An 'Easy' Target

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An 'Easy' Target
Date of Scene: 21 September 2012
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: A wandering Reize draws the attention of a couple of muggers, only to be 'rescued' by a gargoyle and a werewolf. Of course, it seems as if he didn't really need the rescue afterall.
Cast of Characters: Reize Seatlan, Skoll Ulfang, Zia

Reize Seatlan has posed:
It's still night time in Manhatten. The streets of Manhatten are generally a busy, brustling place. With the skyscrapers and business sectors looming over those in the area, it is a very attractive pace for the night life.
It was good for Shiki and Tifa to enjoy the atmosphere, but Reize had admittedly gotten a bit bored. As they went to get some sleep, Reize himself couldn't. Instead, he wandered along the streets, taking in the city with wide-eyes.
"Wow... it's pretty huge.." He frowns, "But it feels odd... definitely doesn't feel like home." Home. So many people have lost their worlds, but what was his world like exactly? To him, it is just that forest.
He will find his family. The villagers and dad.
Manhatten is sure big.
And it is unfortunate that the thoughts are gonna put him in a tight alley with potential muggers about.
Zia has posed:
There is another kind of 'night-life' here in Manhattan. After her brief escapade into Traverse Town, the gargress had spent the next fair bit trying to figure out a way back into her own world. Luckily, it wasn't too hard to spot a few strange men in business suits with briefcases bearing the mark of Xanatos Enterprises. They had to have come from her world, no doubt about it.

After tracking them back to one of the portals, the girl had snuck back through into her own world, or at least what was left of it. Her curiousity had been momentarily sated, especially after all the strange things she'd seen in a matter of only a few hours in that other place. The nearly empty skies of Manhattan seem far more like 'home' than anywhere else in this strange, mixed up place.

So, that brings us to tonight, as the white gargress wings across the night sky, trying to settle her thoughts, with only the wind beneath her wings and the sights of the city below her.

While most New Yorkers don't really look up, they do notice strange people looking like rejects from a LARP walking around. Two burly looking men are leaning against the wall of a nearby building, one smoking, the other savoring a bottle of some cheep beer. As soon as he passes, it's like someone set off the 'easy target' alarm. One begins to follow, while the other ducks down an alley, probably moving to flank from the other side. "Hey." One shouts, trying to get the boy's attention. "You look a little lost." It's that mock-helpful sort of tone, like someone who definitely has other things in mind than helping a poor lost world-traveler.
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
Muggers certainly are a dime a dozen, no matter what world you come from. And as Reize wanders into the alley, and ends up coming face to face with a mugger, well... really, the kid has it coming.

Anyhow, there /seems/ to be another a mugger there, standing behind to man who just shouted at Reize. A little further down - ahead of Reize rather than behind. Or at least, a rather punkish looking young man. In his right hand, a most beautiful silver mirror with a half-moon engraved in black upon its back. The punk looking young man is busy cleaning it with a rag however... and doesn't really look up until Reize is a bit further into the alley... and tilts his head in a confused manner. It's obvious that he wasn't expecting anyone to wander on in here. Or maybe it's the mugger he is confused about.

In truth, Skoll has smelled trouble, and someone in need. And the honor that defines him, demands that he intercedes. "Not like home huh?" The young wolfish-looking man's voice is a bit too flowing and kindly sounding to really 'fit' the rest of the punk imago, creating a bit of dissonance between person and looks. Also, seems he must have pretty good ears to have heard him.

He pushes himself off of the wall, sticks the mirror back into his inventory along with the rag, and then slowly wanders towards Reize and the mugger, hands in his pockets. Seems like Reize is surrounded by muggers at first...

