A Researcher's Interlude II

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A Researcher's Interlude II
Date of Cutscene: 18 November 2013
Location: Goug - Shinra HQ
Synopsis: In a private moment, Rhia thinks to herself, letting down her barriers for a single moment. And in that moment, opens her mind to a new possibility.
Cast of Characters: Rhiannon Zellen
Tinyplot: A Researcher's Inquiry

It was another day in Goug. People filled the streets, going about their daily grind. Cars sped along, people walked along the sidewalks, business were in operation and all was as it should be.

Over at Shinra HQ, a certain scientist was holed up in her laboratory as usual. Sitting in a comfy office chair, it was faced against her desk. On it was a disfigured black sword, which pulsed periodically with red energy. It was definitely alive somehow. This was, of course, the lab of Rhiannon Zellen, researcher currently in the employ of Shinra. Hardly one to be seen outside the confines of her lab, the Shinra building, and much less Goug itself, she was a difficult one to catch. For very good reason; her usual activities hardly called for her to be outside. Nor did she find going out to be a particularly attractive thought most of the time. It on was this day that the Wutai native would find herself…unable to focus. Elbow resting on the desk’s surface and her chin in her hand, she stared aimlessly at a glass vial of black blood held up in her other hand.


There were experiments to perform. Leida’s blood was quite something after all. It was terribly fascinating really. But not even this could drive her to focus. Instead, her thoughts lingered to the events of just the previous day.


Putting the vial back in its rack with the others, the scientist straightened up and crossed her arms, frowning deeply. “Why can I not focus? There is much work to do after all…” Asking no one but herself, Rhia knew the answer deep down. Despite her usual demeanor, she couldn’t help but feel a faint tinge of regret for what happened. “…Blasted emotions. I try so hard to rid myself of them, and yet…” She brought a hand to the side of her head, finger tangling with a braid idly. “…that fool should never have gotten involved to begin with. That naïve, idealistic, fool…He thinks he can affect change upon the world? …Nonsense.” Mumbling to herself in uncharacteristic anger, she trailed off after, lowering her hands into her lap as she observed the blade on the desk before her. Dubbed ‘The Black Omen’, she had finally given it a proper name.

“…Perhaps I should at least test his hypothesis.”

Admitting that to herself, Rhia reached and grabbed the handle of the ebony sword without protection. As usual, the effect upon contact was immediate. Her mind was invaded with a plethora of thoughts and feelings from the hearts of those dwelling inside.

‘Help me!’

‘It’s not fair!’

‘I just want to go home!’

‘What did I do to deserve this?’

‘…I’m sorry, everyone.’

Rhia remained in control of herself, a testament to her own strength of will, and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and spoke.

“…Hello, all of you.”

All of the crying and despair stopped then. There was a deathly silence for a moment before a response came.

‘Who are you?’

Rhia put on her usual disarming smile and answered sincerely.

“…A friend.”