The Next Day

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The Next Day
Date of Scene: 22 November 2012
Location: Traverse Town
Synopsis: A rather upset Rinoa retreats to the WildKat cafe, where she discusses the previous days events with her friends..And tries to decide what to do to avert another sorceress war..
Cast of Characters: Tifa Lockhart, Pixi, Sarafina Carenze, Rinoa Heartilly

Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
The following day after meeting Seifer sees Rinoa mulling over some hot chocolate in the WildKat cafe. While the hot steamy cocoa filled with crumbled peppermint candy looks quite tasty, she's barely touched it as she stares blankly out the window, apparently lost in thought..
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart had made quite the mistake yesterday, so she had left the scene promptly, just not wanting to get in the way any further really. She brings a cup of tea to the table where you are though, smiling "Sorry about yesterday, things were getting a bit hairy there and I acted too quickly. What was with him though?"
Pixi has posed:
Tilting her head, Pixi walks into traverse town. Some people actualy scurry away from the tall viera, simply because of her height. Others try to pick her up. But all she does is follow something only she can.....smell. the scent takes her to the Wildkat cafe, and she opens the door, ducking under the top of the doorframe, and looks straight towards Rinoa. "Hey Rinoa. You okay?" She says as she gets close to Rinoa's seat.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa glances up from her hot chocolate, smiling as she sees her friends, which seems to cheer her up considerably. "Hi! dont worry about it.." She nods to Tifa when she apologizes. "No, it was silly of me, arguing with a hot head like him when he has made it clear that he will hurt anyone who tries to stop the sorceress. You were just trying to protect me."

Glancing at Pixi, she nods and smiles, albeit a weak one. "I'll be fine, I suppose. Although I'm really worried about what's happened to my friend, Seifer. He was serious. he's really gonna fight me if I 'get in the way' again, but...I dont want to be his enemy! There must be some way to resolve this.."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart shakes her head "I know what you mean." she waves to Pixi with a smile, leaning her head on her hand, elbow on the table as she thinks about something "Well, if you ask me, his actions are not matching his words either."
Pixi has posed:
Pixi says, "Seifer, huh? What does he look like?" She says quietly sitting down near Rinoa. "Friend of yours?" She says quietly. She then looks to Tifa. "Something you observed, Tifa?"""
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa nods. "Yeah. I was surprised. I mean, he was a SeeD cadet once, and suddenly he's prepared, eager almost, to fight them?" She sighs, "I suppose I should tell you the whole story from the beginning. It's pretty messed up, but.."

Drawing a breath, taking a sip of the soothing cocoa, Rinoa attempts to start from the beginning. "You see, Seifer was once a SeeD Cadet, that is, a mercenary school from Balamb Garden. Of course you know the place by now..."

She has a strange, almost embarrassed smile on her face now as she idly twirls a strand of hair with her fingers. "Well..He wasn't just a Seed Cadet. He was also my boyfriend for a year or two. And, he's the one who gave me Angelo as a birthday present.."

That'd explain why Angelo was quite fond of Seifer at least. She looks back at Pixi. "Hmm, well he's pretty tall, likes to wear a long grey duster coat, has short blonde hair, cold blue eyes, handsome in a kinda rugged way."

Rinoa sighs longingly, recalling the good old days, and is momentarily lost in thought again as she stares out the window..
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods to Pixi "There is. Something just doesn't match up." She listens to Rinoa's story, nodding "Well I don't think he's as serious about what he said than he'd like you to believe."
Pixi has posed:
Pixi makes a bit of a face. "Sounds like even SeeDs can go bad. Though, it isn't that big of a stretch, is it? A mercenary going bad?" She then leans a bit back in her chair. "It also sounds like there's a reason why he wants to fight SeeD, hm? Did he mention why?"
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa glances back at the others. "Hmm, I suppose you could be right, Tifa. I dont know..I mean, well.." She chuckles, "I'm actually a freedom fighter, member of the Timber Owls. I called in the SeeD to help me liberate Timber. I hoped Seifer would be there, but he had failed his SeeD exam again..Even so, he escaped garden and headed to Timber anyways, where he held the president of Galbadia at gunpoint, demanding that he free Timber."

