held out a hand, causing a ball of flame to form and expand a bit, creating a makeshift torch of sorts to illuminate the immediate surroundings.

"Off we go then." And there she went, striding off ahead first. After all, she hardly wanted to be stuck with the grand idiot of the Shard Seekers for too long now...
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Blink, "...Really?" On one hand, Reize shouldn't trust Priel's words. On the other hand, because she is the only person that he has to be able to depend on, Reize has no choice but to trust her. "Well... okay." Though, Reize doesn't consider himself a hero. But the making people happy whereever they go sounds more fitting.

However, she explains the details of her transformation, the boy can't help but consider,"It looks painful..." Nevertheless, Reize gives us a shrug. Then, he frowns towards Priel's comments about being stuck with him, "Oooi, I'm not bad to be stuck with!" Both cheeks puff in annoyance, then he starts to follow after her.

This grand idiot is the LEADER of the Shard Seekers.

God/Faram help them.

Along the halls to the underground passage, the area expands from its long hallway. Everything is more out in the open. In fact, if the group where to look up, there would be statues with swords attached to the walls near the entrance while a flight of stairs have spikes at the bottom acting as the pole.

Further down is a four foot wide flooring that zigzags and intersects along each other. It's like a maze.

Even worse is that there are plenty of strange creatures lurking within the area.
Priel Aylin has posed:
"...Well, this is just wonderful." Priel casually commented, looking about at their surroundings. It seemed to be some sort of maze for sure. But to what extent? Hopefully it wasn't too sprawling. That would have been annoying.

It doesn't take a genius to figure that they likely weren't alone down here either, so she kept her eyes peeled as she took a couple steps forward again, looking left and right, and then upwards. Oh. Look at those statues. "Hmn, well in any case, let's move along. And keep an eye out. I need to keep the flame lit, so it's up to you to watch for danger." The girl smirked then, narrowing her eyes in amusement.

"Though I know how hard that must be for someone like you~"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"Wow! A maze!" Reize's eyes widen, then he furrows his eyebrows. He runs a hand along his face, starting to frown when he can see the traces of mosnters about. Even worse is that there seem to be some Heartless looming about.

His attention drifts towards the statues; Reize jumps back slightly, nearing Priel before stopping himself. "It looks like this place used to be something else entirely." He scratches his head, "...But what...?" He shakes his head, then he looks back to Priel.

Puffing his cheeks, "Right, right! I know my way of handling the dungeons, thank you very much!" The pride taking a beating, Reize withdraws both of his boomerangs and he moves onward. His eyes drift about until...

"Priel! Incoming monsters, they spotted us!"

A pair of pot spider Heartless spot the two. Not only that, but a few other sort of creatures that inhabit the area lurk. It's a small space, so the others are unable to get to the two, but await them on the other side of the ledge in the bridge.

That will require jumping.

First, there are the two pot spiders coming their way.
Priel Aylin has posed:
Seeing pots sprout legs and then scuttles their way certainly was a sight to behold. She almost wanted to laugh, but managed to withold it, acknowledging that even if they looked ridiculous, they may still present a threat.

And so with her other arm, Priel formed another fireball, one for offense this time. "I see them! Let's give this a try then!" Swinging her arm forward, she launched the extra fireball towards one of the spiders, opening the attack. While the ball of flame sailed after the enemy, she was already preparing another fireball...

"Be a dear and go make yourself useful now, hm?" She commented casually at Reize, smirking despite the danger. "Unless you're scared~?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:

"Shut up! I'm not scared!" Reize snaps towards Priel as he charges towards the spiders. While Priel laucnhed another fireball at one of the spiders, Reize moved aside to let the fireball move by him. The area is somewhat narrow, so Reize needs to be careful.

When one of the spiders start scattering towards the boy, Reize spins around to give the spider a repeated kick in the head, then the other leg moves to give another side kick.

Both pot spiders were quickly taken out by the pair. However, there is still the ledge that requires jumping and a few of the local monsters lying about.

In fact, one of them appears to be a turret. This is possible a defense system left behind. It's charging.

The moment that Reize tries to make the jump.

A laser burst fires out, striking the boy towards the gut. "GAH!!!" This sends him sprawling across the floor back to Priel. "Guhh...!"
Priel Aylin has posed:
Okay, so maybe they weren't that dangerous. Perhaps they would have been in larger numbers though. Such was usually the case with mooks like those. Regardless, Priel rolls her eyes at Reize and follows along at a casual pace. "Now, now, should you really be jumping so recklessly--" And at that moment, a bright laser burst, lighting up the area as it flowed upwards and...struck Reize dead center in the gut, caused him to come flying back, skidding right at her feet.

"........Pffft! Ahahahahahahahaha!"

And then came the laughter. No, she did not look worried for the boy in the slightest. His failure only amused her. Plus it was educational! Look before you leap! "Good job! You really are living up to your seasoned dungeoneer title~! Ehehehe~"

Giggling to herself, she stepped past the fallen Reize, not helping him up as she looked out over the ledge. "Hmn...we'll need to take out that device over there before jumping then." With that in mind, Priel unceremoniously launched another fireball down at the turret, mostly to see if it would actually do anything.
Reize Seatlan has posed:

Ow. My spleen. Reize is in pain from that nice blast that sent him flying back to Priel's feet. Of course, Reize cannot help but look towards the dragon girl with annoyance. His face turns ugly before he snaps, "Shut up!" He winces, rolling to his stomach before he tries to stagger to his feet.

Working with this person is going to be a pain. Reize knows it.

However, Reize withdraws his boomerang and he grows, "Let's see how you like this!" The boy flings the weapon across the air, letting it arc to strike along the turret.

....Turret incinerates the boomerang with a single blast.


