Night in the City

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Night in the City
Date of Scene: 17 September 2012
Location: Manhattan - Southern Manhattan
Synopsis: After encountering a Heartless, Deidra meets up with a fellow gargoyle who shows her how her wings work, and takes her into the city for a breakfast of stolen baked goods.
Cast of Characters: Deidra, Zia

Deidra has posed:

Deidra had had a very strange encounter with some humans and something that clearly wasn't human in Central park the night before. It was strange really they didn't scream, they didn't try to hurt her and she got pizza out of it. It was a strange night indeed thoughs he'd vanisehd around dawn to find a good place to hide just perched up on a near by building. Still it's terrfying to her to turn to stone in the day, to be so helpless. As she wkes the stone layer cracks and then shatters off her body she lets out a roaring yawn as she stretches seemingly suprised she's still there and looks towards the last light of the sun. She sighs a little bit she hated running out on that dective but? She wasn't sure if she could trust anyone while she was helpless like this.

Ironically she's still unaware she can fly and has assumed the wings didn't function to actually fly. She moved over to the edge of the building's roof and sat down her legs dangling off.

"What am I going to do now, and that man seemed to know what I was. A Gargyole? Kinda fits..."

Zia has posed:

Like with most large gatherings of people, Zia had made herself scarce the previous evening, although the news had certainly picked up on some of the strange goings on, including some really jittery video of an oddly dressed man singing. "They've all gone crazy." The girl comments, flipping off the television which is crudely wired into an extension cord, stealing power from somewhere, most likely. While Diedra might be dealing with the prospect of becoming a Gargoyle, this one had always /been/ one, so the coming of the evening is just another thing that is part of her every day life.

It's always the same, that strange feeling that draws at her at sundown, and then the crunch of the stone walls beneath her clawed fingers as she scales up onto the roof. Below, New York looks much the same, with the usual traffic bustling people to and from, but things had changed - even the stars look different, with so few of them still remaining to look down over the city.

From her rooftop vantage point, the white gargress crouches, looking as still as the statues that her people were once named for. Of course, those keen white eyes do spot some things that humans can miss. Within a nearby alleyway, somewhere between these two roof-dwellers, the bouncing form of something black and distinctly ominous looking skulks, creeping closer to a human woman who just so happened to pick a bad corner to have a phone call. As she talks on her cellphone, the Heartless moves ever closer.

The white gargoyle, though? She just watches.

Deidra has posed:

Deidra was there she saw the guy sing, and she knew one thing he wasn't human nor was he what she was. It left her wondering abotu just what was going on. Given the people who seemed lost out of time had really got her attention. It at least got her attention off what she'd become and she now knows what she's called thanks to one of the people at the gathering. Who knew what she was. It's left her wondering, and then she spys something sighing. She knows she shouldn't but just some part of her is urging her on as she'll head to the edge and start climbind down to the alley, then drop to the ground soon as she thinks she can surive trying to end up behind the mysterious person sneaking up on the woman. Her eyes start to glow red and she lets out a low growl unaware of the other gargyole whose watching.

Zia has posed:

The growl of the newly-created gargoyle serves two very different purposes. The first, is that it alarms the woman on her phone, who can't help but think that some sort of large dog must be lurking in the alley, all she can see is something black moving, and red eyes far behind it. With a startled sound, she drops her phone, the person on the other end still talking with a staticy, garbled voice. The woman doesn't scream, but she does run as fast as her high-heeled legs will carry her.

The second thing that the growl does, is shift the Heartless' attention away from the human, bobbing as it's antennae turn towards Deidra. A stronger heart is far more of a lure for this kind of creature. It doesn't make any noise, but it does move in erratic, stuttered movements as it lurches towards her. Then, at the last moment, the little creature springs, launching itself at Deidra at high speed, trying to catch her unexpecting.

The white gargress, on the other hand, just watches, the wind catching her hair a bit. She's avoided getting involved for now, but tonight she would wait and see if her help really is needed or not. Afterall, there is no telling if this is one of the Clock Tower gargoyles, or one of those others she has seen sometimes winging in the night over New York. Her cautious nature wins out, at least for now.

Deidra has posed:

Deidra alarns the woman and she gets the heck out of there, good. So long as they got away from whatever this thing is. She looks at the strang shadow creature and scowls at it. She's not sure what the heck that thing is other than it's actually hostile. She's figured out it was stalking the woman. She tries to move at it, and it's faster than she thought. She makes a lunge for it intending to make use of her talons, sadlys he's unaware of any other gargpyles in the city. She has figured out they do exist, but from Zia to the Clock Tower Clan? She's got no clue of them existing at all. As for the Heartless her wild lunge misses as it zigs a way she doesn't expect it to.

