Welcome To Archades

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Welcome To Archades
Date of Scene: 10 February 2013
Location: Archades - Imperial Room
Synopsis: Riku takes up Gabranth's offer to join the Archadian Military - But is he really ready for it?
Cast of Characters: Riku, Zargabaath, Gabranth

Gabranth has posed:

The Judge Magister had not only his marching orders to write up and give out, but he also needed to bring Riku before his the Emperor of House Solidor. There was not much time and he was not sure what his Majesty had planned.

Gabranth was actually sitting at his own desk there in the Imperial Palace building. His hand through his short hair as his eyes blue eyes stared down at the blank piece of paper. The window behind him, displaying the beauty of the city, as a few Archadian vehicles flew by from time to time.

However there was a knock on his door, which caused the Judge Magister too look up and over the top of his helm. He then lowered his hand before he stood up, "Enter."

One of the Imperial Judges then steps into the room before giving a salute. "Your honor, the youth has arrived by one of the flight cabs, shall I give word to escort him here or.."

"I will meet him at the pad." Gabranth says sharply, before reaching to pick up his helm and then places his helm on as he heads out...


Down at the flight pad the Imperial Soldiers were actually being rather nice to the guest in question, though some were giving the lad a curious look. He was an outsider, yet having an outsider was not to uncommon in this city as the man approaching was too someone not born of this nation.

The Judge Magister Gabranth approaches with the Imperial Judge behind him in equal step formation, before breaking off from the Judge Magister and off to the side.

"Riku." Gabranth says calmly. "I am glad to see you could make it. I hope there was no trouble befell you on your way here."

Gabranth glanced over to the corner of his vision. A familiar vessel was coming into the port, along with another vessel as well. How many others were summoned today? Then again, perhaps it was nothing.
Riku has posed:
Riku had only visited Archades once or twice, and that only because it had been a recent destination of a large and impressive airship. So he still hasn't developed any sort of picture of how he should act in order to fit in with the populace here.

As usual though, he is so used to standing out for one reason or another (some of them entirely besides the point of his appearance) that he concentrates on trying to think this entire enterprise through in his head instead of staring like a slack jawed yokel.

He has /very/ recent experience that has considerably stiffened his resolve to not look awestruck by the technological cityscape of the city of Archades. This is taking so much of his time that he doesn't notice until the judge magister is nearly on top of him, not a promising start to any ideas about his perception.

Riku straightens up and looks around, letting himself look nervous for a second because he was sure very much that it was going to get much worse by the time they were actually inside the castle or palace or-- wherever it was that they were going and he would need all of his willpower to squash his nerves then. So sparing them now, Riku clears his throat awkwardly and raises an hand to rub at the bridge of his nose. "No. Thank you.. your.." and this is why we cannot have nice things. Riku has completely blanked out the end of that sentence. He mentally frowns at himself and ruffles through his memories for the correct phrase. /Gods/ he knew it two seconds before. This has stretched past the point of willpower sparing into the realm of looking like an idiot very shortly.

Riku takes a breath and restarts the statement as if nothing at all had happened. "No. Thank you your honor, there was no trouble at all." There. He got the cadence right so he dragged the offending memory out of the gloom. He braced himself with another small sigh between slightly grit teeth. Flying cars. Giant buildings. Judge Magisters of various variations on the 'scary armor' theme-- Right.
Zargabaath has posed:
The Alexander drifts into its personal docking station, slowing to a stop in place. At the same time, a sleek white ship takes its place within a more standardized dock. Activity around the two ships is frentic but orderly, indicating more than anything the importance therein. It does not take long for both ships to be secured and for gangplanks to be connected from dock to airship.

As dock crews move in to check on the condition of the ships and their supplies, two men in full armor not terribly dissimilar to Judge Magister Gabranth's disembark with only one or two standard Judges in their wake. One, Riku would recognize immediately--the red lines and ram-like helm being major giveaways. The other, however, is a relatively new 'face'--almost golden/bronze armor with red cloth, a styling not terribly dissimilar to the armor of the Realm of Dragons.

The two Judge Magisters meet at the dock, still quite some distance away from Riku and Gabranth. The bronze Judge Magister, however, has an air about him that seems quite displeased. "You did that on purpose, Zargabaath!" He grumbles.

Judge Magister Zargabaath doesn't seem to even notice him. "Judge Magister Ghis, would you be implying that I would put the Alexander, the Leviathan, and their respective crews at risk over a race into port? Come now." His tone, though just as quiet as Ghis', sounds somewhere between amused and annoyed. "You seemed quite keen on it at the time yourself."

Judge Magister Ghis huffs, folding his arms over his chestplate. "When the Emperor calls for an assembly, we must make all haste to answer. Though it seems that 'haste' is not exactly a quality the Alexander possesses."

Only then does Judge Magister Zargabaath cant his helm towards Ghis. It takes a few seconds before he actually responds. "It was a tie. Let us leave it at that." He sweeps forwards, ending that conversation, and Ghis falls into step next to him as they approach the waiting duo. "Greetings, Riku! I am glad to see you well!"

He and Ghis both dip their helms as one to Gabranth, acknowledging him in unison as well: "Your Honor."
Gabranth has posed:

The Judge of Ambition stands there raising a brow under his helm as Riku seems to have forgotten what to say. He is amused somewhat behind it all by the youth being unsure and his nervousness. He could relate to this. He was once that way, long ago, but at that current time, he couldn't think about it.

