Chocobo Fields Dispair

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Chocobo Fields Dispair
Date of Scene: 30 November 2012
Location: Southern Continent - Chocobo Fields
Synopsis: The Chocobo Stables, located in the Chocobo Fields, while still in business (as there’s always demand for good chocobos), are in trouble. As if it weren’t bad enough that the lack of an official Chocobo Race Circuit has cut their income severely, their herds are now under threat from a wild Chocobo Eater. But Chocolina has detected that one of the talismans necessary to open the passage to Corneo’s fabled “treasure city” -- the Golden Feather -- is located nearby, so the Stables are about to receive some help from an unexpected source! Will the hunter become the hunted?
Thanks to: Chocolina(DMed by Reize Seatlan) and 2x bottles of Mike's Hard Lemonade (for helping the DM)
Cast of Characters: Tifa Lockhart, Auron, Minerva, Aerith, Oriane Guado, Navya, Chocolina
Tinyplot: The Search for Serendipity

Chocolina has posed:
It's a vaguely warm evening out within the Chocobo Fields. It is a large field of grassy plains that support a variety of plant life. Oak trees are about, colorful flowers of different families from lilies to roses hang about.

The most notable feature is usually the numerous whild chocobos that frequent the area.

However, the disturbing thing is that over the past few days, many of the chocobo have gone missing. Their presence has slowly dwindled over the week.

To make maters worse, in the middle of nowhere, a small chocobo stable is in trouble. Within the chocobo stables, an older man in his fifties is just leaning against the wall, wiping his brow. He looks rather frantic, unable to figure out what he is going to do.

"Business is bad... I miss the chocobo race..." He falls on his knees, breaking into sobs.

Over his shoulder is a brown haired woman with a voluptious body. However, she is decked out in clothing that makes her look like a red chocobo. Even over her head is a chocobo hat. Firt, the pat is rather soft, then it becomes harsh.

"Do not worry your sweet head! Chocolina brought the most boco-tastic people that shall help us!" She cheerfully lifts her hand into the air, bringing a winged arm to her mouth to giggle. "They should arrive any moment now in a choco-flash Kweh kweh kweh kweh kweh!!"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart is there with the others. After the Chocobo Gold, now its the turn for the next artifact, something about a feather of some kind. Since she started this, and accepted to help Corneo/Chocolina/Queen of Cards with this venture, she might as well see it to the end.


Tifa grumbles a bit to herself, something about going on with the plans making her dress weird again, but only for a moment as she then perks up into her usual self "Alright, so I'm supposed to be bait or something?"

As long as chocobos don't try to mate with her, she's fine with that.

Oh god WHAT IF
Aerith has posed:
Aerith couldn't help her giggle.

"You know, you should make the Don learn his lesson about this whole chocobo outfit thing. It'd do him right to get smacked across the forehead now and then I think!" She turned her gaze toward the chocobo farm . "I certainly hope you can run fast enough, Tifa. If you're the bait, that means something big is coming for you."
Navya has posed:
Navya spent last night achieving her goals while simultaneously being incredibly embarassed. Being stripped by the Don's gambling - mortifying! At least she eventually got her shirt back; wrapping herself up in towels and her wings is no way to live life.

But today! Today was a much simpler job. Navya could see no possible way this particular mission could possibly go wrong. And that's why she took them up on it.

Navya is actually already here - she just flew up to take a look around, and is now landing again not far from Chocolina. This time she does have the hammer. She feels a lot more comfortable with it somehow. "I'm one of those," she says, bringing her fist up towards her chest in and giving a weird half-salute, half-bow. "It's the job of a hero to help out, after all...!"

She hears Aerith and Tifa behind her. They were there yesterday. Navya droops slightly, her tail doing the same. Great. Well she can try not to embarass herself in front of them a second time...
Oriane Guado has posed:
What poor luck that Oriane Guado has faced in the wake of her 'victory' at the casino! She managed to sneak -back- past her vigilant guards to be awakened only hours later. It seems that the Maesters want to send a representative to assist the petitioners in this Chocobo problem. They reluctantly pawned Oriane off on this task. Perhaps they thought that the fresh air would do her good.

And so, Priestess Oriane Guado arrives with her loyal guardsmen who look as attentive as ever. The priestess herself looks less than thrilled to be here. Her cheerful demeanor decreases even more when she spies Navya, Tifa, and Aerith from yesterday. It seems that chance and fate both have sick senses of humor. The robed priestess keeps her mouth shut for now and simply follows after the intrepid group. "May Yevon bless our noble efforts this day," says Oriane in a deadpan.
Aerith has posed:
Again, that aura of disdain... and a bit of condescendence as well. This time it came from behind her, and she knew exactly what that meant. A few seconds later, a voice in a deadpan asked for a blessing from someone she hadn't even heard of, and Aerith put on her best smile. "You know... I have a feeling you don't mean that. In fact, you don't want to be here." She looked over her right shoulder. "So why are you? And since we have not been properly introduced, /who/ are you?"
Auron has posed:

"Hmmm... a giant fiend that attacks chocobos..." Braska mused quietly.

Jecht, however, was not quiet. He fidgeted in place. "Hmph. What's it waiting for?" He tilted his head back. "HEY! COME OUT AND FIGHT!"

Auron gave a sound partway between disgust and exasperation. "...Ugh. I told you this was a waste of time."

Jecht turned to look at him, frowning. "Hey, come on! It's the right thing to do! Everyone's depending on us. Besides, it's good practice."

Auron couldn't help but laugh. "I guess you're right."

Jecht turned to Braska, to see if he approved. Braska nodded. "Well then...."

