Reize Seatlan

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Reize Seatlan
Reize by cael sakura ai.jpg
Reize learning the wonders of magic.
Age 14
Species Human
Sex Male
Height 160cm
Weight 48kg
Series Original
Combat Styles Self-Taught Martial Arts / Boomerang Arts
Hometown A small village that nobody knows about
Group Unaffiliated
Occupation/Job Adventurer
Force: Forces of Restoration
Theme Song Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki OST - "Lemonade in Hand"
"Have you ever wanted to relive the adventures that those before you, and yet, at the same time, go beyond their path? That is why I am traveling."
Recent Events
Dived into the Heart and now is in some strange forest.


Growing up in the simple hunting village, Reize was raised upon stories of exploration, adventure, and heroics by his father, once an well-known explorer and adventurer. His boldness and desire to prove himself led him to become a skilled hunter and develop an unconventional twin boomerang and self-taught martial arts style. Enthusiastic and compassionate, Reize makes friends easily, and he is idealistically committed to his own imagined 'Knight's Vows,' despite their ambiguity. Though his bumbling and lack of navigational abilities tend to cause him to show up at the wrong place at the wrong time, he is nevertheless eminently adaptable, and now on the path to becoming an explorer. Having learned that his vanished mother's paintings are similar to the worlds that he saw in a strange plane, he now seeks out the clues with the hand-painted cards she left behind, hoping to discover her fate.


Young Adventurer, Prototypical JRPG Protagonist, Melees with Boomerangs, Idiot Hair For Idiot Hero, Cheerful, Heart of Gold, Naive, Leaps Before Looking, Eternally Lost Boy, Navigationally-Challenged, 'Wrong/Right Place, Wrong/Right Time', Resourceful, Jack of All Trades, Deep Sleeper, Adept Hunter, Walking the Earth, The Drifter, Code of Honor: Knight's Vows, Knight Errant, Most Unorganized Inventory Ever, Monster Book Tracker, Aspiring Storyteller, Worst. Luck. Ever.


  • Battle Prowess: Analyzing Reize's full combat capability, Reize's strongest points is his exceptional agility. He has great dexterity and coordination to handle himself against attacks coming his way as well as speed to gain advantage over the enemy by putting pressure on them. However, his strength and endurance are a bit average at bests. He is not able to take damage as well as the average warrior nor is he able to dish out the damage. There is great raw power in him in terms of magic, no matter how unhoned it is.
  • Battle Style: Reize fights with a pair of boomerangs that are as large as daggers. Ambidextrous, he can use them for both throwing and melee. Primarily, Reize fights melee with the boomerangs, using them like one would a pair of swords. This is complemented by the self-taught martial arts style, utilizing his kicks to take down any opposition.
  • Hunting: Reize is an adept hunter, able to handle himself within the forest regions more, given that he had more experience. He uses only his boomerang to catch food. This also extends out to fishing.
  • Cooking: At most, Reize can only handle field cooking. His food may be a bit bland or have little seasoning, but it's hardy enough to ensure that people can survive. At worst, it's just filling.
  • Survivability: Reize can adapt to any surroundings that he is in. No matter how harsh the atmosphere is whether it is the forest or even the desert, Reize can adapt to the environment to ensure survivability.
  • Jack of All Trades: Reize has the ability to adapt to the situation that arises upon subjects that do not require intensive learning. Even if he is not initially good at it, he can quickly get the hang of the subject and will have some knowledge or usefulness of it.
  • Storytelling: In a way, Reize is has a bit of a bardic ability of handling storytelling. This comes in both writing and oral. He is exceptional with keeping people interested in the story, leaving them wondering what else happens in the story.
  • Tools for the Situations: As an explorer, Reize is used to carrying many things with him in his back pack and pouch. It can be simple stuff as an apple or perhaps a grappling hook. It always helps to be prepared.
  • Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Reize has the knack of appearing at the wrong place at the wrong time. Things could be happening that is not related to it, yet he sometimes tend to be caught in the middle of it.
  • Magic: The source of Reize's ability to use magic is through Luan's pendant, which is shard from a shooting star. It allows Reize to manifest magic. While channeling for the spells, it'll take the form of a glowing tarot in Reize's hand. The element will manifest with the depiction of one of the creatures from the painting. Upon the draw of the 'card', it'll release the manifestation of the spell.