Someone important to him back then...
that someone..
was dieing.

The moment of though causes him to furrow his brows in somber remembrance, before he looks at Riku once more. "Good." The Judge Magister then turned to look at the imperial soldiers who were trying their hardest to not snerk, laugh, or even break formation. Though when the Judge of Ambition looks at them, they are extremely quick to straighten up.

He then turns to look at the Judge standing off to the side. "Judge Xyphen, would you please inform his Imperial Majesty that we will be along shortly?" He turns to look at Riku, that what ever he was about to say was interrupted by the presence of Ghis and Zargabaath. That explains the loud conversation in the distance. Ghis was /always/ loud.

"Judge Magister Ghis and Judge Magister Zargabaath, I am surprised to see you both here... Yet I should not be. Though I see both of you arrived safely into the docks." His voice was calm, holding back what amusement may be there for the two. Honestly, he shouldn't be surprised. The Emperor was not following the normal coarse of things, this typically meant something about this trial could possible mean he was wanting to make a /point/ about something.

He hated when the Emperor wanted to make /points/. Not that they were always bad points, but it was at someone's expense or perhaps-- no. The Emperor was wise, his rule was firm. There was no need of concern.

The Judge Magister then turned to Riku, before looking at Ghis and Zargbaath. "Riku, this is his Honor, Ghis, as you already met Zargabaath." He says motioning an open hand toward Ghis' direction. This-- could go bad very quickly depending on how Riku steps. He then speaks up snappily before to much could be said from any party. "I was also just getting ready to Riku to see about getting a proper attire." His gaze was meeting directly at Ghis with that 'not a word' look. "As the youth is not from our kingdom." Yep, not a word Ghis.
Riku has posed:
Riku feels the fire leak up his spine at the snerking, the rush of cold flames hissing and spitting behind his eyes in a way that they have not done outside of his control for many weeks. It was nothing. He would be doing the same and yet-- in front of everybody he shouldn't be..

What surprises him is that when he closes himself away from that rush of anger and slight embarrassment, it fades and is shuttered as if the darkness was kept veiled behind constraining glass. His shoulders relax and the knot of tension fades with something a little bit like relief that he wasn't going to have to pay attention to himself as well as everyone else. A small smile comes to his face as he takes the slight embarassment in stride.

Riku lags a little bit behind the conversation because of that moment of doubt and struggles to keep up. The teenager turns to face the two approaching Judge Magisters. He closes his eyes for a moment and when he opens them again, he isn't listening to the words. Riku slightly shifts stance so that his eyes can flicker between the three judges. He looks at how they are standing, not so much what they are saying as the tones. He has.. had experience with having to read the subtext underneath the words of others.

Riku gathers his thoughts together, putting together a picture he very much /hopes/ is correct.

He first acknowledges judge magister Zargabaath, trying to find the right words and then saying mentally to himself 'Screw it' with a mental exasperation. He would say want he would say, mistake or not. If he tried to keep rein on himself like this he WOULD do nothing but screw up. "Your Honor." and then he blatantly steals, his inflection tilted /very/ slightly towards the ironic.

"I am very glad to see you. I hope there wasn't any trouble on your way here." he inclines his head soberly to Ghis. "A pleasure to meet you, your honor. You have to excuse me, I am a little overawed at the moment. That first craft in the docks, it is yours?"
Zargabaath has posed:
Judge Magister Zargabaath bows his helmed head. "Indeed, no trouble at all." The previous conversation never happened. Really!

Judge Magister Ghis seems more intent on studying this strange boy, his foremost concern chopped off at the knees by Gabranth before it could be voiced. Though when Riku speaks, Ghis straightens incrementally, already gathering his first impressions of the boy. At least he seems of an honest sort. "Indeed, 'tis much to take in." He inclines his helm. "And as His Honor Gabranth stated, I am Judge Magister Ghis. Officiant of the 13th Bureau and commander of the 8th Imperial Fleet."

He turns his helm slightly, regarding the white sleek airship in the docks--dwarfed by the Alexander, but large in its own right. "Aye, 'tis my flagship--the Dreadnaught Leviathan. The most balanced of all Archadian airships, and is able to traverse where most cannot." The pride in his voice is not dissimilar to what Zargabaath holds for the Alexander. It seems airship captains share a love for their ships, no matter any other rivalries that may ensue.

Zargabaath nods faintly, seeming to check something back towards the castle proper. "Your Honor, we will go on ahead while you tend to the preparations," he says to Gabranth. He tilts his helm to the boy as well. "Pardon us."

Both Judge Magisters bow and pass by, but Zargabaath pauses just briefly at Gabranth's side, their shoulders nearly touching. At a low rumble inaudible to all but the Judge of Ambition, Zargabaath whispers, "A full assembly has been called in the presence of the Emperor. 'Tis not only us, but all." And with that, he departs with Ghis.
Gabranth has posed:

No pressure. None at all.

The Judge of Ambition doesn't even nod to Zargabaath, keeping sure that conversation stands between the two of them, or Ghis could ask questions if any indication was given. Then Gabranth turns to look at Riku. "Come." He says with a calm, fluid tone to his voice. It was more of a request then an order, but it probably be wise to follow.

The Judge Magister went down another path from the two other Judge Magisters, though all heading into the Imperial building. Gabranth would take Riku down a few corridors of the beautiful steel and stone structure. The windows and some times balconies showing the beauty of the city from many views as they walked.

