ADAM: Reize Side

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ADAM: Reize Side
Date of Cutscene: 05 February 2013
Location: Mist
Synopsis: After braving the Withered Spire, ADAM delivers a message to Reize.
Cast of Characters: Reize Seatlan

Everyone that Reize journeyed with left, yet Reize lagged behind the others, still in awe of the facility. He even murmured to Tifa that he would catch up with her and the others before departure.

Reize would never see a place like this for a long time, a place full of wealth of information. But in a sense, it is why Reize could not stay long. Staying any further would spoil the sense of the adventure that is to know of the place is like before feeling it himself. Instead, what he received now was enough to aspire to reach those destinations. The very grounds that he stood was a chance to see a new world. He made it this far and he made a significant accomplishment reaching the place with the others.

The weary and beaten Reize smiled.

Chilly halls full of wealth of information was something that Reize decided to turn his back on. Asking for some sort of prize or information, in the end, would spoil that sense of being an adventurer. It could offer him something significant, but Reize decided against it.

He would turn to leave.

"Reize," A monitor displayed Shiki's image with the voice that spoke, then it switched to Feruja's voice and image, "Seatlan." Because ADAM could not parse human language in time, it utilized the past conversations of people that Reize knew to call him. It gained the attention of the departing boy, who fixed the machine with a questioning look.

"A message for you."

The monitors went pitch black, but the audio was left for the boy to hear. "Give him this message for me. I know you will encounter him and he will pass your trial. I have faith that he will," The voice bearing faint familiarity left the boy tense and wide-eyed while his jaws were left gape and tighten.

The gentle chimes of a music box played through the halls.

'River Flows in you' - Yiruma ( )

His entire body shuddered as his teeth gritted. Hands shakey, they snatch away from the pouch, nearly dropping the deck of tarots. Widen eyes became wet. Those streams gently rolled past his eyes until they fell from his chin. He lifted the tarot to see the deck of cards.

The particular tarot displayed a painting of a city of advanced technology, detailed with the lights that streamed across the area. It was the very city that they finished exploring. That tarot marked the strange city. However, a wet droplets stained the painting.

Wiping his eyes with a sniff, he tightened his grip on his gathered deck and walked off with a somber heart. It left him with more questions, but in the end, he was afraid to ask those questions.