Combat System

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A character object can contain multiple styles. In general, a character themselves will have one, or maybe two, styles to themselves. However, one can generate a Monster or Tinyplot style as well to keep on your character, for the sake of scenes in which you might wish to use these. To request Tinyplot or Monster styles after application, just toss in a +request, and we will try to get back to you as fast as possible.

Each style define a character's Statistics, Capabilities, Bursts, Actions and their Paradigm. Example: Bartz might have a Dancer Style and a Fighter Style.

  • Combat Style: A character's fighting style, or class.
  • Monster Style: A monster style, if one wishes to run a general battle.
  • Tinyplot Style: Either a temporarily upped fighting style for your character, or a monster meant for a low count amount of battles.


The eight Character Statistics
Magical Power Physical Power
The power at which one hits. This is not so much 'strength' as it is combat 'power'.
Magical Accuracy Physical Accuracy
The accuracy, or difficulty to dodge, of one's offensive abilities.
Magical Defense Physical Defense
The ability to take less damage, or a represenation of a high vitality in one field or another. Also used as the stat for Healing.
Magical Evasion Physical Evasion
The ability to perfectly evade, or nullify an attack.

Of course, there is are limits in how these statistics outline.
At present, an OC or standard FC gets 1400 points to distribute among them. High level FCs may go up to 1500. The rules one has to keep in mind are the following:

  • The Maximum Stat level: 256
  • The Minimum Stat level: 128

This means that an average /hero/ or /villain/ will have an average stat of 175.

Combat Values

The Combat Values
Shortname Full Name Description Value Information
OL Overlimit To Use Limit Breaks. Start at 0, limit of 200%.
MP Magic Points Use Special Attacks. Start at 25, limit of 100.
BP Burst Points To use Burst abilities. Always starts at 135 and goes down by use.
HP Health Points Your vital state. Equal to Character Statistic Total. Goes down with damage. At 0, you're out of the fight.


Capabilities are what define your character (per Style). Are they fast? Are they sturdy? Things that make your character stand out. These give slight boosts during combat in different fields. Some are more situational than others. Note that some of these are mere titles, and do not specifically represent a character's true personality. However, they should match their combat style.

For Character Generation, choose four.

The Capabilities
Name Effect
Aerial Fighter Better at Attacking while in the air.
Ground Fighter Better at Attacking while on the ground.
Rock Solid Better at Defending when using the Defend Command.
Shield Surf Far better at Defending when using the Defend Command while in the air.
Shield Cover Far better at Defending when using the Defend Command while on the ground.
Quick Footed Better at Evading when using the Evade Command.
Airdash Far better at Evading when using the Evade Command while in the air.
Dodge Roll Far better at Evading when using the Evade Command while on the ground.
High Tide Raise Maximum Burst Points by 15.
Roulette Small chance for random offensive stat bonuses.
Bright Eyes Small chance for random defensive stat bonuses.
Poison Expert Small chance for an attack to Poison.
Healer Allows for Healing Actions. Note that Healing has diminishing returns per target.
Stalwart A one-time chance to not be knocked under 1 HP.
Antibody High resist rate against Poison & Virus.
Close Combat Your attacks against someone in the same zone (ground/air) are at an advantage.
Distance Combat Your attacks against someone in the opposite zone (ground/air) are at an advantage.
Zone of Control An opponent's attacks against you, if you're in the same zone (ground/air) are at less of an advantage.
Anticipation An opponent's attacks against you, if you're in the opposite zone (ground/air) are at less of an advantage.
Artful Dodger If an opponent uses an attack with an incorrect zone modifier (ground against aerial and vice-versa), you get more of an advantage.
Careful Attack You take less damage than you normally would, defending against a counter.
Reaction Command You gain a bonus to evasion, defending against a counter.
Large Body You have an added slight advantage on the ground, and disadvantage when forced into the air.
Air Soldier You always start combat in the air, and have an added slight advantage in the air, and disadvantage on the ground.
Heavy Hitter Attacks that knock up or down are far more succesful on a hit - and may break through the Airbreak and Root bursts.
Black Mushroom Your Debuffs are more likely to stick on your opponent.
White Mushroom Your three-round Buffs last one round longer.