And of course, the fireball lobbed its way gets the opening to strike against it, easily decimating the system.
Priel Aylin has posed:
"Oh my..."

Seeing Reize's boomerang get incinerate only drew a small amused smile from Priel as she watched the turret get destroyed by the fireball. "Perhaps you should invest in more...sturdy weaponry, hm?" This was precisely why she didn't rely on material weapons. But alas, doing so required a certain level of magic skill...But she was getting off point now.

Keeping an eye out for any additional turrets, She then took a couple steps back before running forward and jumping, intending to head for the other side. While she did so, a peculiar red sword formed in her free hand, radiating a faint red glow. "Here we go!"

With weapon in hand, she descended down towards the other ledge, bearing down onto the waiting monsters with her sword to strike. It would have been stupid to jump in with no preemptive attack now.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Twitch. Twitch.
One can see the annoyed look on the boy's face as Priel comments regarding his weapon. Steam pops over his head, teeth gritting. "Shut up!" He grumbles, then he looks around before anything else comes.
Running along the path, Reize finally makes a jump towards the other platform.
When he finally comes over, the boy looks around to see that no more turrets were around. However, it does look like that some skeletons are rising from the ground, wearing some sort of armor.
"Gah!" He withdraws one of his boomerangs, looking over towards priel, "We got more company!"
Luckily, the left side where the skeletons are at reveals the exit along the path.
Priel Aylin has posed:
Avoiding the armor, Priel swung her blade to target the unarmored areas of the skeletons. As she turned her body in the middle of her attacks, she took notice of the exit up ahead. "I see, we may be able to get further on up ahead! Now let's take care of these annoyances."

Ducking under an attack and then lashing out at a skeleton's feet to topple it over, she spared Reize a glance. "Try not to get killed now. Not that I have a whole lot of--whoops!" She rolled aside to avoid a sword that crashed into the ground where she was just moments before and then quickly stood, kicking the attacker off balance.

"--Faith in your abilities~" At least she remembered to finish her sentence.

Wait, how was that a good thing?
Reize Seatlan has posed:
A roar bellows from the skeletons as they charge towards the intruders that lurk in their temple. Many of them are armed with swords while others possess spears. The armored skeletons start their charge.

When the spear-users lunge towards Priel, her blade hacks against the unarmored parts of them, sending them crumbling.

Meanwhile, Reize makes his way to spring at the sword wielding ones. As the sword wielders spring forward with a slash, Reize springs into a back handspring to distance himself.

With their charge, Reize springs forward to launch a spinning kick their way, then he strikes with the other boomerang.

He snaps back at Priel, "You don't need faith! I can stand on my---" The boy yelps when one of the skeletons move towards him. After deflecting the sword with the single boomerang, Reize uses the momentum for a spinning hook kick at the head to send it sprawling.

"--own!" he glares towards the girl. "Okay! Let's go to the exit!" The boy finally sprints ahead to the exit, hoping that this leads to a better path.
Priel Aylin has posed:
"Are you sure about that now~?" Teasing him even now, Priel strikes down another skeleton as she breaks off into a run, heading for the exist along with Reize. For good measure, she hurls a fireball back into the remaining group of armored fiends to keep them at bay as they cross onto a new path.

Once convinced that they had done enough, she turned her eyes ahead of herself again, surveying the details of the path they had come onto...

Briefly, she wondered if this idiot could be trusted to lead them around, but then she shrugged it off, After all. Neither of them knew this place well, so any way was fair game at this point. "Now then, what have we here...?"

Raising a hand, she recreated the flame to illuminate the immediate surroundings again.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
The path reveals to be a hallway, this time, it starts to lead to a wider spacious area. Thankfully, there are no gaping holes or narrow paths. The area has multiple stair-like platforms in a hexagon style. Overall, it is an opened, spacious area.

Thankfully, it is a short reprieve from the monsters.

While Reize is following along the path, his head turns to face the direction of Priel. Something has been nagging him...

"Something has been bugging me.

Now that the boy has a bit more familiarity to the surroundings, his eyes cut to Priel.

"Why were you trying to eat Shiki?"
Priel Aylin has posed:
Priel took her time examining the area, taking note of the platforms before turning her attention to Reize. "Hmn? Eat her?" The question drew a smile from the girl as she tilted her head slightly. "Oh my...."

She turned fully to face him then, resting her free hand on her hip as she continued to stare at him. "Did you REALLY think I was going to eat her now?" She asked simply, rolling her eyes as she anticipated his answer.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Puffing his cheeks, the boy usually takes what is thrown in face value. How else do you think he is now thinking pervert means what Priel said it meant.
"Of course!" The boy glares right at Priel, bringing both of his arms together. "I am to make sure that my friends are safe!" He lifts an eyebrow, "I don't know you very well and my friends' lives come first." He then looks over at her, "...But you weren't going to eat her?"
Priel Aylin has posed:
".......Pffft! Ahahahahaha!" She burst out laughing then, pushing Reize by the shoulder lightly. "Of COURSE I wasn't going to eat that silly girl! Besides! Have you SEEN her waist? She's got NO meat on her at all! She'd make a terrible meal!"

...Nice to know that was the ony reason. "If I'm going to eat someone, they'd better have enough meat on them to make it worthwhile!" Now it was just hard to tell whether or not she was joking anymore.

