Tales of Truth

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Tales of Truth
Date of Scene: 30 November 2012
Location: Fluorgis - City
Synopsis: As Reize relaxes in Fluorgis, he comes across Riku, who is wandering blindly. Guiding his friend into the headquarters, Riku shares a secret with the boy...
Cast of Characters: Reize Seatlan, Riku

Reize Seatlan has posed:
The sun's shining and the crowd's brustling with activity. It is a wonderful afternoon that's full of vivity. As the day continues to pass, adventurers and residents move pretty past. With the water trinkling down from the waterfall, it lands onto the fountain that gives its call. The vendors are busy and the cool air is breezy.

It's a nice time for the boy to stare at everyone from the bridge. As each person pass by, many of them wave a hand towards the boy. Reie is becoming well known through Fluorgis. Words of his adventures have started to travel rather fall. He looks rather bemused for the name that he has earned:

The Boy with the Long Yellow Scarf.
Riku has posed:
Riku is having a difficult time with this.

He can't seem to distuinguish out the noises of activity, the sounds of people, the sounds of life around him in the city of Fluorgis with the blurs of light he can occasionally see through a muffling fog.

He keeps his eyes closed knowing the pupilless, clouded stare of yellow can be disconcerting to other people. He doesn't exactly bump into people since he has a vague idea where they are, but he does bump into a fair amount of objects. He has a black staff that he is using to navigate the terrain but he isn't very adept in it's use and so by the time he reaches the bridge he is in somewhat of a foul mood.

"Damn it all.. where am I now?" Riku reaches out a hand, running his fingers over the bridge as he limps a few more steps, looking around to see if anybody is nearby. There is a faint twinge of something like recognition, but all lights look the same to him. He'd be somewhat embarrassed to be in his situation but he had been bracing himself for this eventually. He needed someplace to stay after all.. so he'd have to face this eventually. "..Reize?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
It's one of those moments where it is nice to just relax and listen to the atmosphere. As everything rolls and passes by, Reize had been enjoying the view of the city and its people. This place had been considered home for a bit of time. However, he knows that deep in his heart, it is time to move on and travel. This time, there are so many people that he'd leave behind n his travel. Not only that, but he promised that he would take them with him. Nevertheless, the winds of adventure called him.

There are those who could use the help. Yet, something is telling him something else.


Reize turns to face the direction of the voice, blinking over towards the presence of the individual calling him. "Riku!" He brightens, but he quickly blinks in disbelief at the sigting of Riku. His eyes have remained shut and he has a black staff. It's one of Reize's rare, big-brotherly smiles despite being the younger one compared to Riku. "Riku... Let's get you into the headquarters."
Riku has posed:
Riku smiles with chagrin, raising his eyebrows as his suspicions are confirmed. He tilts his head forwards slightly, silver hair shrouding his face as he chuckles once or twice. "I thought I sensed goofball in the immediate area."

Riku knocks the staff experimentally against the side of the bridge and does so periodically as he limps towards Reize. His sense of distance is also off as he tries to follow Reize and not lose them or bark his shins again. His poor feet can only take so much mistreatment after all.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
There are many questions that Reize had considered asking. What happened? Why are your eyes closed? Why are you using a stick? Shouldn't you be looking where you are walking?

However, with Riku, there is always a reason for him doing what he is doing. Other than being a /JERK!/ Nevertheless, Reize figures it is best to ask when they get inside of the place. Reize, thankfully, is able to at least get to the headquarters and lead Riku inside.

Have no fear, Reize is your guide!

...Okay, that IS a reason to fear.

It is perhaps about ten minute worth of treking through the city in order to get inside of the Shard Seeker HQ. The lobby, of course, is still in need of some repairs, but home sweet home.

"...Alright." The boy offers a faint smile, "We're inside."
Riku has posed:
"So let the inquisition begin, eh?" Riku asks with a lopsided grin. His knees buckle as he takes a step inside. He grabs at the wall, thumping it harder than he intended because it was closer than he thought.

The jolting shock runs up his arm to his shoulder. "Hgh. Maybe I should just sit down right here." regardless of what he says, he starts experimentally moving around looking for a place to sit from what he remembers of the lobby. Finally he eases himself down into a chair, the staff evaporating in a curl of mist as he takes his hand away from it.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"... How did you do that? Is that like summoning your sword?" And the series of questions start from Reize. And of course, once he begins with the questions, it doesn't look like he is about to stop.

"What happenen to you? Why were you even using a stick in the first place?" And of course, leave it to Reize to move closer to Riku to examine him, "Are you alright? Did something happen to your eyes? I think Lenn should be able to do something... maybe Lily, but mostly Lenn!"