Bursts give boosts at any point in combat, using the Burst Point cost. All bursts - selected per Style - give you an effect that lasts until the end of your next attack's reaction. Using a green Burst twice in a row means the first is lost - so don't accidentally double-up. Bursts stack with your buffs, so it can be tactically quite advantageous to grab ones that go with your strengths. If you don't have enough BP, but your BP is positive, it'll use up OL for the remainder of the cost. This can only be done once - as long as the Burst in question does not recover OL.

For Character Generation, choose four.

The Capabilities
Cost Name Effect
45 HiPotion Gain HP (Major)
45 HiEther Gain MP (Major)
45 Unlimited! Gain OL (Major)
25 Potion Gain HP
25 Ether Gain MP
25 Aura Gain OL
25 Lucky Defender Critical Defense Up (Prevent the next critical)
30 Lucky Striker Critical Rate Up (Tripples crit-chance)
15 Airbrake Become immune to Knock Down until you attack or you are mid-counter.
15 Root Become immune to Knock Up until you attack or you are mid-counter.
20 Concentrate Magical Accuracy Up
20 Magic Barrier Magical Defense Up
20 Shell Magical Evasion Up
20 Faith Magical Power Up
20 Precision Physical Accuracy Up
20 Kinetic Barrier Physical Defense Up
20 Haste Physical Evasion Up
20 Bravery Physical Power Up
35 Doublecast Magical Accuracy and Power Up
35 Mighty Guard Magical Evasion and Defense Up
35 Rave Physical Accuracy and Power Up
35 Duck and Roll Physical Evasion and Defense Up
35 True Sight Magical Accuracy and Physical Accuracy Up
35 Geomancy Magical Power and Physical Power Up
35 Hasty Retreat Magical Evasion and Physical Evasion Up
35 Full Barrier Magical Defense and Physical Defense Up
10 Scan You'll be able to see the next 3 Bursts' effects. Normally, these are 'hidden' short of a small notification.


The Combat System allows for dynamic movement that changes the flow of combat. It's fairly simple, you are either on the ground, or in the air. To change this state, you can either; Use an Action that 'Moves' you, Be Knocked up in the air by your opponent / Ally, or Move during an Evasion to try and twart your opponent's attempts at catching you in a disadvantageous plane!

Overlimit Paradigm

By selecting one of the following options, you select what you gain Overlimit for. You gain Overlimit for an attack going off, and reacting to one - but these give you the main bonus that build your Overlimit bar to that delightful moment where you can activate your Limitbreak!

You can switch between these by Paradigm Shifting for a set Overlimit cost (20 OL) - and they give you different amounts of Overlimit depending on the Paradigm you are under. To return to your original Paradigm costs only 10 OL. You can carry through an entire battle without shifting once if that is your desire!

The Overlimit Paradigms
Name Overlimit gain on...
Dancer Succesful Evasion
Warrior Succesful Hit
Sentinel Getting Hit
Berserker Missing
Synergist Buffing someone (Not Attack Only Buffs)
Saboteur Debuffing someone (Not Attack Only Debuffs)
Gambler Critting, or being critted on

Status Effects


Note that you may place a Buff on an attack, in order to boost that attack. This will apply that buff to you before the attack goes off, and it will remain until a second attack goes off. This means that a defensive buff on your attack will last until your next attack. However, it still will be full cost - as if you'd buffed someone in the standard manner; A normal Buffing action on someone, will last Three rounds instead and applies after the Buffing 'attack' goes off; this is to say, Three attacks going off. 'Attack Only' Buffs however, only are in effect during the 'Reaction' of the command; as they alter the attack in general.