"...Buuuuuut, I suppose if there was really not much choice, then maybe I would eat her~ Survival of the fittest after all~"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Blink. Blink.
Reize furrows his eyebrows at Priel as she pushes him against his shoulder. The boy nearly falls on one of the platforms, catching himself in time. He grumbles towards the woman, then he shakes his head with a mutter.
Reize grunts, frowning. He is a bit relieved that Shiki wasn't going to be eaten after all, but still. He doesn't trust her.
"Guh...." He narrows his eyes at Priel, "I would had stopped you if you tried. I may not seem much, but I would had stopped you, just like earlier." The boy shakes his head, then he sighs.
This is doing them no good.
"...We need to get out of here. I don't know much about this place, but... there has to be some exit."
Priel Aylin has posed:
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Priel waved the boy's speech off dismissively, turning to have a look at the platform layout before them. "Of course there's an exit. Unless it got caved in or something." She chuckled at the thought of that, despite the fact that it would have been a huge problem for them.

"Anyway, we're not going to get anywhere standing here! Come on, let's get a move on!" With that, she pointed off towards the other platforms in a sweeping gesture. "Let's start by getting our way across this, shall we?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
With the platforms offering no real obstacles, Reize begins walking and hopping along the platforms, heading back through the hallway. When Reize turns to face Priel, he considers her words, "Yeah..."

As the boy starts to walk along the trail below, he finally starts to see a flight of stairs that leads to the next section.

The next section is for the most part, somewhat cleared. However, the pathway is a bit odd. It's like a fork in the road. While the fork isn't completely darkened, all of them seem to have some sort of maze-like look to them.

Whatever the path is taken, it looks like it will be a confusing one.

"Gah! It looks like we have a path to take!" He frowns, then he looks around the three paths left. "...but, all of them look confusing!"
Priel Aylin has posed:
Following along at a casual pace, she offered no real insight to their predicament, hopping from platform to platform. Once they cleared that area with relvative ease, they came upon the fork, which drew an arched brow from Priel. "Hmn, well what have we here?" Eyes slowly glancing between both paths, considering which one to take, the girl remained where she stood, keeping the flame lit with one hand while the other hung loosely at her side.

"Well, I suppose splitting up is one possibility. ...But then, you'd get killed. It would be a problem to have to explain to your bothersome secret club how you died..." Chuckling to herself at the thought, she looked between both paths once more before shrugging.

"Oh well. Try one, then try the other! Let's go left first!" And so she set off, turning and beginning to walk down the left path without any real worry to be seen on her face.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize himself glares towards Priel. He grumbles over towards her, then he starts to shake his head, "Splitting up is not a good idea! Especially with whatever lies here." He then starts to listen to her idea.

"The left it is!"

As the two start to wander along the left, the area is as confusing as it looked. It involved a lot of jumps over the holes. Unfortunately, through their travels, while there were no threats in their area, it did lead them do a dead end.

"Gahhh!" It's a dead end!" He frowns, looking over towards Priel, "We should try the right!"
Priel Aylin has posed:
"Aw, you saw through my plan to get you slain~" She cooed sweeted, fluttering her eyes at him momentarily before turning her gaze back to the path ahead. It didn't take much longer for them to see that it was a total dead end. "Hmn, well how about that! At least it wasn't a giant monster waiting at the end!"

At least, she says. Nodding to Reize, she turns around then and begins to make her way back to the fork, not really minding all the platforming they were going to have to do over again.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Narrowing his eyes at Priel, Reize is finding it really hard to trust her. The boy exhales a sigh towards Priel, "Tsch! I won't let that happen! As long as we are here, you are not leaving my sights." He folds his arms, his cheeks puffing with annoyance.

The reassurance of no large monsters does present some comfort. Nevertheless, Reize starts to follow back towards the fork. This time, the right side is taken.

This leads the group to a better off area. The path is a confusing, stretching area. However, this soon nets the group a nice trip through the doors.

It is then that the trip will lead the the group into a set of doors...
Priel Aylin has posed:
"Oh my, you mean you want to keep looking at me~?" Bringing a hand to her cheek, Priel grinned at Reize's exclamation, clearly having too much fun teasing him now. "You know it's fifty gone for every second you stare, right~?" There she went with that line again. One had to wonder if she ever got paid for that...

Regardless, the both of them made their way back and then took the right path this time. Certainly not that much better off the the left path previous, but still. Once they arrived at the set of doors, Priel couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in wonder.

After all, a large set of doors only meant one of two things usually. A horde of treasure...or something that wanted to eat you. All things considered, she was more prepared for the latter than the former.

A quick glance at Reize and then back to the door and she was speaking again. "Well then, shall we~?" She asked, reaching for the doors with her free arm.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"...I am not paying you!!!" The boy growls angrily, the antenna hair pointing at her accusingly. It is 'glaring' at her as well. The boy grumbles, shaking his head and he turns his eyes away from her.

He mutters, "We're barely making enough as is to start our clan." He mutters, then he exhales a sigh, "...I hope Shiki and the others are alright." He looks over towards the doors, preparing to open the door along with Priel...

...What they find...
Reize Seatlan has posed:
...Is a large path that leads to the next sort of hallway. This time, this particular hallway is largely spaced out. The walls are along the side, yet it seems rather warmer. It's a long path towards the trail end that has a set of double doors along the side.

Their journey through this underground ruins has been a sort of a maze. That had strange defensive turrets, monsters, and other sort of things within the area. But this seems light a straight-forward way, right?

"It looks like we're almost to an exit, hopefully." He muses. Then, he considers, "...But if they have put double doors here, do you think that this leads to a treasure room of some sort?"
Priel Aylin has posed:
Observing the new surroundings, Priel remained oddly quiet as they walked. ...This was a bit too simple. And she didn't like it. But alas, she wouldn't voice the thought to her current companion in any case. So much for teamwork.

Keeping the flame lit to light up the area, she listened to Reize speak, only half payng attention to him. "An exit huh? It could be that...OR it could be a nice trap waiting for us! Or a giant monster guarding the place! That's always fun! Can't have ruins and treasure without a big monster to keep you from getting to it all!"