Suddenly they heard a roar, and Auron dropped the sphere he'd been recording with, giving a sound of surprise. "There it is!" Jecht proclaimed, running towards the fiend. "Auron! Let's get 'im!"

Right!" Auron replied as he followed.....


...Heck, why not?

Sure, Auron never really got along very well with chocobos in Spira. But that was no reason for him not to help out. Especially when there are rumors of a Chocobo Eater. Those things were /nasty/. Besides that, he has a rather personal dislike of the things.

For the time being he's staying back and waiting. Especially when he sees Oriane. He's not overly eager for her to confront him about his... living-challenged state....
Minerva has posed:
Minerva has been seeking work and just out wandering at this point. She'd caught wind of the job and why not? It was helping someone out. Sides Chocobos were smart enough she questioned them being food at all. So here the monk is looking around. "So we have to lure our this beast and dispatch it correct?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart turns over to Oriane as well, but she offers a smile. Not like she wants the girl to feel uncomfortable either, especially if she doesn't want to be here. She does wonder the same as Aerith though, but doesn't speak up about it. "My name is Tifa LockWark, nice to meet you."

A pause.

And then a facepalm "LockHEART, I think this costume is getting to me." She sighs, rubbing her face.

She looks over to the others that just jioned as well, nodding "Or wait for it to attack chocobos and then stop it."
Chocolina has posed:
One of the familiar faces catches the attention of the Chocobo gal. Chocolina's eyes widen with glee and she bounces with joy. "Tifa dahling~!" She perks up, her wings fluttering before she quickly runs over towards her. Her winged arms move towards Tifa's winged arms and she leans in close to show her shining bright eyes.

"You look choco-mahhhvolous~"

She pulls back, bouncing her body as she shifts a wing across her body. "We are soul sistas---" Next line she moves to the right and switches hand. "--soul sistas, yes sirree!~ o/`"

She brightens a smile to the group, looking over at Aerith. "Welcome and glad that you choco-tastic folks came to help out!"

And then Navya lands nearby. See Chocolina's eyes shine as bright as the stars? She's in glee. "My heroine~ You are choco-boco-tastic~" She looks over to the poor shop keeper.

"...That darn tootin' monster had been eating my stock! None of the wild chocobos have been out anymore because that darn thing is scarin' them away! He'sa rootin' tootin' baddie that needsto be put down this instant!" He takes off his hat and slams it to the ground.

"Tifa LockWark! Sista~! We shall lure the beast out and slay it! And.. The talisman is nearby! I can choco-feel it! Hmmmmmmm!!!!" She gives the look of thinking /really/ hard. ....Is that smoke?

And suddenly, she sees the Yevon priestess and is ready to speak to her until... Auron comes in.

Chocolina Vision:

~ Sweet jazzy music plays as Auron is waltzing in in slow motion, chocobo-style hair fluttering around. He has the choco-sword and his red clothes are like wings. Auron turns around and winks at her. ~

"Choco-aawwwww~ Romance~!"
Navya has posed:
Double great. Navya droops even further at Oriane's presence.

But Aerith has a good point. She straightens back up. "Yeah, uh, who are you? Besides someone else who was sent to help. Heroes work together! ....and I guess that's true even if we're just working together temporarily, right?" She grins to Chocolina in response. "Thanks... I think?" Being choco-boco-tastic is probably good.

Navya shoots a glance at Tifa. She tries not to giggle at her name. "I'm Navya," she explains. "So, uh, nice to meet you. But like he said. We need to stop the thing that steals chocobos!"

Pause. "Or... how do you steal a chocobo anyway, do you just pick them up? - Oh, /scares/ chocobos. That makes a lot more sense."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart gets hugged left and right by Chocolina <.< >.> x.x Well, they do somewhat look alike in that costume, but she's yellow while Chocolina is red.

And she really doesn't feel like arguing anything with that girl, for some reason!

She looks at Navya "I have no idea, but if they disapear, they could be killed as well. Maybe someone or something is hunting or killing them for some reason. From what I can get from the ranch owner here, its not something usual, never happened to him at least. Might be due to world merging or something."
Oriane Guado has posed:
Guard 1, a muscular individual with a chiseled chin, immediately steps towards Aerith and shakes a fist at her. "How dare you speak to a Priestess of Yevon that way! WhyIoughtta." Guard 2 seems to not care in the least bit as is looking at Tifa in her costume with those lecherous eyes of his.

Oriane seems unaffected by Aerith's accusation that she did not speak true from that cold, black heart of hers. It seems her commoner disguise was of little use as she is easily recognized even when wearing her priestly raiments. "Silence," says Oriane softly in that soft voice of hers. Guard 1 immediately shuts up and sullenly backs up away from Aerith. "Guard One, go sit over there and rethink your poor manners and impudent tongue," commands the priestess of her guard. Oriane now turns towards Aerith and offers a fake smile. "I go where the illustious will of the almighty Church of Yevon takes me." She explains in a patronizing tone. Oriane does not catch Tifa's smile, but Guard 2 sure does. He winks in return.

Navya's brusque demand of her name causes Oriane to cast her green eyes towards the hired muscle. "I am Priestess Oriane Guado of the Church of Yevon." That was a perhaps surprisingly succinct introduction. The....colorful...Chocolina is glared at as she tells of the situation at hand. Thankfully, she is spared from having to say anything thanks to Chocolina nearly salivating at the sight of Auron. Sniff, sniff. And here the priestess had thought that there was something foul smelling in the air. The robed Guado turns promptly towards Auron and flashes a coy smile. "Legendary Guardian Auron. A great honor to cross paths with you once more." It seems that Chocolina has betrayed Auron's presence to her.
Auron has posed:
Auron is not completely unaware of his surroundings, even if he's pretending to be. There he is, minding his own business... when suddenly he's got a scantily-clad chocobo-dressed woman (at least, he assumes it's just a costume)... basically making eyes at him. He's not winking, really. That's a scar across his eye.