The Positive Effects and Buffs
Name Effect
Esuna Attack only - makes each Esuna action remove a DeBuff from the target, on hit.
Lucky Sevens Attack only - makes an entire attack gain a random boost or loss in attack-damage. Costs no MP.
Regen Slowly regenerates HP.
<Element> Resist Up Lowers the damage taken from this element.
<Stat> Up Raises the stat temporarily.
Bless Random Stat Up.
Astra Resist the next Debuff.
Weightless Lowers Move MP cost slightly.
Antigravity Increase your Knock chances.
Paradigm Shifter Makes your next Paradigm Shift cost half its normal cost.


A Debuff on hit, and taking effect, will last Three rounds after that hit. That is to say, Three actions going off. However, an 'Attack only' Debuff will simply 'alter' the entire attack to take in the effect of the Debuff, and will only be in play during the attack's calculations of the Reaction.

The Negative Effects and Debuffs
Name Effect
Withering Attack only - makes an entire attack target MP, on hit - based on damage.
Drain Attack only - makes an entire attack drain some of the damage done in HP.
Dispel Attack only - makes each Dispel action try and remove an enemy Buff, on hit.
Poison HP Damage over time.
Silenced Raises cost of Bursts.
Stun Lowers Overlimit Gain.
Virus Lowers HP Healing and Regeneration.
<Element> Resist Down Raises the damage take of this element.
<Stat> Down Lowers the stat temporarily.
Curse Random Stat Down

Within combat, you are able to commit to a total of three attacks and actions' combined. In general, these will combine into a single targeted action. We'd like to give as much freedom as possible in this.

Free Actions

These actions are given to you without application, and you will always have these available to you:

  • Rest
    • Gain minor MP, HP and Overlimit.
  • Area
    • Allows for +1 target, Stacks
  • Movement
    • Move Up: Moves up if possible - without attacking.
    • Move Down: Moves down if possible - without attacking.
  • Actions (Can be altered on the fly - changing their Family, and Element)
    • Wimpy {2}, Light {3}, Medium {4}, Force {6} Heavy {8}
    • Gain MP and Overlimit just like Special Actions.
    • You can only change the element if you have at least one special action with that specific element.

Special Attacks

A special attack is a combination of a series of factors. You will have ten of these.

Special Action Breakdown
Title Description
Name The action or attack name: something like 'Jump', 'Poison', 'Lunge', or 'Quake'. Keep in mind that combinations include up to three actions; a Special Action need not describe a complete attack in itself.
Level The power level of your action, from 0 to 10, where 0 does no damage (and is generally only used for Buffing and Effect Actions) and 10 does the most damage. The higher the level, the higher the MP cost. Since the power level of a combination is the total added power levels of its component actions, even if your action is not itself an attack but just part of one -- 'Lunge' or 'Backstep', for example -- consider assigning it a non-zero power level for what it contributes overall. A 'standard' Level 4 action breaks even on MP, those below generate MP, and those above cost MP.
Family Does it use your Magical or Physical stats? Or Elemental if it uses an average of Magic and Physical with a slight bonus.
Type Determines the type of action: Standard (inflicts damage, unmodified), Quick (+ Accuracy, - Power), Guard-Breaking (- Accuracy, + Power), Flashy (- Accuracy, - Power, +Extra Overlimit), Buffing (must be Level 0, applies 3 round Buff), Effect action (must be Level 0, applies Debuff which cannot be resisted), or Healing (Target Gains HP in diminishing returns).
Aim Modifies how effective this action is with regard to the zone (Ground or Air) you and your target occupy. If your attack is aimed correctly, it is more accurate and damaging; if it is aimed incorrectly, it will be penalized. These bonuses or penalties stack: the more well-aimed actions you use, the better your combination will be, and vice-versa. There are five options, and you may select only one per action:

Standard: This action is not affected by zone. Includes basic physical and magic attacks or non-damaging actions.
Aerial: This action is more effective if your opponent is in the air, but less effective if your opponent is on the ground. Examples may include a jump attack or a windstorm.
Grounded: This action is more effective if your opponent is on the ground, but less effective if your opponent is in the air. Examples may include an earthquake or a divebomb attack.
Melee: This action is more effective if your opponent is in the same zone as you, but less effective if your opponent is in a different zone. Examples may include a tackle or an attack with short weapons. Not all attacks with melee weapons need be Melee-aimed.
Ranged: This action is more effective if your opponent is in a different zone from you, but less effective if your opponent is in the same zone. Examples may include a ranged attack while leaping away or a thrown explosive. Not all long-range attacks need be Ranged-aimed.

