Home Is...

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Home Is...
Date of Scene: 05 November 2012
Location: Fluorgis, Shard Seekers HQ
Synopsis: After returning from the charity dinner and auction, Shiki and Reize discuss what a busy day it's been.
Cast of Characters: Shiki Misaki, Reize Seatlan

Shiki Misaki has posed:
Man, what time is it? Like 1 am in the morning? 2 am?

Nevertheless, it was worth staying up way past our bedtimes. The benefits of being a bunch of adventurers out on our own, roughing it with no supervision! We can sleep when we want! Eat what we want! Buy what we want?

Apparently we came home with a painting.

"So hey, that was a pretty good night, wasn't it?" Shiki says, walking in and slinging her purse onto a couch. "Think it went pretty well."

"For a first date," she adds with a wink.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
That's right. Reize and Shiki are coming home with a painting. Or rather, a couple of them. One of them is the one he purchased for 20 gold pieces and the other is the one bidded on by Riku. If not all three of his paintings. However, the one that Reize bought was the one of the little boy, with the teddy bear, reaching for the stars.

The young man is still grumbling about the outfit. When he finally makes his way inside, he starts to set the paintings on the wall. After setting them down, he undoes the restrictive tie to his neck. "Guh, finally!"

He turns to face Shiki, smiling a bit, "Yeah, the event went well!" Then, he blinks.

tFirst date...? Shiki will be able to see the flush forming along his face, "Err... Y-yeah."
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Shiki snerks. "Oh, let me believe," she says casually, waving it off. You terrible tease, Misaki.

"Where are we going to put them?" she wonders. "I can't remember, actually, did Riku manage to get the one with the... what was it. The one I liked? The guy riding a key and lots of guys fighting?"

Mr Mew also starts taking off his tuxedo, because he's a cat, and cats are allowed to walk around naked. Especially plush ones. You can't stop me, humans!

"I think one might be nice to hang up here, so everyone can see it."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
The boy rubs the back of his head sheepishly, then he starts looking over to the paintings, "I'll have to ask where Riku wants his. However..." He takes the one with the boy reaching for the star. "...This one, I am not sure yet.." He starts rummaging around to face Shiki, "Riku bought the black art with the eye flecks, a CAT graffiti, and the statuette wit the key-shaped butterfly wings...."

A smile is given, then he looks over at Mr. Mew with envy. Reize wants to toss off the restrictive clothes as well. Oh well.

Reize looks over towards Shiki, musing over to earlier today. It is something that's troubling him.

"...You know, I ...I messed up bad earlier, didn't I?"
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"Ah, too bad. Well, the one by CAT's nice, it'll remind me of home."

Shiki sits down on the sofa with a 'whoof', mentioning something about how she shouldn't sit down, she'll fall asleep there.

When Reize mentions what happened in the afternoon, she puts her chin in her hands, elbows on knees.

"I don't really know," she says, finding it a little awkward to get the words out.

"You know what I said in, you know, Cleyra? Last week, or whenever it was? About how my memories felt kind of messed up? I don't know, maybe something like that's happened to Neku."

"He's definitely not the same as I remember him being. I mean, seriously, he was finally starting to..."

She thinks for a minute, and sits back, looking at the ceiling. "You kinda did, but I'm not going to hold it against you. I think there's something wrong."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
What is Reize to do? ...Let her go? Not quite. However, it is the matter that she is her partner. Reize is listening to her, regarding her situation in Cleyra. After she relates it to him, Reize starts to consider his options.

He thinks over the matter, then he finally offers her a faint smile. "...I think you should go find him. I think he misses you, despite of...." He considers over the matter, his hands brought over to the wall. "...This place will still be here for you." He turns to face Shiki, "But considering that you have been trying to find him..."

"...Is it right to leave him be right now?"
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Shiki glances sidelong at Reize.


"I'll give him a call and see if I can chase him up... like... maybe some time this week. Probably easier to talk to him by myself... uh, you know, no offense. I'll go get a chilli dog with him and make sure he's up to speed with everything. Maybe we can go find Yashiro and give her some payback, huh?"

"But, you know. It's not like he's just going to be sleeping under a tree. He's got WildKat. I mean, technically, if you and me didn't go trekking across three deserts to get to Fluorgis, I'd be living out of there myself."

"And besides."

She looks at Reize and points. "You're my partner, too, and this place is home now. I just got used to this place, I'm not going to be leaving any time soon."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
...Reize gets the feeling that he would have taken a swing at Neku. The boy was pretty irritated with the guy. However, Reize is also aware of the effects behind socking Neku in the face.

A sigh is considered, then the young man rests his hand towards his pendant. Turning to face Shiki with a smile, "Right.. Just know, even if you do have to leave to be his partner full time, you still have a place here. I knew that you wouldn't leave us permantly. As you said, this place is home for you as well..."

The smile grows, "....But when you do, you'll know why I often generally leave." ...Even if it gets him nearly killed at the process.

"Reasons that are our own and very important to us."
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"Did I ever tell you," Shiki ponders out loud, "What me, Lily and Lenn decided on?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize turns his head to face Shiki, listening to her question.

Lenn... Shiki... and Lily...

His hand, remaining on his pendant, tightens. He looks back at Shiki with a curious look, "...What did you all decide on?"
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Shiki giggles.

"Well, I spoke to Lenn, and then I spoke to Lily, and all three of us decided that we all pretty much like you just as much as one another, and /fighting/ over you is silly, because we're all friends and we're hardly going to ruin that for /anything/."

"So I think we just have this mutual understanding where all three of us have decided we're gonna share you."

There's this moment of silence where she just sits there grinning.

Mr Mew writes something on a piece of paper, and holds it up to Reize. 'I swear, she didn't even go anywhere near the bar.'
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"...." The young adventurer looks Shiki over for a few moments, contemplating over her statement and everything. As she summarizes what Lily, Shiki, and Lenn's decision.

His face becomes red. Jaw gapes and his cheeks flushed.

"...I..." He looks over towards the paper that Mr Mew holds up. Reading the paper, Reize chuckles.

"...Shiki, I like all three of you as well."
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"Excellent!" Shiki says.

She stands up and wanders over, and kisses him on the forehead.

"Don't worry yourself too much, alright? Just take things one day at a time, after all. I'm not going to run off and leave you all in the dust just because I've found him again. On the other hand, I'm not going to just drop him like last season's style."

"We'll just see what happens tomorrow."

And with that, she saunters off to the girl's side. "See you in the morning, Reize!"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
As Shiki approaches over to him, Reize lifts his head up. As she kisses him onto the forehead....

*DOIING!* His antenna hair stands up like a rod.

His hands move to her waist to briefly hold onto her.

...And then she tells him to take one thing at a time. A faint smile is given, knowing that she likely has her struggles. It's Neku, a good friend of hers. Maybe they were close too.

A nod is given towards Shiki.

Letting her saunter to the girl's side, Reize watches her leave, his antenna hair flops and the boy rubs the back of his head.

"Shiki... Lenn... Lily..."