It's her words that draw his attention, though. He looks to her, raising an eyebrow, though he doesn't speak just yet. He will, however, turn more fully to the chocobo-woman, to more clearly express his silent confusion. And then Oriane's attention's drawn to him again...

...Jecht would have plenty of words to use here... but none of them would be fit for current company.

As it is, Auron looks to Oriane flatly. though he's at least polite enough to offer a polite nod of greeting to her. "...I'm glad to see you weren't hurt in the swamps." Really, he is! He's not /that/ vindictive.

...Okay, yeah, he is. But not to /her/. At least, not right now.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith turned to face the... priestess. "Right... well then, Oriane." She took a few steps forward, stopping a respectable distance from her... until she points out a man named Auron. Aerith waits, three feet away, making her best attempt to remain patient.

Something about this woman... did not feel right.
Navya has posed:
Navya wasn't trying to be brusque. She was trying to be polite! Cheerful! Sunny!

It doesn't always come off that way. She's kind of casual a lot of the time.

She comes to what is very nearly attention afterwards, though. "Okay, ma'am," she says. "Well, I'm Navya, like I said, and I hope we can work together." She seems to like working with /Auron/, at least. So does Chocolina, judging by the way she's acting.

Navya does giggle this time. She muffles it behind a fist, trying to clear her throat and sound professional when she speaks to Tifa. "I guess that's true. Well, we should stop it, anyway! Even regardless of - what else we're looking for."
Chocolina has posed:
Popping out of nowhere are all of Chocolina's chicks! All six of them show up, varying colors from blue to yellow. As the chocobo chicks glance over towards the priestess, well...

=.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.=


They aren't too pleased with her presence at all.

Meanwhile, Chocolina's attention is all on Auron.

"You there~ You are a choco hunky-hunky dee~ What's your name cutie~?"

"HEY! QUIT MAKING GOOGLY EYES! All of youe, slay that varmit eatin' my chocobos!" yells the old Chocobo Stable owner.

Chocolina looks rather embarassed, "Oh me, oh my! Oh, LockWark sista!" She runs over to grab the woman, "Gotta take my sista out! We'll bring that dastardly choco-eater out and we will make him choco-pay from our feathery wrath!!!"

Her eyes light into flames.


Something feels odd in the air. It is hard to say why. But something is definitely odd in the air.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart only has time to blink before Chocolina grabs her "Hey wait a-" And then she's gone. Chocolina can be pretty quick apparently, maybe as much as a chocobo. She's dragged away into the field.

Apparently she is going to be bait after all T_T.
Minerva has posed:
Minerva is suprised about all teh chicks they are so cute she's got to think. She's just looking at them them for a moment "Wellt his is itneresting but hummm something it's right. We're being watched." The monk clenches her fists and starts to look around as if expecting more trouble to come out of no where. She's also keeping up with the being dragged Tifa.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith turned toward the forest and followed after everyone else. Indeed, Minerva was correct. They were being watched, and Aerith could sense it. Eyes from everywhere, and yet she couldn't pinpoint the exact location of whatever had their sights on them. Her right hand tightened around her staff as her eyes began a scan of the area.

Definitely not going to be good if they get ambushed.
Navya has posed:
Navya tilts her head slightly. "Well, I don't know, maybe - " Chocolina runs off, with Tifa in tow. Possibly involuntarily.

"Hey, come back!" Navya abandons what might have turned into a conversation in favour of running after the pair. "You're not supposed to go without the rest of us, what if they go hunting you? What happens /then/ huh??"
Oriane Guado has posed:
It seems that everyone here is doing their best to make Oriane feel quite welcome in their own special ways. The green-eyed Guado looks curiously towards the relatively untrusting Aerith. Her apparent stiffness is not that offensive to Oriane. Most people act that way around the clergy anyways.

When the Choco-chicks gawk at Oriane, she glares right back at the little walking dumplings. "Greetings little ones," she greets with a nasty glare at the noisy, filthy creatures. And it seems that Navya is addressing her again. "Why ever would we not?" asks Oriane of her in a fakely sweet tone.

"Likewise Guardian Auron, I do hope that Lady Summoner Yuna has since recovered from that perilous encounter." When Chocolina and that other Choco girl from the casino go off to be bait, Oriane and company follow the group into the forest. Guard 1 and Guard 2 seem to be behaving themselves right now, but have drawn their weapons in preparation for a Fiend suddenly appearing. The priestess, on the other hand, is strolling idly inbetween them as if this was a mere stroll through the streets of Luca.
Auron has posed:
Auron does look up, to see the others there, and offers a polite nod of greeting to Tifa, Aerith, and Navya as well. Navya's comments draws a look, and he tilts his head a little, to regard her. His gaze seems to not be /quite/ so forbidding here. At least, until he finds himslef the object of Chocolina's attentions again. Suddenly he's very glad Jecht is not here to see this. Jecht would never let him live it down.

Auron's rather immune to cute, so the appearance of the chicocbos doesn't faze him. Even if they do seem rather abnormally interested in Oriane. Which makes him smirk a little. But Chocolina asks for his name. And he'll give it, because he'd rather her call him by his name than 'hunky-hunky dee'. Ugh. It won't be before the Chocobo Stable owner yells, but he'll offer, "...Auron." Then he'll start to follow the others out to the field, where this thing is. The frown on his face and the narrowing of that remaining eye is probably pretty clear.

