Full Report on Mystery

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Full Report on Mystery
Date of Scene: 31 January 2013
Location: Fluorgis
Synopsis: After Emi's investigations, she went to search for the leader of the Shard Seekers to give him a full report of her findings.
Cast of Characters: Reize Seatlan, Emi Dennou

Reize Seatlan has posed:
The days have passed by and the atmosphere is tense, yet it retains its symbolic free nature for all outsiders to enjoy. The city most accomodating to the explorers and adventurers that pass by, the lush air trade city is able to retain some form of business.

But it is not as plentiful as before.

The attraction and the traffic is noticably light. The vendors continue to sell their wares and people eye the goods. However, there is a noticable traffic and the worry with the people.

Up at the top is a marble bridge to connect the two flat lands together. It allows those to get a wonderous view of the city. Reize is able to watch from the bridgeway. Looking down towards the people and the interactivity, the Boy with the Long Yellow Scarf gives a considerable frown. All what he can do is consider how the Shard Seekers will defend the city. He also contemplates the extend that the brewing situation in Cleyra will affect Fluorgis in general.
Emi Dennou has posed:
One two ready go ready go ready go ready go.

Where are the clouds of doom coming from? That's the big question on Emi's mind. But how can she investigate it? She is no meteorologist for instance. Maybe she could hire one out? Do they even follow such patterns? Maybe they're just magic, appearing from nowhere but part of some spellbook or something

The other matter on Emi's mind is a job she had been given, so to speak, during her meeting with the mayor. She has her hands swung up behind her and she spots Reize on the bridge. Well, that makes things easier. Sort of.

She approaches him, ultimately standing behind him before she finally speaks.

"Reize. Do you have a moment? This one would like some of your time." She isn't sure if he got her earlier message but, well, this is one way to find out.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
There is a lot to take in. A lot to process. So many events. Time to put away his selfish desires for just a while longer.

Reize turns to face the direction of the approaching Emi. He greets her with a brighten smile, "Ooii, Emi." He greets with a smile, then he considers the letter that was presented at his room, "I got the letter."

One of the parts that was presented earns a wince, "I was afraid that it was focused towards the city." It was something that he was afraid of. However, the information regarding the fire crystal is something that made him squnt. A private discussion.

Nevertheless, Reize looks over towards Emi, "I thank you for your efforts so far."
Emi Dennou has posed:
La, la-la la, la la-la.

"You're welcome, but it's just my job." Emi looks down at her feet. She is not looking directly at Reize for some reaosn but otherwise she's being the consummate professional--or at least making a go of faking it. She considers what to start with, but Reize helpfully provides a topic. She keeps her hands behind her back.

"The fire crystal's light is dimming." Emi says bluntly. "This isn't to be public information, but we cannot simply 'defend' Fluorgis anymore. The Network suspects that if matters continue as is, Fluorgis will fall through attrition. The source of the clouds must be discovered and dealt with."

Behind her back, her hands tighten. It shouldn't be worrying her but--

"That is the bad news unfortunately, the good news is that we have uncovered the reason for the Shard Seekers having difficulty being accepted as a full fledged clan. And with luck, it should be dealt with as well."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
This is not a good sign. Emi's short and blunt answer towards the dangers in Fluorgis itself gives the boy a shocked look. It was like jabbing a spear against his heart. Reize wilts, and then he rubs his forehead as he tries to consider the next course of action.

"So that is it." He looks contemplative, trying to figure out what is the next plan. The surce of the clouds are currently unknown. Nevertheless, they'll have to figure out something.

However, she has discovered the difficulty of the Shard Seekers being a full clan.

"...Really?!" He brightens, then he muses. Personally, Reize doesn't mind the group not being a full clan, but the others, however, likely would. "What was the reason?"
Emi Dennou has posed:
How best to explain this, Emi thinks. Well she already has her answer in her hands, but there shall be no hesitation, she resolves. Lets get this done. Reprecussions are for those that can't get away with their actions.

She suddenly thrusts both a hand outward, swinging the other to her side. In her hands is some manner of letter. It is for Reize. It has a dotted i. But the 'dot' is in fact 'a heart'. There is no indication who it is from. The writing is in an elegant cursive.

Emi approaches her, steeling herself, a determined focus in her eyes. They're practically sparkling.