Move Determines whether characters Move Up to the air, Move Down to the ground, or Stay in position as a result of this action. A character may move between zones multiple times in one round if different actions are combined. Your character will remain in this zone until Knocked out of it or you move again. Note: movement is calculated before accuracy and damage are, so if the action is Melee- or Ranged-Aimed, know that its success will depend on where you end up, not where you started. Moving costs 4 MP.
Smash Affects whether actions merely Hit your target, Knock your opponent Up into the air, or Knock them Down to the ground. Smashing someone around has a small MP cost and a chance to fail, but an attack which successfully forces the target to move inflicts additional damage. Note: as above, the target's movement is calculated before accuracy and damage, so if the action is Melee- or Ranged-Aimed, its success will depend on where the opponent ends up. Smashing costs 2 MP. Not that even if an attack misses, it will resolve the Smashes and moves performed.
Element Select the elemental affinity of the action: either None or one of the following: Fire, Nature, Air, Water, Holy, Dark, or Special.
Buff If your action has a Buff, either (1) it is a Level 0 Buffing action or (2) it is of Level 1 or higher. A Buffing action will apply the effect for three rounds to the target: for example, a Buffing action with Physical Power Up or Physical Evasion Up will imbue the target with that temporary enhancement. A non-Buffing action with a buff effect, however, will instead temporarily boost the user for a single round (until your opponent's next reaction): for example, an attack with Physical Power Up will help you do more physical damage that turn, and one with Physical Evasion Up will help you dodge physical attacks next reaction. If a non-Buffing action is particularly empowered or aids in defense, consider attaching a buff for a one-round self-boost. Most Buffs cost 4 MP.
Debuff If your action has a Debuff, either (1) it is a Level 0 Effect Action or (2) it is of Level 1 or higher. An Effect Action, if it hits the target, will always apply the Debuff for three rounds. A damage-inflicting attack with a Debuff, however, may have that Debuff resisted by the target even when the action hits; if the Debuff is not resisted, it will last for three rounds. Certain Capabilities affect the likelihood of an attack's Debuff being resisted. Most Debuffs cost 4 MP.


A limitbreak is an action much like any other Special Action. You get two of these per Style on your character, in addition to the 10 Special Actions. They will get a MP use reduction, and are defined by four special 'types', but are otherwise very similar to a normal Action:

  • Super Guard-Breaking: More effective than Guard-Breaking action, but the penalties are still there.
  • Super Accurate: More effective than a Quick action, but the penalties are still there.
  • Super Effective: Can attach an additional debuff.
  • Super Buffing: Can attach an additional buff.
  • Super Balanced: Similar to standard, with minor effectiveness boost.

Using a Limitbreak

Using a limitbreak action is similar to attacking normally, and is mixed up with your regular attacks, only with the additional requirement that you have the OL to spend. And yes, you can combine these with a Map, so you can target multiple targets.