Well, Riku did call it, Reize did start the inquisition on his friend. However, Reize is just worried.
Riku has posed:
"Maybe it's time I told you a story.." Riku says mostly to himself. He smiles sadly, shaking his head and sighing at Reize. He taps his fingers on his leg and sweeps his head back and forth then up towards the ceiling.

"But it's not something I want anyone else to know." he frowns at some memory that comes and goes on his face. "Especially Ivo. Can you do that, Reize?" he raises his eyebrows again, turning his head back to Reize and opens his eyes to stare straight through him. "Can you keep a secret?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
The remark about a story snaps Reize out of his inquisition-style questioning on Riku. It perks him up, now looking at his friend with renewed interest. However, there was something that seems ather foreboding.

As Riku admits that it's something very secretive, Reize brightens into a smile. The young man extends his hands over. At least, when Reize's eyes sudenly see the pupiless gaze followed towards him, the boy's eyes widen.

Lingering silence is stilled.

However, the boy extends his hand out and lets his right pinky free.

"Pinky swear."
Riku has posed:
Riku laughs. It's a short, harsh bark of amusement that makes him lean back a little from Reize. A troubled expression passes over his face and he swallows, as if suddenly made uncomfortable by his own reaction. "What?" He chuckles softly, expression embarrassed for a moment before settling down to a thoughtful silence. Riku finally nods in agreement, reaching out tenatively until he finds Reize's hand and completes the pact.

Gods. The universe really is going to explode if you ever show up again, Sora. No darkness needed. Just add Great Desert Adventurer. "Alright."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize allows Riku the moment to catch himself. Sure, Reize's action is a bit childish and ridiculous. However, there is the innocent sincerity to the intent. A child's promise to never tell a soul of what happens.

As Riku reaches out tenatively, the pinky interlocks and the pact is made.

The boy listens carefully, looking around the area.

"No one is here. Ivo is off doing his thing, likely talking over with the science guys, Lily's taking Dandy for a walk in the city, Shiki and Lenn are shopping, and Sassaral is exploring the city with a friend."
Riku has posed:
Riku nods, putting his hands in his lap again to stare up at the ceiling. "This is the story about how I got my magic, and once upon a time.." he begins, smirking fainting to himself to be finding himself in this position of storytelling again. He only wished he had a little more variety. He didn't like this story very much.

"There was a far away kingdom. Everyone who lived there was happy. They looked across the ocean and did not wonder. Except one. Except the few who looked at that ocean, and asked.. what is on the other side of it?" Riku smiles sadly. "..And nobody could give them that answer. They didn't even seem to care. The ocean was the ocean, and this was the kingdom where everyone was happy. What else did they need?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Let it be known....

Reize loved stories. In a way, it helps him reflect back to when he was a wee lad. His father often told him stories of his own adventures. In the midst of the places that he traveled, Reize only had an inkling of knowledge of the regions and creatures based on those stories.

Now, here is a different story. A tale of a young man.

As the tale begins, Reize listens to it. In some ways, it all seems too familiar. In fact, it is a sad smile. "...It was never fun being trapped in a small place, when you know that there was more to the world than the one that you were trapped in, wasn't it?"

Reize too can relate. That small forest village of his over nearly fourty-people. It would be hundreds of miles before there was anything beyond that. It was the price for being in a village that barely had a name.
Riku has posed:
Riku nods. "Yeah. And what if your world is all you know? You don't really know if there is anything out there. You just hope.. and wish." Riku chuckles faintly. "But I've learned something that may come in handy to you Reize." he pauses for a long time, looking down towards the floor as he closes his eyes again. "Not all wishes should come true."

Riku takes in a long breath and lets it out slowly. After the silence has continued for a minute or so he continues the story. "The night these three were to set out to find the end of the ocean, there was a terrible storm.. and the boy who wanted to go out on an adventure got his adventure."

Riku gestures as he talks, a tendril of chilling wind playing through the lobby to highlight his words. He doesn't seem to notice this so it's hard to tell whether it was intentional or not. "..and when the storm took everything away, the boy was left alone in the darkness with nobody and with nothing he knew."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"...It was like that for me. Though, I suppose I could take comfort in the fact that I heard of stories of other places outside of my own little forest." A faint smile is given. However, it is the advice that Riku gives him that puzzles him.

'Not all wishes should come true.'

The time it takes for Riku to take in a long breath, Reize uses that silence to stare down at his pendant. His mind briefly reflects back to when the pendant dispelled his fireball before it was released.

As his head lifts up, he returns to listening to Riku, carefully hearing his tale.

The boy got the adventure that he wanted.

It is surreal in a way. His eyes shut briefly.

