Palamecian Empire

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Palamecian Empire.gif Palamecian Empire
Leader: Emperor Mateus, Borghen Role: Total Domination
Average Alignment: Forces of Ruin Appable: Yes
Group Members: Leon
The Empire of Palamecia is lead by 'The Emperor', and seeks to to take over the world. Things seem fairly simple on the forefront - however the methods are unbeknownst to many. When the Emperor sought to raise the Demons from hell, he was given a second visiting race he managed to control even then; these Heartless came from the depths of the world, and have since the shift of worlds become an obvious force in this kingdom's army.

The Empire also owns Flynn at this very time, as it is in the controlling hands of Borghen - protected by these very same dark minions. The Kashuan airship remains in Palamecia now however - partially damaged thanks to the Wild Rose Rebellion.


Palamecia was once a kingdom before it became an empire. A previous king of Palamecia had once challenged the world to see who could reach his daughter on a high floor of his castle. Many men tried this challenge, but they all failed, until one man used a hot air balloon to reach her. The king was furious and attempted to seize him, but the man escaped into the skies with the king's daughter. The story is basically an adaptation of the traditional Rapunzel fairy tale.