Of course she'd say something like that though. "And if there IS a treasure room...then I get first pick of course~ Ohohoho~!"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"I suppose so." Reize notes Priel's comments about the exits, "I figured that the doors would had been sturdier if it was a monster guarding, I suppose.." He shrugs, then he considers the fact that it has been the only path WITH doors.

Unfortunately, Reize is down to one boomerang, annoyingly enough. That is enough reason to keep his hands on the only one that he has left. Looks like improvision will be key here.

Along the way, about a meter distance from one another is a large dent on the ground. It's a very thin one....

As Reize and Priel begin going along the path, they will find that their steps came just in time...


A giant blade sweeps right behind them, slicing from side to side along the walls.



Up ahead are several more that are slashing across the walls.


And complicating matters is the center.

Flames ignite from the walls to scorch any tresspassers that reach the center. However, even that has a timing.
Priel Aylin has posed:
"You can never truly tell with places as old looking as this. All you can do is remember certain cues and abide by them. Usually it works out more often than not." Priel spoke casually as they made their way through the hall. Her eyes slide downwards, taking note of the thin lashes along the floor.

Well, that didn't look good. Familiar in fact. It looked like the cut from...


And there went a massive blade, swinging across the floor behind them, giving off an audible creaking sound as it did. "...Aha...swinging blades. One of the oldest traps in the book."

Then came the flames. Huh, well that complicated matters a bit. "Would you look at that? I guess I don't need to keep this up anymore." She spoke plainly, shaking her hand to dissipate the flame that had been burning continuously for some time now.

"This is going to take some careful timing now..." The girl's eyes fell upon Reize then and she gave him a mischievous smile. "Be a dear and try not to die, okay? I don't want to bring you back in parts now~"

Leave it to her to say something like that with a smile.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
The swinging blades are moving side to side, daring anyone to try to pass through them. Each blade are a meter away from each other in this long hall way.

The careful timing of the blades is paramount. Those flames at the center will present a problem as well.

Sucking in a breath, Reize prepares himself. "...Yeah, we gota do this." Her comment earns a smile from Reize, "Don't worry, I won't die here! I still have a journey to finish."

He starts off in a mad dash towards the door.

Reize's fate with the door presents itself with something that is a painful fate. While he lunges through, he barely makes it pass the swinging blades.

It's what lies at the center that gets him.

The torching flames from both sides catch the boy, "Gah!" He falls on his face, trying to get away from the flames. After they clear, Reize peels himself up to get past the traps.

....And when he reaches near the end, of the floors shoot up, ejecting Reize off of the ground. "Gah...!" With a loud yell, he is flung towards the double doors with a resounding thud. "Ooff...!"

Priel, however, is having much better luck at the situation. The blades barely scrape against her as she would pass through them. The timing affords her an opportunity to get out of reach of the flames blasting from both sides.

Careful maneuvering will afford her avoiding the blades. Thankfully, her landing doesn't trigger a trap, allowing her to meet with the boy whose head went against the double doors.

Reize is currently @_@ and a bit charred.
Priel Aylin has posed:
Of course, no one is perfect. So Priel navigated her way through the traps, affording a minor mistake here and there. Nothing big thankfully. Seeing Reize get scorched and then tossed about drew wild laughter from the girl as she passed through the rest of the obstacle and to the doors.

"PFFFFFT! Ahahahahahahahaha! Wow! Good job, kid!" Priel called over to Reize as she approached his fallen form. "You really showed me! I'll never doubt your abilities ever again! ...Pfft-Ahahahahahahaha!"

...Nope. Not worried about him one bit.

Anyway, I know your not dead. Get up, let's carry on to the next room, shall we?" Glancing down at the boy, her eyes narrowed in amusement. "...Or maybe you want to be left behind~?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Ow. Ow. Ow.
Reize groans in pain as he manages to pull himself up to his feet. He whimpers, grumbling a few words regardng to the traps. He really let his guard down like an amatuer. The boy finally pulled himselfup, then he looks back towards Priel.
"Nnggh. I'm getting up." He grumbles, shaking his head while realizing somethings. "...Do you often live your life this way..." His hand presses towards the door, about ready to open it with Priel's help.
Priel Aylin has posed:
"This IS my life. Nothing to it." She replied, resting a hand on the door and then beginning to push it open. "You win some days, you lose some other days. As long as you don't get killed then you can get back up and learn from your experience."

And then the doors were finally opened. "Well, since you're still alive. You can take this as a learning experience~ Just keep your guard up and try not to let something as hilarious as that happen again, hm~?"

And so the both of them stepped through the opened doorway at that point, giving way to the contents of the next room...

What was awaiting them on this side?
Scarmiglione has posed:
At first, it's only a swirling, dancing light in the darkness. The light from the hallflames gradually reveals more detail, a clawed fingertip twirling what is surely Reize's pendant with a lazy twist. The bony hand, vanishing into a dirty brown sleeve. The raggedy form of the fiend Scarmiglione, seated on a throne of human bones.

"Wh-hrn?" Scarmiglione starts as the party enters the room, burning yellow eyes blearily opening. He looks around for the briefest of moments, clearly disoriented, before he actually notices Reize and Priel. "Ahhhhh..." Surprise gives way to that pleasant feeling one gets when one's /sinister plans/ are reaching fruitition. At long last, the object of Scarm's hate has arrived, that annoying little happy-go-lucky adventurer.

"At lassst, you have arrived, uh." He pauses, letting the pendant dangle to a stop as he realizes a crucial gap in his knowledge. Now, what was it, again? Something stupid, probably. ...Rinse? Pierce? Roze? No, Z is too good, a name with a Z anywhere in it is definitely too cool for this chump. No choice, then, gotta wing it.