But then Skoll tries to put a hand on Reize's shoulder and gives him a wolfish and toothy grin... that might remind the youngster of his father -- a reassuring smile.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Wandering into the alley like an easy prey, this would put him in the bad position to where men had been following and flanking him. Not something one so inexperience would expect wandering along the alley alone.
Instead, he turns towards one of the men who greets him. Despite of the tone of the man, the boy brightens to a smile and he extends a hand the man's way. "Oooii!" The ahoge flips up and waves wih the boy's hand.
"Yeah, I'm kind of lost and---..."
The boy turns to look over towards the wolfish man. He seems oddly dressed, but the boy's cheerful demeanor remains the same. "Yeah...! Not quite home..." He rubs the back of his head sheepishly as Skoll's hand rests on the boy's shoulder.
He seems unaware of the potential danger he is in with the other muggers.
Zia has posed:
The would-be mugger seems caught a bit off-guard by the sudden appearance of the chain-wearing punk. Was he really related to this lost-LARPer, or just some other person looking to score the prize? It's right about this same time that the thug's buddy appears from the other direction, blocking one possible means of escape.

"So, you two are new here. Guess no one told you about the tax on visitors." The big goon starts to crack his knuckles menacingly, even as his friend starts to approach, tapping a lead bar onto his shoulder. "Cash, now. Otherwise we introduce you to New York city's finest emergency ward." The man grins, chuckling in his barrel chest.

Normally the white gargress wouldn't pay much mind to someone getting mugged. It happens all the time in New York. Maybe it's a reflection off of those chains, or maybe the sight of someone who clearly doesn't fit in, but it's enough to bring the girl backwinging down onto the rooftop. She's quiet enough that most wouldn't notice much, except for maybe a sound like bird's wings. She's quick to throw her cloak over her features, coming to the edge of the roof before looking down.

It's easy to recognise the wolfish appearance of Skoll, but the other one is a stranger to her. Maybe another servant of that so-called Dark Lord of his? Who knows. Zia certainly is no crime fighter, but since the wolf ahd come to her aid when she was lost in a strange place, she at least can return the favor. Just as the thug with the lead pipe is about to speak, there is a *WHOOMP* of sound as she leaps down, landing right on his back and sending him sprawling forward, knocking the thug flat. "Oh. Ah'm sorry. I didnae see ye there. Excuse m' feet." The man groans underneath her, and the girl just crouches there, like some bird-like creature, the cloak covering her wings and most of her inhuman features, except perhaps for those taloned feet. "Were'ya needin this goon? He makes an aweful nice landin place."

"What the hell?" The one who had been threatening Reize takes a step back, fumbling for his pocket. "F-in' freaks!" He's obviously a little alarmed by suddenly being quite so outnumbered. And what does an outnumbered thug on the streets of New York do? He pulls a gun, holding it out, moving the aim between Skoll and the girl pinning his friend. Obviously, Reize is not a threat.
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
Skoll raises a brow at the clueless youth, clearly surprised just at how clueless this one seems to be. It's like a lamb that is too stupid to run from the wolves that are approaching, abandoned by his flock. Skoll tries his best to override his internal desire to ditch him, or devour him. He may be a warrior, but he should not abandon the young! Perish the thought! Instead, the hand on his shoulder tries to move him back away from the mugger a little, and Skoll attempts to step before him.

"I may be new here, but I am well aware on the tax. And I believe that tax actually universally applies on /weaklings/." Skoll points out, grinning a toothy grin and just watches the lead bar as if it were... well... not even there. It's kinda like a little toy in his eyes. Completely ignorable. What is far less ignorable is the sudden sound of wind beating against a descending tarp... no... large wings.

Skoll's yellow eyes flick up immediately, his hair shifting a little as the ears underneath turn, and he watches the girl flomp down on the man with the lead pipe. Heh... talk about coincidence. Skoll turns his body slightly and casts a grin towards Zia. "I had him handled." He notes cooly, in a somewhat joking manner. "But you have my appreciation either way." It's obvious that he's not making light of her assistance, he's just trying to quip a little in front of the other mugger who is still standing.