She trots forward with no fanfare whatsoever. Reize is trapped by bridge. WILL HE FALL OVER AGAIN? No because Emi has heard the story and is prepared, her other hand lashes out for his hand, intending to hold it firm so he cannot escape through a comical pratfall!

She then leans forward, intending to give him a light kiss on the cheek. THIS IS SUDDEN?
Reize Seatlan has posed:
When both hands are presented out towards him, Reize sees the letter given to him. "...Eh..?!" He peers at the letter with a heart on it. He moves his hand to take the letter, blinking many times before he inspects it. "...Wh--what is th--.."

Reize's antenna hair starts bouncing around. It tunes in to the feeling of the atmosphere.


By the time Reize drops his hands, the warning is too late. The other hand takes his and he gives a surprised look on his face, "Emi?!" He is unable to escape, no please to run or hide.r
And then.... that light kiss on the cheek.


The antenna hair rises and the boy's face is completely red. "E-Emi?!"
Emi Dennou has posed:
It seems Reize's danger sense is improving... but it is not leveled up enough yet!

Emi pulls back, wiping lightly at her mouth with her index finger. She then cups her chin for a moment, looking down as if she were performing a Sherlock Scan on that kiss of all things. But she doesn't comment on it.

Instead she explains. "Councilman Averroe's daughter, Maria, gave me that note and wished for me to pass that, and a kiss, onto you." Very professionally in fact. "As a fellow pigtail wearing individual, we could not ignore her plight, The Network explains."

She bobs her head towards the note and adds, "It appears she is infatuated with you which is understandable--apparently you had rescued her. This may seem like a nonsequitor but it is in fact very relevant to why the Clan has been having trouble securing official legitimacy."

She sighs lightly and adds, "Councilman Averroe seems to be quite an influential man on the Council and he seems to think you have been taking advantage of his daughter. The daughter, of course, knows he is being overbearing. Nevertheless something akin to this was within our suspicions." She turns her head. Contrary to Reize, she's not blushing at all.

"So we were prepared. We have convined the mayor to speak up on your behalf again, armed with some new statements. We believe that at the very least, you will have your official status soon--presuming Fluorgis is not destroyed in the interim. The Network hopes you find this to your satisfaction."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize's eyebrows furrow towards Emi after she plants the kiss. She did not comment after the kiss, but Reize had questions! He raises an eyebrow until she finally answers his question. So the councilman's daughter told Emi to pass the note and the kiss onto him.


The boy exhales a sigh, then he rubs his forehead as she begins going about the process of how it is relevant to the situation. In his mind, Reize is recalling something long ago. So long ago.


At the bridge of Fluorgis....

Chibi Maria: I want to thank you for saving me. *leans over to kiss*
Chibi Reize: *leans at the bridge* It's no trouble at all--- *ohgodnokiss---ACCKABOUTTOFALL*
Chibi Maria: !!! *grabs Reize and pulls him close to prevent him from falling*
Chibi Reize: *falls on and accidentally gropes*
Chibi Maria: !!! *background becomes pink and blush*
Chibi Averroe: *walks in on the two* ....
Chibi Reize and Maria: D:


Reize has a shade of darkness over his eye. He winces, recollecting the memories of the councilman. Reize exhales a sigh, shaking his head. "Mada mada.... Figures." Then, a look of relief comes over his face, "...Thank you, Emi. The Shard Seekers appreciate your efforts. ..And we won't allow Fluorgis to be destroyed."
Emi Dennou has posed:
"Next time it may be more appropriate to simply accept the thank you." Emi suggests as if reading his mind. She's not, but she can make assumptions.

"That is good to know, however. We apologize for acting without your request, but it was something we felt strongly about. It is important to get paid for your work--paid properly."

She pauses for a moment before adding, "The Network inquires if you are thankful enough to buy us lunch." Hey food is expensive!! well okay it can be. She's hungry!!
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"Eh heh heh heh..." Reize rubs the back of his head, that shade of darkness returning. Hoo boy. Nevertheless, he brightens considerably. "It's.. alright." He sighs for a moment. He had wondered why they had been working so hard, yet they received very little despite the overal respect that the Shard Seekers have received.

Nevertheless, Reize laughs a bit. Lunch is a concern for th Network. He moves over to pat Emi on the back before giving her a nod. "...Yeah." He grins, "Let's head to the tavern."