He'll be remaining behind Oriane -- guarding the rear, since not only is he slowest, he's a bloody tank. However, he will hear and respond to the priestess's words. "...She has. I will relay your well-wishes," he offers. He says no more than that, though; not only is he a man of few words, he's more concerned with getting to their destination.
Chocolina has posed:
As Chocolina starts leading Tifa out to the field, she brightens her smile towards the other woman. "Oho, do not worry sistah! We shall stop the Seizui (talk)fiiiiiieenndish choco eater!" The chocobo chicks flutter around Tifa, all of them look with determination.

As the two start going deeper into the field....

A sound of a whiss streaks from the air. And it lands with a harsh thud against the solid earth. The ground shudders from the impact, making a quake underneath everyone below. It lands right nearby Tifa and Chocolina.

It is the CHOCOBO EATER!!!!!

It sniffs around and then....


Tifa LockWark: .... .... BZZZT!!
Chocolina: ... .... DING!

Oppa Bad Touch Style!

It grabs Chocolina, who flails. "Help! Help!" She cries out, "This is choco-suck-tastic! Heeeeeelllppp!" She flails her arms, reaching out to Auron, "Save me, my handsome Chocoprince! Save me with your choco-tastic bare chest of Apollo and your boco-licious fists of Mjolnir!!" Q.Q

Meanwhile, the beast is swatting the little chicks.
Chocolina has posed:
Oh, right, to describe what the Chocobo Eater looks like. Massivel bulky monter that has some thick scaley armor along his hands, shoulders, and legs. It has massively large jaws. and it is blue.
o/`I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...o/`
Aerith has posed:
And the bait thing does not work, as it goes for the leader of this little expedition, Chocolina! Aerith grimaced and ran after the Chocobeast, aiming to get his captive and potential next meal back. She aims for the monster with a well-placed ice spell, hoping to do something to make him think twice about what to add in his diet.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart is just batted away apparently. Maybe he doesn't like barmaid in chocobo costumes. It could be alot worse for her either way, at least she's not going to be eaten!

Which isn't the case for Chocolina right now. "Hey, let her go!" She could tell it 'I'm more delicious', but for some reason she doesn't want to find out if its true either.

She moves back to her feet and goes for the attack instead. Which is quite the feat when wearing high heels too, in the middle of a forest like that.

She just curses that she's stuck int his costume to fight once again. She better get a good pay for this...
Minerva has posed:
Minerva stares at the huge beast and gets a bit wide eyed at it. She wasn't expecting something like this. She narrows her eyes for a moment before takes a deep breath. She's suprised at Tifa also being a monk it seems and that gets a grin out of her. "Come beast lets see how you fair against my fists!" She launches her self at the beast her first catching fire and lauches into a series of strikes, then her firsts free and the attacks contiune on the beast.
Oriane Guado has posed:
Oriane Guado follows this probably poorly thought out plan on Chocolina's part and tries not to smile too obviously when everything goes pear-shaped for her and her chicks. The Black Mage of sorts is just about to begin working her magic when she remembers that her guards were annoyingly still here. "Don't worry Priestess! We got this!" Guard One shouts before flexing.

Her impecile of a guard then CHAAAAAAAARGES at the Choco-Eater with Guard Two in tow. They both use their sharp stabby sticks to poke at the monster. Once more, Oriane tries not to laugh at the futility of her own guards. Their loyalty was admireable, but their battle tactics and intelligence were not.
Navya has posed:
"Seriously, come back!"

Navya runs pretty quickly right until the giant... /thing/ jumps out of nowhere. That gets her to slow down. Stop, actually. But it's picked up Chocolina, who is nominally her employer, and in any case Navya doesn't want to see anyone get hurt!

"We gotta save her!" Navya unshoulders her gigantic hammer, running forward; she slams it downward as she leaps into the air, trying to smash it into the ground so hard the ground literally breaks under it in a shower of stones while launching herself up into the air, wings beating wildly to lift her up.

She's really not much cleverer at this than the guards.
Auron has posed:
..../So/ glad Jecht isn't here. /SO/ glad Jecht isn't here....

That's odd, Auron didn't think Chocobo Eaters ate people. Then agian, he's heard of an 'Anything Eater'... maybe that's what this is. He is, of course, still unaware that there's anything amiss with Chocolina other than being a little off her rocker.

...Okay a /lot/ off her rocker.

Regardless of how crazy she is -- and reglardless of how much this is going to look like he /is/ her chocoprince coming to the rescue -- that fiend has Chocolina, and from the looks of it, is going to eat her if they don't do something. Hopefully his experience with these fiends in Spira will help him. Otherwise Chocolina's going to be a very tasty snack.

So what's he going to do? Well, killing this this fast is paramount on his list. So he's first going to try and make all their hits hurt worse. This is a typical tactic for him to being with, too. He pauses, to concentrate and channel his energy into his blade. And as he makes a swing at the Chocobo Eater, a yellow gleam slides down his blade....
Chocolina has posed:
Needless to say, regarding Aerith's ice spell, to describe best as to what happens to the ice magic that flies at the Chocobo Eater, let's imagine this as if it was a Pac-Man game.

>:(Ice Magic)
>:(ce Mag)
>:(e M)


Graphic, huh?

As Tifa charges to attack, the creature brings its meaty hands up to guard against her kicks. It beats its chest, releasing a roar.