But then the man has to go being stupid and grabs for a gun. The transformation is almost immediate - Skoll's eyes narrowing and seemingly casting a barely visible golden light, his lips pulling up and his fangs being bared violently. His tail, normally not really that visible and seeming like it is just some fake thing hung from his pants thanks to the chains around it, comes to life; brushing up and swaying violently now. His body bends over a little, and the man hisses; "You dare point a gun at a /Lady/!?

The movement is immensely rapid, his hand moving to his belt, and suddenly a chain flinging around the man's hand, burning in a red light that implies it's somehow immensely hot, and then is 'whipped' up, casting the gun up into the air, only to clatter harmlessly onto the ground not seconds later. Still, it leaves the man with a nasty burn-wound on his wrist.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
The antenna hair flops.
A frown is given as the big goon starts to crack his knuckles. It is rather disappointing that the men were a bunch of bad guys. The boy looks over towards the other man with a frown. Both are rather threatening.
"Figures that they wouldn't had been friendly. Who knew?" Everyone and their dog, Reize. Everyone and their dog. While the boy is facing disappointment, his stance does shift slightly to take some stance.
At the sight of a creature's descent knocking one of the goons down, the boy's eyes brighten to a smile, "Oh wow! Another gargoyle!" He beams.
Wait, another gargoyle?
And then, there is a frown towards the man as he is fumbling through his pocket for something. The keen eyes narrow towards the man with the weapon and he leans forward; his form quickly blurring. With Skoll's focus towards the thug, he's likely unable to see where the kid went.
...Neither would had Zia if she blinked. It was instant that the kid left his spot.
He reappears behind the likely disarmed man in mid-air. The boy is spinning around with a whip of the right leg towards the man's face, then the other leg towards the side of the temple.
Zia has posed:
The girl's eyes widen slightly as Reize so easily identifies her, despite her cloak of species concealment. "How didye...?" She doesn't have time to finish that question.

At the same moment, the thug gives a cry of pain as the chain catches his hand, burning the flesh and causing the release of his firearm. It goes skittering across the ground towards the gargoyle and his prone companion, where Zia quickly snatches it up with her tail, keeping it well out of reach. "They dinnae learn very quickly, do they?" She smirks, stepping off of the other mook, who gives a groan when her feet no longer are pressing him into the ground.

"Are ye..." She's about to ask if Reize is okay, when the young man vanishes, reappearing a moment later in that leaping kick which catches the thug right in the side of the head. This time, the girl actually manages a small laugh, "Maybe he didnae need help afterall." She folds her arms across her chest, clearly bemused.

The thug, on the other hand, wobbles on his feet a bit, bumping into the wall of the nearby building. He squints, trying to get the twelve of them into focus. Twelve? When did they get to be so many? A blow to the head can do that. "Uh..." He mumbles, and then spins on one foot, stumbling away at top speed. The last thing the others might hear is his frantic voice as he dials a number on his phone. "Y..yeah, this the police? Dude, I tried to mug this guy and his friends turned up and they were monsters! MONSTERS!" The poor New York police must love these calls.

Zia leans down next to the still prone goon, whispering, "Ye better scarper off yerself. Otherwise ah might feed ye to the wolf." The man groans, looks up, squints at her, then at Reize and Skoll. Then, he's off in the opposite direction, nearly ending up hit by a car as he races across the street, trying to get away.
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
"Certainly looks that way." Skoll comments, watching Zia pick up the firearm to keep it safe. He puts his both hands at his side, putting the chain around him like a belt once more (how had it gotten to extend that long?!) and then leans a little sideways. "Him not needing help that is. But also on the whole 'they don't learn quick' thing." Skoll notes.

The man then looks at the running man, and even hears in the distance as the man starts calling for the police. "Seems you have a fantastic ability to amaze, you know that?" Skoll offers as a compliment to Zia, and then tilts his head a little to point further down the alley where the road splits once again, and gives quite a bit of cover from being spotted.