Rinoa shrugs, "Yeah, Seifer's a good person. His heart is in the right place, just a bit rough around the edges. I heard that he was arrested on the spot by Galbadian officials and sentenced to death, but..When the SeeD were suddenly ordered to assassinate the sorceress, there he was, protecting Sorceress Edea. No, he wasn't just protecting her, he had become her knight."

Rinoa stares back into her cup again, twirling the straw around for a moment or two in thoughtful silence. "He wants to fight SeeD, because he believes the sorceress has been misunderstood and unfairly hated and feared by the populace. Y'know, it's always been his dream to become a sorceress' knight. Some silly romantic notion I suppose.."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods "He saved you, without any hesitation. Obviously he wants to see you safe." She takes a sip from her cup "That's probably why he's asking you to not get involved. He's probably into something that he feels is important and dangerous, and to 'keep you safe' he needs to 'push you away'. I think he might believe that under the threat that he'd attack even you, that you'd pull out from interfering."

She ponders more "He said something about 'cannot be seen together', he's probably afraid that someone would target you to get to him."
Pixi has posed:
Pixi says, "Well, if he's a sorceress' knight, that's quite possible, especially if you're really paranoid." She then makes another face. "Though the mindset of 'keep your friends close, but your enemies closer, comes to mind as well." She lowers her ears a bit, as she thinks about something. "Short blonde hair, grey jacket......He can't be hard to miss."""
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa nods. "He sure did. I think he did want to keep me safe. But then..Why's he doing this, fighting for Edea? He knows eventually he'll have to fight SeeD again. And even if I'm not Seed, still.." She sighs, running her hands through her hair in frustration. "Uggh...."

Then suddenly she stops, "I have an idea! Maybe...Maybe if I surrendered, and went with him back to Deling to see this sorceress, to hear her point of view. Maybe he's right and sorceresses arent' really that evil, just misunderstood.."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart hms "Well its a possibility. I just want you to be sure about it though, it could be dangerous." She doesn't know the entire story after all, just what she can see for herself. She doesn't know all about witches either "What a witch anyway? I mean, lots of people can use magic."
Pixi has posed:
Pixi says, "It's also possible he'll see through your deception, Rinoa." She says softly. 'but, my experience with humans, means your ploy may work as well." She sighs a bit, tugging one of her gauntlets further up her arm. "I did stick around Seventh Heaven for a bit, but I just had a weird feeling, and tried to find you guys."""
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa shakes her head. "Oh no, I'm not gonna deceive Seifer! Never! But..I DO want to see for myself if his claims are true. I think he truly believes he is doing the right thing." She looks back at Tifa, frowning a bit.

"Oh..She's more than just a witch or a mage. Sorceresses from my world..Well, they're incredibly powerful, in fact, they supposedly inherited their powers from a deity, the great Hyne, creator of all life in our world." Rinoa sighs, taking another sip of her hot chocolate before continuing.

"A sorceress doesn't just possess elemental powers. They can also do things like telekinetically move stuff, create shields, control your body like a puppet, read your mind, teleport.." She shudders, "Yeah, they're pretty scary. Some times, often times, they grow unnatural characteristics. Like horns. Or wings. And they live a really long time. But the worst part is that, they are so powerful that that power will eventually drive them mad..There are no 'good' sorceresses that I know of, honestly.."
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
SArafina, in full armor, walks into the cafe along with a Hummingway who seems to have taken the name Gangway. They are conversing, literally, about the weather. After a few moments they are actually talking about the cafe itself, Sarafina remarking on how strnage it looks. The Gangway waves to th eladies and gives Pixi a wink.