Stat Performance
Stats Rating
Physical Attack Power Average
Magical Attack Power Great
Physical Accuracy Above Average
Magical Accuracy Below Average
Physical Evasion Exceptional
Magical Evasion Good
Physical Defense Bad
Magical Defense Bad
Normal-style.gif Normal Stance Techniques In this stance, Reize is able to rely on his defense and speed. He is also able to utilize his tools and magic.
Attack Description
Blindside When Reize successfully evades an attack, he'll back forward and will move in a blinding speed to appear behind his opponent. This allows him to exploit the potential surprise he instills on his enemy.
Bag of Tricks - Aid Reize tosses an item from his pouch towards an ally, randomized effect will be given, allowing Reize to draw from the person as well.
Bag of Tricks - Hinder Reize tosses an item from his pouch towards an ememy. This not only throws a random effect, but it'll send the negative effect that Reize currently has.
Ricochet Smash Reize throws a boomerang, but the boomerang will ricochet off various points to strike at enemies. This has a chance to make an enemy dizzied.
Fang Blade Reize comes to his enemy, slashing upwards upon the jump and slashing downward upon his descent.
Inspire Reize cheers his friends on, reinvigorating their will to fight.
Shining Moon Reize will launch off of the ground, striking his enemy with the heel as he flips in the air. This has the chance of knocking his opponent into the air and is generally used as a priority against attacks.
The Boy With The Long Yellow Scarf [Limit Break] There are times when a person has to fight for what they believe in. This is the mindset that Reize takes when he becomes extremely serious. However, because Reize's personality tends to be infectious, his allies will feel that invigoration of purpose.
Pendant's Power Limit Break] Through the pendant, Reize is able to draw upon magic. A tarot will manifest as the pendant glows, then the tarot will materialize into a spell. Currently, it only has a fireball spell.
Inverted-style.gif Rush Stance Techniques In this stance, Reize sacrifices defense and is restricted to using purely physical attacks. However, this allows him to chain his attacks into combos with ease.
Attack Description
Hunting Hawk When Reize performs this technique, he shoots forward in a blinding burst of speed to zip by his target while slashing with both boomerangs. This positions him at a distance behind the target.
Sky Raider Reize will jump into the and he'll dive down with a descending kick, striking down at the enemy.
Inverted Grip He'll hold his weapon in place, his chances of dealing greater damage to his enemies will increase.
Sparrondo Reize launches a roundhouse kick while lifting into the air, the body turning to unleash a hook kick with the other leg, finishing with another kick. This is an anti-air attack used to knock an enemy to the ground.
The Boy With The Long Yellow Scarf [Limit Break] There are times when a person has to fight for what they believe in. This is the mindset that Reize takes when he becomes extremely serious. However, because Reize's personality tends to be infectious, his allies will feel that invigoration of purpose.


Friends None
Trust None
Affinity None
Respect None
Caution None
Distrust None
Contempt None


Name Thoughts
None Sadicon.jpg "Err... I haven't met anyone yet."


Name Thoughts
None Sadicon.jpg "Everything is so new to me..."


Name Thoughts
None Disgustedicon.jpg "Oi, I have no affinities."


Name Thoughts
None Happyicon.jpg "There's a lot of people that I respect."


Name Thoughts
None Exhaustedicon.jpg "The situation has me a bit on edge. I am kinda lost, after all."


Name Thoughts
None Happyicon.jpg "No one!"


Name Thoughts
None Happyicon.jpg "No one!"


  • Reize has the amazing ability to get lost at times. He may intend to go to one place, but will somehow end up in another location.
  • His ahoge is ...very expressive, to say the least. It's as expressive as Reize tends to be.
  • Unfortunately, Reize's inventory is very unorganized, so it's difficult to get what item he wants to get out at times, especially during battles.