As Minerva moves to strike it with those hammer fists, it lifts its arms up to guard, but gives off a wince as the flames lick through its meaty defenses. The guards move in to strike the beast, the sharp point sticks only irritting it.

It is now >:(

Only to see that Navya is coming with the hammer.


It's head bounces off the ground and it is high in the air.

As Chocolina flails, she starts beating its meaty arms with her fists of wrath.


Out of nowhere, the Chocobo Eater pulls out a piece of tape and puts it over Chocolina's mouth.

"CHOCOBO GIRL TALK TOO MUCH!" It is gaining airtime. The swing of the energy tears against the beast, a roar screeching of before it collapses.

It is angry.


It slams its form down, releasing a frost of chilly air around. Then, it starts slamming its fists down, creating a shuddering earth that slams its rocks down towards everyone around.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith grimaced as she gets hit by... whatever that was... but more so at the fact that he om-noms the blizzard spell. Fine then... how about /this/?

Aerith changed tactics. If you weren't going to freeze, perhaps fire would be more effective. And so she channeled the Lifestream, drawing in the familiar pale green streams of spirit energy until her eyes glowed. "You wanna eat?" One of her materia flared to life. "Then eat this!"

Fire go boom.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart gets deflected! Well doesn't matter too much, the others seems to be getting their hits in at least. She kicks off one of the Eater's paws, putting some distance between her and it, which brings her out of range from the wild fist slamming.

"That this is pretty tough." She raises and eyebrow as it talks "... It can talk? What the..." Sure doesn't look very intelligent to her, but speaking puts it higher than she expected.

And then she sweatdrops at the duct tape. Far more intelligent.

She's not giving up though, as long as the Chocobo Eater doesn't gulp up Chocolina... She jumps up, pushing herself off a tree, and up toward the Chocobo's Eater's head, driving a knee up under its chin, and then a spinning kick on its shoulder, hoping to make it drop Chocolina.
Oriane Guado has posed:
Oriane Guado looks to be having a migraine attack as her guards repeated try to stab at Chocobo-eater. It is only then that she notices a certain frosty mist of seemingly draining properties. The priestess is unharmed, but the monster's fist slamming causes both Guard 1 and Guard 2 to go AIIIIIIIIIIIIE and get thrown several feet which is enough to knock them both unconcious.

Tsk. Tsk. It seems that she will have to handle this herself afterall. But first, she has to do something about this draining feeling. Her eyes close as she begins chanting a 'prayer' to herself. An unholy aura surrounds the priestess as she calls out to the dark powers to aid her. The end result is a smoky purplish haze that swirls around the Guado lazily.
Navya has posed:
Navya does manage to get up in the air by bouncing off the Chocobo Eater, but it doesn't actually help all that much. She's just as easy a target up there as down, apparently - at least for power-draining mist.

Navya continues to stay overhead, flying in a short loop above the monster. "Put her down!" she yells, continuing to fly. She's more gathering her power for another strike than anything else, though she's dangerously swinging the hammer around... but mostly she's tensing, waiting for /it/ to try to hit /her/.
Auron has posed:
Auron tries to defend, placing the blade in front of him. But... it doesn't hit him on a physical level. It hits him on a level he can't defend against -- his qi. He emits a growl under his breath. Though the growl dies in his throat, and his remaining eye widens as he hears /words/.

Now he /really/ wants to use Jecht's not-nice words here!

No fiend can speak unless it was an Unsent previously. At least, not in Spira. That eye narrows again. So this is even /more/ a point of putting a spirit to rest? As well as protecting someone who doesn't deserve to be eaten, even if she does run her mouth far too much. Even the fiend agrees!

The assault on his qi has left him a little too weak. But maybe if he gives it a moment, he can recover. He waits, drawing in a deep breath to steady himself, and envisions his qi replenishing itself from the earth. And he also notices something else. There's at least one of his allies who's using magic on this thing. Maybe he can help with that too, since it doesn't seem to be doing much damage. At least, the ice didn't.

Once again he pauses, to collect himself... and then as he lunges forward to take a swing at the beast, a purple gleam slides down the edge of his blade. Let's hope this works....
Chocolina has posed:
Poor Chocolina has tape on her mouth. The noisy chocobo girl is silenecd by the big brute that is doing bad things to her! Like gripping her sand squeezing her! She is hoping that it doesn't eat her! It has bad breath! Q.Q

Meanwhile, the large beast of destruction growls, turning towards Aerith. Of course, when she manifests the flames to tear against it, the beast releases a roar of pain. WRRRRRRRYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

The monster then sees Tifa coming down with the knee to the head. HGNK! A kick to the shoulder. God. It releases Chocolina, who is now collapsed and is currently @.@

She'll live.

When Auron charges at the beast with his blade, the breast lifts those meaty arms in front of him to guard against his slashes. The sound of *TINK* stirs.

It starts clapping its hnds, trying to make sure everyone's heardrums go out, then it slams its arms down to smack against the group with a swing.
Oriane Guado has posed:
Oriane's imagined migraine becomes a real one as the Heartless rudely unleashes a harmful cacophony of clapping in her direction. She clutches at her ears in agony before turning the nastiest glare she can muster at the Heartless. She has just about had enough of this creatures's shenanigans.

Wordlessly, the necromancer touches the ground and begins to draw the very life from where she is standing. The grass around her promptly dies suspiciously and she begins conjuring tendrils of purplish black energy into a small orb. The orb then 'bursts' into a larger fiery orb of potential pain. Oriane Guado now cruelly smiles towards the Heartless creature. "Die," she states simply in a voice that is barely a whisper. The orb then is 'shot' out towards the Chocobo Eater.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart doesn't have much time after landing down after her attack, that its her ears that get attacked. What an incredibly annoying noise! She plugs her ears with her hands, but its not doing much to help here. She arghs, and moves it to attack the thing again. She tries to trip it down this time, since Chocolina got freed up, she can attack at her pace at least.