"Isn't she cute?" Gangway asks. "Look at those legs-- I would rename myself to Hoppingway for her--"
"You are embarrassing me." Sarafina says, "Just because we are mercenaries doesn't mean you have to be so--"
Gangway blows kisses Pixi's way.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods "That does sound pretty bad.. but I wouldn't think that beign a sorceress makes you evil either. Its more about what you do with your powers, wouldn't it?" She tilts her head. "Its the same for anyone really. We know how to fight, but what do we use that strength for?" She looks over to Sarafina, waving. She's seen the girl before. She lifts an eyebrow at the Hummingway's comments about Pixi's legs.
Pixi has posed:
Pixi pointedly ignores the comments about her legs, and ignores the kisses being blown her way. However, it's obvious, by the look on her face, and the roll of her eyes, that she's been through this before. As the sorceress topic continues, Pixi takes a deep breath. "Magic, in my clan was quite revered with shamans and priests, even a few mages. Those with a natural gift for natural magic were separated from the clan and taught to be druids, or practitioners of natural arts.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa bites her lip. "I..Dont really know. I guess they just go mad with all the power inside of them. You know, power corrupts and all that. Historically, most sorceresses just hunger for more and more power. Like they're obssessed with it. Obsessed with destroying everything in sight and becoming more powerful.."

Another shrug and sip of her hot chocolate. "Hmm, most people in my world can't use magic normally. Only SeeD can, when they're junctioned with Guardian Forces. Then they can use magic through them. But in Galbadia, they devised a way to draw magic from other people, using a Magic Junctioning bracelet, like the one I'm wearing." She nods to the pretty jeweled bracelet on one of her wrists. Who'd have thought?

"But yes, Sorceresses can naturally use magic, even without these devices. I guess a knight's supposed to protect a sorceress, but otherthan that, I dont really know the details. So maybe Edea really IS just a good person who is struggling with these evil powers.."

And then two armoured figures step into the cafe, one of them blowing kisses at Pixi. "Wow..What's that all about?" she makes a face at Gangway, hoping he'll look away. "What are you staring at, huh?"
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
"Wow!" Gangway says, looking back to Sarafina. "That one's looking this way... Do you... do you think she's interested?" He shakes his head though. "Sarafina, can you let her know I'm not interested? Her ears are /waaay/ too short." He waggles his bunny ears as if to explain why.
"You should do it," Sarafina says. "If you call yourself a man--" She pauses after reconsidering. "--But knowing you, it is perhaps best if I go over." She stands up and approaches the trio.

"Sorry for my companion." She says. "He has that quality of innocence that only fools have."

Gangway blows more bunny kisses Pixiwards.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods, taking another sip of her teacup as she listens "I see, a bit like we can't use magic without materias in our world, I guess if anyone could they would be considered as sorceresses as well." She hmms, thinking about it "Well that's an interesting story at least." She keeps looking toward the Hoppingway, wondering what's the deal... oh wait, looks like a bunny, probably why.
Pixi has posed:
Pixi looks over to Tifa, then over to Gangway, then to Sarafina. "At least he has a legitimate reason for blowing kisses my way. Humans try for the same reason and assume." She points to the bunny ears. ".....that we mate like rabbits." She then rolls her eyes, but chuckles. 'It's good to have innocence. It's good to protect it, but I hope his innocence isn't lost all at once."
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa just..Stares at the weird bunny thing and the armoured woman. "Wow, that's quite the companion you've got there.." She chuckles, looking at the woman. "But I dont think Pixi's interested. Is he a Viera too? He's kinda short for one.."

She glances back at Pixi again, and then at Gangway, trying to figure something out. "Hey Pixi, are male Viera usually shorter than female Viera?"

Eventually however, she looks back at Tifa and nods. "Yes..And I still have to come up with a plan to prevent Seifer from going to war with Garden.."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart hms "Well maybe it would be better if we could convince him that its a bad idea. I mean, wouldn't he rather keep his sorceress out of any harm's reach, instead of going into a frontal assault?" She scratches her cheek at that "Maybe we can make him understand that stay away is better.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
Sarafina looks back towards Gangway and glowers at him which does nothing to dissuade him.