Zia has posed:

Once the human is gone, it leaves the alleyway and the corner onto that elusive back road mostly empty. This isn't a route that most people would take in their daily commute, as it runs between two big industrial buildings and the loading docks of a couple of skyscrapers. Even from her vantage point atop the building nearby, the white gargress can tell that Deidra doesn't seem... at home in her own skin. Most gargoyles figure out a way of using their limbs - talons and tail and wings - all as an extension fo their body. Even Zia, with her talent for magic, still could handle hand to hand with some grace should the need call for it.

Yet, this one... well, the white one can't place what it is about her, but something does seem a bit 'off'. So, call it an insatiable curiousity, or perhaps her lonliness getting the better of her, but Zia flares her wings, letting them carry her slightly with a small gust of wind before caping them again as she lands in a crouch, her own eyes shifting to red. No others had come, so maybe this one isn't from the Clock Tower clan, afterall.

With a small snarl, she flanks the other side of the Heartless, although if one were honest about things, she certainly looks like the weaker of the two. The white girl has black bands of cloth covering her arms, legs, and chest, her clothing looking more like pieced together scraps than anything distinctly human. More-so, she's shorter than Deidra, too, making her seem like the easier opponent. It could be this shift in power, or a draw to yet another strong heart, but the shuffling creature turns towards the white gargress instead. "Whatever it is ya've got, throw it a' this thing while ah've got it distracted."

Deidra has posed:

Deidra seems inexperianced really at fighting like this and to someone who knows her species? She's clearly seeming inept at being at home in her own skin. It's rather odd. However she does have a talent herself she's just not thought to use it yet. Something else is comming and she seems suprised to see another of her kind, there's a look of suprise on her face which changes quickly to one of thanks as Zia moves to aid her against whatever this thing is.

She doesn't reply veberally she does however pull out a old looking book, opens it and starts muttering something in Latin before the Heartless woudl find it self having several lances of ice launched at it.

Zia has posed:

The white gargoyle keeps backing off, leaving the Heartless to meander towards her, never in reach of one of those leaps. She's clearly encountered one of these things before, although that doesn't mean she's an expert when it comes to dealing with them. There is only a single quick look of those glowing eyes as she spots the spellbook, listening to the incantations. Magic always catches her attention, but it's the sort of distraction she doesn't need, as it makes her have to roll out of the way of an incomming attack.

As she gets to her feet again, it's just in time to see the black thing get speared by those shards of ice, causing it to linger there for just a moment, and then dissipate into nothing, as if re-forming into the shadows of the alleyway. Catching her breath, Zia gets to her feet, dusting herself off. "Impressive." She notes, "Ya've got quite a handle on magic, haven't ye?" There is a distinctly Scottish tone to her accent, like she stepped out of Europe and right into New York City. "We shoundae stay 'round here. They're bound te come back. They always do."

Deidra has posed:

Deidra seems suprised the spell worked and relaxes a bit when it does. Along with the successfull spell acutally hitting the heartless she closes it and glances about for a moment. She walks over to the other Gargyole and tilts her head a little bit. "It was luck honstly and I don't to be honest." Her own accent is clearly local from the sounds of it. "I agree it wouldn't be wise to stick around, either that things' friends comes back or, the cops show up and I don't fancy explaining ourselves to them. So we should find somewhere else go go." She puts the book into her jacket and is heading for one of the walls of the Alley intent to climb it.

"Thank you, the help was welcome." Deidra says, "So we should get going we'll talk more when we're somewhere out of the way?"

Zia has posed:

"Better than ye think." The white gargress replies, raising her shoulders in a shrug. "The police dinnae care much about those things, but the machines from the tower do. Those are the ones ah'ed prefer te avoid." This girl is certainly more comfortable with things like climbing walls, or dealing with the short spaces within alleyways, as she's already up onto the fire escape of a nearby building when Deidra asks about 'talking more'. Her tail flicks once behind her. "If ye like." She calls down, but then her ears twitch, hearing the sound of sirens somewhere nearby.