As they entered a room, he opened the door allowing Riku to enter first, before he would go in. He then glances around the room, before he speaks softly with some of the women there who stood up as Gabranth entered. Two of the younger women glanced over at Riku and giggled only softly, before they gave a nod to Gabranth. "He will be fine in our hands, your honor."

The Judge Magister then turned to face Riku. "This will not take long, but they will be seeing to you being given some proper Arcadian armor and attire." He remembered this when he first joined. He remembered it well. Mostly the concern if they would even have anything for his size. "The Emperor respects honesty and loyalty. Most over all things, is honesty." Gabranth explains. "You should address him as your Majesty and nothing less. Though we could walk before him in your normal attire, it is a custom within Archadian society to walk before him in your best. If you are to join the military arm of his might, then you would approach him with such."

Then the Judge Magister goes to step outside. "Once you are done, I will be outside and then we will head for his Majesty's office."
Riku has posed:
Riku huffs out a faint breath of relief. He apparantly pushed the right button to get out of that conversation with his head still attached. He mutters 'words words words..' to himself so softly that he hopes nobody else can hear him as he rakes a hand through his hair and attempts to compose himself for the next part.

In the middle of the street he hesitates for just a moment with a profoundly ominous feeling of 'what the hell have I gotten myself into /now/?' before following Judge Magister Gabranth. Riku puts one foot in front of the other. Well-- at least this time it was his choice. He made this choice. It was not forced on him.

A little later Riku was trying to look-- pretty much everywhere at once in a combination of dread and fascination. That seems to have settled onto him once they entered so he is very glad for rationing his willpower. It takes a considerable amount of it to both listen to Gabranth with more than half an ear and not shake himself to pieces.

Which is god awfully STUPID because what the heck should he be scared of that he hadn't already looked in the face yet? And yet..

He allows the attendants to do their job, twitching and flinching and very uncomfortable but almost too lost in his own thoughts to care. He keeps being transfixed by any one of the mirrors and then he'll just stare for awhile. Then-- he finds himself dressed and the attendants gone and he whips around for the sign of danger, for the sound of echoing footsteps, for the source of his blackout-- only to find himself staring into the mirror.

It had been awhile since he had slipped into a half conscious fugue so the sudden lost time scared him intensely. He shook violently for a few moments, leaning against a dresser and crossing his arms tightly across the front of his chest as he gasped for breath to steady himself with.

"And here we are again.." the teenager studies his reflection from across the room. Yes. He had somewhat blacked out at some point and the attendants had left him staring at himself in the mirror. His heart began to slow as no danger presented itself and his thoughts began to drift as he studied the unfamiliar armor. He had gotten used to this, perhaps even to the point of being someone else. It had been useful though. It had given him time. It had shown him the parts he would never see as himself. He still didn't.. quite.. understand the concept of places this immense. Of people so numerous.

His mind almost seized again at what possibly may lay out there. Another mistake. It could all be another mistake to even be here. Riku snorts, digging both hands into his hair and wincing as the nails bit into his skin. He looks at them as though he had never noticed before. He had somewhat gotten used to it. Maybe he even kept them as a reminder. A reminder of a fallen city and a stupid boy who would do anything to protect others... to not be a disappointment.

Riku slowly pushes himself up onto his feet, pacing the room several times with the intensity of a trapped panther. Everything else he pushes out of his mind.

He looked down and began to peel off the arcadian armor. It wasn't right and he couldn't breathe. Riku paced several more times and then put something together again. In essence, it was a combination of both things that almost clashed but didn't quite.

He shrugged his jacket over the chest armor, leaving the shoulders out. Everything else was comfortable enough to keep although he put his broken in sneakers on again from where he fished them. He kept some things and discarded others and it would most likely be ridiculous to them-- an outsider farce, but he had to be honest. He didn't come from here. He wasn't these people.

He could respect them by looking respectable and familiar-- but that would be lying. Really all he could do was be himself. Maybe not the best time to take a friend's advice-- but then, when did he ever made the best choices?

Riku straightened the collar. Right-- wherever this was going. It was too late to back out now. He opened the doors, almost thought about closing them again because he didn't want to make Gabranth look foolish for taking him here, and then closing them behind him with a quick click that sounds thunderous in his ears. He glares at the floor, not saying anything as he waits with an almost palpable aura of heat surrounding him. He almost opens his mouth to apologize and does not. He just inclines his head to Gabranth.
Gabranth has posed:

The Judge Magister was leaning on the wall next to the door as Riku stepped out at last. It actually took a little longer then Gabranth would have liked, but nervousness was handled different by each. The Emperor, which Gabranth knew, was a very patient man. Thankfully. Some he had learned when dealing with those of House Solidor.

When the door closes, Gabranth doesn't even look over, he just speaks calmly. "You will do fine." The Judge of Ambition then pushes off the wall at last before leading the way once more. It was impossible to tell what Gabranth was thinking, and even probably frustrating when he didn't acknowledge what Riku actually did, until he at last looks over his shoulders. "We are enforcers of law, within law, one must have some form of honesty.. if not knowledge of truth."

He then once more heads for the doors, letting Riku maybe chew on those words, there was no guards at the door to the Emperor's office. There was no need to when so many Judge Magister's were present. Instead Gabranth opened both doors easily with his hand.