He then quickly glances at the goon who is groaning, and was just told he may be fed to the wolf. Skoll quickly bares his teeth, growling in the man's direction to 'speed up' his little run through traffic.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
That is pretty much all that the boy is able to do when he watches and listens to the faint noise coming from the thug. He cants his head to the side, question marks still popping over him. If one was to look closely, they could see his antenna hair forming a question mark.
He turns towards the prone goon and then back to the wolf that she refers to. Turning back to see a passing car, he blinks. "Whoa! So many of those things!"
Now, turning to address his rescuers, the boy gives a sheepish smile while rubbing the back of his head. "Hey, err, thanks for the help!" While it's possible THAT he may not needed help, the boy very well appreciates any help that is given to him. He gives a sheepish look afterwards, "...I thought they were nice guys, too." He sighs, "Well, until they mentioned about the tax.."
Zia has posed:
"If ye say so. Ah think that would be more of m' ability te scare the peasants. Terrifyin creatures we gargoyles be." The pale girl rolls her eyes, seeing no reason to hide what she is, especially since Reize already seems to know. She pulls the cloak around her, which - while not quite as conspicuous as Reize's outfit, probably doesn't exactly make her blend in on the streets of New York, either.

She can't help but raise an eyebrow at Reize as he seems so impressed by a passing car. "Tha's a car. Nearly every human here owns one. Sometimes more than one. Usually ye can tell how much of a jerk a human is by the size of their car." Much like, in fantasy terms, you can usually tell how much of a jerk someone is by the size of their sword. Something about making up for inadequacies in other areas.

The motion towards the alleyway is given a nod from the gargress, who seems all too willing to step off the main street. "So, ye'r certainly no fantasy role-player. So ye must have come through onea those portals, then?" She asks of Reize. Clearly, she's met the wolf before, since she doesn't bother to question just how he got here. "Tha bit of athletics was pre'ty impressive, but ye might want te be a bit more careful on these streets. They arenae exactly the kindest te newcomers." The girl has a distinct Scottish accent, which might sound familiar to anyone who has encountered a certain ice-cream selling duck in Traverse Town.

Most of her features remain covered, though, her face cast into shadows by the hood of the cloak. "Ah dinnae normally go playin the hero, but ah figured ah should try te make sure all ye world-wanderers dun get yerselves into too much trouble. Ye'll get the police, or the Xanatos goon squads on yer tails, and then ye'll really have trouble here."
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
Did that guy's hair just move? Skoll approaches Reize a little when he calls out about the motorized vehicles. "They're cars. Better get used to them - beat the heck out of having to ride Chocobo." Oh god, neither of these are going to know what a Chocobo is, aren't they? Yeah, go tell them that people in many a world, right giant yellow overgrown chickens! Big Bird would have a field-day... if sesame street was actually something that existed other than on TV!

Skoll finally halts in front of Reize, his eyes not set on the boy, but on his hair. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, he grabs at the formerly moving hair, and then looks down at his skull. Is he checking for flees or something? He lets go of the strand again, and tilts his head. "Fascinating. How does it /do/ that?" He asks, most dumbfounded. "I've never seen a human with hair that moves like that. Are all of your people like that?" Anyone thinking of Rapunzel now?

He then bops Reize softly on the head. "Anyway. Be more careful in the future, kid. Sheesh, what back-water world did you come from not to realize when people are out for 'yer hide?" Seems he's giving him the same kind of warnings that Zia is giving, only in a different style. He then goes wandering off into the alley he'd pointed out not moments ago, leading the two into it while glancing back now and again to get a better look at Zia than he'd done the former day. "Xanatos goon squads?" He then asks, curious. "Sorry, I've only just come to this world, so I don't know the hows and why-s of here yet." As may be obvious from their former conversation a while ago.
Reize Seatlan has posed:

The look on Reize's face is filled with so much confusion. His eyes knit briefly, "...Fantasy role-player.." He frowns, the confusion starting to make his head hurt. However, he brightens at the gargoyle. "Right! Thanks! Uh.."
"What's a chocobo?" He looks at the wolf man.
As the hair is grabbed...
"Gah!" Reize is paralyzed. The antenna hair sticks out, now acting like an antenna as it tries to 'tune' into something. The eyes of the boy, at this point, is like @_@.
Wih the bop to the head, his hair crumples and he yelps before stumbling back.
A frown is given, "Ooiii! A village of maybe a hundred people isn't backwaters!" He pauses, then he exhales a sigh, "Oh, who am I kidding...?" He looks after the two, following them. "Sorry, this is all new to me and well, was wandering out while my friends went to sleep. I wanted to se te rest of the place!"
Zia has posed:
Amusingly enough, both zia and Reize ask that same question nearly in unison, her Scottish accent speaking right over his. "Wha's a chocobo?" She gives a curious sort of look towards Skoll, her ears perking slightly beneath the hood of the cloak.

Then, the poor adventurer has his hair grabbed, and Zia blinks, watching Skoll manhandle the boy's head. "Hey. Let'm go. It's nae nice te be grabbin other people's hair ye know." She gives the wolf a small elbow to the side - not enough to hurt but enough to maybe discourage the wolf-man from doing that again.

"Are ye alright?" She asks, reaching out with her slightly taloned fingers, using them to try to straighten Reize's hair back down. There is even a moment when she gives the little animated bit of hair a plink with her fingers. "There, be'ter?"

"Xanatos is the human who owns tha big tower over there, with the castle up top. Richest an' most powerful human in the city." She steps back away from Reize then, her tail swishing lightly behind her. "Never met the man, m'self, but from wha ah hear, he isnae the sort of person ye want to triffle with."

With a small smile, the gargress shakes her head, "Nae, dinnae worry yerself too much, lad. Jus' try te avoid dark alleys and places too far away from the main streets. Tha's where the goons like those two go when they're prowlin fer prey. They're the worst kind o' scavengers." Which comes from someone who knows exactly what it is like to be a scavenger, but she doesn't prey upon the weak and helpless, either.
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
The hair? It's still moving when he holds it! Such a strange thing! The little yelp and stumble has the wolf laughing mildly. "Ah, don't be such a lil' kid, I didn't nudge you hard. As for your village - yes... that 'be backwater, kid." He lets himself be nudged out of the way by Zia. He wasn't really going to bother the kid. The man then ends up touching a hand to a window-sill at the side of the alley and hops his ass up onto it, and pulls one knee up in order to try and... well... he's trying to look cool.

He's amused at the whole Chocobo thing though. "They're like this." He says, grabbing into one of his pockets, pulls out a rather fancy looking mobile phone, and flips it open. A beep tone comes off of it each time he touches a dial, until he finally comes up to a picture of a chocobo, and shows off the image of a small herd of the yellow walking birds. "Don't tell me you guys are one of those silly worlds where they don't have Chocobos! I thought they were everywhere!" The world begins and ends with Chocobo.

He then looks up, staring up along the alley and finds the tower just happening to be along the length of it. It's quite the impressive sight. And there's not enough clouds to mask the giant lit castle on top. "That's... kind of insane." Skoll comments. "Who would put a castle on top of a large tower like that?" He shakes his head, and looks back to Zia. "Guess I'll try not to bug the guy."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
As the hair is straighten back out, the boy looks a bit worn in a 'whew' sort of way.
Yet, when she gives it a plink with her finger, the boy's hair becomes stiff as a lightning rod, forcing the rest of the body to follow suit. Eyes widen with paralyzation. After vibrating like a tuning fork, he settles back and he exhales a sigh of relief.
Now, when the man pulls out phone, Reize squints and peers at the little device. But then, when the herd of the yellow birds appear on the image, the boy's eyes widen, "Whoa! That's amazing!" He brightens considerably, then he looks over towards Zia.
Looking at where Skoll is looking, his eyes lift up at the sight of the tower with the castle on top. "Whooooaa...."
He frowns thoughtfully, "Hrm... I should head back." He considers, "My friends are asleep and I better get back so we can leave." He WILL make sure Tifa gets to Midgar! They will get there!
Zia has posed:
The fact that the boy's hair seems to react to that single touch draws a small smirk to the gargoyle's lips, bemused by the novelty of it. "Sorry." At least Zia excuses herself for making him go quite so stiff like that. Her hands vanish away again beneath her cloak, hiding the talons from view.