After that, it's a simple matter of the crunch of stone beneath her talons as the white gargress leads the way up along the building. It isn't until she reaches the top that she turns to look below, offering a hand out should the other girl need it. "Ye should be more careful, though. Tha human coulda seen ye. The less o' them tha' know 'bout us, the be'ter." Of course, with the Heartless and the strangers coming through into their world, it seems only a matter of time before creatures like Gargoyles are not such an unusual thing. "Yer alright, though? It didnae harm ye?" She cocks her head, raising an eyebrow slightly. It's hard to tell if she actually cares for the other's well being, or if she's merely curious.

Deidra has posed:

Deidra says "Maybe, I don't honestly know. As for the tower? Wait you mean the building owned by Xanatos Inc?" she says tilting her head. "They have /robots/ running around?" She shakes her head and follows up the other as she climbs. She's seemto got an all right handle on it as she climbs up behind her. "Sounds like a plan." it takes her amoment longer to get to the top and accepts the hand up as she gets up hopefully out of sight of the polite or anyone else.

"I couldn't leave her to that thing. Whatever it was. As for stranger I know an actual knight in full plate, and some sort of alien humanoid fell into central park with afew stranger than normal humans." She admits.

"I'm all right and no it didn't manage to hurt me at all. I was just lucky. I have never seen anything like it before."

Zia has posed:

"Aye." Zia replies with a nod, turning her eyes towards the tower that is all but eclipsed by the clouds. On a clear day, you can see that there is a castle high above, but not on a night like this, when even the stars themselves refuse to shine through. "Ah've seen 'em a time or two. Great metal beasts with wings like us." She shifts her own wings, letting them cape over her shoulders as she walks across the roof's surface, talons making soft clicking sounds.

"Do ye think tha human woulda come te yer aid should ye be needin' it? I doubt it severely." Zia's ears tilt back slightly, nearly hiding in the hair that so closely matches her skintone. "Suppose it's te each their own, though. If ye be wantin to do that whole 'defender of the night' nonsense." Her talons make a sort of airquote around the words 'defender of the night', as if she'd heard it a few too many times in her life. When the blue-skinned girl goes on to talk about the strangers in Central Park, the white gargress' attention comes around again, "So ye saw all that, did ye? Caused quite a stir, it did."

Moving to stand at the edge of the rooftop, Zia steps up onto the railing, balancing there on her toes, her wings and tail working as counterweight. "Ye should keep yer eyes out then. There be worse comin'. I can feel it on the wind." Her wings shift a bit, as if she were catching the night breeze against them.

Deidra has posed:

Deidra says "Really I'd never have thought that." She looks around clearly keeping alert for more trouble. She tilts her head at teh defender of the night comment. "Defener of the night I just acted witout thinking too much about it. As for it yes I did, and your right I was lucky none of the humans seemed to know what I was and got the knight to stand down. It was a stupid risk and I need to think about what i'm doing honestly." She pauses looking at Zia for a moment tilting her head again.

"Humm what are you doing there?" She really has no idea her wings work for flying none at all.

Zia has posed:

There is so much that can be read from the gargress' expression. The slight dip of her ears, or the way that her tail sways, as if she were speaking some entirely other language that is primarily spoken with the physical form rather than words. "Ye really do have a way of gettin' yerself inta trouble, don't ye?" Her eyes narrow slightly, then with a shake of her head, the white gargress seems to dismiss the whole thing. "But trust me, yer better off avoidin' the humans if ye can." It seems as if the girl speaks from experience.

At least there is that other question to distract her, and Zia blinks, canting her head curiously again in the blue gargress's direction, "Ah'm feelin the winds. We're high enough up tha the air currents are pre'ty strong." She shifts a little, somehow managing to keep herself balanced on that narrow place. "Ye cannae tell me that ye've never felt the winds b'fore. It's the same as when ye glide."

Deidra has posed:

Deidra takes Zia's seeming personal experince with humans at face vaule and says "I know they tend to fear what is differnet and for everyone who might accept something like us there's a dozen who'd want our heads." She sighs and seems a little sad about that. "It's just your the first other Gargyole I have ever seen aside from myself."

Her tail moves somewhat agiatedly as she thinks about this. "Wait glide?" She flexes her wings a little. "These are strong enough to keep me from ending up street pizza, I was never brave enough to test it..."

Zia has posed:

"Hmm." Zia shifts considers the other girl's assessment, then nods faintly, a look of confusion written on her features. "Honestly, ah dinnae know what te think 'bout humans. Everythin' ah've ever seen of them has lead me te think they're not te be trusted." With that saud, though, the white gargres pushes up to stand, still balancing on her toes on the ledge.