The room was large, several bench chairs lined the walkway, a massive window behind where the Emperor was sitting with his hands clasped, looking directly at the door. He was an elderyly man in fine clothing. Ghis and Zargabaath could be seen most likely need the Emperor's side, while Drace was on one side of the room and another Judge Magister known as Bergan was on the other side. Bergan gazed across the way as Gabranth walked in remarking with a cold tone in his voice. "Took you long enough, /Gabranth/?"

The Judge of Ambition cut his gaze in his helm toward Bergan. "Impatient as ever." He remarked softly with a calmness in his voice. Before he gaze moved to the Emperor. "My apologies your majesty if we kept you waiting."

Gramis Solidor, Emperor of Archades and ruler of House Solidor only gazed partly at Gabranth, but his eyes were focused on Riku. "You did not, Gabranth. Please both of you come forward to me." The Emperor says as he stands up from where he sits. His elderly eyes still studying Riku, from how he was dressed and by how he walked. "You must be Riku. Gabranth has spoken about you and I can see before me why he has taken some interest in you."

The Emperor furrows his brows. "You have much strength in the way you carry yourself, yet uncertainty. You remind me of someone else," His eyes gaze over to Gabranth for a moment before back to Riku. "Who once stood before me." He then hrms softly, before giving a gentle nod. "Yet, for some trails are needed in order to prove such things, as words may carry weight, it is the actions that carry out the true meaning of the word."

The Emperor then looks to Zargabaath, before back to Riku. "Your task, if you so choose to join us is a very simple one. You will enter combat with Gabranth before me."

Gabranth almost froze in his thoughts as the Emperor said that with such a casual tone. He went to speak, the huff of air could be heard from his helm. It was easy to tell by body language that Gabranth did not agree with this action, but just as quickly as he nearly stepped out of place. He was back in it again.

Bergan though could only minor chuckle softly. He didn't exactly seem like the friendly type at all.

The Emperor then continues, "This is your trial. Show me what Gabranth says is true." He then sits back down once more. The Judge Magisters were informed of this before Gabranth. Zargabaath was given the order once Riku decided what to do. One of those orders was to place the Nethicite Crystal staff in the middle of the room, to nullify all magic from this battle.
Riku has posed:
Riku felt like he had been slammed in the chest with a sledgehammer. There is a moment of betrayal as he looks around at the chamber and sees only unfamiliar faces. Possibily enemies. This was not something he had been expecting, really didn't have all THAT much reason to expect and he was /very/ sure it would not be only for show.

Riku begins to shake his head slightly. Something was wrong. The teenager started to gather the energy to manifest a TRAP</span> in big letters and capitals. Riku grimaces in fury at himself then at Judge Magister Gabranth.

The teenager prevents himself from bolting towards a more defensible location by sheer willpower, going over the words again and studying the room. There was hostility here, yes-- but the Emperor wasn't the source of it. He runs back over the words again, a few at a time. He didn't have to comply.

The teenager begins to breathe a little easier as the words, at least, give the impression that he would be allowed to leave here. Except.. was that the right decision? Riku closes his eyes for a few moments and centers himself. He didn't have to do this. He could just walk away. It was his choice.

Listen.. listen..

The murmur of voices. The hush of metal and cloth. The breathing of a watching audience. Slowly screening that out until all he could ear was his own breathing.

This was something he could do.

You learned more about people with blades, not words. He ought to know that, since he agreed with it. He could still walk away. All he had to do was speak. "..Your majesty, would you do me the courtesy of giving me something to fight with?" he smirks brazenly, eyes still closed. "..otherwise this is going to be over very quickly."

Riku slowly opens his eyes, the yellow gleaming with an internal fire as he glares at Bergan for a moment before turning to face Gabranth. He bows to him slightly, voice quiet and iron flat as he tries not to start shaking again. "If you would do me the honor.. your honor?"
Zargabaath has posed:
Indeed, the placement of the Judge Magisters is not happenstance. Judge Magister Ghis stands at the right corner of the Emporor's desk, Judge Magister Zargabaath to the left corner. Bergan stands at the left side of the room and Judge Magister Drace at the right, the effect almost like a crescent in that part of the room.

All of them are standing at perfect attention, no weapons in hand, and all focused on the double-doors as Judge Magister Gabranth and Riku enter. They almost seem to be decorative suits of armor on display, if not for the shifting of metal and leather denoting living Humes within.

Ghis barely manages to contain a splutter at Riku's choice of attire, only by virtue of the Emporor's presence. Judge Magister Zargabaath rumbles lowly at Bergan's outburst, helm turning slightly to regard the crested dark-bronzed Judge Magister. He says nothing, but his displeasure at the blatant disregard of decorum is very clear all the same.

Judge Magister Drace--clearly the only female Judge Magister, by the way her shell-like platemail falls over her form--similarly does not give a visible reaction to their appearance, though her gaze seems focused solely on Riku himself. In fact, it is only when Riku requests a weapon does she move forwards.

"By all means, young Riku." Her voice is calm, low, and surprisingly warm--the other Judge Magisters would recognize the rather motherly tone, except it is usually reserved for Larsa. "Over here," she motions to an open closet-like chest displaying weapons of all sorts, "but choose wisely." Her cryptic statement has absolutely no indications of warning nor forboding, only simple yet neutral advice.