"! You guy!" Priel's presence is basically an afterthought. "...and his girlfriend!"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Listening to Priel, he considers her words. "...I suppose that is part of adventuring, yeah... Some days are successful, some aren't." He is slowly recalling one of the views that he chanted to himself whenever he writes his journals.

Once the doors open, Reize shuts his eyes and he takes a deep breath. "...Right." He gives Priel a nod, then he makes his way into the door to see what is on the other side.

And when that door opens, he can see swirling light dancing in the darkness. Yet, as it reveals more...

He can see his pendant.

Both eyes widen and his jaw drops. If his pendant is there, then that means...

That not-a-bum is here too. That ragged form of the fiend lies there.

"You again..." His eyes narrow, "I finally found you." And when Priel is announced as his girlfriend.



His face is red and he grabs a hold of his hair, "Argh! She is not my girlfriend!" Refocusing, he points a finger towards he fiend of hatred, "Hand back my pendant!" He already has his one boomerang readied.
Priel Aylin has posed:
The light at the end was certainly a curious one. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen that pendant Reize was usually wearing on him. Had he lost it? Seems that way judging from the exchange between the booy and this...strange looking figure. Wasn't he in Fluorgis some time back? ...Yes, he was.

Now that just begged the question; what was he doing down here? Was this his dwelling?

Either way, those details were inconsequential by this point. And so she crossed her arms, gazing over at the figure with a brow raised in curiosity.

And then came the girlfriend thing.

"...Pffft! Hah! Girlfriend? Me? This kid? Please~" Waving a hand dismissively at that, Priel had to resist the urge to burst out laughing. And she suceeded this time. Her eyes went over to Reize at this point, noting his combat readiness. Were they going to fight? Interesting...

...Wait, she wasn't going to get dragged into this nonsense no, was she? Fighting for someone else's cause was the last thing she had on her mind right now.

But then, when was it ever the first?
Scarmiglione has posed:
The dark places of the Earth are always where Scarmiglione dwells, totally on purpose all the time.


A mound of sand humps upward in the middle of the desert, a small pair of binoculars poking out. "Huh? Where'd they go? Did they run ahead?" Sandmiglione hurridly shuffles forward, chasing after that weird hair kid. Reaching a hand out, he slows and closes his eyes, sending his conciousness through the earth, /searching/ like a magical bloodhound, inescapable and unstoppable. "They were here just a second ago, so whrmmmph?" He blinks, slowly coming out of his trance, already up to the mouth in sand. "MMPPPRH!"

In moments, the desert is still and lifeless once more.

NOW Scarmiglione absentmindedly shakes some sand out of his robe, careless even in the face of Reize's righteous protests. "Whatever, I don't care about your doubtless disgusting but passionate human romance." He steps down off of his throne (which immediately crumbles to dust, its purpose over), and clenches the pendant in his withered fist. "And I refuse. So what are you going to do about it, boy?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:

Reize tightens his fists and he starts to growl. He is pretty annoyed now. And in his rage, Reize is doing the one thing that he always does.

Leap first.

While Scarmiglione holds that pendant with his withtered fists, Reize is already charging, full bore, towards the fiend. As the young boy charges, leaps off of the ground.

"I'll take it by force!"

He lunges his right leg out, sweeping across the air to swing it over towards Scarmiglione's head.
Priel Aylin has posed:

And there he went. Charging in like a fool. "Seriously, how does he manage to remain alive..." She scoffed at the boy's impulsive actions, she herself approaching at a more casual pace, her arms still crossed. It didn't look like she was going to help either one of them at this moment. She simply sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Let me know when you two finish killing each other. I'd like to get out of here sooner rather than later, you know!"

Help Reize? Hah! Prepostrous!

...Well okay, maybe she would if it got too bad. But right now, the redheaded girl remained back, watching with eyes narrowed in boredom.
Scarmiglione has posed:
THWUNK. Reize's leg collides with Scarm's head with a sickening crunch. The fiend goes flying straight sideways, colliding with a nearby wall. The impact is meaty. He is still. Not even the slightest husky rattle of breath escapes from his inert form.

Beat. Beat.

"That's it?" With a shudder, still leaning against the wall, Scarmiglione rises. "I don't think I care to play this game. At least, not here. Let me sssuggest another, since we're here and getting along so well." An off-handed gesture and the room lights up, loose sand on the walls flowing away to reveal a multitude of luminescent bugs. The now relatively well-lit and open room, lacking the ostentatious bone throne, only has one real defining feature: a skeleton.

Like, a big one, obviously not human in nature. Wicked horns protrude out of its skull, and tatters of what once were armor hang off its frame. Another gesture, filled with hidden power, and it pushes a hand against the floor. It stands, clattering, empty eyesockets staring blankly into nothing.

Scarm staggers a step over, draping his arm awkwardly around it, fist clenched tight. He drives his fist into the monstrous skeleton's mouth, and then withdraws it. A small light can be seen pulsing in the skull.

"See if you can take it from him, instead."
Reize Seatlan has posed:

After whipping the foot across the fiend's head, there is a bit of satisfaction of sending him flyintowards a wall. However, the thing tht was not satisfying was that he still had the pendant in his hand.

Not good.

That is when Scarmiglione decies on something else.

This isn't good.

When the room lights up, the loose sand on the walls reveals a multitude of glowing bugs. As they define the presence of the room...

It reveals to be a skeleton. It is long abandoned. Or was, until Scarmiglione activates it with his dark magic.

A light is pulsating from the creature's skull brings alarm to the boy as life is breathed into it.

"Grrrr! I'll get that back!"

