Luso visits the Chocobo Ranch

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Luso visits the Chocobo Ranch
Date of Scene: 09 December 2012
Location: Southern Continent - Chocobo Ranch
Synopsis: Today Luso and friends (none for now actually) stumble upon the chocobo Ranch, where he gets to ride one for the first time! After retriving his hat of course.
Cast of Characters: Tifa Lockhart, Kaydin, Luso Clemens

Tifa Lockhart has posed:
The ranch is one of the most quiet places in the multiverse. While not as secure as other places, with the lack of guards or whatever, its also not a very attractive place for the heartless to attack. There's only a few caretakers here, and chocobos. Tifa has been visiting the ranch quite a bit since she helped open it, standing near the outside pen, she has a bag of feed for her adopted chocobo, offering some to it by hand with a smile, along with soft pettings along its feathery mane.
Luso Clemens has posed:
At this point in time a certain unsuspecting boy was about to have the surprise of his life. Having noticed the Chocobo Ranch in the distance, Luso veered off the well beaten path, approaching the rather quiet place out of curiosity. As well as to have a better look.

"Wow, check this out! I haven't seen so many Chocobos in one place in a long time!" He spoke up excitedly as he stepped onto the property, missing Tifa initially as he approached the fence.

A single curious Chocobo approached and seemed to initiate a staring contest with Luso, leaning closer and closer downwards until it's beak was almost touching the boy.

"Ahahaha...Hey there!" He greeted the bird, reaching up to attempt to pat it's beak...

...And then suddenly, WHOOSH.

There went Luso's hat, into the mouth of the Chocobo. "H-Hey! Hold on a second! Give that back! Hey!" He called out indignantly at the now retreating animal. "OH COME ON! HEEEEEEY!"

Seems that luck was not with him today.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart blinks as she watches what happens to the boy's hat, and giggles. She hops on the fence, and then unto her chocobo. She's had it for a few days, so it got used to the friendly manners of the barmaid. She pats its head, leaning as if to whisper something to her mount, and then strides off toward the thieving chocobo.

When she's close enough, she takes out her bag of feed/treat, putting some in her hand, attracting the other chocobo over "Come on, here's for you, just give him back his hat, hm?"

The chocobo kweh~ sing-singily, and comes over to get the feed from the barmaid's hand, dropping the hat down. Tifa's other hand snatches it from the air, and puts it on top of her own head with a grin.
Luso Clemens has posed:
Luso watched as Tifa approached and managed to lure the chocobo over with the offer of food. How simple. How effective.

...Why didn't he think of that?

A sigh of relief was given once the hat finally left the bird's grasp and then landed into the young woman's grasp. "Phew...! Sheesh, what is it with chocobos and my hat? It's not even funny anymore." Luso moaned to himself for a moment before glancing over to Tifa again and grinning, regaining his energy.

"Anyway, thanks! It's not the first time my hat's almost become chocobo feed, but I appreciate it!" A sheepish chuckle was given after as the boy observed his hat nestled upon the other's head.

"...Pffft--" And a hand was brought to his mouth to keep himself from laughing, which he failed at regardless. "Ahahahaha! Oh man, it really doesn't suit you!"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart grins as she strides back to Luso with the hat on her head "That's why its not my hat. It suits you better though." As she moves back to the fence, she slides back down from her chocobo, and offers it more treat with one hand. The other hand takes the hat off her head, and puts it on Luso's head directly, but in the wrong direction. "Here you go, all yours."

Tifa's chocobo kwehs~ and eats his reward.
Kaydin has posed:
The sound of heavy armor clanking is heard as a chocobo comes walking in, wearing black armor and bearing a black rider with metal armor as well. He moves off the chocobo and begins to unfasten the armor, first removing the chest piece off of the Chocobo.
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Ahahaha! That's right, it's my hat!" Luso replied, smiling up at Tifa as she approached. "I guess I owe you one now, huh?"

Glancing off at the other array of chocobos milling about in the enclosure, Luso tilted his posture to the side, crossing his arms behind his head in his usual lazy fashion. "Thanks!" He offers Tifa as the hat is put back onto his head. "I guess I should introduce myself then!" Stepping back and jerking a thumb towards himself, he began to launch into it. "The name's Luso! Luso Clemens! Member of Clan Gully and all around good guy!" With a grin, a two fingered salute was then given to the young woman.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart watches the approach of Kaydin, hmming a bit. A plated chocobo huh. Well, if the chcoobo doesn't mind. She prefers hers with the lovely yellow feathers. She smiles to Luso "I'm Tifa Lockhart, I run a bar in Goug, the Seventh Heaven. I'm also a hired hand at times, helping people out where I can."

She reaches up to pet the chcoobo's mane a bit "And this is Premium Heart."
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Tifa Lockheart..." Luso mused, repeating the name to himself. Once he got it down, he grinned, rubbing the underside of his nose with an index finger. "Gotcha, nice to meet you then Tifa! And thanks again for saving my hat! I'm just not complete without it now, you know?"

He chuckled lightly as he made that stupid joke and then finally, his attention was drawn to the armored man and chocobo that had arrived. "...Eh?" Luso sounded out in curiosity, tilting his head a bit at the sight.

