Oaths and Misgivings

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Oaths and Misgivings
Date of Scene: 19 November 2012
Location: Baron - Towers
Synopsis: Kaydin pays Morrighan a visit in Baron castle to talk about some doubts he is having about the state of Baron and his oath as a knight.
Cast of Characters: Kaydin, Morrighan Alazne

Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin had promised that once Morrighan got back she will be treated to the best there was. Infact He even came to deliver dinner to her room, dressed in a black tunic and trousers and not wearing his usual heavy armor. He knocks on the door and calls through it. "Miss Alazne, are you there?"
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
When they had finally gotten back to Baron, the first thing Morrighan did was complain to Golbez regarding the shenanigans that she was forced to go through.

...Of which was drowned out by the sound of his organ playing.

In the end, she just gave up and stomped over to her room to fume for a while. More than fed up with the people of the castle, she didn't want to see anyone. But then came a knock at her door after a while. The sound roused the dark elf from her bed, which she was laying on, hugging a pillow tightly in anger.

"Just what manner of fool comes knocking at my door now?" She grumbled, heaving a heavy sigh as she relucantly got out of bed, fixing her long hair with her hands as she walked over to the door.

And then she swung it open, giving way to the sight of Kaydin. "WHAT DO YOU-- ...Oh. You." Frowning just a bit less, she fixed the dark knight with a tired look, eyeing the dinner he was holding. "....Well?"
Kaydin has posed:
"You missed Dinner time, and I assumed you didnt want to see others so I came to give this to you. Save a servant from being screamed at." He says as he offers the food. "If you want I can just set it on your table and leave, though I want to discuss something personal with you." Kaydin says as he waits for her response.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:

Kaydin's response was met with a rather suffocating silence, her crimson eyes staring at him impassively. Well he was right. She certainly had no desire to deal with people at the dinner table tonight. ...Or tomorrow...or ever. Okay, perhaps that was being a bit harsh. But still, this latest outing has definitely tried her patience.

He wanted to talk about something personal though?

...Oh well, hearing him out couldn't be the worst thing she could do now. "Very well. Close the door." Morrighan finally answers, turning away from the door and walking back into her room, plopping down into a nearby easy chair. There was a small table and another chair just like it close by. Apparently this was her invitation.

If it could be called that. In the meantime, she had begun to work her hair into a large braid. Something she did every night before going to sleep.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin nods as he comes in, closing the door with a free hand as he moves to set the food down on the table for her. "I thank you for your time." Kaydin says as he sets the silverware for her down with the plate and would sit down in the chair close by and sighs.

"Morrighan, I know you werent from Baron but there was a time when this country was a great place. Recent actions however has made it become...more evil. We are attacking innocent people and destroying their homes, not to mention use the heartless which kills people and turns the victims into more heartless. I feel conflicted between doing what is right, and the oath I swore to this country."
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
Morrighan had chosen to ignore the food on the table for now, focusing on braiding her hair and listening to Kaydin in the meantime. She listen to his worries about what Baron was currently doing, and how it was once a great country, and about his own dilemma regarding what was right and what was sworn. After all was said and done, she closed her eyes, pondering it all.


After a bit of time, she opened her eyes and set her hair aside, finished braiding. "Well, this is quite complicated. At the end of the day, it is your sworn duty to protect and serve your own country before all else. This is the oath a knight swears when he is brought into the fold. ...To break that oath means detraying your country and your comrades, as well as potentially endangering your friends and family..."

At this point, the dark elf crossed her legs and rested her hands in her lap as she stared at Kaydin. "...But if you believe that the oath you have sworn has changed in some way, then it is up to you to decide just what you will do from now on." Tilting her head a bit as she talked, Morrighan paused afterwards to let her words sink in.