Her attack aims for the back of the Chocobo Eater's knees. She taught Aerith something about equilibrium and tripping opponents, and that's one of the parts to aim for. Doesn't matter what size it is, if you hit at the right spot, it will buckle down like the rest.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith would not be making the same mistake twice, not like last time.

She prepared herself for the next attack, three different materia flaring to life on her staff. Defensive wards and healing magic washed over her, yet she felt her restorative spells... falter somewhat.

"Shoot... stupid thing." This was all the monster's fault!
Minerva has posed:
Minerva is just gong to take it light for now as the otehrs are fighting and poor Chocolina she's got hit up pretty badly. Minerva takes a deep breach before she leaps at the beast again launching her seelf for the creature's head to strike at the vunrable parts on it's face over and over again. "FOUL BEAST! FALL!"
Navya has posed:
/This/ time, being in the air helps Navya. It hurts her ears when the thing claps its hands together, but she's too far overhead for it to actually strike her with its gigantic sweeping fists, so that's good enough for her.

And hey! It put Chocolina down. That means it's definitely okay to hit.

"Okay, you stupid big Chocobo-stealing blue-scaled jerk! I'm going to kick your butt!" Navya's wings flap even more wildly as she ascends, shooting up into the sky. She goes up quite a ways, barely visible.

And then she descends. Navya descends in a steep dive, not bothering to pull up at the end; she dives all the way to the ground, /slamming/ the hammer down into (and possibly through) the behemoth as she lands.

Once landed, she braces herself on the ground, winds up, and delivers a swing rather like a baseball champ hitting a home run. "FORE!" The inertia of her hammer actually spins her around in a loop twice before she swivels it, resting its head against the ground. She's kind of dizzy now.
Auron has posed:
Auron tries to defend against that, too. Because he's not fast, and trying to dodge would be a bad idea. But there's not really much defense against a shockwave and a giant fist, even with a Spiran Katana. Thankfully it won't cause any long-term hearing loss -- he's kinda already dead, that kind of damage wouldn't stick for long. It /hurts/, though!

Suck it up, Auron. There's someone to be protected! That in mind, despite the fact that he's dizzy as all get-out, Auron makes his way over to where Chocolina's on the ground with swirly eyes. Wouldn't do much good if the Chocobo Eater managed to get hold of her again. It could just abscond with her and ignore them.

Despite who it is he's protecting, a Guardian's instincts are what they are. He makes to place himself between Chocolina and the fiend. And he plants his feet. Full Guardian mode!

He pauses, waiting. Remaining eye closed. That seems remarkably stupid doesn't it? Except as he does, a barely-visible, rippling 'aura' seems to be fading into existence around him. The others' attacks come... and then that eye snaps open. He sweeps up into the air, seeming to hover a bit longer than he should. And when he lands, the tip of his sword is planted in the ground.

The cloud of energy that surrounds his feet probably isn't going to do much... but the explosion of energy underneath the Chocobo Eater might, unless the fiend is fast!
Chocolina has posed:
The Good: Chocolina is free.
The Bad: Chocobo Eater is still alive.
The Ugly: ...Seriously, it's still alive.

The Chocobo Eater is angry. It is even more angry when the blackish purple orb manifests and is flung towards it. As the meteor-like orb impacts the creature, it releases a howling scream.

Next, Tifa goes after the bac of its knees. When Tifa strikes down to the back of those knees....


It collapses pretty hard. The creature turns to see Minerva punching it in the face. With Tifa knocking it on its knees, it allows Minerva to keep striking it down pretty hard.

It growls, trying to get up to its feet. However, when Navya slams the hammer into the behemoth..

CRACK! It smacks against the creature pretty hard. Then, it is left open for a home-run style smash, it is sent flying pretty far into the air.

A single golden chocobo feather is flying out of the creature's mouth...

It descends...

And descends..

Right between Tifa's bosoms. Perfect fit.


Chocolina is slowly getting to her feet, or at least, gaining conscious. She looks up towards Auron.

Chocolina Vision:

~ Sparkles emit from around Auron as he turns to face Chocolina. "Do not worry, my choco-loved Chocolina. Come under my feathery arms." ~

> Chocolina has found hope in Auron's grizzled, Adonis bod.

"Awwww....~" Her eyes shimmer. All surrounding her are the chocobo chicks, who all "Awww~" at Auron.

Meanwhile, Chocobo Eater is coming back from its fight. It is pissed. It is going to bite down and tear everyone apart. "YOU'RE NEXT!" He snarls, then he comes right in time for the explosion of energy underneath it. It falls on his back and twitches. It slowly starts getting back up. It is in pain.

It is angry.


It start pounding the ground. Over. And over. And over. And over Debris is hit everywhere. Craters are made. But all of that debris strike the air and begin colliding down on everyone.
Aerith has posed:
Right, time to get to the heart of the matter.

Now that Chocolina was freed, Aerith had no qualms about unleashing her potential. And by that, she meant zapping the damn thing to kingdom come. So she drew in a healthy dose of spirit energy, channeled it toward her materia, and flung her left hand outward, sending a sphere of lightning speeding toward its eventual target, mister tall, dark, and... well, blue.

Hopefully he'd go all fzzzzzt.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart watches the golden feather plant itself into her bosom.


Come on, its not THAT big of a target now, is it? ._.

