Masked DJs

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Masked DJs
Like this, except with the regular gold and silver helmets. They're hard to describe in poses otherwise.
Age  ???
Species Program
Sex Male
Height Upper 5' range
Weight  ???
Series Tron
Combat Styles Bard
Hometown The Grid
Group Unaffiliated
Occupation/Job Musicians
Force: Forces of Restoration
Theme Song Whatever they're playing.
"One more time!"
Recent Events
Bringing their music to those who live in fear and misery.

The mysterious masked DJs of the End of Line Club were created by a pair of equally mysterious Users for the purpose of spreading their music across the Dataspace. These two Programs are never seen apart, and it could be assumed that they are not truly independent of one another. They are rather shy, which is what led to them wearing masks with voice changers when out among the general public. They simply want others to hear their music, to dance and groove along to it. To them, there is no greater joy. This is why they came to be employed at the club, a place where they could play their music for numerous people every night. Even when they're off work, however, they still like to explore the World of Ruin, bringing the magic of their tunes to places desperately in need of some fun. Though they dislike violence, both of them are mildly proficient with their ID Discs, but they prefer to play a more passive support role. They have an excellent sense of dramatic timing, and as a result of the magic that permeates the World of Ruin, they can bolster their allies' abilities using their music.


The Masked DJs do not have a very long or illustrious history behind them. A few years ago, before their world succumbed to the Darkness, they were simply Programs created by a couple of musicians for the purpose of producing and playing music. They did their job, and they did it well, and their Users gained a strong following because of the tunes they put out. Their Users even won several awards after some time, attaining massive success in the popular music charts with one of their singles.

In the meantime, the Masked DJs were continuing to make music even when it wasn't being used by their Users. It slowly spread across the Dataspace, and although they didn't become as popular as their Users, they managed to gain quite an underground cult following. Despite their success, they were very shy, and so took up wearing masks that altered their voices in public. They were lucky enough to escape the Master Control Program's notice when it began stealing Programs from various companies around the world.

When their world was finally consumed, it was their strong desire to bring their music to the world that allowed them to escape the Darkness, landing them in part of the Grid that had also survived. Although they weren't present when the Empire State Building was stolen, they were among the first to be employed by Zuse when it was remodeled into the End of Line Club. For them, it was because they could bring their music to many people every night and use it as a sort of base of operations, and for Zuse, it was simply because they happened to be DJs who were pretty good at their job.

However, there are still those who are in need of funky grooves to get their minds off the worries of daily life. Thus, in their free time, the Masked DJs seek out locations filled with these troubled individuals to bring some joy into their gloomy lives. They may end up in some scrapes with the Heartless as a result, but that's just the price to pay to make the world dance.


One thing you might've guessed by now is that the Masked DJs are very passionate about music. It's literally what they were made for, but their love for it runs even deeper than their code. And because they love it so much, they love bringing it to others. Nothing in the world makes them happier than seeing other people, be they Programs, humans, or otherwise, dancing to the tunes they produce. This is the reason they sought to be employed at the End of Line Club, and why they explore the World of Ruin in search of the troubled and unhappy. They'll turn your frown upside down and make you forget all about your woes, at least for a little while.

Despite this, the Masked DJs are actually quite bashful, and can only seem to actively socialize in public when wearing masks and changing their voices. Thus, these masks have become their faces to most who meet them, and they almost never go out without them. Even Zuse has never seen what they really look like. But when they start performing, virtually nothing can break their confidence. Music is their comfort zone, and the show will go on until they're satisfied. On the other hand, they still like to have a glass pane between them and larger crowds. Better safe than sorry.

The Masked DJs, despite inevitably getting into a fight or two as a result of their chosen hobby thanks to the Heartless, do not like using violence to resolve such conflicts. They'd much rather support other Restoration type folks, giving them a boost in both morale and ability with magically-imbued music. If they have to, though, they will defend themselves with their ID Discs, though their skills are not as sharp as dedicated fighters like TRON.

When it comes to Users, the Masked DJs have always been believers, though they aren't as openly fanatical about it as some. They have, however, composed a number of tracks specifically for the eventuality that they actually run into someone like Kevin Flynn. Impressing a User with their music is the ultimate achievement in their minds, which makes it somewhat ironic that the Users who created them managed to get a devoted fanbase because of it. If they knew about this, their heads would probably explode.


The Masked DJs have the same abilities as every Program, being able to enter digital worlds, record all of their experiences on their ID Discs, and use their ID Discs as blade-like energy weapons. However, their specialty is music, and since coming to the World of Ruin, they've gained the ability to temporarily boost the abilities of their allies through their music, much like the Bards of Final Fantasy. If need be, they can also use it to attack with sheer sonic force, for a non-lethal method of self defense.


A Daft Punk March 25th, 2014 Deelel is working at the Atra Viscus Nightclub, working as a DJ way when she catches sight of two people in the crowd. The DJs from the End of Line Club have found their way out of the digital world and into the larger world beyond.


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