"Did ye nae grow up with yer clan? It has been a long time since ah last spoke to another Gargoyle, but at least I still remember." One set of clawed digits is lifted to wrap around a blue pendant at her neck, which is giving off a faint glow beneath her fingers. It only seems to surprise her just that much more when this gargress seems to imply that she's never... flown?

"Now yer just pullin my leg, aren't ye lass?" Zia shakes her head with a bemused expression, stepping off the edge and letting her wings simply rest behind her. "Ye certainly couldnae have lived this long without flying. Right?" Her ears lift a little, waiting for the joke to be revealed - haha.

Deidra has posed:

Deidra says "It's understandable even if I mostly trusted one i'd not be telling them where I slept. It just take one person with a sledge hammer and you never wake up." She shudders thinking about that for a moment "No I didn't I'm afraid, wasn't really sure what I was till a human seemed to know what I was to be honest."

She looks like she's embrassed and ashemed of the truth about her lack fo flying "I'm not pulling yout leg I honestly always thought I coukdn't I taken to climbing or making use of the storm sewers to get around..." She nears the edge cautiously and peers down.

Zia has posed:

Normally, Zia is quite the clever one, but trying to wrap her head around the other gargress' situation seems to only muddle her understanding that much more. "Did ye hit yer head or somethin?" Then, she blinks, realizing that such a question might be more than a little rude. "Ah mean, ye seem like there might be gaps in yer memory, lass. Ah'm sure ye've managed to fly at some point." It is a convenient sort of explination for a gargoyle not knowing all the sort of things that she certainly should know.

The white gargress steps forward, moving around to lay a hand against Deidra's wings. "Spread yer wings an' let the wind catch them. Ye'll feel the pull of it. Like the wind wants te take ye skyward." Of course, part of this lesson is actually brought on by the white gargoyle herself, as she uses that power of her own to pull some of the winds towards the blue-skinned girl, letting her get the feeling of the way they move aorund her.

"It isnae truly flying, but the winds can carry ye pre'ty high. If ye be brave enough." She shoots a sort of challenging smile towards the other gargress, moving around her to hop up on the ledge again. "Wind is sortahve my thing. If ye trust me, ah'll make sure ye dinnae fall." It is a lot to ask someone to trust you enough to jump off of a building for you, especially when these two know so little about one another. Yet, the white gargress just waits there, her own wings flared, looking expectant.

Deidra has posed:

Deidra is not intentally trying to out right lie to Zia but she's not sure how the other will react to her actual origins. She almost expect to be shunned or just hated for what she was before. Maybe she'd deserve it too? She's not sure she pushes the thoughts out of her head. She follows the instructions Zia gives her and she's going to try to do as she was shown he wings fan out and she attemps to catch the wing as she nears the edge. She takes a deep breath and looks back to Zia.

"The worst that could happen is I beocme street pizza right?" She then leaps praying this actually works and she drops for a moment almost starting to fall but seems to get it as she does indeed catch the wind.

Zia has posed:

Luckily, the white gargress doesn't seem the type to press the other female for more information. The memory loss does seem the most likely situation, and if it's not that, then perhaps it is a secret and Zia understands all too well about keeping secrets. "It won be tha bad, lass. Every hatchling learns te glide. Comes natural. Ye'll see." Of course, there is always the possibility of things going completely wrong, so the white-haired girl gives a glance down at the ground, then at Deidra, and then licks her finger, testing the air.

"Ah won let ye become street pizza." She still seems to be calculating something when the other gargress decides to take the 'plunge' right off the side of the building, "Hey, wait!" Zia reaches out to try to pull her back, but it's too late. Pulling that hand back, she begins to chant something in Latin, ready to cast some sort of spell to help ease the fall, when it seems that by some grace the other gargoyle's wings do manage well enough. "Hah! There ye go! Tha's it."

Zia pushes herself off the rooftop, leaping into the air to follow. If nothing else, this girl is certainly graceful in the air. It's almost as if the winds actually move with her rather than her wings having to find them. Soon enough, she'll have caught up to the other gargoyle, a small smile lighting her features, "Come on, then. We need te go a bit higher. Be'ta for naht bein seen." She thumbs upwards with one talon, then with a shift of the wind, the white gargoyle catches an updraft, floating upward almost effortlessly, rising up above the height of the nearby buildings.