Zargabaath raises one arm and clasps a gauntleted hand around the staff. He does not advance yet nor even move beyond that, not until both Gabranth and Riku indicate they are ready.
Gabranth has posed:

Gabranth behind that helm was giving the Crystal that Zargabaath was going to bring out an almost 'wtf I don't even..' look. It means just by the virtue of the nethicite being here, he was being handicapped! However, actions spoke. They always did. This was a trial fight. A trial fight with real weapons.

The Judge of Ambition wanted to ask if it was necessary, he wanted to ask if this could be done with training staffs, but-- there was truth in all this. Riku saved Gabranth's life. Riku stepped in the way of an attacker and protected the Judge Magister.

Bergan meanwhile stays where he is, almost grinning behind his odd helm. Oh how he is going to love this little display of tit-for-tat. It was almost obvious he was perhaps actually /already/ enjoying this.

The Judge of Ambition rumbled softly and motioned for Riku to go choose his weapon. The Emperor only eyed Gabranth for a moment, giving him a raised brow. It was like a silent communication between the Judge Magister and the man he acted as the eyes and ears for.

Gabranth only glanced over at Solidor for a moment, before he came to rest both hands on his blade, moving to one side of the large room. Those blue eyes of his scanning the ground, before he only gave a minor, extremely minor nod. It was his Emperor's wishes. So it would be done.

The Judge Magister turned around and drew out both of his swords. The Large Chaos Blade and the Highway Star Saber. He drew them out with simple ease and moved the tips to point at the ground. Gabranth's own breathing was forcing to be steadied. He had to be steady, though he did glare at the Nethicite with a look that could kill for those who can see his gaze in the darkness of the helm.

Meanwhile while Riku was to choose his weapon, Bergan gazed over to Ghis, before nodding his head toward the youth. There was a minor hand gesture, a extremely minor one from his crossed arms over his chest. Who knew what that was all about.
Riku has posed:
Riku is extremely vulnerable to anyone with a good 'mom' voice. It's simply a fact of reality that he's come to expect over time. He smiles at her with an edge of sheepishness, murmuring a thank you with the appropirate honorific before he focuses on the task at hand not only because it gives him a great excuse to ignore the watching audience but also it gives him some time to gather himself.

He looks over the weapons and stretched his neck first to one side and then the other. He was about to get hammered into the marble floor, that much was for sure. Without magic he was certain that he couldn't fight back against Gabranth in a straight fight.

Riku pulls several blades from the collection and inspects them. It's soothing to actually know a little bit about this. His dad's words filtering through his mind as he tests the balance and he wishes VERY hard not for that damn crystal so he could just summon something he knows how to use. "Right." Riku whispers to himself, pulling a long glaive knife almost the length of his forearm and a trident dagger from the collection. He almost finds it ironic to be using this again, lamenting he left the one in his satchel back with the rest of the things he hadn't needed for the moment.

The teenager smirks at the judge magister with easy amusement, but this is somewhat of a calculation. Everything Riku does after he has chosen has that element of thought behind it as he keeps the fear at bay by smiling. "After you, your honor." he murmurs only loud enough for Judge Magister Gabranth to hear him.

Riku takes in a breath as he continues to slowly circle. He-- wasn't going to go down easy. He could at least assure himself of that.
Zargabaath has posed:
The Judge Magisters wait in silence as Riku chooses his weapons, the air expectantly patient.

Ghis does not seem to acknowledge Bergan across the room, his gaze remaining straight ahead, but there is a faint twitch of fingers at his side in response. Yes, silent communication between the two, but as to what one could only guess.

As Riku steps away from the chest, Judge Magister Drace closes it to seal the unchosen weapons within and returns to her place. She says nothing further, only watching carefully.

Judge Magister Zargabaath, however, lifts the staff and moves forwards, intentionally stepping between the stationary Gabranth and the circling Riku. He reaches what appears to be a predetermined point and anchors it in place with a firm jab downwards. The effect of the Nethicite embedded within billows outwards, reaching all walls and neutralizing even the Judge Magister's own magicks. Drace and Ghis shift uncomfortably, perhaps sensing something similar to Riku and Gabranth. In fact, it seems only Zargabaath himself seems completely immune to its effects.

"Fight as you see fit." The Judge of Reason's words echo in the large room, only bolstered by the helm. The cold neutrality in his voice is perhaps too carefully crafted, but one can never tell with the most Lawful Neutral of the Judge Magisters.

He steps back, retaking his place. "Begin."
Gabranth has posed:

The Judge of Ambition was steady, his nerves were calm. He may not like where he is being placed at, but he had faith in his Emperor. He had faith in what was being asked was for reasons. He had too.

He was the eyes and ears.

He was the sword and shield.

Riku, would have to learn that life within the Archades Military for a stray, was never an easy one.

The Judge Magister then widened his stance just only a bit. Watching as Riku moved around him. He looked to his Emperor once more, only to see the Emperor take a seat once more in his throne, gesturing out a hand as if to silently tell Gabranth 'whenever you are ready'.

His eyes slowly drew to the Nethicite. The very stones that in wrong conditions could poison so many, could even construct monsters from its very darkness. Something Cid had been playing with. Something Gabranth rather not even be near.

Though it was clear that as Zargbaath said begin and the Emperor motioning. This was indeed no way out of this now. His hand tightened only for a moment of the hilts of his blades, before he suddenly moved with great speed toward Riku. The two blades crossing under one another as he lashes out with both of them in a swing. He then spins around and attempts to bring down the lighter Highway Star Blade in a quick slash downward.