Where the chocobos are certainly a source of interest, she gives them only a cursory look over. "They look like big chickens. Wonder if they're any good te eat." Leave it to the girl who seems to be always on the hunt for her next meal to think about the food properties of chocobos rather than seeing them as transportation. She has wings, afterall.

As both of the boys take in the sight of the tower, the gargress folds her arms, tail twitching, "Heard he actually shipped the thing all the way from Sco'land. Every stone." It was in the newspapers, afterall. "When ye have billions o' dollars, ye can do pretty much whatever ye like, no matter how crazy."

Her eyes flash back towards Reize then, noting the frown. "Oh, aye. Probably fer the best, then. Ah 'ave some food te be huntin down, m'self." She'd almost forgotten herself for a bit. The enjoyment of the company of others making her ignore her more cautious nature. "If ye go up a block or two, ye'll hit a main road. Try te stick te those if ye can. They're a fair bit safer."
Skoll Ulfang has posed:
"They're really not /that/ amazing." Skoll frowns, looks at them, and then looks back to Reize. "But then, I guess I'm just used to them." A glance is then quickly shot to Zia, and he kind of 'grins' at her. "Yeah, big chickens. Sounds about right. Taste like chicken too. I think I once heard of a company who wanted to start a restaurant based on them, but got shut down. They're protected in quite a few places. And in others... they'll cast Meteor."

You don't like red Chocobos.


Avoid them.

No seriously.

The werewolf then glances back to the youth, and then to Zia again as he comes to stand on the window Sill. "Anyhow. I should probably let the two of you go on to do your own thing." He then pulls out a pocketwatch - dragging it up by one of the chains he has in his pockets. His eyes suddenly widen. "Oh... bollux!" He calls out, "I'm late. Sorry. Ehh." He suddenly looks frantic, quickly looking around. "Right... THAT AWAY!" He points into the direction of central park.

The man then suddenly makes for some impressive acrobatics, jumping between the walls of the alley they are in to get up onto the roofs. Probably faster than trying to run through traffic.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Despite the beginning of his trip and the inevitable path of getting mugged, the boy ran into two people that were actually kind! They really helped him out of a jam. The boy brightens considerably, looking at Zia.
"Oh! By the way! I'm Reize Seatlan! Nice to meet you two!" The boy realizes that he never got to introduce himself. "O-h! Right, I'll make sure to stick with the main road. Thanks again!" The boy offers the gargoyle and the werewolf a smile. Though, when he quickly runs off, Reize blinks and he sweatdrops.
"Hoo.." He sighs, "Though, I should go as well." Now, his pace is a bit slowed, given that he is not in too much of a hurry. Tifa and Shiki are probably asleep. It'll be a nice walk back.
Zia has posed:
The prospect of a giant chicken certainly appeals to the gargress's wanting stomach, but for now, she'd have to wait on seeing if they are as delciious as they look. Afterall, unless Xanatos Enterprises starts selling Kentucky Fried Chocobo, she's probably out of luck. She's about to say something when the wolf makes his excuses and goes bounding off. "Guess his masters called."

She shakes her head then, looking towards Reize, offering him a polite smile. "Nice te meet ye, Reize Seatlan." She repeats his entire name, as if she's not quite used to using names in general. "Fair travels te ye." The girl grabs on to the wall of the building and begins climbing with nothing more than her hands and the stone. She'll probably follow him at least for a while by air, to make sure that he doesn't get into trouble - just a white shadow in the sky.