  • 100%: limitbreak person=<Limitbreak Action>,action,action
  • 150%: limitbreak person=<Limitbreak Action>,<Limitbreak Action>,action
  • 200%: limitbreak person=<Limitbreak Action>,<Limitbreak Action>,<Limitbreak Action>


  • attack <person[,PersonN]>=<Action>,<Action>,<Action>
    • Takes that action. Attacks someone, buffs someone, heal someone. Whichever.
    • Note that you can't combine Healing moves with anything that would do direct damage.
  • skip
    • Same as: Attack Me=Rest,Rest,Rest


  • Counter <Attacker>=<Attack Action>
    • Try to counter an attack with a single Free or Standard Action. Your dodge and defense are lowered slightly. Note: You cannot counter a Healing or Buffing, or Rest move.
  • Defend <Attacker>
    • Damage received down.
    • Chance to dodge down.
  • Evade <Attacker>
    • Chance to dodge up.
  • Evade <Attacker>=<Up/Down>
    • Moves you Up or Down by spending 4 MP, before the opponent's attack goes off.
    • Chance to dodge up.
    • Damage received up.
  • LimitGuard <Attacker>=<OL>
    • Use 100%, 150%, or 200% Overlimit to increasingly lower the attack-level of your opponent's attack.
  • Accept
    • Let an attack hit.
  • Expose
    • Let an attack hit, and crit.
  • Die
    • Let an attack hit and take you to 0, no matter what.
  • Transfer <Attacker>=<Person>
    • Will transfer the attack to that person, moving it to their queue instead - if they want to take the hit for you.


  • +heal/full
    • Resets your combat status, Queue, buffs, etc - to their standard values.
  • +heal/boss <number>
    • Sets your character's status to fit that of a boss character. It does not remove buffs, debuffs, your queue, etc. Also, it allows you to freely extend your attacks to <number> enemies - meaning that you don't have to use the Area action for this purpose.

Attack Examples


  • Components:
    • Fire: Level 3, Magical, Standard, Fire
    • Rest
  • Attack:
    • attack <Target>=Rest,Rest,Fire

Fire (Two targets)

  • Components:
    • Fire: Level 3, Magical, Standard, Fire
    • Rest
    • Area
  • Attack:
    • attack <Target>,<Target>=Rest,Area,Fire

Fire (Three targets)

  • Components:
    • Fire: Level 3, Magical, Standard, Fire
    • Rest
    • Area
  • Attack:
    • attack <Target>,<Target>,<Target>=Area,Area,Fire

Launch & Air Attacks

  • Components:
    • Launch: Level 6, Physical, Guard-Breaking, Ground, Knock Up
    • Aerial Attack: Level 3, Physical, Quick, Aerial
  • Attack:
    • attack <Target>=Launch,Aerial Attack,Aerial Attack

High Jump

  • Components:
    • Jump: Level 4, Physical, Quick, Aerial, Move Up.
    • Fall: Level 6, Physical, Guard-Breaking, Aerial, Move Down, Knock Down.
  • Attack:
    • attack <Target>=Jump,Jump,Fall
  • Notes:
    • Know that a 'new attack' is formed from what you use. Which means that it may not make sense for one part of the components to do damage - but the result doing more damage does. And that's the part that matters.

High Jump (Alternate)

  • Components:
    • Jump: Level 1, Physical, Quick, Move Up, Buff: Physical Strength.
    • Higher: Level 1, Physical, Quick, Move Up, Buff: Physical Accuracy.
    • Fall: Level 6, Physical, Guard-Breaking, Aerial, Move Down, Knock Down.
  • Attack:
    • attack <Target>=Jump,Higher,Fall
  • Notes:
    • As you notice, the 'Jump' attack is different from the previous one. It all depends on how you wish to represent a Jump action. Remember not to think of the components as individual attacks, but individual 'actions'. Because the attacks contain buffs, but these buffs are attached to attacks - they will only last from the attack itself, until just before someone reacts to your next attack - or you counter.

Healing Wind

  • Components:
    • Regen: Level 0, Magical, Buffing, Holy, Buff: Regen.
    • Area
  • Attack:
    • attack <Target>,<Target>,<Target>=Area,Area,Regen
  • Notes:
    • Because the 'Regen' Special Action is a level 0 Buffing action, it will last for three rounds on the targets.

