In Search of Serendipity

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In Search of Serendipity
Date of Cutscene: 25 November 2012
Location: A shadowy tavern
Synopsis: A business proposal between some /very/ unlikely allies.
Cast of Characters: Don Corneo, Queen of Cards, Chocolina
Tinyplot: In Search of Serendipity

In the shadows of the tavern, amidst the clink of glasses and the light murmur of conversation, a squat figure approaches a corner table. Clad in a rich fur-lined red robe, the stout little man, lick of blond hair bobbing as he struts forward, seems the picture of wealth and success, at least when the image is resized a bit. But when he steps into the flickering candlelight, he is obviously the worse for wear: his robe is tattered in places, his shoes muddied and silk shirt stained. Yet the look in his round face displays is trumphant, even exultant, as he hoists himself into one of the two chairs. "Queen," he says in off-handed greeting, even as his eyes hungrily rove over the figure calmly sitting opposite him. "Or should I call you 'Your Highness'?"

The woman is elegant and still, one hand in her lap, the other holding a wine glass with poise and refinement, clad in embroidered shawl and white dress. "Queen is acceptable," she says softly, her tiara, studded with a blue gem, winking in the light. "You have called me here to discuss your... innovation, I presume. If I may be frank, I am dubious, Mister... Don."

He grins, or bares his teeth. "Please, babe. Call me Corneo."

"Very well, Mr. Corneo." Ignoring the frustrated twist to the man's features, she placidly continues. "These 'Custom Cards' of yours have been spreading in popularity, it is true, but I hesitate to endorse them. There are Rules, Mr. Corneo, and even though the world may quake and tremble, we must abide by them for there to be a Game."

"But the world ain't quakin', babe, it's /fusin'/," Corneo replies, smirking again, "and the Game's gotten bigger than you or me. But it don't have to be that way, you see? And this is why."

The Don sets a crystal upon the table with a heavy clunk.

"When I was down on my luck, with no Honey Bee in sight," he begins, "I met the most beautiful woman y'ever laid eyes on, with hair like ebony silk, a voice like an angel, a winning personality, and a body like--" He gestures sweepingly, then pauses, looks at the person across from him for a few moments, sighs, shakes his head, and continues. "Anyway, this vision of loveliness called herself 'Chocolina'."

"I was under the impression," the woman across from him murmurs, "you preferred women who resemble insects, not birds."

"You volunteerin'!?" Corneo actually sounds hopeful, but then deflates when he realizes that is not happening. "Funny you should say so, she /was/ dressed like a cho-- look, the /point/ is, this gem here leads to a place called 'Serendipity', which is the gambling city at the heart of the universe!" His chubby hands slap the tabletop. "If we find the right keys, from there, you can spread all your Rules! Heck, your game will be played in every world, everywhere!"

There is a long silence. "So," she murmurs, "in return for granting me passage to this Serendipity, you wish me to endorse these 'Custom Cards' of yours... the production of which, I assume, will be your purview."

Don Corneo is grinning, rubbing his hands together. "You catch on fast, Queenie," he chuckles. "So whaddya say? I've made some cash from the Custom Cards already. I'll hire some adventurers, and we'll find the keys we need. Then... show time!"

Once again, the silence lingers. Until, for the first time, she smiles.

"Let us see," says the Queen of Cards, "what hand fate deals us."