"You know them?" He asked, glancing at Tifa inquisitively.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods to Luso's question "Yeah, that's Kaydin, he's a dark knight form Baron. He comes to the bar often." She's not very comfortable around him, with his allegiance and actions and all. She understands he wants to do well, but he has to start showing it with actions too, not just blind following of orders.

She shakes her head and smiles "So what's your story? Wandering around the new world?"
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin had glanced to Tifa and continues undoing the armor from the chocobo before moving to try and pull the armored helmet off of the chocobo. It however lets out a loud WARK and keeps moving it's head away. "Alright.
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Me?" Luso asked, pointing to himself momentarily before lowering his arm and resting it at his side, over the grimoire lashed to it. "Yeah, sorta something like that! The clan and I split up and are exploring this new world. We're hunting marks and taking on quests to help the people!"

Arms crossed again as the boy pondered even further, his eyes locked onto Kaydin and his chocobo. The fact that the bird didn't want it's helmet removed got a chuckle out of the young adventurer before he continued to speak.

"I'm also looking for my friends. I think we got separated when this craziness first started. 'Cause I haven't seen them since I got here...It's weird."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart keeps an eye on Kaydin's chocobo, giggling a bit too. Chocobos can be odd sometimes. She smiles, nodding "Yeah, I know what you mean. Many friends were lost to the darkness too, so finding them again is a challenge. But I've made new friends along the way, so its not as lonely at least." 5r
She pats her chocobo, smiling "All done with the treats Premium, go play now." The chocobo kwehs~ singily, and trots away in the fenced pen.
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Yeah, I know what you mean." Luso nodded in agreement with Tifa's words, crossing his arms and looking up to the sky. "I've still got the clan and I've still got myself! So in the meantime, I'm gonna keep doing what I can do!"

The boy's gaze left the sky and went back to the young woman, smiling in a silly fashion. "If I go around helping people and making a name for myself, they've gotta show up eventually, right?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart hms and nods "Of course." She leans backward against the fence, looking away on the fields at all the chocobos roaming there "If your name spreads, it will be heard by people that know you." Of course, she only knew a handful of people before this whole mess. Jessie, biggs, Wedge, Barrett... Cloud too. The rest of the people she knows are already dead, so it doesn't help there. "It's more of a blank slate for me though."
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin just gives his chocobo some treats before making his way over before lookin to those present and he came over to hear Luso and Tifa's conversation. "I just seem to make enemies." Kaydin says, his voice having a metallic echo thanks to that helmet he wore. "When a world is consumed by the darkness, time and space is warped. people with strong enough will can make it through if they dont give in to the darkness. What may seem like their world just being consumed, will be months or days here." Kaydin says as he watches Luso.
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Blank slate...?" Luso inquired, raising an eyebrow at Tifa's words, he wondered exactly what she could have been talking about, but...he shook his head after a moment. "Well either way, Even if things look bad now, I think they'll get better! We just have to keep our heads up and our eyes forward!"

Saying that, Luso raised a fist, clenching it confidently as he joined the young woman in leaning back against the fence.

It was then that Kaydin approached. Hearing his words regarding the darkness, Luso couldn't help but frown suspiciously. "Huh...? Really? do you know that?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart shakes her head, looking over to Luso at that "Kaydin lives in darkness, he knows alot about it, and the heartless." Which is part of why she's not comfortable around him either. She doesn't understand his stubborness about staying with Baron if they aren't doing the right thing. He needs to make up his mind about it.
Kaydin has posed:
"In my homeland we have what are called the Dark Knights. We learn how to wield the darkness as a weapon. True the power corrupts and can have fatal results and more often then not, those who use the darkess are consumed, however the benefits are still there. We gain a knowledge of how the darkness works, what attracts beings of the dark, and we can become stronger from the negative things that happen." Kaydin explains. "We also get black weapons and gear which is handy." He says as he then looks about. "There is a reason why people are enemies with me, instead of my friends."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart shakes her head "You don't understand, its not because you're a dark knight or wielding darkness that I am uncomfortable around you. Its the people you willingly choose to work with that is the problem. You are a mass of confusing contradictions, you say you want to save people but you put yourself on the front line when your country attacks them without reason, but you let the information leak first as if that made everything better." She stands up, crossing her arms pointedly "You need to make up your mind, you cannot be friends with your 'ennemy' while staying loyal to your country when all they look for is strife."
Luso Clemens has posed:
Luso listened to Kaydin's explanation regarding Dark Knights. And then his gaze was drawn to Tifa who refuted some of his words. He wasn't familiar wirh Baron and Dark Knights and such, so this was rather alien to him.

"Uh....What's going on here? You two sound like you've had some big problems before? Or am I totally wrong?" Indeed, Luso was more than confused. Maybe he should take a couple steps away.