Deidra has posed:

Deidra is glad the other didn't press enough pressing would make the truth come out and given what she ssuspects humans have done to Gargyoles it could at best end up in total shunning, at worse it could end up in violence. Given humans like Gargyoles are very social creatures and to be alone is really horrible for one in the long run. She has managed to not fall so far but her eyes are closed and she's just following the wind for the moment she does now opens her eyes trying to follow the other, with a little bit of effort she manages to keep up and she seems to be smiling.


Zia has posed:

"Aye. Best feelin in the world." Zia reiterates with a soft laugh. It's been a long time since she's found a reason to laugh, but it feels good none the less. "Jus be mindin the fact tha where there's no wind, ye cannae fly. Needte seek the high ground." Her white wings shift with the wind, taking them up over the city. The sky has always been a kind of solace for her, and it's been ages since she flew with another gargoyle.

Every now and again, her blue eyes glance over, making sure that the newcomer is still with her. Raising her voice over the rush of the wind, the white gargress motions with her hands. "Come on, ah'll show ye a great spot." Slowly, she begins to circle downward, taking her time to sweep in towards a little neighborhood South of the city. Cars and people are plentiful on the streets at this time of day, but no one seems to be looking up enough to notice them.

Eventually, she seems to hone in on one particular rooftop, backwinging a bit before touching down onto the surface, her wings instinctually folding back as she steps to the side, trying to make room. The roof seems to belong to a local bakery, maybe one that Deidra might even be familiar with due to her life in the city. It's late, so the usual smell of baked goods has diminished over the course of the day. Still, Zia is quick to walk over to the ledge, peeking down towards the alley at the back of the shop.

Deidra has posed:

Deidra seems rather happy at the discovery she can glide, sure she'll call it flying but it's still breath taking for her. She guesses there's at least one good thing about her new state of existance as she follows the other along. "All right, and it's funny I heard about a new human sport, where they basically jump off buildings with a giant bungie cable about their legs..."

She looks down at the city below a bit awestruck and she does realise humans almost never look up after all they are ground based creatures. She lands on teh roof top and comes in for a bit of a rough landing as she does so. She shakes her head as she follows after Zia "Huh a Bakery? What we stopping here for?"

Zia has posed:

"Humans are strange creatures." The pale gargress replies, seeming bemused by the idea of humans jumping off of buildings. Of course, that thought takes a back seet as she makes a shh-ing sound, motioning a taloned finger in front of her face as she tries to get the other gargress to be quiet.

Below, there is a little bit of light from the back door of the bakery, and some voices that carry out into the alley. From inside, it's easy to hear the voice of a man calling out: 'Yeah, just let me take these out back and I'll close up.' A moment later, the light expands, showing the shadow of a man as he steps out of the shop, walking over to a line of dumpsters and dropping a box neatly onto the top of a pile of rubbish. He's quick to head back inside, though, closing the door behind him and locking it with a click.

Zia is quiet for a moment longer, and then her stomach rumbles audibly. "Oh, shush ye." There is a conspiritory glance at Diedra, and then the gargress rises, grabbing hold of a downspout, "Every night the man who owns this place throws out a whole batch o' bread. If yer quick, ye can grab it before the others." The others, are probably some of the vagrants of the city, one of which is already peeking down the alley with eyes on the prize.

The white gargoyle is quicker, though. "Stay 'ere." She slides down, giving a flash of those red eyes and a growl which is enough to deter the competition, then, with a quick motion, the girl scoops up a couple of packages, tucking them under her arm while she grabs a couple of others with her tail. Then, she's climbing again, somehow managing to balance everything she's carrying and still make her way up the building with only her legs and one remaining arm.

At the top, the gargress flings herself over, then sits right on the edge, laying out her stolen prize. What it ends up being is a loaf of bread, a package of bagels, and a small box of miscellaneous doughnuts. "Our lucky night." She notes, opening the box of doughnuts and digging through, grabbing one waggling it on a taloned finger before shoving it into her mouth.

Deidra has posed:

Deidra says "Can't argue with you there. They truely are, keep going into enviorments they were not made for."

She hushes up as she's asked to she sees why. She looks down as they are clearly closing up and now she understands. The stuff that was past date even for the expiry bin was being thrown out. "Ye stuff that wouldn't be saleable by the next morning I'd guess."

She holds back watching the other moving down for the food, she watches zia successfully get some and comes back up and she'll accepts what she offered. "I'd say so, you get first pick since you went and got them. Thank you for showing me how to work my wings, I might not have known otherwise. At least I won't have to be using the storm sewers as much." She'll go to get a donut herself and start munching on it.

"I take it you stop here about every night to get something to eat? It's not like we're stealing thoguh given it was being thrown out, right?"