It was amazing sometimes how fast a man in armor could move, yet there was something to be said about Archadian smithery in this.
Riku has posed:
Riku thought he was ready for it, but his mind still couldn't comprehend someone moving that fast. It shouldn't be a problem since he's seen a lot of people neatly take him apart while wearing full plate, but it surprises him every time.

Riku throws himself away from the first slash, the blades grinding across the armored sections of his jacket but the impact shocking him far more than he thought it would, disrupting his movements. He growls lowly from the pain, eyes turning blank yellow as he throws himself /into/ Gabranth's next attack.

He attempts to catch the Highway Star in the trident dagger, twisting viciously in an attempt to tie up the judge magister's arm or even disarm him as he reverses the grip on the glaive in his other hand, attempting to drive the hilt as hard as he can into the seam between chestplate and backplate before rolling out of the way and turning to take a moment to catch his breath.
Gabranth has posed:

The Judge Magister actually moved with the parry strike. The sword seem to be refused to be taken out of the Judge Magister's hand, but it leaves him open for the incoming slam. Which only gets a grunt for its measure of displeasure. Both from having to move in such manner to also dealing with such a tricky little move.

Gabranth though would not let Riku breathe for long, nor get himself a moment of rest, instead the Judge Magister is once more heading for him. This time it was a rather simple sweep of the short sword, before twirling around with a low strike of the far larger blade that almost seem to howl in the air by how quick it was moving.

The Judge Magister eyes staring right at Riku the whole time. Those blue eyes never leaving the youth. All thoughts of him being an ally were slowly being pushed out. All thoughts of him being someone he may call friend were shoved away. It was now just his target. A target which he must bring to his knees.

..or die trying.
Riku has posed:
Riku narrows his eyes, smile fixed on his face and predatory as the blades come down at him again. This was a place he understood, where there was only the next second. Only the very next second that could be the last one before death.

He is ready for Gabranth when they come through a second time, but it's not the speed that strikes him this time but the power. Riku grits his teeth in pain as the short sword draws blood from his shoulder and his knees buckle. He topples over backwards, apparantly tripping over his own feet in the attempt to get away from the howling great sword.

Riku never takes his eyes off Gabranth-- and his expression is not one of fear or mistake as he leaps forwards, pushing himself violently up from the ground as the howling blade passes him by and attempting to slam his feet straight into the judge magister's abdomen.

He continuing attacking from the moment he flips back onto his feet, landing in a crouch and barreling forwards, glaive reversed so that it sat along his arm as he lashed out at ribs and shoulder.
Gabranth has posed:

Gabranth was slammed back as those shoes clanked hard against the black steel armor. The Judge Magister however was quick to recover to see the youth coming in for him, but not enough time to prepare for a defensive measure in order to block the incoming strikes.

He would just have to take his chances.

The Glaive strikes out against the armor. Cutting into the dark steel as sparks fly off from the metal impacting metal. However as Riku moved in fron the shoulder he found the Highway Star hooking around with the bottom of side of the blade, to parrying the strike away, before Gabranth brought it around with a quick arm sweep to swipe at Riku with the sharp tip of the short sword, as he moves to step around the youth.

In this his cape hides the action of him connecting the two swords together at the hilt, before he comes right back around with now the two blades locked and goes to bring them down one way at the youth, before spinning the sword the other way, and then spiraling it around for another strike.

This was now also giving him a free hand to use, along with freeing up the arm to use the gauntlet along with armor on his arm to perhaps block any further incoming blows.
Riku has posed:
The sharp tip of the sword scores a line across the side of Riku's neck, a burning line of fire and pain left behind as he jerks out of the way.

He shakes his head slightly as the next sweep catches him off guard, an angry slash opening from forearm to wrist as he attempts to parry too late. He manuevers himself so that in the next two clashes he can push back against the spinning blades with the glaive, turning them at just the last moment to keep from being too grievously injured.

Riku coughs faintly as the fire snarls and twists in his chest without release, his magic kept bound by the nethecite staff. He shakes his head and coughs again, grit teeth against the pain of movement as blood drips onto the floor.

Okay. That's a new one. He was inevitably fighting a losing battle against an opponent with apparantly just as many tricks as he had and-- well, plate armor to boot. What was it about him getting his head handed to him by people in plate armor? It was enough to give a guy a complex.

Those blades had to go. Riku steadied himself and went on the offensive again, faking a spinning slash to the left in order to drop into a crouch. He sweeps a foot out, trying to knock Gabranth off balance as he then slams forwards straight into melee range and a possible impaling with one hand abruptly empty, trident dagger left on the floor as he drives in with the hilt of the glaive for the side of Gabranth's helmet.

He then makes a grab for the conjoined middle of the two weapons, kicking up and backwards with all of his strength, attempting to wrench the sweeping blade out of his opponent's hands before he could say-- take his head off with it.
Gabranth has posed:

The Emperor continues to sit there behind his desk. His hands clasping up near his chin as he has been watching this battle with intense interest. His eyes studying each movement both his Judge Magister makes and the youth to be trained. So far no motions were given, no eye gestures. He just continues to watch intently.

Gabranth however was quick to move, the hilt though was a bit quicker. It slams into the side of the helm, moving across to be impacted with the horm, which caused The Judge Magister's head to move slightly with the impact.