The boy is starting to shift into his stance. "This isn't good..."
If he wants that pendant, he'll have to get to the through the monster. So, Reize is the first to not charge at it, but actually run to the side. Never charge straight towards a beast. ...Lure it.
Priel Aylin has posed:
Priel whistled in appreciation as the room lit up, revealing the rather large skeleton creature. "Wow. Well would you look at that?"

A smile found it's way onto her face as she remained out of the general combat zone, observing the situation with mild interest at this point. Nope, she still wasn't going to help.

And it was with that, that she spoke up again. "Good luck, kid! You can do it! Just remember the basics of CQC~!"

Yeah, because that was going to help him a WHOLE lot. She ended up having to cover her mouth to keep from laughing too much as she watched. Amazing how little she actually cared.

...Well actually, that pendant did look like it would make a nice addition to her collection....which was now lost with her world.

...Well sheesh.

Either way, judging by the rogues gallery of geniuses that seemed to be after it, it wasn't worth the trouble.
Scarmiglione has posed:
"What, you're afraid of thisss?" Scarmiglione seems somewhat off-put, perhaps expecting Reize to go to the default battle-plan of 'mash face into enemy'. "I just found him today, but I can assure you, all he wants is to be your friend." The skeleton takes a menacing step toward Reize, but Scarm holds a hand on its rib and stops it for a moment.

"I know the problem. How careless of me." Magic builds again, dust falls gently from the ceiling. A stone block from the ceiling falls less gently, slamming into the sand with a resounding thud. Wiggling his fingers, Scarm magically works at the block, shifting stone like mud until what lies there is not so much a block as a large, stone greatclub.

"I forgot the friend-making stick. Have fun, kids." Scarm turns away and begins to walk toward the back of the room, where a small doorway is nestled against the wall. The skeleton, in contrast, picks the club up, and swings it down as hard as it can, vaguely in Reize's direction. Sand goes flying everywhere.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
The skeleton is huge. Reize definitely needs to be on his guard with this one, considering the massive thing can squash him. The eyes widen, fear running along him.

He hears Priel's words of encouragement. He grits his teeth, glaring back at her way.


To be honest, Reize did not expect Priel to help. It would had been nice, but...

The great club is given to the skeleton, "..Guh..." Friend-making stick indeed. As Scarmiglione approaches the back of the room near the small door way, Reize is stuck with his new friend.

The friend-making stick attempts to get upclose and personal with the boy.


Reize managed to dive away from the incoming impact in time. The sand kicks off in the air and the ground shudders his way. Rolling to his feet, Reize is going to have to get close to strike it.

With the club towards the ground, Reize sprints towards the stick's way to run-climb along the skeleton. The boy lunges his boomerang out to swing across its head, then he lashes out with a roundhouse kick at the creature's head.
Priel Aylin has posed:
"Wow. Look at that idiot go!" Priel mused to herself, tapping her chin in wonder. "Heeeeeey! Kid! Watch out for the friend maker! It'd suck to get turned into a friend pancake after all that effort now~!" She called out to him, chuckling as she did.

"Stick and move! Stick and move!" Nope, she was no helping at all. Whatsoever. ...But then, why was she forming a fireball with one of her hands? It was growing rather large too...just what did she plan to do with that?

Why, throw it of course. And with that thought in mind, Priel unceremoniously launched the flaming projectile towards the monster, aiming to strike within it's exposed ribcage.

"...And that's all the help I feel like giving today." She gave Reize a playful salute then, calling out to him. "That's going to cost you!"

Everything had a cost with this girl, didn't it?
Scarmiglione has posed:
With the hollow thud of wood on bone, Reize's initial blow lands solidly, sending the skull into a stationary spin, rattling loudly. The follow-up kick knocks it clean off, whereupon it becomes evident that no, no that was not just Reize succeeding and looking cool. This is because the skull continues to spin, kicking up a small whirlwind of sand into the air around it, careening around the room like a pinball, bouncing off of anything it can; funny thing, it seems to prefer Reize.

The body, in stark contrast, is completely still, though still maintaining its grasp on the friend maker. Even when Priel throws a fireball that blows a hole straight through its ribcage, showering the back of the room (and a midly surprised Scarmiglione) in a wave of flaming bonebits.

The fiend halts, half-turns, and stares at Priel for a long moment in silence, even Reize's battle rages. The moment stretches...and then he turns back toward the door, shuffling away. "Just not worth it. Not at all."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize can hear Priel. He really can. He is also trying to block it out of his head, mentally trying to keep focus on the monster that is trying to flatten him.

When she does tell him to stick and move, Reize growls and he turns to face her, "I know, I know!" That thing is huge. That is the basics.

And of course, she finally help.

...But she charges him.


Ugh."Thanks..." Admittedly, the explosion of her spell is impressive. However, he is being charged yet AGAIN.

After the spinning and the kick, Reize sends the head flying across the area. As it creens like a pinball an it smacks aganst Reize.

"Oof!!!" Reize sucks in a breath as the wind is knocked out of him. This sends the boy spawling along the air. As he flies flat, he lands on his back with a skid. "Nnggghh..."

Slowly, he staggers to his feet, then he throws his boomerang right at the spinning skull. "Take this!"
Priel Aylin has posed:
All she needed now was a bag of popcorn to complete this picture. But alas, there was no popcorn to be had. And so Priel settled for standing back as she had been and watching.

Her eyes find their way over to Scarmiglione, watching as he makes his own escape. "...Oh well. His loss, missing this show~" Smiling in amusement, she turned her attention back to Reize's battle, watching as he got hit by the skull in a rather painful looking manner. "Oh my..."

Nope, still not worried.

And then flies the boomerang. His last one at that. "Hey, are you SURE you should be throwing that? You'll be unarmed!" Not that she cared, but...well it was logic! Then again, it was not like those boomerangs were particularly special. They were probably wooden in fact. Which only further went on to support the fact.