Zia has posed:

The white gargress really doesn't have much to say on the matter of humans other than her earlier words of warning. Obviously, she's lived long enough in this world to form some of her own opinions, but usually she just keeps them to herself. With the spread of stolen baked goods set out, Zia sets to chewing on her doughnut, watching as the human scavengers come out of the shadows, moving to take their pick of what remains.

"No need te thank me. Least I can do." She shrugs her shoulders slightly, making her wings shift like a cape over her shoulders. "Ye would prob'ly 'ave helped me if our positions were switched, I imagine. Then again, ah dinnae think ah'd ever forget how to fly." She smirks, reaching for the bag of bagels and ripping them open, checking one for any spots before taking a bite out of it.

"Mmm." She murmurs and nods slightly, her mouth full. Eventually, after swollowing, Zia smirks a little, "Some nights, anyways. Got rounds 'o the city tha ah make when ah'm hungry enough." Matters of right and wrong are not strictly black and white when it comes to being a mythical creature that most humans still don't know exist. "Ye 'avete ask yerself, lass, which is more important? Whether the humans think it's stealin, or whether ye go hungry."

The girl manages a small laugh, shaking her head, "What're they gonna do, throw me in chains and put me up in front of a jury of m' peers? Come on now. Ah do what ah needte survive. It doesnae matter if they think it's right or wrong."

Deidra has posed:

Deidra is likewise devouring her own donut for the moment as she looks at the homeless human going to hunt for food themselves. She doesn't say much about it but as Zia speaks up about helping "I would have ya." She chomps another one devouring the food as she ones. "True, surival and all that. Sides your right we'd end up in a zoo or some sort of lab being poked and prodded." Some other things start to sink into her mind and she looks a bit glum over whatever she's thinking about.

"I'm not even sure chains could really hold either of us now that I think about it and are there enven enough Gargyoles for form a jury in this city?" She starts laughing at the idea for a moment. "So you go by anything?"

Zia has posed:

"Well, if all ah thought 'bout was jus' survival, ah wouldnae have come te help ye. Luckily ye didnae have a whole clan with ye, otherwise ah'dve made m'self scarce." That thought seems to bring a dark shadow over the white gargoyle's eyes, reminding her of something. The last bit of the bagel is popped into her mouth as she dusts her hands off, claiming the loaf of bread for herself with a sweep of her tail. At least she's nice enough to leave the box of doughnuts, though.

"Speakin' of which, ah should be goin. Help yerself to what's left if ye want, ah've got a few more stops te make before dawn." Not the least of which is to investigate the source of the darkness coming around Manhattan. Maybe, just maybe, she'd find one of those portals and see just where it leads. Of course, it's all just a convenient excuse to keep from getting too close to anyone.

"There's a few. Gargoyles that is." Maybe if this one was lucky, she'd end up finding that other clan. Hopping up onto the edge of the building, the white gargoyle seems about to take flight when the question of her name stops her up short. Blinking, Zia looks back, head tilted. "M'clan didnae give names. It's nae the ol' ways. But..." There is a pause - just a moment of hesitation, "If ye need call me somethin, I s'pose Zia would work well enough." Her plans to escape seem waylaid by the question though, and the gargress lingers, watching Deidra with puzzled eyes.

Deidra has posed:

Deidra says "Your right though I dunno sometimes I just feel compelled to help it gets me into trouble but what can you do right about one's own nature." she says as she devours some more of the baked goods. "I will and if that's the case becareful do you have any suggestions on where might be a good place to hide during the day?"

She seems a little suprised by that but if she has suffered memory loss and only had humans to watch it might make sense and she nods still seeming confused. "Deidra for myself. Read if off a human's ID card I found I liked it and it's better than hey you. Sorry if it sounds strange Zia."

Zia has posed:

The confusion passes quickly enough, even if there is something about the other gargress' story that doesn't quite have the ring of truth to it. Still, Zia accepts it easily enough, nodding her head. "Deidra, then." With the introduction taken care of, that growing unease at spending too much time talking - too much time with others - it starts to nag at her.

"If ye fly a bit North, there's a rooftop covered in stone gargoyles. It's safe enough if ye can't find anywhere else. Ah mostly roost in an abandoned building. Anywhere the humans don' usually go is safe." With that tidbit of advice offered, Zia flexes her wings, uncaping them from her shoulders. "May the night keep ye. Farewell." And with that, she takes to the sky, dragging her loaf of bread along with her as she flies, still dangling from her tail.