Rude Awakening

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Rude Awakening
Date of Scene: 05 October 2012
Location: Fluorgis
Synopsis: Shiki wakes up in Fluorgis, and... ...don't ask.
Cast of Characters: Shiki Misaki, Reize Seatlan

Reize Seatlan has posed:
It is a nice morning in Fluorgis. The sun is rising with the accompanying sounds of waterfalling in a rush. The flowing falling water offers its peaceful tune to it.
The beautiful air trade city of Fluorgis offers nothing more than simplistic life. It is a great oasis with a lot of travelers.
At a simple inn, however...
Reize is currently asleep. ZZzzz..z.Zzz...
Of course, he isn't just sleeping, but his arms are hugged up against the bed, cheeks redden as he is blissfully asleep. And of course, his head is pressed up on something... or someone.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Azure Arbitrator? I dunno, is blue really my colour?

Shiki's asleep. Shiki's asleep. La la la, no need to worry about monsters or Heartless or a slow, burning death where our forgotten bones will bleach in the sun. No, Shiki is certainly not having nightmares about that.

As usual, she's hugging Mr. Mew in bed.

And slowly, she stirs awake, snuggling Mr. Mew as she stretches her arms and back after a long night's sleep wait.

Mr. Mew isn't this big.

Shiki opens her eyes slowly.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"Aaaaahhhhhh... Hehehe...ZzZzzz..."
Shiki will find out that she is snuggling the head of a young boy against her. That's right, the young traveler that she had been with the entire time, is snuggled up against her.
Mr. Mew is around somewhere, of course!
However, soon, the young man's eyes slowly open, "Nnggghh..." He winces to himself, "...My head hurts...." He grumbles, then he presses his head closer, snuggling his head onto Shiki.
"...Just a few more hours of sleep..."
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Mr. Mew has done nothing to stop this! He's just sat at the bottom of the bed with a corner of quilt for himself.

Shiki makes eye contact.

Eight seconds pass in complete silence.


Three more seconds.

Shiki leans forward and presses their foreheads almost together.



"Now you have cooties."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
His head slowly turns over to see Shiki.
Those eight seconds pass.
There is a shade of darkness appearing over his face. It is of pure fear. It is that unadulterated, horrible fear. It is the tale that has spreaded through the village for years. The tale that had been passed in fear by the children.
Those few seconds are haunting.
And their foreheads nearly come together.
'Now you have cooties'.
His eyes become like dots as horror has stricken him. The boy is paralyzed with fear.

...He has cooties.

All throughout the World of Ruin, as if a silent pitch had been about. All of the birds are flying from their original point, animals flee from their original drinking location.
And you have your occasional leafer, chewing on their kill.
It lifts its head up with a 'WTF' look.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"YES YOU DESERVED THAT" Shiki shouts, clutching the quilt up around herself and having by this point probably pushed Reize out of the bed you'd /better/ not be in your underwear boy I will make you /suffer/ if that is a thing I am seeing right now.

"Ahhhh! Ahfghfghfghf!" she whines, looking up at the ceiling and closing her eyes and wiggling back and forth in the bed.


And the silently voiced question: 'did I come on too strong when we were in the tent'
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize is out of the bed.
"Atatatatatatataa....." He rubs his head, his ahoge looking crunched up while he mutters to himself. Unfortunately for Shiki, he's sporting the reddies. He does take a cloth and wrap it around himself.
He yelps, "I don't remember!" He shrinks, "While you were asleep, I met with a friend from Manhattan, who is a new member of the Shard Seekers, and he took me to a bar!" He furrows his eyebrows.
"...I don't remember anything after that."
Pause. "Oh! He did have some shirt that says 'Def March'." Pause. "...First time I seen people with words on their shirts."
Shiki Misaki has posed:
This is far too much to take in.

Shiki looks at Reize, gathers up the quilt, turns 45 degrees away from him and sort of half-screams into it.

"Why did you go to a bar?! You're as old as me! What did you- why did you- ahhhhhh."

She falls backwards onto the mattress, looking blankly into the air. "OK, you met someone. Good. He will be at the meeting, which means I may murder him."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"It seemed like a good idea at the time..." Reize whimpers, holding is head with a grimace.
"Besides, he was pretty nice! He helped me from some guys that were going to mug me at Manhattan! I never really been inside of a bar before." He considers, "...Dad always went with the other guards at times and I never could go in." He muses.
Blink, "Murder?"
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"That's what they all say, they all say 'it seemed like a good idea at the time," Shiki replies, rolling her eyes.

She duckfaces, completely flabbergasted by this turn of events, then waves her arms under the quilt a bit.

"Reize, go do something else, I need to go and get dressed, or something."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize and his ahoge essentialy sigh, the ahoge lowering its tendril while he slowly gets to his feet, using some sort of cover. "Right right..."
He complains, "Nggh... my head hurts..." Reize finally leaves the room, mostly to get something to drink, like water.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Shiki buries her face in the quilt.

And tries not to think about how nice that felt.