She shakes his her head. "Says he's a Hummingway." She says. "I honestly haven't met many like him. TThey all have 'Way' at the end of their name though, really bizarre--if you ask me."

She smiles faintly at Pixi. "Aye, well, most are harmless enough. Don't let it get to you."

She is about to step back but then Rinoa says something that draws her attention.

"--Garden?" She asks, looking back towards Rinoa. "You don't mean Balamb Garden, do you? Someone wishes to go to war with them?" A sorceress and a knight on top of all this nonsense with Baron, she thinks!
Pixi has posed:
Pixi says, "Viera males are shorter, yes, but they tend to be more humanoid." She then look over to Gangway. "and taller." She then listens to Sarafina's explanation of the hummingways. "That.....would be creepy. Especially if your name was 'Freeway', or something like that."""
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa ponders this. "Well..I suppose if we just leave Sorceress Edea alone, she might leave us alone. But..We kinda sorta..Tried to assassinate her, so, I'm pretty sure she'll want to punish us when she finds out we escaped from prison.." She shrugs, "The best case scenario, Seifer goes back to Deling and focuses on trying to protect the sorceress who will hopefully leave Garden alone. But..I dunno. What I REALLY need to do, is go to Deling City. In fact.."

She frowns again, clenching her fists. "Oh no, I just realized something! My father, he was in Deling city when the sorceress defeated us and dragged us away to prison. That was around the time the heartless attacked us..I wonder if he's alright. I need to get to Deling! I need to figure out what's going on there. And..If my dad's okay.."

Finally, Rinoa glances back at Sarafina, smirking a bit at Namingway. The name is so silly it almost causes her to forget her worries completely. "Oh, I cant really say for sure, but since Garden DID kinda try to kill Sorceress Edea before this whole heartless mess...Yes, that's it. I need to go to Deling City and figure out what's what."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart hms "I never heard of deling City, but we can look it up, see if its still around or not. I'm sure you must be worried." She knows the feeling all too well, although she doesn't have anyone left waiting for her back home. Really, without her friends she'd be all alone. That's why she takes care of them so much, and of people at the bar. Its a bit like her family now.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
"Freeway?" Sarafina asks, shaking her head, and pausing, as Rinoa just flat out admits to attempted murder? Well, she imagines they're mercenaries--probably part of some job or another.

" Garden know about it?" She asks.
Pixi has posed:
Pixi lightly kicks Rinoa as she admits to nearly killing Edea. "i'm sure Balamb Garden knows....somehow." She, however, looks to Sarafina. "It was a joke." She admits bluntly. However, she looks to Tifa and smiles a rather weak smile. "Probably is." She admits before looking to Rinoa, gauging her actions, but then looks to Sarafina. "If I may ask.....who're you?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods "We were there for the first attack, but this seems different. Its not jsut a country wanting to erase them, but someone striking them as a vendatta, from the sound of it. I just wonder what are the motives behind it."
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
"I am Sarafina D'ajora." Sarafina says, she doesn't seem to mind that she's giving out information about herself. AT least not to these people, she has worked alongside with Tifa before, in a sense, so she doesn't see herself as a stranger.

"I apologize for butting in." She breathes out. "It's just--" She shakes her head. "--I have been to that Garden. I have worked alongside them. I am concerned--if there is danger heading their way without them knowing baout it. Though, ah, if they attacked the Sorceress you mention they probably should know anyway..."
Pixi has posed:
"I am Pixi." She says softly before looking over to Tifa, then looking back to Sarafina. "I haven't been to Balamb Garden. Probably better that I don't. I'm not exactly fond of mercenaries." She admits rather freely. She then looks to Tifa. "You know anything of this Sorceress Edea?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart shakes her head at Pixi's question "No, sorry, nothing at all. First time I heard the name even." She nods to Sarafina, smiling "Of course, you helped me with the giant heartless near Goug, we met a few times here and there too. I'm Tifa Lockhart."