Then the youth trips up Gabranth, where the Judge magister is knocked right over and the kick was impacted hard enough that it did in fact knock the weapons out of his hand. The Judge Magister was quick to recover. Though oddly he out stretched his hand, just as the blade was heading for the ground. It was in that moment his jedi tricks did not work. It was only when the joined weapons impacted the ground did he remember. 'Oh right. Nethicite.'

Nethicite - enemy of all jedi tricks.

The Judge Magister had to move to plan b. This meant actually getting his blade back and there was Riku in the way. It meant it was time to get a little more hand-to-hand. The Judge Magister then then suddenly stepped back, before he moved it with a kick that was actually a rotation from backwards. Bringing in the backside of the boot to impact Riku and knock him out of the way.

He then used this chance to slide over and re-reach of his dual-blade on the ground to attempt to get back up on his feet just as quickly as he went to try and snag for it. It was only the matter if he could get to it in time and would Riku be on him before he could.
Riku has posed:
Riku listened to the clatter of the conjoined blades with a moment of satisfaction that is promptly pummeled out of him by an incoming boot. Thankfully it wasn't to the head or he would have been kicked into next week but the boot thumping into his chest knocks him back and sliding several feet.

His chest was one massive bruise and the world spun several revolutions as he gasped for air, but he could not let the Judge Magister have that weapon or he was finished. He had absolutely /no/ idea how to defend against it except run away very fast. He did /NOT/ through that just for the armored Judge Magister to knock him away like an aggrivating flea.

Riku snaps up onto his feet with a growl of pain, literally running the Judge Magister down as uses them for a springboard, sneaker thumping into their shoulder as he flips up and over the armored man. He attempts to snag the conjoined blades as he comes to a rolling stop, spinning around and aiming one of the blades in the direction of Judge Magister Gabranth-- his blank yellow eyes daring the Judge of Ambition to come get it from him.

Riku's chest painfully heaved with every searing breath of air, his grip shifting on the blades as he tried to keep his hand from shaking.
Gabranth has posed:

The Judge Magister stared at his own weapon pointed at him now. He could hear the breathing from the youth. There wasn't much fight left in him. It would be over soon. Over very soon. The Black Knight rose up and just stared at Riku. Though his eyes hidden behind the helm, one could feel the intense stare he was giving Riku.

"Hmph." Was all that was voice from Gabranth, before he moved forward suddenly with quick speed.

Bergan meantime who had been watching this could not help but chuckle a bit to himself. Mostly by the simple fact that Gabranth was not only disarmed by a brat but was perhaps about to do something completely stupid. Either way, way things were going.. there would be blood on the floor! Bergan liked blood.

Though as for the combat and watchful eyes, one did not like what he was hearing from Riku. The Emperor's eyes closed gently, just listening to the sound in the room, to Gabranth's boots moving in heavily. To Riku's ragged breathing. He opened his eyes and only glanced to Zargabaath, before his eyes went back to the battle at hand.

Gabranth mean time during this was charging full speed for Riku. Before he leaped in the air with a hard push, He went to ram his body right into the much young adult, moving his hand out to grip the blades by the handle, then come around with a brutal kick to free his blades from the youth's hands with sheer force.
Zargabaath has posed:
The assembled Judge Magisters are enthralled by the battle, especially considering that Riku in partial armor is holding his own quite well against Gabranth. Only Judge Magister Zargabaath sees the briefest of glances in his direction from the Emperor.

The Judge of Reason moves faster than the others could track, completely uninhibited by the Nethecite's light. He is standing at attention one moment at his place--the next, he is crouched defensively between Riku and Gabranth as the Judge of Ambition charges.

He lowers his shoulder to Gabranth, pylons locking together as the charge is met with the immoveable object. His hand snaps out to grab the spear-like weapon in Riku's hands--not to pull it free, just to ensure Riku does not attack.

In the silence that follows Arcadian armor clashing against each other, Zargabaath's helm moves slowly to regard first Gabranth, then over to Riku. He says nothing, but the statement is clear:

That's enough.
Riku has posed:
Riku snarls reflexively, the fire burning him up on the outside he almost doesn't see Zargabaath as he glares intently at the charging Gabranth. There was a part of him that didn't want to hurt the armored man, but the intent was very clear that if he had to meet that charge, he would have to fight for his life. One way or another, he was not going to go down so easy.

However, when his field of vision is occluded and a hand put on the weapon, his hands spasm and he feels suddenly suffocated. The darkness inside him almost painful as he shoves it aside, useless but still burning him. As he stands there, staring at Gabranth the adrendaline crash is so intense Riku slowly slumps to his knees, head pounding as he tries to comprehend the last few seconds.

Riku never looks away from where Gabranth should be, the yellow fading until his bluish green eyes look complete exhausted but still resolved to keep going if Gabranth tried to attack. He /would/ defend himself. Slowly, Riku picks himself back onto his feet slowly, letting the blade hang in his hand as he continues to stare straight at Gabranth, chest heaving and body shaking from aftershock.
Gabranth has posed:

Gabranth meet the mountain. The Mountain was called Zargabaath. The Judge Magister meet square eye to eye with the other Judge Magister. It took him only a second to process that information. The information that the duel was over.