Anyhow, she doesn't have time to react much, when the Chocobo eater starts to trample around noisily, she tries to shield herself with her arms. But a shimmering shield seems to appear, pushing the waves of the attack behind her, leaving her unharmed. She blinks a bit, and looks at the feather. Well, it can be handy apparently.

But she doesn't give it time to attack more. Gotta finish this now. She charges up her explosive fist, her homemade Final Feather- I mean Heaven, crushing it into the Chocobo Eater's belly with a crunching sound. "And stay down!"
Navya has posed:
Navya is still a little dizzy.

Which is why when the Chocobo Eater swings at her, she automatically swings back - and misses entirely, slamming the gigantic hammer against the ground. Rocks fly up and right back at it, but not enough to either protect her from falling debris or take it out.

"Hey, hey!" she says, finally recovering from her impromptu spin cycle. "That hurt! I'm going to show you what we do to monsters in Camoa!" She glances around, looking for the feather -

Oh, there it is. It takes her a moment to spot.

Navya flushes slightly, returning her attention to the Chocobo Eater. "You ready?" she asks before winding up, apparently for another gigantic swing... which never comes, as Navya abandons the hammer entirely in favour of charging at the monster, leaping on it bare-handed, grabbing on, and repeatedly trying to headbutt it right in the forehead.

Navya tends to win headbutt contests. She has horns.
Oriane Guado has posed:
The Chocobo Eater thows another childish tamtrum which knocks Oriane Guado off her feet and then a piece of flying debris SLAMS the priestess against the ground causing an indentation in the dead grass that she had just got done killing. Tch. That actually hurt. She lies there stunned for a moment before snapping out of it and slowly rising to her feet.

The Necromancer turns towards the angry child of a monster and begins conjuring some dark magic. The presence of whatever Oriane is conjuring is oppressive to those nearby by the sheer strength of the dark and terrible forcess that she binds together. "Foul beast. Let Death humble you!" And then Oriane unleashes a HUGE beam of dark energy while conjuring something terrible in the sky. At the same time, a pulsating boulder hurdles towards the heartless as her death beam streaks out towards the monster. It seems that the Priestess has gotten rather serious in this fight. But will her efforts be rewarded or punished?
Auron has posed:
The Chocobo Eater starts punding the ground. And doesn't stop. Debris starts to rain down. And Chocolina's in the area radius. Auron doesn't think. He turns, raising his sword to the back of his head to protect himself from the worst of the debris. He's acting as a shield for Chocolina, so the debris doesn't hit her. Even with his best preparations, though, a large piece of debris slams into the top of his head. The impact forces him to the ground on one knee. He pauses there a moment, trying to get his bearings. Okay, he's dizzy now.

But when he does get his bearings? Now he's ticked. After a moment to make sure Chocolina's at least /alive/, he turns again, still on the ground. And again, his remianing eye narrows. Time to show this thing he's mad.

He stands slowly, turning to face the fiend again. He has to step away from Chocolina to do this, but he steps /forward/, so he's still between the fiend and the choco-lady. And then he stances, low. Gathering energy. A whirlwind begins to form around him. And still he waits, gathering that energy, feeding that whirlwind... until he flings it at the fiend. And soon his jug of Nog follows. That ouch to make things suitably hot for the Chocobo Eater. Considering that the Nog will catch the WHOLE WHIRLWIND on fire!
Minerva has posed:
Minerva sees Tifa is just unlaodeing and impressed at the woman's form. Her martial arts form if one were to press her about it. She's meanwhile trying to not get mauled from here to hell. She's well not so lucky this time as she's been well wrecked hard even with all her ability to endur pain this hurts and she's just keeping back as she's trying to recover her focus to keep fighting.

"If that is how you wish to fight beast...."
Chocolina has posed:
In the midst of its temper tantrum, the Chocobo Eater continues to screech and roar. Suddenly, a sphere of lightning races down towards the creature.

LIKE A BOLT OUT OF BLUE! One can see the skeleton reveal itself as the creature is tasered like no tomorrow. It is shocked that it could be doing the electric slide. As it howls in pain, Tifa comes forth with her fist flying.

As the fist strikes against the belly....

Nothing seems to happen.

It did not know.... it was already dead.

*KABOOM!!!!* The explosion is grand. It is fierce. It is a spantacular sight to behold of such destruction.

And then... Navya comes down with charging the beast against its forehead. The impact cracks what's left of its braincells, bringing it down to its knees.

And the malevolent beam of energy strikes down through it, tearing the beast asunder in this field.

And as the whirlwind gathers around the Chocobo Eater, the erupting flames scorch and sear along its body. It rumbes, fading into the pyreflies. The hot whirlwind erupts....

It is defeated...


Cue Victory Theme!

In fact, all of the Chocobo Chicks gather together to start chiming the fanfare theme.

Chocolina is the conductor of the song.
Chocolina has posed:
The other chocobo feather joins with its breathern. Right between Tifa's bosom.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith rests herself against a tree for a moment, observing the last embers of the Chocobo Eater for a brief moment. The glow in her eyes dies down and she sports a placid smile after a few more seconds of waiting. "Right... that was simple, wasn't it?" She turned toward Tifa. "Nice touch there."
Navya has posed:
Navya's head...

...doesn't hurt. Who knew?

"Serves it right," she says, picking up her hammer again and resting it over her shoulder. It sticks out behind her a long, long way - if you're near her, duck when she turns around! Which she does now, checking on CHocolina (conducting: must be fine) and then further on. "You got them?" she asks Tifa, before... "Oh. Yeah, you still got them."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart phews as the Chocobo Eater goes down with a loud THUD. Well, beside the other noises of course, with all of hte explosions, thunder and everything else. Makes you wonder what was the nosiest, the Chocobo Eater's tantrums, or the people trying to defeat it.