"...Do you find fulfillment in serving your country now? Are you happy with your work as a knight currently? ...I cannot answer those questions for you now...only you can."
Kaydin has posed:
"There are many good people still in Baron. Not all are corrupted and doing evil, just only a few. I want to protect those people, and I want to protect my country so that those people wont suffer. However those select few are causing problems outside of Baron. In the end, my oath has not changed, but I am simply being put to the test to choose between my oath and my morals."
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Put to the test, hmm...?" She mused aloud, tapping her chin lightly in thought. "Well then, have you found your answer to this so-called 'test' then? Or are you still....searching?" Upon asking, a small smile played across her face.
Kaydin has posed:
"The answer is I must complete my duty, regardless of my personal feelings. If I abandoned my oath, I will abandon those I swore to protect, yourself included, Miss Alazne." He says as he leans back and look to her. "I came to you because you are wise, and you let others know your opinion on matters."
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Well! I am glad that SOMEONE around here realizes my greatness! Ohohohohoho~" Laughing haughtily at the praise, Morrighan brought a hand to the side of face as she did. "Well, regardless of what you say of me now, it seems as if you already found yourself an answer to abide by."

With that said, she uncrossed her legs, finally reaching forward and talking the plate from the table along with the silverware. "Do what you must do. You have your orders and your oath. Stick by them." Pausing to test the food, finding that no it wasn't drugged and yes it was rather good, she resumed talking. "...Just do remember that you cannot serve your country if you are dead. Protect your own life as well."
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin nods as he would chuckle. "Well I cant protect my life too much or else you will be out of a job." Kaydin says sarcastically and then looks about. "Is there anything else I can do for you, Miss Alazne?"
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Oh of course. Where would I be without fools like you to treat?" Bringing a hand over her mouth, she giggled lightly for a bit before resuming eating, speaking inbetween bites. "Anything else you can do for me...?"

Setting her plate aside, she rested an elbow on her lap, her chin resting in her palm. "Well, there IS one thing you can do for me..." As she said that, her eyes narrowed in amusement, a mischievous smile finding it's way onto her face. "......But alas, you are about ten years too early for that~" And with that said, she waved the dark knight off. "No, you can be on your way. Unless you had something else on your mind now?"
Kaydin has posed:
"Tempting and now I must wander the land with a hole in my heart." Kaydin says sarcastically as he holds his chest as if wounded. "I know the captain intends to have us attack the world called Manhattan next. If so I will see about being assigned to protect you, this way we wont have a repeat of balamb."
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Joy, another fruitless battle." Morrighan sighed out, leaning back in her chair. "...If that fool Baigan had dispensed with the theatrics and focused on dealing the finishing blow, we wouldn't have lost at Balamb...or at least we could have taken out that Jean. But alas..." She shook her head at that, knowing that the past was the past, as irritating as it was. "You? Protect me? Hah! ...Are you truly up to the task now?" Crossing her arms, the dark elf smiled slightly in a mocking fashion. "...Will you not instead try and do something foolish like infiltrate the enemy stronghold by yourself again~?"
Kaydin has posed:
"Nah, I am only stupid enough to try somthing dumb once. Then I learn from my mistakes." Kaydin says as he would notice her sighing. "As for up to the task, well I dont know...I mean I am a lowly dark knight and have some training with a sword. nothing flashy like using magic and being a dark elf like you. Unless you rather be with the Captain again..."
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Oh no thank you." She replied, waving a hand quickly at the thought of being paired with Baigan again. His heart was in the right place, but he did not do a terribly grand job to following up on it. Though to be fair, he did have his hands full... "Very well, I suppose I can take a chance with you this once."

Nodding her assent, she continued to speak. "Be a dear and try not to give me cause to distrust you now, okay?"
Kaydin has posed:
"You distrust me? Perish the thought." Kaydin says as he would smile. "Last thing I would want is the wrath of a pretty dark elf." He says with a smile before closing th door behind him as he leaves.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"...Hmph. We shall see." She mumbled to herself as she watched the door close. After that, she finished off the rest of her food. A maid would come and take away the plate later, for now though...she was tired. Perhaps a little sleep would do... And so Morrighan stood, heading over to her bed and climbing in the sleep the rest of the night away...