Though a second was almost enough for Gabranth to lash out, yet enough control kept him in check. Slowly, aggravatingly, the Judge of Ambition stepped back. He stepped back, eyes staring right back at Riku, before he bowed his head. At last his breathing could be heard, that heavy breathing as his body is forced to relax and feel the punishment it took past the light black steel armor and seeped past the leather under it.

The Emperor then rose up. "Thank you Zargabaath." He said calmly before looking to Riku, then to Gabranth. "You both have shown me what I wanted too know. Now then, Drace I ask for you to remain and tend to Riku, as we talk."

His eyes look over to Gabranth before moving to Ghis, to Bergan, then to Zargabaath. "You three, please step outside. Gabranth please go with them.." There was a pause, "..And Zargabaath, please make sure to take the staff with you and put it back in its proper location."

Gabranth glances over to the Emperor, before placing out his hand openly to Riku to hand him back over his blades. "You fought well." Is all Gabranth really had to say on this. He really wanted his swords back before he left out of the room.
Zargabaath has posed:
Judge Magister Zargabaath does not budge, not until both combatants have calmed enough to not accidentally spark an attack. But Gabranth steps back almost immediately and Riku falls to his knees, so he only stays still for a moment beyond that. As he rises back to his feet, he releases the grip on Gabranth's blades in Riku's grasp, clearly none the worse for wear from the impact.

Silently, Judge Magisters Ghis and Bergan bow to the Emperor and depart the room immediately without further fanfare. Zargabaath bows in acknowledgement of his orders and takes the staff, carrying it with surprising care as he follows his comrades out.

Judge Magister Drace walks over to Riku and kneels next to him, white light appearing in her hands as she begins casting curative magicks with the Nethecite staff no longer absorbing magickal energy. She says nothing, a passive calming force in the presence of the Emperor.
Riku has posed:
Riku groans very faintly, nodding again in thanks to Judge Magister Drace and murmuring something to that effect that he can't really hear with the pounding thump and buzzing ring in his ears.

When he is finally able to stand, he straightens his back-- handing over the conjoined blades to Gabranth without further comment. Although he smirks very, very slightly as he stares at Gabranth, inclining his head just a little.

He then turns away, rolling his shoulders back and forth as he tries to catch his breath and not go immediately back to supremely nervous. He just didn't have the energy for it.
Gabranth has posed:

The Emperor watches as his Judge's leave, then when Drace is done, he motions for her to move to the side. It was now between him.. and the tired Riku.

The Emperor stares at him for a moment, a long moment. Before he then pours a glass of water into a silver chalice. Then he slowly walks down from behind the desk, handling Riku the chalice. "You have much potential, young Riku." Gramis stares at him for a long time even then. Letting the boy recollect himself to his best he could.

"When given the chance to act like one from Archades, it was easy to see you choose to be yourself." The Emperor seems to keep a very calm and neutral face as he speaks. "When choosing your choice in weapons, you picked defensive items that you could best hope for to give you the upper hand over his Judge Magister Gabranth."

Gramis Solidor lets that sink in a bit, before he tilts his head a little in thought. "With the proper training and with the correct tutor, you could become a formidable force for both great good.. and dire evil." He frowns a little at his own words. "You have my approval to join amongst the Archadian Military, if you still desire to do so, yet you will still have to make more choices along the road. You will have to choose them carefully, as the right choice can be very clouded.. even from the truth."

Gramis then starts to walk back over to his throne. "For now, you may rest in one of our guest quarters. Inform this of Gabranth. He will show you to it and if you need any further medical care. We will see to it."
Riku has posed:
Riku knows people are speaking and that it might even be important for him to listen but his ears are still ringing and a distant and detached part of him is considering going to find the phone that ringing is attached to.

The chalice is pretty much Riku's mental call back to general reality. He takes it and stares into the liquid for a few moments, taking a grateful sip while he gathers his wits together, he actually starts to listen to what the Emperor has to say although he grits his feet very faintly because he has the faintest niggling suspicion still that this might have not have been the best idea in the world.

Unfortunately, when all choices look like that, he has to make decisions that ultimately influence others He's already found the dire evil part to be distasteful. Particularly because it looks just like the great good options most of the time. Not every evil thing dresses up in a black robe and cackles.

Riku can't afford not to make those choices either. Not making a choice is almost as bad as his tendancy to make poor ones. The teenager pulls himself together, gingerly patting at his arms and straightening his jacket. "Thank you, your majesty." he looks up at them with the same speculative look that perhaps he was being given, only looking away after a minute or two of thought. Riku looks around at the chamber again and then waits to be excused before he leaves the chamber.
Gabranth has posed:

The Emperor doesn't say much else. When Riku drinks form the chalice, he wait for it to be handed back. Oh and yes, Gabranth did leave out earlier Just the player forgot to focus the camera on that part!

Once Riku seem to collected himself, the Emperor gives a soft nod before he sits back down once more. "You are dismissed, young Riku. I look forward to hearing what you choose your fate to be."

Though as the Emperor sits there and watches as the youth leaves. He grimaces a little in pain silently to himself. When Drace looks over to him, he motions for her to leave. "I will be fine, Drace.. and thank you for watching over Larsa. You too are also dismissed"

"It is always a honor and a pleasure to serve you and young master Larsa, your majesty." She says with a polite bow, before waiting a bit until she leaves as well, only looking over her shoulder for a moment at Gramis before finishing her way toward the door. She may even open the door for Riku, so he may join Gabranth who is standing outside of it.