And so he did that.
Kaydin has posed:
"I leaked information hoping it would be used to get people out. Instead it was used to fight against our forces. Tifa, I walk a fine line in regards to using the darkness. Ever heard of the saying that once you start running you will never stop? Well that is probably one of the best lessons when using darkness and dark power. The moment I begin to do something bad, stopping myself will become that much harder. If I betray my home, my nation, when will I stop? It may make betraying you and Aerith that much more easier, something I do not wish for." Kaydin says as he then looks to Luso. "Baron sides and uses the heartless. As such I am most often sent to fight against those who wish to protect people from the heartless."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart crosses her arms "The only think you shouldn't betray is your own feelings and convictions. Which you are doing if you are unable to move on." She shakes her head "Leaving Baron is not betraying Baron. Not if you think Baron is walking the wrong path. You can help Baron from the outside. By staying inside, you might be going against what you truly believe in." She glances over her shoulder as she turns around "You tried to help, I understand that, but you're NOT helping by staying with Baron. You're only helping THEM in the end. If that's what you really want, help Baron walk down the path of evil that slay everything opposing them even the slightest, then we are not friends." She moves toward the barn, wanting to get some distance from the man of darkness.
Luso Clemens has posed:
" guys..." With every word the two of them threw out at each other, Luso found himself more and more lost. This was no his situation. Not his problem. And thus, he couldn't offer much insight on the matter. It was too complicated and there was too little material to work with.

What was he supposed in this situation? There were no words he could offer to any side. There was no side he could take. He was utterly neutral, watching two sides clash, figuratively at least. And so, scratching his cheek sheepishly and shucking, Luso just stood by and continued watching, wondering if perhaps he should just leave while he had the chance...
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin sighs. "If I leave, They will get someone else, someone who may not care if innocents get killed. Atleast in my position I can keep our forces from raising the death toll." He says as he would then nod. "I need to get going." He says before looking to Luso. "I am sorry for making you uncomfortable." He says as he goes to his chocobo to leave.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart sighs, shaking her head. She can't stand Kaydin with his constant flipping back and forth under the guise of following his own ideals. It doesn't work like that. She moves to the barn, checking out on the chocobos there. Its always relaxing here at least, the chocobos are a peaceful picture.
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Nah, it's...." Luso started, watching as Kaydin got onto his chocobo and rode off. "...okay? Huh." Huffing in exasperation, the boy crossed his arms, watching in confusion for a bit longer. Once the dark knight was out of sight, he turned away, facing Tifa again. "Well sheesh, that was completely awkward! Is he always like that?"

Luso approached as he asked, smiling now that the stuffy situation had finally cleared up. Man, he'd have to stay away from Kaydin if it was going to like that all the time. Nothing ruins a day faster than needless drama after all!
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods to Luso "As far as I know, yes. He's always a mood killer, whenever he appears. He's a social-antisocial, he shouldn't be with anyone, doesn't want to listen to anyone's advice, yet offers his as if he was the world's only source of wisdom. Honestly, I can't stand him." And that's a rare thing since the barmaid is a 'likes everyone' type, seeing the silver lining in everyone. Kaydin jsut keeps trampling all attempts to help him find his path. "We tried to help, but he won't listen, he's sure he's right in everything he does."
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Ergh! Sounds like trouble! ...I mean..." A sigh was given as he glanced off in the direction the knight had left in, furrowing his brows after. "Somehow...I don't feel like he's a bad guy. Whatever he's saying about darkness and all that...despite that, It doesn't feel like he himself is...? Am I making any sense even? Ugh!"

Grumbling in frustration, Luso took both hands to his head, mussing up his hat and hair before moving on. "But if he's done all that you said he has, it can't really be forgiven. You guys tried your best and that's that!" Grinning widely, he reassumed his previous lazy posture and added. "Sometimes, you gotta figure things out the hard way before they sink in, yeah? Maybe that's what he needs!"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods "Well I hope he hits the bottom soon, before he does anything he will regret. And that's what saddens me the most, he knows its not the right thing to do, but he argues stubbornly that its the only thing he can do. It doesn't make sense to me." She waves a hand, stopping near the pen of one of the chocobos, checking on it with a smile "My, aren't a big one."
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Gah, well, we don't have to keep talking about him! Anyway!" Following after TIfa, Luso looked in on the chocobo she was checking on, a curious look on his face.

"Oh right, I guess this is a good time to ask as any! Do they sell chocobos here? I think I could use a mount! Walking across the continent is hard work after all! A lift would save a ton of time!"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles "Actually they do, you just need to ask them, they will capture one for you, there's lots of them in the fields. Then they take care of it for you whenever you don't need it. You can travel with it of course, but it always has a place waiting here too, when you don't have time to take care of it.
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Awesome! So I just have to ask then? Sounds easy enough!" Giving Tifa a comical military salute then, Luso grinned and spoke. "Thanks for the info Tifa! I'll catch you on the flipside!" And with that, he turned and ran off in the direction of the residence, waving at her as he did.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles and waves to the boy. Well he's agreeable enough at least, not like that dark knight "If you ever need anything, come to Goug and seek out the Seventh Heaven~" She chimes in, moving back toward the exit. Now that Kaydin is gone, she can relax again. That's why she came here in the first place after all. There's enough troubles in Manhattan, and there will be more soon.