FFX Style Summon: Bahamut

  • Components:
    • Bahamut: Level 4, Magical, Guard-Breaking, Dark, Buff: Magical Power Up
    • Supreme Summoning: Level 7, Magical, Quick, Buff: Magical Accuracy Up
    • Megaflare: (Renamed Freeaction) Level 8, Magical
    • Rake: (Renamed Freeaction) Level 4, Physical
    • Rest
  • Attack:
    • attack <target>=Bahamut,Megaflare,Rest
    • attack <target>=Supreme Summoning,Bahamut,Megaflare

Combat Flow

This will detail the general 'combat flow' for a few circumstances. Most often, combat will end up being between two characters. For more details on what certain commands do, check the Combat Commands tab.

Player A vs Player B

An Average Round

The basics of the game. Two characters attacking each-other.

  1. Player A checks their +queue. If there's nothing in there, skip to step 4.
  2. Player A uses Bursts (optional) - Do not use the same Burst twice in a row during the same 'round': +burst Burst Name.
  3. Player A Reacts by choosing whether to defend Player B, evade Player B, evade Player B=Up/Down , accept Player B , expose Player B , or to dramatically end the fight; die Player B .
  4. Player A checks their +actions and +freeactions for what actions they want to combo up.
  5. Player A uses Bursts (optional) - Do not use the same Burst twice in a row during the same 'round': +burst Burst Name.
  6. Player A attacks Player B: - attack Player B=Action1,Action2,Action3.

  1. Player B checks their +queue. If there's nothing in there, skip to step 4.
  2. Player B uses Bursts (optional) - Do not use the same Burst twice in a row during the same 'round': +burst Burst Name.
  3. Player B Reacts by choosing whether to defend Player A, evade Player A, evade Player A=Up/Down , accept Player A , expose Player A , or to dramatically end the fight; die Player A .
  4. Player B checks their +actions and +freeactions for what actions they want to combo up.
  5. Player B uses Bursts (optional) - Do not use the same Burst twice in a row during the same 'round': +burst Burst Name.
  6. Player B attacks Player A: - attack Player A=Action1,Action2,Action3.

A Buffing / Healing Round

A simple round, in which Player A decides to Buff or Heal themselves, rather than attacking Player B. This means the queue of Player B will be empty, and they can just attack back.

  1. Player A checks their +queue. If there's nothing in there, skip to step 4.
  2. Player A uses Bursts (optional) - Do not use the same Burst twice in a row during the same 'round': +burst Burst Name.
  3. Player A Reacts by choosing whether to defend Player B, evade Player B, evade Player B=Up/Down , accept Player B , expose Player B , or to dramatically end the fight; die Player B .
  4. Player A checks their +actions and +freeactions for what actions they want to combo up.
  5. Player A uses Bursts (optional) - Do not use the same Burst twice in a row during the same 'round': +burst Burst Name.
  6. Player A 'attacks' themselves (Player A): - attack Player A=Buffing/Healing Action1,Action2,Action3.
  7. Player A accepts their own 'attack'; accept Player A.

  1. Player B checks their +actions and +freeactions for what actions they want to combo up.
  2. Player B uses Bursts (optional) - Do not use the same Burst twice in a row during the same 'round': +burst Burst Name.
  3. Player B attacks Player A: - attack Player A=Action1,Action2,Action3.

Character Examples

Style: White Mage


  • Physical Power: 200
  • Magical Power: 150
  • Physical Accuracy: 150
  • Magical Accuracy: 200
  • Physical Defense: 150
  • Magical Defense: 250
  • Physical Evasion: 150
  • Magical Evasion: 150


  • Healer
  • White Mushroom
  • Rock Solid
  • Heavy Hitter


  • HiPotion
  • HiEther
  • Magical Barrier
  • Faith


  • Cure: Level 3, Magical, Healing, Holy
  • Regen: level 0, Magical, Buffing, Holy, Buff: Regen
  • Esuna: Level 0, Magical, Buffing, Holy, Buff: Esuna
  • Cura: Level 5, Magical, Healing, Holy
  • Curaga: Level 8, Magical, Healing, Holy
  • Hammer Whack: Level 0, Physical, Effect Action, Aerial, Knock Down, Debuff: Stun
  • Magic Hammer: Level 5, Magical, Quick, Knock Down, DeBuff: Withering
  • Holy: Level 5, Magical, Guard-Breaking, Holy
  • Toad: Level 0, Magical, Effect Action: Physical Attack Down
  • Air Smash: Level 7, Physical, Guard-Breaking, Ground, Knock Up