And then the second Feather joins the first, thanks to the Overkill.



"Do I have magnets on my chest or something!?!" She gahs, and reatches into her top to get the feathers out of there.
Navya has posed:
Navya very politely turns her back when Tifa does that. Her tail flicks. She's trying not to laugh again.
Auron has posed:
...Whew. It's dead. As the victory fanfare that Chocolina's leading the little chicks in begins, Auron draws a breath, letting the point of his sword rest on the ground for a moment. Just long enough for him to push his glasses up a little higher on the bridge of his nose. He's catching his breath. Er, so to speak. Once he does, he sheathes his sword, and re-tucks his arm in his haori. No sense showing off that he's not bleeding and he should be.

Tifa's plight draws a slight smirk, and he closes that eye briefly. And then he takes quick stock of his allies, to see who all is injured. He'll distribute Potions as necessary. Chocolina seems fine, as she's jumping around so. Still, he spares her a glance, to see if she's all right.
Oriane Guado has posed:
The circle around Oriane which marks the line between living flora and dead flora increases significantly after unleashing her last attack. Dropping to a knee, the pale complected Guado slowly regains her breath before gracefully rising to her feet and dusting herself off like nothing major happened at all.

Guard One and Guard Two also begin to slowly rouse from being KOed to witness the aftermath of the battlefield with crates upon craters all around. They then run to Oriane's side who greets the guards with pair of swift slaps. Both men reel back from the blow and look bewildered at their mistress. "Fools. If you are going to give up that easy in a confrontation then you should lay down and die like beasts before the slaughter. If you truly value those insignificant lives of yours, you must train hard and fight much harder." Eh. Was that a well-meaning lecture from Oriane to her guards?

The fleeing pyreflies now command Oriane's attention a cruel smile appears on her lips as she turns towards Auron knowingly. "Guardian Auron, you survive yet another encounter. I have begun to wonder if you truly can be killed at all." With that said, she then turns to look towards the others to see if how close they all are to death. Oriane accepts no potion, but fanboy Guard One quickly runs to Auron's side to retrieve some potion for the trio.
Chocolina has posed:
Meanwhile, Chocolina leaps onto Auron, wrapping both of her 'wings' around.
"YouallsavedmeandIgotmychocohunkwithme! This is the greatest day of my chocolife!"
The Chocobo Stables owner sighs, clearing his throat. "...Thank you, everyone." He looks behind him, gazing out to see at the fields a little far away.

Slowly, more and more of the chocobo are returning to the field.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith glanced down at Oriane's feet... and a light frown graced her once placid features.

The earth around her... the grass, the soil, all the way down to the roots of trees... was silent. It didn't speak, she couldn't hear it. Dead, was what that meant.

A shiver ran along her spine as she realized what this woman was now. Yes, there was something wrong with her, and despite all pretenses, she was not friendly... nor did she want to be friends. When she used magic, things died... whether it was her target or not.

No... not friendly at all.
Minerva has posed:
Minerva looks at the beast for a moment she pauses tilign her head for a moment as if waiting for something. Then the beast well? It's totally dead and she takes a step back staring. "What manner of beast what that! It was no creature of flesh nor undead!" She just stares and then the Chocobos start warking that just gets her laughing. They seem to be singing.
Auron has posed:
Oriane's words draw his attention, and Auron looks to her, raising a brow at the Guado priestess's words. For a moment he says nothing, waiting until she turns away. "...We'll see." And then he too makes to turn and walk away...

Except he finds himself with a chocogirl latching onto him in a modified deathgrip a moment later! He gives a quiet, strangled sound of surprise, and freezes utterly. But he doesn't speak. What can he say? He does, however, respond to the Stable Owner. HEY, it's something else to concentrate on!

Auron nods. "...Your flocks should be safe now." It's a short response, given from someone who really isn't used to speaking. But there's a girl clining to him. And he has no idea how to deal with this.

And then to Minerva's question, "...That. Was a fiend." And with that, he'll aim to head back. If Chocolina won't let go, he'll just have to act as escort, won't he...?
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart moves over to the Ranch's owner, smiling "We took care of the Chocobo Eater. I'm sure the chcoobos will be safe now." She looks at the two feathers in her hands for a moment, wondering what she'll do with two of those now. She knows she needs one for the Don and the Queen of Card, but what about the other one now? Well, maybe she can turn this into a broach or something...
Oriane Guado has posed:
Oh sweet and sickeningly naive Aerith! There is nothing intrinsically wrong with Death and the magic in which brings it. Some creatures are as adept at dying as they are at living. Oriane merely expedites this process by developing a mastery over the subject, In the end, it still very much is the circle of life. Then again, there are some beings who outright refuse to die.

-Auron- is subject to a curious look when he glances her way. She won't say anything too revealing yet. Why would she? Without Yuna here to antagonize, revealing anything more about Auron would not be amusing at all. The church's mission here is complete it seems. The Priestess strides forward and gestures around herself. "Praise be to Yevon. We are victorious," says the woman in another deadpan before sauntering off with her guards in tow.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart bows to Oriane and Auron as well, smiling "Thank you for all of the help." There were quite a few fighters here, and all of them pretty strong. Although people weren't here for her in particular, she still aprpeciates the help on a task she was given.

Still, have to wonder why the Don and the Queen of Cards came to her out of all people. Could have chosen a group like the Shard Seekers as well.