
From Final Kingdom MUSH
Revision as of 14:43, 4 January 2013 by Neviril (Talk | contribs)

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Age About 30
Species Altered-Human
Sex Female
Height 6 foot
Weight 260 abouts with Armor, about 150 without armor
Series Final Fantasy 4
Combat Styles Dark Knight
Hometown Baron
Group Baron
Occupation/Job Dark Knight
Force: Forces of Ruin
I am grace above all. You are beneath me.


She's a Dark Knight. She's done bad things she's fought for Baron. There ya go.

Combat Stats

She is all powerful, just fear her!


Why would she need friends? She is above them all


Baigan - Her Commander, though she still doesn't like him. Morrighan Alazne - A Dark Elf she is forced to work with, despite despising her very exist. Glayffe - the Crazed dark knight engineer, that insists he's great, yet she trusts nothing he makes.


POVs Of Dreams and Mind Control January 7th, 2013 Dark Knight Neviril depossessed from her armors talks with Aerith, Rinoa and Tifa, enraging Jecht when it comes to mind control.
Pillaging the Dwarf Woodlands January 4th, 2013 With Manhattan devoured by darkness and Xanatos Enterprises thwarted for now, Baigan plots to once again make his move in the name of Baron, aiming to restore the kingdom's glory and secure its territory after his setbacks on the Dias Plains and at Balamb Garden. In dire need of resources and in hatred toward all adorable forest critters, Baigan has set his sights upon an unsuspecting target: the Dwarf's Woodlands in Phantasia, with its plentiful lumber and precious metals and stones. All that's required is to secure the location for long enough to loot it and scurry away through a Portal with their ill-gotten gains, and then to use it to further enhance Baron's navy and air force... and adapt the technology stolen from Xanatos. Will Baron's vile plot succeed with its ranks blostered by new allies, or can our scattered heroes intervene in time to save the woodlands from total devastation!?
A Dangerous Game January 2nd, 2013 As though team-building exercises were not in themselves inherently ill-advised, Baigan forces the polar opposites which now occupy the ranks of Baron's officers to cooperate in play, with predictably disastrous results. Yet were it not for the presence of a certain masked wanderer, the results might not have been /quite/ so disastrous...
A Merry Sephiroth Christmas December 26th, 2012 A christmas evening to drink and chat turns into mind games for the barmaid when Sephiroth walks in, straight out of Tifa's nightmares.
Baron Ascendant December 26th, 2012 With Manhattan fallen into darkness and Xanatos Enterprises thereby undermined, Baigan intends to secure Baron's 'safety' -- read: power and influence -- once and for all. Without mighty technology to oppose them, the only question is what battleground to choose, and who to send on the mission. But a new cadre of Baron's elite have formed, ready to take on these challenges...
Party Crashers December 23rd, 2012 A group of Manhattan refugees flee to Deling City, but it seems a heartless has followed them and now lurks in the sewers below. Anxious of drawing its ire, the refugees are hesitant to celebrate an upcoming birthday party, and so they hire some mercenaries to deal with the problem!


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