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H'awlrighty.. a short and sweet overview!

ROLEPLAY PREFERENCES: I'm a pretty easygoing person, and long story short I honor consent adamantly. I value your boundaries as both a player and the characters that you play, and in turn I expect the same. That stark disclaimer aside, all-in-all I'm approachable and friendly and if the weirdoes that I play have the potential to enrich your idea(s), by all means ask! I enjoy many avenues of RP, though when it comes to combat please bear with me in these sorts of scenes. Through my RP career I've only had a few 'acquaintances' with coded combat so I'm not quite used to it. Especially on a game where it is so multi-faceted and complex. :)

TIMEZONE: Pacific Standard.

GENERAL AVAILABILITY: I try to make myself available as much as possible, when it comes to random connections and spontaneous RP. But given the business of my RL schedule, especially due to a hectic full-time job and busy family life, I cannot connect nearly as often as I used to manage a few years ago. So in the times where I cannot connect randomly, here are some things to keep in mind:

• Please @mail or email me (<-- better) at to set up a day/time in which to scene. This bodes well for personal/casual RP or TPs. I am able to access emails quickly and respond just as quick, whereas I am slower with @mail. This is 'The. Best. Way.' to coordinate with me. :)

• My days off typically fall during mid-week; weekend sessions generally have to be planned.. though occasionally I find the time to connect Sat/Sun. Typically late morning/afternoons.. some evenings.

IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2012: Effective Oct 20th - Nov 15th, I will be away on a course that will end up devouring all of my time. Therefore. leading up to this and during, I will be abstaining from Tinyplots in general so as to not be problematic in coordinating times. Casual RP is fine, and so too is email-based RP (if you dig it) ... but connecting to the game for live RP for that month will be difficult and not something that I can promise.