Limit Break

  • Holy Hammer: Level 9, Magical, Guard-Breaking, Ground, Knock Down
  • Strengthening Waters: Level 0, Super Buffing, Regen + Bless


  • Synergist

Style: Berserker


  • Physical Power: 250
  • Magical Power: 150
  • Physical Accuracy: 150
  • Magical Accuracy: 150
  • Physical Defense: 200
  • Magical Defense: 150
  • Physical Evasion: 200
  • Magical Evasion: 150


  • Large Body
  • Ground Fighter
  • Stalwart
  • Heavy Hitter


  • Lucky Striker
  • Precision
  • Rave
  • Unlimited!


  • Raise The Hammer: Level 5, Physical, Knock Up, Ground
  • Bring Down The Hammer: level 7, Physical, Knock Down, Aerial
  • Battlecry: Level 0, Physical, Buffing, Nature, Buff: Regen
  • Warcry: Level 0, Physical, Buffing, Nature, Buff: Physical Power Up
  • Scissor Slam: Level 3, Physical, Melee, Buff: Physical Power Up
  • Hammerthrow: Level 4, Physical, Quick, Ranged
  • Throw More Hammers: Level 8, Physical, Quick, Ranged, Buff: Physical Accuracy Up
  • Back of The Hammer: Level 5, Physical, Guard-Breaking
  • Dual Hammer Wielding: Level 6, Physical, Guard-Breaking, Ground
  • SMAAASH!: Level 9, Physical, Guard-Breaking, Ground, Knock Up

Limit Break

  • Unlimited Hammer Works: Level 10, Physical, Super Accurate, Buff: Physical Power Up
  • Demon Cry: Level 0, Super Buffing, Physical Defense Up, Regen


  • Berserker

Style: Sneaky Pirate


  • Physical Power: 200
  • Magical Power: 130
  • Physical Accuracy: 230
  • Magical Accuracy: 130
  • Physical Defense: 140
  • Magical Defense: 140
  • Physical Evasion: 230
  • Magical Evasion: 200


  • Quick Footed
  • Roulette
  • Zone of Control
  • Black Mushroom


  • Hasty Retreat
  • Precision
  • Haste
  • Aura


  • Bottle Smash: Level 3, Physical, Ground
  • Ye Ol' Flintlock: level 7, Physical, Knock Down, Ranged
  • Spray Fire: Level 7, Elemental, Guard-Breaking, Fire, Debuff: Poison
  • Dirt In Face: Level 0, Physical, Effect Action, Special, Debuff: Physical Accuracy Down
  • Arrrrr: Level 3, Physical, Melee, Knock Up
  • I Have A Jar Of Dirt: Level 0, Physical, Effect Action, Special, Debuff: Physical Power Down
  • Not The Face: Level 6, Physical, Quick, Melee, Buff: Physical Defense Up
  • Rapier Wit: Level 3, Physical, Quick, Melee
  • Parley: Level 0, Magical, Buffing, Buff: Physical Attack Up
  • Pirate Stunting: Level 9, Physical, Guard-Breaking, Ground, Knock Up, Move Down

Limit Break

  • Dirty Tactics: Level 0, Physical, Super Effect Action, Special, Debuff: Curse + Curse
  • Where's The Rum Gone: Level 7, Physical, Super Guard-Breaking


  • Dancer

Style: Valkyrie


  • Physical Power: 200
  • Magical Power: 150
  • Physical Accuracy: 150
  • Magical Accuracy: 180
  • Physical Defense: 242
  • Magical Defense: 222
  • Physical Evasion: 128
  • Magical Evasion: 128