"...You were that boy that wanted that adventure, weren't you?" There is a rueful smile that comes up. "...It looks like we both got what we wished for, but... what happened to you?" It is like Riku and Reize were in the same situation, but the path that Riku fell into was a different one.
Riku has posed:
"I met a monster on my way through the darkness." Riku answers, attention falling away from Reize as he becomes caught up in the telling again. "The boy.." He pauses, and then places himself front and center within the story. What was the use in even lying to himself even that much? " And I.. who had no home anymore, no friends, no light.. I wandered that place that was nowhere. I don't know for how long. There was nothing to guide me.

There was nothing at all until I found the road." Riku frowns at this, curling one hand into a loose fist as he desperately wishes to get up from the chair and pace but has no way of accomplishing that without falling over his own feet. "I wandered along this road that went nowhere until I met the monster with the yellow eyes. It said to me. "Hello boy. Give me your heart, and I'll let you pass." and.." Riku paused, rubbing the back of his neck as he returned his sightless gaze to the ceiling.

"And I ran. I always ran, but there was nowhere to go. I always came back. Back to the monster. Finally it was too much. I asked it. "Where does the road go?" and the monster replied. "Out of the dark. This is my place. This is my home. If you do not give me your heart, I will eat you and have it just the same."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
It's a fainter, sadder smile.

The smile slowly fades to a more serious, downcasted look fills the boy's features. However, he listens to his friend's tale. Their paths were so similar, but one went another way. Riku had no friends guiding him or anyone. Reize was briefly alone, but for better or for worse, he had a guide.

As Riku looks like he wants to move, Reize can empathetically feel his friend's frantic feelings. A hand reaches over towards Riku's hand, positioning his feet ready. Should Riku wish to get up from the chair to pace, Reize is there for him.

Once Riku directs the tale towards his encounter with the Heartless, Reize falls shut. "...And you gave your heart to that creature...?" He looks a bit in disbelief, wondering if that is the case, how is Riku still... himself?
Riku has posed:
"It seemed the only way out, Reize. I wanted.." Riku closes his eyes, leaning his elbows on his knees as he chuckles. This time there was no humor in the sound. "It's funny. I wanted to go home. I spent my whole life trying to escape from it, and right then I would give anything to return. To go back to the way things used to be."

Riku crackles the knuckles in his hands. "But I thought I was being clever. I thought I could get away with at least some of it intact-- so I made a deal. Except the monster with the yellow eyes is a liar, as all who hunger for hearts are liars and thieves. It took everything that I was, and it gave nothing back."

Riku pauses for a long time. "Except somehow part of me survived. A part that was angry and cheated and now trapped here. It told me so, rubbing it in. Now I have your heart and you cannot leave-- for those without hearts cannot leave this place unless I tell them to. And then it left, and took the road with it. Everything.. everything had been a lie. Even the road."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Reize is uncertain how to take it all in. It's been a situation that Riku has endured. He had no other choice but to endure it and deal with everything that came his way.

Riku had lost everything and gained nothing out of it. However, Reize remembers that Riku had been looking for his friends. Those friends had been lost.

His eyes shut, recalling one of the memories when he had the voice speak to him.

"'I will become reunited with my friends again...'"

Slowly, Reize offers Riku a smile.

"... You won't be alone this time, Riku. You have friends. ...And we will help you find your fruits. ...You may .. you may have darkness in you, but.." His smile brightens, "There is still you. And you have light in your heart."

Wait for it... wait for it...
"Knight's Vow #02: Let's all work together for a peaceful world."
Riku has posed:
"You are the worst audience in the world, Reize. Possibly, in the universe." Riku smirks as he shakes his head, voice empty of rancor. He seems used to this type of periodic interruption. "Well then, Reize. Since you have skipped to the end, you can fill in the rest of the blanks yourself."

Riku slowly gets to his feet, staff appearing almost as an afterthought as he leans on it with both hands while grinning in Reize's direction. "I'm going to get something to eat. Be thankful this time it isn't you." with that parting shot he starts to move towards the kitchen, feeling his way through the Shard Seeker compound.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Suddenly, something dons on Reize.

"....W--wait." Reize yelps while he holds his and up, "Riku! I had a dream a month back or so.... It was a while! We fought! And... you looked different!"

It starts to come back to him. "Did that really happen?!"
Riku has posed:
"I don't know, Reize." Riku's voice is somewhat maliciously teasing. He knows he shouldn't do it, but he can't help himself.

Just being around Reize makes him feel better. He pinned it down several weeks ago. The Shard Seekers, and especially Great Desert Adventurer, make him feel like himself again. It something he desperately needs right now. "You're the one telling the story, not me. Make something up."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Antenna hair flops low.

Reize's head lowers and a stream of comical tears roll along his eyes. A nice shot to the gut with that comment. "So mean..."