Oh well.

"A shame no one else is here though...A couple bets right now would make this a lot more interesting~"

Worst ally ever.
Scarmiglione has posed:
Another blow, another THWOCK. Reize's boomerang slams into the skull with a loud cracking noise, and the skull goes flying off in another direction, sounding like some macabre bone bell, though it soon slows to a halt. Was the attack super-effective? Has Reize won the day?

No, of course not, when could that ever happen. The skull turns to fix its glowing, eyeless stare on the boy adventurer. The light in its depths pulses ominously, and then it lifts off the ground, floating gently back to its place atop the skeleton's oh-so-wide shoulders.

Teeth gnash and clatter. The friend-maker rises into the air once more. Scarmiglione reaches the back wall, and then disintegrates into the floor, because he's too good to actually use doors or something. The skeleton monster swings its mighty weapon, this time horizantally.

Obviously, sand sprays all over the place anyway. Priel, with her front row seat to the show, might even be in THE SPLASH ZONE.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"Yes, I am sure! A boomerang is used for throwing as well!" He snaps at Priel. He turns to see that the boomerang does make its mark on the skeleton. See? That worked out well. It's not like---

And the boomerang, after making the impact, shatters like glass. Or wood.

Reize and his antenna hair deflate.

Now Reize is unarmed. He has no choice but to fight withou his primary weapons. It is even worse when the eyes loom before him. As it reattaches to its head, Reize springs back, moving to a back handspring to distance himself.


He is caught by the sandstorm casued by the sand spraying. He sprawls on the ground, rolling in pain. "Hggh..." He is pulling himself up to his feet, then he lunges back towards the skeleton.

He bowls forward, his right foot launching out to kick against the skeleton's gut, then he lunges forward to whip out his other foot at its head. The top off is the mid-air spinning heel kick. "GAH!
Priel Aylin has posed:
"Hmph! Well, I hate to say I told you so, buuuuuuuuuuuuut....I told you so~" Shrugging in the most nonchalant of manners, Priel grinned, utterly entertained by this struggle. ...But as much fun as it was, it would be even better to actually get out of here.

As the creature's glorious friend maker came crashing down into the ground and creating a sand storm, she raised and arm and closed her eyes to keep the offending sand out of her eyes. "Saaaaaay, you need any help up there~?" She asked afterwards, lowering her arm. "I couuuuuld be bothered to help you....if you promise to pay me afterwards, that is~"
Scarmiglione has posed:
Unfortunately for Reize, the skeleton's 'gut' doesn't really exist. Even the ribs are pretty sparse, thanks to Priel-inflicted battle damage. ...which is also the only obvious damage, as Reize continues to take her suggestion and CQC the undead giant formed of bone, evil magic, and spite.

And then he kicks its head off again, setting that skull a-rattlin'. This goes about as well as the first time, the skeleton starting its simple routine again. It lands in the sands, it begins the spins, it zooms through the room. Always coming back to Reize, clattering loudly, eyes glowing with what we should probably assume is just hate. Yes, that is probably what that is.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Not this time!
"I'll pay you afterwards!"
As for the head flying his way, Reize is well aware of that coming in. That is why he is positioning himself to take care of that offending charger. Once the skeleton's head swoop in towards his direction, Reize finally springs into the air.
Moving to intercept the colliding head, Reize launches a roundhouse kick with a following hookkick to smack against the head.
Priel Aylin has posed:
"okaaaaay~" And so she finally stopped lazing about, holding out an arm. Red wisps of magic began to form in the air before swirling about in a rush of flame, taking the the form of a strangely shaped red blade. "I guess I'll help out then! I'll be holding you to that now~"

And then she was off, getting a running start as she began to run straight at the skeleton. She did not take to the air or shapeshift any of her features, apparently deciding to keep it simple this time.

With her sword glowing red with flame, she reared back once she got in range of one of the legs, and then swung straight at it. Attempting to cleave the bone and bring the towering foe down to to the ground to limit it's range of movement.

It was a start anyhow. No need to get fancy just yet.
Scarmiglione has posed:
With the skull off doing its own thing, zipping around and pestering Reize, Priel has literally no resistance as she moves in to carve the skeleton like a Thanksgiving turkey at Christmas. It stands there, headless and inert, up until the point at which one of its legs is sheared clean off by a magical fire sword. There isn't even any real resistance, just SHWOOP and it's through and the skeleton continues to stand still. At a rapidly changing angle.

It hits the ground with a huge clatter, though its kept its form (minus the parts that have been forcibly removed). Reize, meanwhile, braves the miniature sandstorm the skull is generating and just kicks the crap out of it. Once more it's sent off in a completely different direction, bouncing around out of control. It rattles loudly, that pulsing light inside swirling about wildly. Gradually it regains control, floating there. It stares at Reize, then shifts to look at its body. Back at Reize, back to Priel, back to Reize.

Knowing a lost cause when it sees one, it completely ignores the mercenary adventuress and its body both, instead flying right toward Reize's head, mouth agape and aglow. And it tries to bite his face right off, teeth gnashing, a thin silver line of spittle trailing out of the side of its mouth. Jangling. Jangling? That can't be right.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Thankfully, Priel managed to destroy the body. That was a lucky thing for Reize.

What is not lucky is the fact that it decides to go after him once again. As it sets its sights on the boy, Reize's eyes widen.
He can see the silver line trailing from the side of its mouth. Wait, is that the chain?
His pendant!
The boy runs towards the mouth that is charging at him. It is like a game of chicken. As the boy charges foolheartedly, he prepares to do something....
He leans his body back and slides across the ground to swoop underneath the head at the last second. His hand whips out to snatch the pendant out of it's maw, twisting himself about during the course.
Priel Aylin has posed:
Excellent. It went down just as expected! It seemed the creature had given up on it's body instead going straight for Reize with the head. "...Huh. I'm almost insulted...almost."