  • Aerial Fighter
  • Air Soldier
  • Bright Eyes
  • Shield Surf


  • HiPotion
  • Airbrake
  • Kinetic Barrier
  • Bravery


  • Violent Rage: Level 6, Physical, Ground
  • Final Blast: level 8, Elemental, Fire, Knock Up, Melee
  • Pale Flare: Level 4, Magical, Nature, Debuff: Curse
  • Ether Strike: Level 4, Elemental, Quick, Holy, Ranged
  • No Escape From Catastrophe: Level 1, Elemental, Quick, Ground, Knock Up, Buff: Physical Accuracy Up
  • Meteor Swarm: Level 10, Magical, Guard-Breaking, Special
  • Stand Fast: Level 0, Elemental, Buffing, Buff: Bless
  • Let It Be Done: Level 0, Physical, Effect Action, Ground, Physical Power Down
  • It Shall be Engraved Upon Your Soul: Level 6, Physical, Knock Up, Buff: Physical Accuracy Up
  • Divine Assault: Level 3, Physical, Holy, Buff: Physical Power Up

Limit Break

  • Nibelung Valesti: Level 8, Elemental, Super Accurate, Buff: Weightless, Move Up, Knock Up, Melee
  • I'll Light Your Way To Hell: Level 7, Physical, Super Guard-Breaking, Knock Up


  • Sentinel

Character Advancement

There is no current point-for-point outline of how advancement is handled. Currently, one can easily up one's CST if one is below 1400 and get them changed as you go along. Additional modes are possible, (up to two modes), by putting in the RP and character development. To request such things, just use the +request command.

The following options are likely to open up in the future:

  • Boosting CST
  • Extra Character Abilities - Non-combat abilities can always be requested by +request!
  • Extra Actions per Style - Up to 12 Special Actions
  • Extra Bursts - To a max of 6.
  • Extra Styles - Soft Max of 2.

Application Outline

Style Number:

Style Name:


  • Physical Power:
  • Magical Power:
  • Physical Accuracy:
  • Magical Accuracy:
  • Physical Defense:
  • Magical Defense:
  • Physical Evasion:
  • Magical Evasion:


  • Slot 1
  • Slot 2
  • Slot 3
  • Slot 4


  • Slot 1
  • Slot 2
  • Slot 3
  • Slot 4


Special Actions: (Please use the 'defaults' for anything with a ? after it. Buff and Debuff are mutually exclusive. Please write out the full names.)

  • Action 1: Name, Level, Family, Type, Aim?, Move?, Smash?, Element?, Buff?, Debuff?
  • Action 2: Name, Level, Family, Type, Aim?, Move?, Smash?, Element?, Buff?, Debuff?
  • Action 3: Name, Level, Family, Type, Aim?, Move?, Smash?, Element?, Buff?, Debuff?
  • Action 4: Name, Level, Family, Type, Aim?, Move?, Smash?, Element?, Buff?, Debuff?
  • Action 5: Name, Level, Family, Type, Aim?, Move?, Smash?, Element?, Buff?, Debuff?
  • Action 6: Name, Level, Family, Type, Aim?, Move?, Smash?, Element?, Buff?, Debuff?
  • Action 7: Name, Level, Family, Type, Aim?, Move?, Smash?, Element?, Buff?, Debuff?
  • Action 8: Name, Level, Family, Type, Aim?, Move?, Smash?, Element?, Buff?, Debuff?
  • Action 9: Name, Level, Family, Type, Aim?, Move?, Smash?, Element?, Buff?, Debuff?
  • Action 10: Name, Level, Family, Type, Aim?, Move?, Smash?, Element?, Buff?, Debuff?

Limit Actions:

  • Limit Action 1: Name, Level, Family, Super Type, Aim?, Move?, Smash?, Element?, Buff?, Debuff?
  • Limit Action 2: Name, Level, Family, Super Type, Aim?, Move?, Smash?, Element?, Buff?, Debuff?