Quirking a smile, Priel then turned her attention back to the task at hand, running along the length of the creature's body and slashing at key points, aiming to sever and render them useless. Surely the thing couldn't make use of it's body if it was in pieces now.

But then, she was prepared to be surprised. Considering the rest of this silly ruin anyway, that wouldn't have been unanticipated now.
Scarmiglione has posed:
The monster charges! Reize charges! A match for the ages, Reize versus a flying skull, swiftly begins to approach its conclusion with a head-on (heh heh) clash! ...except then he ruins it by, like, forming a plan? The skull, slow to react to Reize's quick movement, continues flying straight ahead even when he dodges down and makes a play for the pendant, taking it in his head. The skull continues until it reaches the end of the pendant's chain, and then suddenly JERKS downward, smashing into the sand. It clenches its teeth, empty eyes staring at Reize. It shakes its head frantically, trying not to let go of its toothy grip, but in the end...

Well, it's still just a skull. The pendant pops out and the skull rolls lifelessly backward.

Meanwhile, Priel happily butchers the body, no doubt charging a premium for every essentially meaningless strike. Cue the victory fanfare?
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Thankfully, Priel did help out in the end. Of course, Reize knows that he'll be paying for it later.

He grips the pendant's chain, then he tugs down, twisting to snatch it. However, when the skull clenches, the boy growls. Through his determination, he seizes what rightfully belongs to him, letting it roll backwards.

"Alright, you...!" He turns to face the direction where Scarmiglione would be. Except...

He's gone.

The boy lowers his head, holding onto the pendant. "...I got it back..." He looks at Priel, offering her a faint smile, "Let's get out of here."
Priel Aylin has posed:
Oh, look at that. He got his pendant back. Suppose one of them came out of this with something in the end. But no matter. The fun was over now. She'd be glad just to get out of here now.

"Right, that creeper left a long while ago. While you were busy getting your butt kicked~" And of course, she wasn't going to leave that alone. "In any case...Yes, let's make our way out of here. If we follow him, we just may find the way out."

And it was with that, that the two of them would go. Hopefully there weren't any more surprises to be thrown their way now.

Reize Seatlan has posed:
It was not long, through the next travel of the door way, the area landed them in a small clear room. The room had a door at the back end. However, in the center, where it looked like traps had already went off, there are three treasure chests.


As he now has his pendant back, he feels much better. With the confidence brought back, he is starting to rummage through the chests. The first chest that he opens...

> Reize gets Copper Ore.

Then, the next Reize gets Golden Crown.

And next Reize gets a large amount of gil.

"Wow! We did it! ...We found treasure, Priel!" The boy turned her way. And then he muses, "...This looks like this may be enough for the Shard Seekers to become an official clan! o/`"
Priel Aylin has posed:
Following along at a more casual pace, Priel took note of the relative peace of the area. No traps or monsters to be found anywhere. Looks like this was going to be an easy one.

And then she spotted the chests. Old and musty, but perhaps their contents would prove to be of more worth than their containers?

She approached with Reize, keeping quiet and allowing him to do the honors of opening up the chests. First came the copper ore.

".......Useful." She said in a sarcastic tone, rolling her eyes after. Then came the golden crown. "Well now, that certainly is a better catch~" Unable to resist smiling at the sight of the gold material, her eyes looked as if they could sparkle even.

...And then came the large sum of gil. "Ohoooo~"


"Indeed, it would seem we've found ourselves quite a bit of valuables! Certainly makes this romp worth it anyway!" And then Reize began to muse, speaking about being able to fund the Shard Seekers. His words brought a smirk to her face as she then began to wag a finger admonishingly at the boy.

"Ah, ah, ahhh~ not so fast!" The girl cut in before he could get any other ideas. "That is all well and good, but before that, I will have to subtract my fees~" And so she began to count up the money, musing as she did.

"Let's see....inappropriate touching, multiple counts of prolonged staring, service fees for expending effort to fight, medical expenses, mental trauma, unauthorized riding...Okay, done!"

And when it was all said and done, it was Priel who was holding the large sack of gil, having stuffed the ore and crown into the sack as well. "Ah! I took a bit too much! My apologies! Here you are~"

She reached into the sack, pulling out the lump of copper ore and setting it into Reize's hands. "Good luck with your clan~"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
That's right. Reize did say that he would pay Priel. "Oh! That's right!" His expression becomes thoughtful, "Well, I did say that I would pay you for your help." He rubs the back of his head. "Alright, go ahead. How much do I owe you---...."

And then she starts deducting her fees.


> Reize loses Copper Ore.
> Reize loses Golden Crown.
> Reize loses a large amount of gil.

After Priel's deductions based on the whole adventure, Reize is left with nothing in his hands. His palms are up, emptied out. Comical tears roll along his cheeks.

"...I'm sorry Shard Seekers. We were so close..." He whimpers.

However, when Priel presents the lump of copper ore, he gatefully takes that.

> Reize gets back Copper Ore.

"...It's something." Comical tears still rolling.

Nevertheless, the path ahead presents an exit. The door opens slightly, showing a way that leads to the light. That light is likely to lead outside of the desert.
Priel Aylin has posed:
"Alright, let's get out of here~"

Feeling a lot more enthusiastic about this whole thing than she was before, Priel strode forward, making her way towards the assumed exit and to the light.

"Looks like we may be getting out of here just yet. Perfect! You got your little green rock back, I got paid, we all win~ ...Well, some more than others, but still~"

And off they go, into the light and back into the desert...